148,000 jobs added in December

Yeah, that’s why it is hemorrhaging. Lol
Deficit. Deficits are BAD. BAD BAD BAD.

Wow that's amazing considering you think budget busting tax-cuts are so fucking awesome.
Ah. So tax and spend is the motto of the left still.

Thanks for playing.

How is this MOTTO? LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS and DON'T blow holes in the budget with yet more tax-cuts when you are ALREADY headed for 1.5 Trillion dollar deficit by 2027.
Hilarious that after 8 years of silence the left are suddenly pretending to be concerned about deficit spending.

Bullshit, ACA was paid for.
Live within your means? Did you tell that to Obama?

yea I did, that's why ACA is paid for and tax-cuts should not have been extended. At least he expired top marginal rate cut.

That's why Obama was putting Grand Bargain on the table that would have cut long term deficit by 3-4 Trillion - no Republican takers.
Hilarious that after 8 years of silence the left are suddenly pretending to be concerned about deficit spending.

Hilarious that after 8 years of non-stop whining the right are suddenly pretending there is nothing to be concerned about with deficit spending
Which your party had denied there were problems, and held Congress for his last 2 years. Lol
Figures you leftards have a problem with helping Americans having more money.

Were YOU one of the morons who asked GOPers in congress to get a %1.5 TRILLION loan so that you could get a few hundred dollars per year (while giving almost 80% to the wealthy)????

Was THAT your wish from congress??? Get us a loan???
obamas first budget doubled the national debt.
Obama increased the debt 87%. Even discounting what came from bushs bad decision, that still leaves around a 50% increase.
Where were you?

Obama's first budget doubled the national debt?????????

And you think you are somne sort of economic expert. Too funny there Bozo.

The debt increased that much under Obama but it was not due to Obama's actions.

It was due to your fucking party:
- worst recession in 80 years
- Two unfunded quagmire wars
- unfunded Bush Tax Cuts
- Massive unfunded expansion to Medicare

Should I go on or are you just so fucking stupid you can't get it?
Remember how everyone was going to die because Americans don't have to pay as much taxes?

Where are the stacks of bodies?

bring out your dead.gif
Yeah, the President plays no role in the economy.

Very small if any. The economy is a way bigger machine than you party zealots understand. The economy ebbs and flows as it will irregardless of who is sitting in the White House. Our economic system was designed to fail on occasion to control growth and keep the have-nots from having too much. We have had 12 systemic crashes since the mid 1800s and we will more than likely have another one before the end of Trump's first term. And there is nothing he can do to stop it or start it.
The President has little role in the economy and economic spending?

So all of your credit you were leaping upon Obama was just typical leftist lies. Got it.

you have never seen me heap a single thing good upon Obama. you are just one more lying fucking partisan zealot.
Hilarious that after 8 years of silence the left are suddenly pretending to be concerned about deficit spending.

Hilarious that after 8 years of non-stop whining the right are suddenly pretending there is nothing to be concerned about with deficit spending
Nope. I applaud Trump cutting UN funding and to nations that do nothing for America, Next I look forward to him cutting all funding to California as well as any other States or cities not complying with Federal law. Time for big spending cuts.
Yeah, that’s why it is hemorrhaging. Lol
Wow that's amazing considering you think budget busting tax-cuts are so fucking awesome.
Ah. So tax and spend is the motto of the left still.

Thanks for playing.

How is this MOTTO? LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS and DON'T blow holes in the budget with yet more tax-cuts when you are ALREADY headed for 1.5 Trillion dollar deficit by 2027.
Hilarious that after 8 years of silence the left are suddenly pretending to be concerned about deficit spending.

Bullshit, ACA was paid for.

More bullshit, CBO has scored all REPEAL bills as deficit increasing.
Like how i dont agree with religion involved with govt?
Or how i dont support citizens united?
Or how i support abortion?
Or how i support equality? (gay marriage comes to mind)
Or how i support ending all incentive to illegals?
Or how i support the COTUS?
Or how i dont support war hawks?
Or how i dont support decades old foreign policy?
Or how.. goddamn shall i continue?
You fucking tunnel vision dumbfucks think just because someone agrees with some group sometimes, they must be them. Well i agree with dems on some things too.
Grow up, dumbass

You are a typical rightwing libertarian.

On social issues you lean left but on ECONOMICS you sound exactly like a typical rightwinger, posting very same rightwing falsehoods.
i dont lean left on social issues. Not supporting institutional discrimination isnt a left thing.
How do i lean right on economics? Because i thought 4.1 unemployment was good?
Again, grow up.

Oh yea, it's a left thing, the right has no issues with that.
yea, the left hate institutional discrimination. Thats why they defend policies that do just that every fucking day.

Whoop there you go again.
Ahh the truth. Yea, i do that all the time.
Yeah, that’s why it is hemorrhaging. Lol
Ah. So tax and spend is the motto of the left still.

Thanks for playing.

How is this MOTTO? LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS and DON'T blow holes in the budget with yet more tax-cuts when you are ALREADY headed for 1.5 Trillion dollar deficit by 2027.
Hilarious that after 8 years of silence the left are suddenly pretending to be concerned about deficit spending.

