148,000 jobs added in December

wasnt it around 4.7 when he got inaugurated?

Find a grown up to research it for you.....Obviously, your GED classes haven't covered how one can do that.....
/----/ Libtards seethe with rage over this news: Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years - CNS News
Dec 18, 2017 - (CNSNews.com) -- According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics( BLS), the unemployment rate for black Americans is the lowest it has been since the year 2000, 17 years ago. In November, the national unemployment rate for black Americans, ages 16 and over, was 7.3%. The last time it was 7.3% was in the ...

It sta

A Quick Summary of President Trump's FY 2018 Budget

And you Trump zealots were crying about it. Now the debt does not matter at all. Party before country!
I didnt vote for trump nor am i a republican. Good job.

So why do you sound exactly like them?
You see what you want to see. I laugh at both ends.
I care about the COTUS, actual equality, liberty and private property
That doesnt fit in with either parties in the duopoly.

Bullshit, you are clearly drinking the rwing koolaid and repeating the same falsehoods.
Like how i dont agree with religion involved with govt?
Or how i dont support citizens united?
Or how i support abortion?
Or how i support equality? (gay marriage comes to mind)
Or how i support ending all incentive to illegals?
Or how i support the COTUS?
Or how i dont support war hawks?
Or how i dont support decades old foreign policy?
Or how.. goddamn shall i continue?
You fucking tunnel vision dumbfucks think just because someone agrees with some group sometimes, they must be them. Well i agree with dems on some things too.
Grow up, dumbass

You are a typical rightwing libertarian.

On social issues you lean left but on ECONOMICS you sound exactly like a typical rightwinger, posting very same rightwing falsehoods.
Yeah, the President plays no role in the economy.

Very small if any. The economy is a way bigger machine than you party zealots understand. The economy ebbs and flows as it will irregardless of who is sitting in the White House. Our economic system was designed to fail on occasion to control growth and keep the have-nots from having too much. We have had 12 systemic crashes since the mid 1800s and we will more than likely have another one before the end of Trump's first term. And there is nothing he can do to stop it or start it.
The President has little role in the economy and economic spending?

So all of your credit you were leaping upon Obama was just typical leftist lies. Got it.
I didnt vote for trump nor am i a republican. Good job.

So why do you sound exactly like them?
You see what you want to see. I laugh at both ends.
I care about the COTUS, actual equality, liberty and private property
That doesnt fit in with either parties in the duopoly.

Bullshit, you are clearly drinking the rwing koolaid and repeating the same falsehoods.
Like how i dont agree with religion involved with govt?
Or how i dont support citizens united?
Or how i support abortion?
Or how i support equality? (gay marriage comes to mind)
Or how i support ending all incentive to illegals?
Or how i support the COTUS?
Or how i dont support war hawks?
Or how i dont support decades old foreign policy?
Or how.. goddamn shall i continue?
You fucking tunnel vision dumbfucks think just because someone agrees with some group sometimes, they must be them. Well i agree with dems on some things too.
Grow up, dumbass

You are a typical rightwing libertarian.

On social issues you lean left but on ECONOMICS you sound exactly like a typical rightwinger, posting very same rightwing falsehoods.
i dont lean left on social issues. Not supporting institutional discrimination isnt a left thing.
How do i lean right on economics? Because i thought 4.1 unemployment was good?
Again, grow up.
So why do you sound exactly like them?
You see what you want to see. I laugh at both ends.
I care about the COTUS, actual equality, liberty and private property
That doesnt fit in with either parties in the duopoly.

Bullshit, you are clearly drinking the rwing koolaid and repeating the same falsehoods.
Like how i dont agree with religion involved with govt?
Or how i dont support citizens united?
Or how i support abortion?
Or how i support equality? (gay marriage comes to mind)
Or how i support ending all incentive to illegals?
Or how i support the COTUS?
Or how i dont support war hawks?
Or how i dont support decades old foreign policy?
Or how.. goddamn shall i continue?
You fucking tunnel vision dumbfucks think just because someone agrees with some group sometimes, they must be them. Well i agree with dems on some things too.
Grow up, dumbass

You are a typical rightwing libertarian.

On social issues you lean left but on ECONOMICS you sound exactly like a typical rightwinger, posting very same rightwing falsehoods.
i dont lean left on social issues. Not supporting institutional discrimination isnt a left thing.
How do i lean right on economics? Because i thought 4.1 unemployment was good?
Again, grow up.

Oh yea, it's a left thing, the right has no issues with that.
Trump is a miracle worker. He even has the left acknowledging that spending cuts are needed.

who on the left has said that?

No one, after he pissed away a Trillion bucks on windfall for corporations.
Not Trump's fault Obama let his buddy GE pay no taxes.


The budget cost of HIS tax-cut bill is EXACTLY HIS FAULT.
Dufus thinks GE paid taxes during the Obama Error.
Trump is a miracle worker. He even has the left acknowledging that spending cuts are needed.

who on the left has said that?
Deficit. Deficits are BAD. BAD BAD BAD.

