148,000 jobs added in December

Hilarious that after 8 years of silence the left are suddenly pretending to be concerned about deficit spending.

Hilarious that after 8 years of non-stop whining the right are suddenly pretending there is nothing to be concerned about with deficit spending
Nope. I applaud Trump cutting UN funding and to nations that do nothing for America, Next I look forward to him cutting all funding to California as well as any other States or cities not complying with Federal law. Time for big spending cuts.

I hope you are not holding your breath waiting for the big spending cuts. Trump is not cutting any spending, he is just moving it around. The old "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" move.
If you are concerned about deficit spending you better be pushing for spending cuts.

Ah, so windfall to corporations so we screw the social safety nets and education?

I am a lefty and I am FOR solving long term deficit problems which MUST include spending cutting, but not when it's a one way street and you rightwingers instead of conceding something in terms of revenues are instead putting in place EVEN MORE tax-cuts.

It is fiscal insanity defined.
i dont lean left on social issues. Not supporting institutional discrimination isnt a left thing.
How do i lean right on economics? Because i thought 4.1 unemployment was good?
Again, grow up.

Oh yea, it's a left thing, the right has no issues with that.
yea, the left hate institutional discrimination. Thats why they defend policies that do just that every fucking day.

Whoop there you go again.
Ahh the truth. Yea, i do that all the time.

Oh yes, a real truth bringer. Get real.
The left does.
I imagine our difference here is that you dont actually know what institutional discrimination is. Or you are just like partisan hacks and are fine with it as long as it is the kind YOU like.
4.1%? That has to be the lowest in 20 years
Good news!

When Obama brought the unemployment rate from over 10% to 4.7%, did you cheer THAT as "good news"?????..............Just asking......LOL

Sure did, I'm not seeing why we all don't cheer more jobs, I would like to see higher paying jobs but that will come with the unemployment rate dropping.
The left are just pissed that Americans got their biggest pay increase in a decade. And it was instant.

I got my biggest pay increase ever when I got promoted at the beginning of the year. Over 10 grand a year more. And I did not have to rely on one of the parties for it. Odd concept I know.
Yeah, that’s why it is hemorrhaging. Lol
Hilarious that after 8 years of silence the left are suddenly pretending to be concerned about deficit spending.

Bullshit, ACA was paid for.

More bullshit, CBO has scored all REPEAL bills as deficit increasing.
How did the CBO scoring go for Obamacare?

Oh yeah, they screwed the pooch.

Source? Everything I've ever seen shows their estimates were surprisingly good when you factor in changes.

If anything they have overestimated the costs.
CBO was wrong in little things. Like overestimating enrollment by a mere 120%.

Learning From CBO's History Of Incorrect ObamaCare Projections
U.S. Added 148,000 Jobs in December; Unemployment at 4.1%

That ends the year with an average number of jobs per month added at 171,000. The lowest monthly average since 2010.

What!? The world is ending...again?
bring out your dead.gif
Yeah, that’s why it is hemorrhaging. Lol
Bullshit, ACA was paid for.

More bullshit, CBO has scored all REPEAL bills as deficit increasing.
How did the CBO scoring go for Obamacare?

Oh yeah, they screwed the pooch.

Source? Everything I've ever seen shows their estimates were surprisingly good when you factor in changes.

If anything they have overestimated the costs.
CBO was wrong in little things. Like overestimating enrollment by a mere 120%.

Learning From CBO's History Of Incorrect ObamaCare Projections

That is one thing about the CBO, they are never wrong on the "good" side. If they say something will add 1.5 trillion to the deficit you can expect it to be double that.
4.1%? That has to be the lowest in 20 years
Good news!

When Obama brought the unemployment rate from over 10% to 4.7%, did you cheer THAT as "good news"?????..............Just asking......LOL

Sure did, I'm not seeing why we all don't cheer more jobs, I would like to see higher paying jobs but that will come with the unemployment rate dropping.
The left are just pissed that Americans got their biggest pay increase in a decade. And it was instant.

I got my biggest pay increase ever when I got promoted at the beginning of the year. Over 10 grand a year more. And I did not have to rely on one of the parties for it. Odd concept I know.

Yet you've got time to, pretty much, all day post stupid ass comments....go figure.
Yeah, that’s why it is hemorrhaging. Lol
Bullshit, ACA was paid for.

More bullshit, CBO has scored all REPEAL bills as deficit increasing.
How did the CBO scoring go for Obamacare?

Oh yeah, they screwed the pooch.

Source? Everything I've ever seen shows their estimates were surprisingly good when you factor in changes.

