15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense

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And,.. still nothing..
Good call mocking the Creator of existence. :thup:
Thanks. But I'm performing a scientific experiment. You're welcome to try replicating my results. Everyone else too! Pray for your god to strike you, me, or anyone else you can monitor, with lightning and report the results here. It's like evolution theory. Real Science!
Prayer in exchange for stuff. I’ll go with that. Prayer and I get rewards. It’s almost like good behavior will prompt Santa to bring me presents.
And,.. still nothing..
Good call mocking the Creator of existence. :thup:
Thanks. But I'm performing a scientific experiment. You're welcome to try replicating my results. Everyone else too! Pray for your god to strike you, me, or anyone else you can monitor, with lightning and report the results here. It's like evolution theory. Real Science!
Prayer in exchange for stuff. I’ll go with that. Prayer and I get rewards. It’s almost like good behavior will prompt Santa to bring me presents.
Garbage in equals garbage out, dear. You see prayer that way because it confirms your bias.
And,.. still nothing..
Good call mocking the Creator of existence. :thup:
Thanks. But I'm performing a scientific experiment. You're welcome to try replicating my results. Everyone else too! Pray for your god to strike you, me, or anyone else you can monitor, with lightning and report the results here. It's like evolution theory. Real Science!
Prayer in exchange for stuff. I’ll go with that. Prayer and I get rewards. It’s almost like good behavior will prompt Santa to bring me presents.
Or kill yourself now. Or kill your worst enemy.. Only, so far the results have all been negative. Extremely reliable. Not likely coincidence.. :(
And,.. still nothing..
Good call mocking the Creator of existence. :thup:
Thanks. But I'm performing a scientific experiment. You're welcome to try replicating my results. Everyone else too! Pray for your god to strike you, me, or anyone else you can monitor, with lightning and report the results here. It's like evolution theory. Real Science!
Prayer in exchange for stuff. I’ll go with that. Prayer and I get rewards. It’s almost like good behavior will prompt Santa to bring me presents.
Or kill yourself now. Or kill your worst enemy.. Only, so far the results have all been negative. Extremely reliable. Not likely coincidence.. :(
I don't see how anyone could see it that way. You are constantly being pruned. In that regard everything works for good. You just can't see how.
And,.. still nothing..
Good call mocking the Creator of existence. :thup:
Thanks. But I'm performing a scientific experiment. You're welcome to try replicating my results. Everyone else too! Pray for your god to strike you, me, or anyone else you can monitor, with lightning and report the results here. It's like evolution theory. Real Science!
Prayer in exchange for stuff. I’ll go with that. Prayer and I get rewards. It’s almost like good behavior will prompt Santa to bring me presents.
Or kill yourself now. Or kill your worst enemy.. Only, so far the results have all been negative. Extremely reliable. Not likely coincidence.. :(
Not sure I want to kill my worst enemy. Even if I joined a different club, I’m the wrong gender for those sweet carnal rewards.

I’ll stick with Santa. He always came through for me.
And again you say nothing. "Garbage in, garbage out" cannot apply, because I've enlisted the help of all that claim success in speaking to their gods. People like LittleNipper who claimed her/his prayer were always answered. Those claiming to have developed "a personal relationship with" theirs. Your "Garbage in" only serves to dis-empower yourself along with them. What a jerk.
And,.. still nothing..
Good call mocking the Creator of existence. :thup:
Thanks. But I'm performing a scientific experiment. You're welcome to try replicating my results. Everyone else too! Pray for your god to strike you, me, or anyone else you can monitor, with lightning and report the results here. It's like evolution theory. Real Science!
Prayer in exchange for stuff. I’ll go with that. Prayer and I get rewards. It’s almost like good behavior will prompt Santa to bring me presents.
Or kill yourself now. Or kill your worst enemy.. Only, so far the results have all been negative. Extremely reliable. Not likely coincidence.. :(
Not sure I want to kill my worst enemy. Even if I joined a different club, I’m the wrong gender for those sweet carnal rewards.

I’ll stick with Santa. He always came through for me.
Again... Garbage in equals garbage out, dear. You see prayer that way because it confirms your bias.
And,.. still nothing..
Good call mocking the Creator of existence. :thup:
Thanks. But I'm performing a scientific experiment. You're welcome to try replicating my results. Everyone else too! Pray for your god to strike you, me, or anyone else you can monitor, with lightning and report the results here. It's like evolution theory. Real Science!
Prayer in exchange for stuff. I’ll go with that. Prayer and I get rewards. It’s almost like good behavior will prompt Santa to bring me presents.
Or kill yourself now. Or kill your worst enemy.. Only, so far the results have all been negative. Extremely reliable. Not likely coincidence.. :(
Not sure I want to kill my worst enemy. Even if I joined a different club, I’m the wrong gender for those sweet carnal rewards.

