148,000 jobs added in December

Figures you leftards have a problem with helping Americans having more money.

Were YOU one of the morons who asked GOPers in congress to get a %1.5 TRILLION loan so that you could get a few hundred dollars per year (while giving almost 80% to the wealthy)????

Was THAT your wish from congress??? Get us a loan???
obamas first budget doubled the national debt.
Obama increased the debt 87%. Even discounting what came from bushs bad decision, that still leaves around a 50% increase.
Where were you?

Obama's first budget doubled the national debt?????????

And you think you are somne sort of economic expert. Too funny there Bozo.

The debt increased that much under Obama but it was not due to Obama's actions.

It was due to your fucking party:
- worst recession in 80 years
- Two unfunded quagmire wars
- unfunded Bush Tax Cuts
- Massive unfunded expansion to Medicare

Should I go on or are you just so fucking stupid you can't get it?
I clearly stated if rose 50% even after you discount bush.
Were YOU one of the morons who asked GOPers in congress to get a %1.5 TRILLION loan so that you could get a few hundred dollars per year (while giving almost 80% to the wealthy)????

Was THAT your wish from congress??? Get us a loan???
obamas first budget doubled the national debt.
Obama increased the debt 87%. Even discounting what came from bushs bad decision, that still leaves around a 50% increase.
Where were you?

And you Trump zealots were crying about it. Now the debt does not matter at all. Party before country!
I didnt vote for trump nor am i a republican. Good job.

So why do you sound exactly like them?
You see what you want to see. I laugh at both ends.
I care about the COTUS, actual equality, liberty and private property
That doesnt fit in with either parties in the duopoly.

Bullshit, you are clearly drinking the rwing koolaid and repeating the same falsehoods.
Figures you leftards have a problem with helping Americans having more money.

Were YOU one of the morons who asked GOPers in congress to get a %1.5 TRILLION loan so that you could get a few hundred dollars per year (while giving almost 80% to the wealthy)????

Was THAT your wish from congress??? Get us a loan???
obamas first budget doubled the national debt.
Obama increased the debt 87%. Even discounting what came from bushs bad decision, that still leaves around a 50% increase.
Where were you?

Obama's first budget doubled the national debt?????????

And you think you are somne sort of economic expert. Too funny there Bozo.

The debt increased that much under Obama but it was not due to Obama's actions.

It was due to your fucking party:
- worst recession in 80 years
- Two unfunded quagmire wars
- unfunded Bush Tax Cuts
- Massive unfunded expansion to Medicare

Should I go on or are you just so fucking stupid you can't get it?
The debt increased that much under Obama but it was not due to Obama's actions.

Can the lies get any funnier?

List the actions that Obama did that increased the debt. We'lll see who is funny then.
Yeah, the President plays no role in the economy.

You are hilarious in your desperation.
Government can always reduce its spending, horrifying, I know.

yes it can, but it never happens as neither party that controls our government has any vested interest in reducing spending. Both parties spend like drunken sailors on shore leave, the only difference is what the spend it on.

Lets see what happens when the budget for 2018-2019 comes out in the spring.

I predict it will not be smaller than the budget for 2017-2018. Would you like to put a wager on it?
IIRC, the one they are wanting is right at 3.8T!!!!!

Seems it was 4.1T, but I guess we will all know soon
Maybe it was. I do know it was high as fuck!
Our bloated govt sucks balls. And we keep voting in hacks that rape us daily.
4.1%? That has to be the lowest in 20 years
Good news!

I see Deflectobot 2000 has sprung into action.
Deflect? It was in the OP, you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck
Good lord

it has to do with the context of this conversation.

The right for years was talking about how unemployment numbers are fake, no one more than Trump. But as soon as he is in office even a slower rate of unemployment decline gets praised as some sort of special development.

Unemployment was 4.7% when Obama left office, down by 5.3% since recession high. Now all of a sudden 0.6% decline is supposed to be a miracle?

Yep. Slowest economic recovery in US history owned by Obama.

When you have the worst recession in 80 years then you have the slowest recovery in 80 years, asshole.
4.1%? That has to be the lowest in 20 years
Good news!

I see Deflectobot 2000 has sprung into action.
Deflect? It was in the OP, you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck
Good lord

it has to do with the context of this conversation.

The right for years was talking about how unemployment numbers are fake, no one more than Trump. But as soon as he is in office even a slower rate of unemployment decline gets praised as some sort of special development.