If anything they have overestimated the costs.
CBO was wrong in little things. Like overestimating enrollment by a mere 120%.

Learning From CBO's History Of Incorrect ObamaCare Projections

Well of course as many people are going to enroll when

1. STATES sued the Feds and were able to refuse Medicaid expansion.
2. the launch of exchanges was butchered
3.IRS has no teeth to enforce the mandate and
4. you have one party holding 60 repeal votes and throwing the markets into total uncertainty with their 2016 WH win.

But lower enrollments REDUCE THE COST of ACA, not increase them.
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4.1%? That has to be the lowest in 20 years
Good news!

When Obama brought the unemployment rate from over 10% to 4.7%, did you cheer THAT as "good news"?????..............Just asking......LOL

Sure did, I'm not seeing why we all don't cheer more jobs, I would like to see higher paying jobs but that will come with the unemployment rate dropping.
The left are just pissed that Americans got their biggest pay increase in a decade. And it was instant.

I got my biggest pay increase ever when I got promoted at the beginning of the year. Over 10 grand a year more. And I did not have to rely on one of the parties for it. Odd concept I know.

Yet you've got time to, pretty much, all day post stupid ass comments....go figure.

Yep, I am on leave today so I can post all day long. And I did not have to rely on a political party for that either. You might want to try it some time
The Weakest Job Growth In 6 Years
January 5, 2018
Steve Benen: “Providing some additional context, now that we have data for all of the previous calendar year, we can note that the U.S. added 1.84 million jobs in 2011, 2.19 million jobs in 2012, 2.33 million in 2013, 3.11 million in 2014, 2.74 million in 2015, 2.24 million in 2016, and 2.05 million in 2017.”

“Or put another way, while Donald Trump’s first year as president has been pretty good overall for job creation, Americans nevertheless saw the slowest job growth in six years.”


You can throw those estimates in the trash with incoming tax-cuts. in 2018 shortfall will be additional ~200 billion

/----/ That assumes the economy is stagnant and no new revenue flows to the Treasury because of growth.


No, it doesn't assume economy is stagnant, though it does have certain assumptions about growth from the tax-cuts people can disagree about.

but no one seriously disagrees (other than that lying fuck face Mnuchin) that these tax-cuts bear serious costs to the budget. We are talking about a 10 year difference of 1 Trillion VS 1.5 Trillion.
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The Weakest Job Growth In 6 Years
January 5, 2018
Steve Benen: “Providing some additional context, now that we have data for all of the previous calendar year, we can note that the U.S. added 1.84 million jobs in 2011, 2.19 million jobs in 2012, 2.33 million in 2013, 3.11 million in 2014, 2.74 million in 2015, 2.24 million in 2016, and 2.05 million in 2017.”

“Or put another way, while Donald Trump’s first year as president has been pretty good overall for job creation, Americans nevertheless saw the slowest job growth in six years.”

Don't do that - Obama would never laugh about sub-par job market performance, neither should you.

You'd think median income would jump at full employment but even that is lack-luster at only 2.5% growth.
Educate yourself-

Aetna CEO Bertolini says Obamacare's 'biggest problem' is that it's not fully funded by government
Deficit. Deficits are BAD. BAD BAD BAD.

Wow that's amazing considering you think budget busting tax-cuts are so fucking awesome.
Ah. So tax and spend is the motto of the left still.

Thanks for playing.

How is this MOTTO? LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS and DON'T blow holes in the budget with yet more tax-cuts when you are ALREADY headed for 1.5 Trillion dollar deficit by 2027.
Hilarious that after 8 years of silence the left are suddenly pretending to be concerned about deficit spending.

Bullshit, ACA was paid for.
Educate yourself-

Aetna CEO Bertolini says Obamacare's 'biggest problem' is that it's not fully funded by government
Wow that's amazing considering you think budget busting tax-cuts are so fucking awesome.
Ah. So tax and spend is the motto of the left still.

Thanks for playing.

How is this MOTTO? LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS and DON'T blow holes in the budget with yet more tax-cuts when you are ALREADY headed for 1.5 Trillion dollar deficit by 2027.
Hilarious that after 8 years of silence the left are suddenly pretending to be concerned about deficit spending.

Bullshit, ACA was paid for.

Dummy, without even delving into details of this, when government spends less (by underfunding) the COST to it's budget is reduced.
The thing about the economy is the MSM can't spin it and get away with it. They try and try, but it is impossible. People know their own situation and that of their friends and neighbors. There is no amount of propaganda MSM can spew to change that.

MSM claimed bad times were good under Obama and Democrats lost 1,100 seats.

People know.

And they know what the current economic situation is.

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