I’ll stick with Santa. He always came through for me.
It's all good. But what's wrong with the Tooth Fairy? The Easter Bunny?
And again you say nothing. "Garbage in, garbage out" cannot apply, because I've enlisted the help of all that claim success in speaking to their gods. People like LittleNipper who claimed her/his prayer were always answered. Those claiming to have developed "a personal relationship with" theirs. Your "Garbage in" only serves to dis-empower yourself along with them. What a jerk.
If you can't figure out what garbage in equals garbage out, I'm afraid I can't help you. It's a common phrase that any one who claims to be enlightened by science should understand.

You aren't Little Nipper, so YOUR understanding of things is not limited to the understanding of others. Yo have an obligation to yourself. That obligation does not transfer top others or be satisfied when you start from a faulty position as a starting point. It is incumbent upon you to explore all sides of an issue to arrive at objective truth. Not anyone else. You. If you take a position that makes no sense to you and you look no further, that error lies on you and no one else.
So why are you limiting yourself to what others believe when you are more than capable to actually find explanations which make more sense to you?
And,.. still nothing..
Good call mocking the Creator of existence. :thup:
Thanks. But I'm performing a scientific experiment. You're welcome to try replicating my results. Everyone else too! Pray for your god to strike you, me, or anyone else you can monitor, with lightning and report the results here. It's like evolution theory. Real Science!
Prayer in exchange for stuff. I’ll go with that. Prayer and I get rewards. It’s almost like good behavior will prompt Santa to bring me presents.
Or kill yourself now. Or kill your worst enemy.. Only, so far the results have all been negative. Extremely reliable. Not likely coincidence.. :(
Not sure I want to kill my worst enemy. Even if I joined a different club, I’m the wrong gender for those sweet carnal rewards.

I’ll stick with Santa. He always came through for me.
It's all good. But what's wrong with the Tooth Fairy? The Easter Bunny?
I can see how serious you take the origin questions.
And,.. still nothing..
Good call mocking the Creator of existence. :thup:
Thanks. But I'm performing a scientific experiment. You're welcome to try replicating my results. Everyone else too! Pray for your god to strike you, me, or anyone else you can monitor, with lightning and report the results here. It's like evolution theory. Real Science!
Prayer in exchange for stuff. I’ll go with that. Prayer and I get rewards. It’s almost like good behavior will prompt Santa to bring me presents.
Or kill yourself now. Or kill your worst enemy.. Only, so far the results have all been negative. Extremely reliable. Not likely coincidence.. :(
Not sure I want to kill my worst enemy. Even if I joined a different club, I’m the wrong gender for those sweet carnal rewards.

I’ll stick with Santa. He always came through for me.
It's all good. But what's wrong with the Tooth Fairy? The Easter Bunny?
Those bastards. The tooth fairy only rewarded me after a bit of pain and it was the damn candy brought by the Easter bunny (who colluded with the tooth fairy) who were jointly responsible.
It is incumbent upon you to explore all sides of an issue to arrive at objective truth. Not anyone else. You. If you take a position that makes no sense to you and you look no further, that error lies on you and no one else.
Thus the point (from scientific method) of replication and peer review,.. Which I've been inviting, unlike you've done here, dopey.
It is incumbent upon you to explore all sides of an issue to arrive at objective truth. Not anyone else. You. If you take a position that makes no sense to you and you look no further, that error lies on you and no one else.
Thus the point (from scientific method) of replication and peer review,.. Which I've been inviting, unlike you've done here, dopey.
You haven't invited anything. You want to scientifically test prayer? Ok, what exactly are you testing? What is your hypothesis?
Man, you're slow! I developed it all at a snails pace.. and there ain't that much to it!
And,.. still nothing..
Good call mocking the Creator of existence. :thup:
Thanks. But I'm performing a scientific experiment. You're welcome to try replicating my results. Everyone else too! Pray for your god to strike you, me, or anyone else you can monitor, with lightning and report the results here. It's like evolution theory. Real Science!
Prayer in exchange for stuff. I’ll go with that. Prayer and I get rewards. It’s almost like good behavior will prompt Santa to bring me presents.
That sounds like garbage in to me. It is easier for you to build straw men than to actually put in effort.
Man, you're slow! I developed it all at a snails pace.. and there ain't that much to it!
So you can't state your hypothesis?

I didn't think you would? Even you know how stupid it would sound.
Not at all, sparky pants. Alternatively, you could simply review the thread as I implied. But, no worries, I'll explain it more formally.. after getting my dinner ready..
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