Unemployment was 4.7% when Obama left office, down by 5.3% since recession high. Now all of a sudden 0.6% decline is supposed to be a miracle?

Yep. Slowest economic recovery in US history owned by Obama.

When you have the worst recession in 80 years then you have the slowest recovery in 80 years, asshole.
More hilarious lies.
Government can always reduce its spending, horrifying, I know.

yes it can, but it never happens as neither party that controls our government has any vested interest in reducing spending. Both parties spend like drunken sailors on shore leave, the only difference is what the spend it on.

Lets see what happens when the budget for 2018-2019 comes out in the spring.

You don't need to wait ....

Federal spending is going UP in nominal terms, there's no real choice since well over half of federal spending is mandatory spending (around 64%) and debt service (around 10%) and both of those areas are projected to rise in 2019. Doesn't leave much room for spending reduction unless of course you believe that the Republicrats are actually going to tackle entitlement "reform" at a lightning fast pace or expect a restructuring of federal debt.

IMHO The best we can hope for is for a YoY slowing of spending increases and (maybe) a slight decrease in the operating deficit (in terms of % of GDP).
4.1%? That has to be the lowest in 20 years
Good news!

I see Deflectobot 2000 has sprung into action.
Deflect? It was in the OP, you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck
Good lord

it has to do with the context of this conversation.

The right for years was talking about how unemployment numbers are fake, no one more than Trump. But as soon as he is in office even a slower rate of unemployment decline gets praised as some sort of special development.

Unemployment was 4.7% when Obama left office, down by 5.3% since recession high. Now all of a sudden 0.6% decline is supposed to be a miracle?

Yep. Slowest economic recovery in US history owned by Obama.

When you have the worst recession in 80 years then you have the slowest recovery in 80 years, asshole.

Apples to oranges are their favorite cherries to pick.
Can we logically blame Trump for this disappointing number, i.e., using the same 'logic' that Trump supporters used to give him credit for every good number in the past year?

Oh, btw, will we hear from the Trumptard(s) who predicted a three or four hundred thousand number?
/----/ What disappoint number? Lower that expected by whom, some political hack?
Government can always reduce its spending, horrifying, I know.

yes it can, but it never happens as neither party that controls our government has any vested interest in reducing spending. Both parties spend like drunken sailors on shore leave, the only difference is what the spend it on.

Lets see what happens when the budget for 2018-2019 comes out in the spring.
What happened to the 2017-2018 budget?

If you kept reading and found my link, it was 4.1T under Trump's first one, down from 4.2T under Obama's last one.
wasnt it around 4.7 when he got inaugurated?

Find a grown up to research it for you.....Obviously, your GED classes haven't covered how one can do that.....
/----/ Libtards seethe with rage over this news: Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years - CNS News
Dec 18, 2017 - (CNSNews.com) -- According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics( BLS), the unemployment rate for black Americans is the lowest it has been since the year 2000, 17 years ago. In November, the national unemployment rate for black Americans, ages 16 and over, was 7.3%. The last time it was 7.3% was in the ...
obamas first budget doubled the national debt.
Obama increased the debt 87%. Even discounting what came from bushs bad decision, that still leaves around a 50% increase.
Where were you?

And you Trump zealots were crying about it. Now the debt does not matter at all. Party before country!
I didnt vote for trump nor am i a republican. Good job.

So why do you sound exactly like them?
You see what you want to see. I laugh at both ends.
I care about the COTUS, actual equality, liberty and private property
That doesnt fit in with either parties in the duopoly.

Bullshit, you are clearly drinking the rwing koolaid and repeating the same falsehoods.
Like how i dont agree with religion involved with govt?
Or how i dont support citizens united?
Or how i support abortion?
Or how i support equality? (gay marriage comes to mind)
Or how i support ending all incentive to illegals?
Or how i support the COTUS?
Or how i dont support war hawks?
Or how i dont support decades old foreign policy?
Or how.. goddamn shall i continue?
You fucking tunnel vision dumbfucks think just because someone agrees with some group sometimes, they must be them. Well i agree with dems on some things too.
Grow up, dumbass
Yeah, the President plays no role in the economy.

Very small if any. The economy is a way bigger machine than you party zealots understand. The economy ebbs and flows as it will irregardless of who is sitting in the White House. Our economic system was designed to fail on occasion to control growth and keep the have-nots from having too much. We have had 12 systemic crashes since the mid 1800s and we will more than likely have another one before the end of Trump's first term. And there is nothing he can do to stop it or start it.

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