148,000 jobs added in December

Figures you leftards have a problem with helping Americans having more money.

Were YOU one of the morons who asked GOPers in congress to get a %1.5 TRILLION loan so that you could get a few hundred dollars per year (while giving almost 80% to the wealthy)????

Was THAT your wish from congress??? Get us a loan???
obamas first budget doubled the national debt.
Obama increased the debt 87%. Even discounting what came from bushs bad decision, that still leaves around a 50% increase.
Where were you?

And you Trump zealots were crying about it. Now the debt does not matter at all. Party before country!
I didnt vote for trump nor am i a republican. Good job.
That is because unemployment is now at the baseline, dufus.

So, what the fuck was the reason for the tax scam....supposedly passed to CREATE more jobs?
Figures you leftards have a problem with helping Americans having more money.
I pray Democrats run with the tax breaks are bad agenda.
They will run on borrowing 1,5 trillion to give tax breaks to the likes of Donald Trump & corporations sitting on billions in cash.

The only result of that tax break you masturbate over will be inflated stock market as the wealthy & look to but stock & corporation s look to buy back theirs.

When investors realize this, they will start selling off their holdings.
Figures you leftards have a problem with helping Americans having more money.

Were YOU one of the morons who asked GOPers in congress to get a %1.5 TRILLION loan so that you could get a few hundred dollars per year (while giving almost 80% to the wealthy)????

Was THAT your wish from congress??? Get us a loan???
obamas first budget doubled the national debt.
Obama increased the debt 87%. Even discounting what came from bushs bad decision, that still leaves around a 50% increase.
Where were you?

And you Trump zealots were crying about it. Now the debt does not matter at all. Party before country!
I didnt vote for trump nor am i a republican. Good job.

So why do you sound exactly like them?
Figures you leftards have a problem with helping Americans having more money.

Were YOU one of the morons who asked GOPers in congress to get a %1.5 TRILLION loan so that you could get a few hundred dollars per year (while giving almost 80% to the wealthy)????

Was THAT your wish from congress??? Get us a loan???
obamas first budget doubled the national debt.
Obama increased the debt 87%. Even discounting what came from bushs bad decision, that still leaves around a 50% increase.
Where were you?

And you Trump zealots were crying about it. Now the debt does not matter at all. Party before country!
I didnt vote for trump nor am i a republican. Good job.

Oh that is right, you didn't vote for them you just support them pretty much with your every post. Sorry, my bad.
That is because unemployment is now at the baseline, dufus.

So, what the fuck was the reason for the tax scam....supposedly passed to CREATE more jobs?
Figures you leftards have a problem with helping Americans having more money.
I pray Democrats run with the tax breaks are bad agenda.
They will run on borrowing 1,5 trillion to give tax breaks to the likes of Donald Trump & corporations sitting on billions in cash.

The only result of that tax break you masturbate over will be inflated stock market as the wealthy & look to but stock & corporation s look to buy back theirs.

When investors realize this, they will start selling off their holdings.
U.S. Added 148,000 Jobs in December; Unemployment at 4.1%

That ends the year with an average number of jobs per month added at 171,000. The lowest monthly average since 2010.

Which even CNN admits is common the longer a period of economic expansion continues.

December jobs report: U.S. economy added 2 million jobs in 2017

The United States added almost 3 million jobs in 2014, 2.7 million in 2015 and 2.2 million in 2016. That trend is what's expected in such a long economic expansion. As unemployment moves to historic lows, job gains eventually slow down.

If CNN even admits this is common.....

But according to you Trump zealots, there was no expansion till the day that Trump took office. You cannot have it both ways

Please quote me exactly saying that or retract your statement.

I am not a Trump Zealot, he was the lesser of two evils at the time of voting that has pleasantly surprised me with his policies so far.
yet another trump voter denier. You support everything the oversize orange man does.
Government can always reduce its spending, horrifying, I know.

yes it can, but it never happens as neither party that controls our government has any vested interest in reducing spending. Both parties spend like drunken sailors on shore leave, the only difference is what the spend it on.