Bullshit, ACA was paid for.

More bullshit, CBO has scored all REPEAL bills as deficit increasing.
How did the CBO scoring go for Obamacare?

Oh yeah, they screwed the pooch.
Considering Obama approved a $4.2 tr budget for 2017 and it came in under that with Trump at the helm, says a lot.
wasnt it around 4.7 when he got inaugurated?

Find a grown up to research it for you.....Obviously, your GED classes haven't covered how one can do that.....
/----/ Libtards seethe with rage over this news: Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years - CNS News
Dec 18, 2017 - (CNSNews.com) -- According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics( BLS), the unemployment rate for black Americans is the lowest it has been since the year 2000, 17 years ago. In November, the national unemployment rate for black Americans, ages 16 and over, was 7.3%. The last time it was 7.3% was in the ...

It sta

A Quick Summary of President Trump's FY 2018 Budget

View attachment 169784
4.1%? That has to be the lowest in 20 years
Good news!

When Obama brought the unemployment rate from over 10% to 4.7%, did you cheer THAT as "good news"?????..............Just asking......LOL

Sure did, I'm not seeing why we all don't cheer more jobs, I would like to see higher paying jobs but that will come with the unemployment rate dropping.
Hilarious that after 8 years of silence the left are suddenly pretending to be concerned about deficit spending.

Hilarious that after 8 years of non-stop whining the right are suddenly pretending there is nothing to be concerned about with deficit spending
Nope. I applaud Trump cutting UN funding and to nations that do nothing for America, Next I look forward to him cutting all funding to California as well as any other States or cities not complying with Federal law. Time for big spending cuts.

I hope you are not holding your breath waiting for the big spending cuts. Trump is not cutting any spending, he is just moving it around. The old "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" move.
You are a typical rightwing libertarian.

On social issues you lean left but on ECONOMICS you sound exactly like a typical rightwinger, posting very same rightwing falsehoods.
i dont lean left on social issues. Not supporting institutional discrimination isnt a left thing.
How do i lean right on economics? Because i thought 4.1 unemployment was good?
Again, grow up.

Oh yea, it's a left thing, the right has no issues with that.
yea, the left hate institutional discrimination. Thats why they defend policies that do just that every fucking day.

Whoop there you go again.
Ahh the truth. Yea, i do that all the time.

Oh yes, a real truth bringer. Get real.
4.1%? That has to be the lowest in 20 years
Good news!

When Obama brought the unemployment rate from over 10% to 4.7%, did you cheer THAT as "good news"?????..............Just asking......LOL

Sure did, I'm not seeing why we all don't cheer more jobs, I would like to see higher paying jobs but that will come with the unemployment rate dropping.
The left are just pissed that Americans got their biggest pay increase in a decade. And it was instant.
Yeah, that’s why it is hemorrhaging. Lol
How is this MOTTO? LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS and DON'T blow holes in the budget with yet more tax-cuts when you are ALREADY headed for 1.5 Trillion dollar deficit by 2027.
Hilarious that after 8 years of silence the left are suddenly pretending to be concerned about deficit spending.

Bullshit, ACA was paid for.

More bullshit, CBO has scored all REPEAL bills as deficit increasing.
How did the CBO scoring go for Obamacare?

Oh yeah, they screwed the pooch.

Source? Everything I've ever seen shows their estimates were surprisingly good when you factor in changes.

If anything they have overestimated the costs.
Hilarious that after 8 years of silence the left are suddenly pretending to be concerned about deficit spending.

Hilarious that after 8 years of non-stop whining the right are suddenly pretending there is nothing to be concerned about with deficit spending
Nope. I applaud Trump cutting UN funding and to nations that do nothing for America, Next I look forward to him cutting all funding to California as well as any other States or cities not complying with Federal law. Time for big spending cuts.

I hope you are not holding your breath waiting for the big spending cuts. Trump is not cutting any spending, he is just moving it around. The old "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" move.
If you are concerned about deficit spending you better be pushing for spending cuts.
Considering Obama approved a $4.2 tr budget for 2017 and it came in under that with Trump at the helm, says a lot.

yes it does. It says that Obama's last budget year came in under budget. Trump had zero to do with either the budget or the spending.
Hilarious that after 8 years of silence the left are suddenly pretending to be concerned about deficit spending.

Hilarious that after 8 years of non-stop whining the right are suddenly pretending there is nothing to be concerned about with deficit spending
Nope. I applaud Trump cutting UN funding and to nations that do nothing for America, Next I look forward to him cutting all funding to California as well as any other States or cities not complying with Federal law. Time for big spending cuts.

I hope you are not holding your breath waiting for the big spending cuts. Trump is not cutting any spending, he is just moving it around. The old "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" move.
If you are concerned about deficit spending you better be pushing for spending cuts.

I have been pushing for spending cuts since the days of Reagan. That is why I am no longer a partisan zealot like yourself. Neither party cares to cut spending.

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