Wow that's amazing considering you think budget busting tax-cuts are so fucking awesome.
Ah. So tax and spend is the motto of the left still.

Thanks for playing.

How is this motto: LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS and DON'T blow holes in the budget with yet more tax-cuts when you are ALREADY headed for 1.5 Trillion dollar deficit by 2027.

Wanted that tax cut? Ok, lets see your side help solve our long term deficit issues FIRST - crazy idea, I know.
Trump didn’t. Adp did.

Companies in U.S. Added 250,000 Jobs in December, ADP Says
U.S. Added 148,000 Jobs in December; Unemployment at 4.1%

That ends the year with an average number of jobs per month added at 171,000. The lowest monthly average since 2010.
That is because unemployment is now at the baseline, dufus.
Jobs created in 2016: 2.24 million
Jobs created in 2017: 2.06 million
Trump said there would be 250k jobs in December.
Trump is a miracle worker. He even has the left acknowledging that spending cuts are needed.

who on the left has said that?
Deficit. Deficits are BAD. BAD BAD BAD.

Wow that's amazing considering you think budget busting tax-cuts are so fucking awesome.
Ah. So tax and spend is the motto of the left still.

Thanks for playing.

How is this MOTTO? LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS and DON'T blow holes in the budget with yet more tax-cuts when you are ALREADY headed for 1.5 Trillion dollar deficit by 2027.
Hilarious that after 8 years of silence the left are suddenly pretending to be concerned about deficit spending.
You see what you want to see. I laugh at both ends.
I care about the COTUS, actual equality, liberty and private property
That doesnt fit in with either parties in the duopoly.

Bullshit, you are clearly drinking the rwing koolaid and repeating the same falsehoods.
Like how i dont agree with religion involved with govt?
Or how i dont support citizens united?
Or how i support abortion?
Or how i support equality? (gay marriage comes to mind)
Or how i support ending all incentive to illegals?
Or how i support the COTUS?
Or how i dont support war hawks?
Or how i dont support decades old foreign policy?
Or how.. goddamn shall i continue?
You fucking tunnel vision dumbfucks think just because someone agrees with some group sometimes, they must be them. Well i agree with dems on some things too.
Grow up, dumbass

You are a typical rightwing libertarian.

On social issues you lean left but on ECONOMICS you sound exactly like a typical rightwinger, posting very same rightwing falsehoods.
i dont lean left on social issues. Not supporting institutional discrimination isnt a left thing.
How do i lean right on economics? Because i thought 4.1 unemployment was good?
Again, grow up.

Oh yea, it's a left thing, the right has no issues with that.
yea, the left hate institutional discrimination. Thats why they defend policies that do just that every fucking day.
who on the left has said that?
Deficit. Deficits are BAD. BAD BAD BAD.

Wow that's amazing considering you think budget busting tax-cuts are so fucking awesome.
Ah. So tax and spend is the motto of the left still.

Thanks for playing.

How is this MOTTO? LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS and DON'T blow holes in the budget with yet more tax-cuts when you are ALREADY headed for 1.5 Trillion dollar deficit by 2027.
Hilarious that after 8 years of silence the left are suddenly pretending to be concerned about deficit spending.

Bullshit, ACA was paid for.
Bullshit, you are clearly drinking the rwing koolaid and repeating the same falsehoods.
Like how i dont agree with religion involved with govt?
Or how i dont support citizens united?
Or how i support abortion?
Or how i support equality? (gay marriage comes to mind)
Or how i support ending all incentive to illegals?
Or how i support the COTUS?
Or how i dont support war hawks?
Or how i dont support decades old foreign policy?
Or how.. goddamn shall i continue?
You fucking tunnel vision dumbfucks think just because someone agrees with some group sometimes, they must be them. Well i agree with dems on some things too.
Grow up, dumbass

You are a typical rightwing libertarian.

On social issues you lean left but on ECONOMICS you sound exactly like a typical rightwinger, posting very same rightwing falsehoods.
i dont lean left on social issues. Not supporting institutional discrimination isnt a left thing.
How do i lean right on economics? Because i thought 4.1 unemployment was good?
Again, grow up.

Oh yea, it's a left thing, the right has no issues with that.
yea, the left hate institutional discrimination. Thats why they defend policies that do just that every fucking day.

Whoop there you go again.
Live within your means? Did you tell that to Obama? Lol
Trump is a miracle worker. He even has the left acknowledging that spending cuts are needed.

who on the left has said that?
Deficit. Deficits are BAD. BAD BAD BAD.

Wow that's amazing considering you think budget busting tax-cuts are so fucking awesome.
Ah. So tax and spend is the motto of the left still.

Thanks for playing.

How is this motto: LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS and DON'T blow holes in the budget with yet more tax-cuts when you are ALREADY headed for 1.5 Trillion dollar deficit by 2027.

Wanted that tax cut? Ok, lets see your side help solve our long term deficit issues FIRST - crazy idea, I know.

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