Lets see what happens when the budget for 2018-2019 comes out in the spring.

I predict it will not be smaller than the budget for 2017-2018. Would you like to put a wager on it?
IIRC, the one they are wanting is right at 3.8T!!!!!
Figures you leftards have a problem with helping Americans having more money.

Were YOU one of the morons who asked GOPers in congress to get a %1.5 TRILLION loan so that you could get a few hundred dollars per year (while giving almost 80% to the wealthy)????

Was THAT your wish from congress??? Get us a loan???
obamas first budget doubled the national debt.
Obama increased the debt 87%. Even discounting what came from bushs bad decision, that still leaves around a 50% increase.
Where were you?

And you Trump zealots were crying about it. Now the debt does not matter at all. Party before country!
I didnt vote for trump nor am i a republican. Good job.

Oh that is right, you didn't vote for them you just support them pretty much with your every post. Sorry, my bad.
Lol, 5 minutes ago, i titled a new thread "republicans aint worth a shit"
Try your hack shit somewhere else ;)
Government can always reduce its spending, horrifying, I know.

yes it can, but it never happens as neither party that controls our government has any vested interest in reducing spending. Both parties spend like drunken sailors on shore leave, the only difference is what the spend it on.

Lets see what happens when the budget for 2018-2019 comes out in the spring.

I predict it will not be smaller than the budget for 2017-2018. Would you like to put a wager on it?

Smaller is a pipe dream. I am hoping for less increase than average or even holding the line.

I don't bet on message boards, it's kind of pointless. Instead you get the best thing of all out of it. an "I told you so"

looking at the link below, outlays during Trump's first year were actually less than Obama's last year (4.1T vs. 4.2T)

So for 2019 lets say I win if its 4.1T or less, you win if its 4.2T or more.
Figures you leftards have a problem with helping Americans having more money.

Were YOU one of the morons who asked GOPers in congress to get a %1.5 TRILLION loan so that you could get a few hundred dollars per year (while giving almost 80% to the wealthy)????

Was THAT your wish from congress??? Get us a loan???
obamas first budget doubled the national debt.
Obama increased the debt 87%. Even discounting what came from bushs bad decision, that still leaves around a 50% increase.
Where were you?

And you Trump zealots were crying about it. Now the debt does not matter at all. Party before country!
I didnt vote for trump nor am i a republican. Good job.

So why do you sound exactly like them?
You see what you want to see. I laugh at both ends.
I care about the COTUS, actual equality, liberty and private property
That doesnt fit in with either parties in the duopoly.
Figures you leftards have a problem with helping Americans having more money.

Were YOU one of the morons who asked GOPers in congress to get a %1.5 TRILLION loan so that you could get a few hundred dollars per year (while giving almost 80% to the wealthy)????

Was THAT your wish from congress??? Get us a loan???
obamas first budget doubled the national debt.
Obama increased the debt 87%. Even discounting what came from bushs bad decision, that still leaves around a 50% increase.
Where were you?

Obama's first budget doubled the national debt?????????

And you think you are somne sort of economic expert. Too funny there Bozo.

The debt increased that much under Obama but it was not due to Obama's actions.

It was due to your fucking party:
- worst recession in 80 years
- Two unfunded quagmire wars
- unfunded Bush Tax Cuts
- Massive unfunded expansion to Medicare

Should I go on or are you just so fucking stupid you can't get it?
U.S. Added 148,000 Jobs in December; Unemployment at 4.1%

That ends the year with an average number of jobs per month added at 171,000. The lowest monthly average since 2010.

Which even CNN admits is common the longer a period of economic expansion continues.

December jobs report: U.S. economy added 2 million jobs in 2017

The United States added almost 3 million jobs in 2014, 2.7 million in 2015 and 2.2 million in 2016. That trend is what's expected in such a long economic expansion. As unemployment moves to historic lows, job gains eventually slow down.

If CNN even admits this is common.....

But according to you Trump zealots, there was no expansion till the day that Trump took office. You cannot have it both ways

Please quote me exactly saying that or retract your statement.

I am not a Trump Zealot, he was the lesser of two evils at the time of voting that has pleasantly surprised me with his policies so far.
yet another trump voter denier. You support everything the oversize orange man does.

I don't support him dithering on Immigration, or dithering on Pot Legalization at the State level.
4.1%? That has to be the lowest in 20 years
Good news!

I see Deflectobot 2000 has sprung into action.
Deflect? It was in the OP, you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck
Good lord

it has to do with the context of this conversation.

The right for years was talking about how unemployment numbers are fake, no one more than Trump. But as soon as he is in office even a slower rate of unemployment decline gets praised as some sort of special development.

Unemployment was 4.7% when Obama left office, down by 5.3% since recession high. Now all of a sudden 0.6% decline is supposed to be a miracle?

Government can always reduce its spending, horrifying, I know.

yes it can, but it never happens as neither party that controls our government has any vested interest in reducing spending. Both parties spend like drunken sailors on shore leave, the only difference is what the spend it on.

Lets see what happens when the budget for 2018-2019 comes out in the spring.

I predict it will not be smaller than the budget for 2017-2018. Would you like to put a wager on it?
IIRC, the one they are wanting is right at 3.8T!!!!!

Seems it was 4.1T, but I guess we will all know soon
Figures you leftards have a problem with helping Americans having more money.

Were YOU one of the morons who asked GOPers in congress to get a %1.5 TRILLION loan so that you could get a few hundred dollars per year (while giving almost 80% to the wealthy)????

Was THAT your wish from congress??? Get us a loan???
obamas first budget doubled the national debt.
Obama increased the debt 87%. Even discounting what came from bushs bad decision, that still leaves around a 50% increase.
Where were you?

Obama's first budget doubled the national debt?????????

And you think you are somne sort of economic expert. Too funny there Bozo.

The debt increased that much under Obama but it was not due to Obama's actions.

It was due to your fucking party:
- worst recession in 80 years
- Two unfunded quagmire wars
- unfunded Bush Tax Cuts
- Massive unfunded expansion to Medicare

Should I go on or are you just so fucking stupid you can't get it?
The debt increased that much under Obama but it was not due to Obama's actions.

Can the lies get any funnier?
Government can always reduce its spending, horrifying, I know.

yes it can, but it never happens as neither party that controls our government has any vested interest in reducing spending. Both parties spend like drunken sailors on shore leave, the only difference is what the spend it on.

Lets see what happens when the budget for 2018-2019 comes out in the spring.
What happened to the 2017-2018 budget?
4.1%? That has to be the lowest in 20 years
Good news!

I see Deflectobot 2000 has sprung into action.
Deflect? It was in the OP, you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck
Good lord

it has to do with the context of this conversation.

The right for years was talking about how unemployment numbers are fake, no one more than Trump. But as soon as he is in office even a slower rate of unemployment decline gets praised as some sort of special development.

Unemployment was 4.7% when Obama left office, down by 5.3% since recession high. Now all of a sudden 0.6% decline is supposed to be a miracle?

Yep. Slowest economic recovery in US history owned by Obama.
Figures you leftards have a problem with helping Americans having more money.

Were YOU one of the morons who asked GOPers in congress to get a %1.5 TRILLION loan so that you could get a few hundred dollars per year (while giving almost 80% to the wealthy)????

Was THAT your wish from congress??? Get us a loan???
obamas first budget doubled the national debt.
Obama increased the debt 87%. Even discounting what came from bushs bad decision, that still leaves around a 50% increase.
Where were you?

Obama's first budget doubled the national debt?????????

And you think you are somne sort of economic expert. Too funny there Bozo.

The debt increased that much under Obama but it was not due to Obama's actions.

It was due to your fucking party:
- worst recession in 80 years
- Two unfunded quagmire wars
- unfunded Bush Tax Cuts
- Massive unfunded expansion to Medicare

Should I go on or are you just so fucking stupid you can't get it?
The debt increased that much under Obama but it was not due to Obama's actions.

Can the lies get any funnier?

List the actions that Obama did that increased the debt. We'lll see who is funny then.

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