15 year old black kid saves 5 yr old white girl from abduction.

um dude calling someone an Oreo means what again ?

It's an insult, a pejorative. It is a word meant to denegrate people. When used by Blacks against Blacks it is considered a very low insult. When you use it they way you did, it was racist.


Term for African Americans that the black community is generally offended with for betraying their roots usually for dating caucasion girls, dressing too white, talking too white, etc. The term is branded OREO since they are "Black on the outside, White on the inside"

A insulting termed often used by blacks to derogate other blacks as "Black on the outside, white on the inside." White on the inside meaning anything from speaking proper english, getting good grades, liking music that isn't hip hop, rap or R&B and having a diverse group of friends.

A Black African American person who, because he/she has the desire to make a success of their life, has gained the wrath of foolish Black African Americans who have decided to make a shambles of their own. Often OREO's are educated, intelligent, and the respect of the business community. Thus, in the eyes of the dominant Black African American community, they are "guilty" of being "White" on the inside.

Urban Dictionary: oreo

Embrace your racism TM...

Anyone going to address the OP or are we going to allow TM to ONCE AGAIN hijack a thread with a bunch of drama and bickering about who's a racist.

How about posting your own stories about other people who saved someone of another race?

Not a happy ending as this man died after being rescued, but someone risked his life to save his brother.


My apologies, MC, you are correct. We shouldn't let a weak minded TM distract from the topic...

The kid is a hero, and I am sure there are many more like him. Sadly, it is the bad news that seems to make the news, and it is certainly the bad news that catches the eyes of our resident bigots.

Some days I'd swear this is a hate board...
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Apparently, not all black kids spend their waking hours breaking the law, playing the "knock-out game," or getting high....

Temar Boggs, Pennsylvania Teen, Saved Jocelyn Rojas, Abducted 5-Year-Old Girl

Temar Boggs, Pennsylvania Teen, Saved Jocelyn Rojas, Abducted 5-Year-Old Girl

Minutes after Temar Boggs heard that 5-year-old Jocelyn Rojas had gone missing, he noticed a suspicious car careening in and out of the side streets of his neighborhood.

The 15-year-old was hanging out with his friends at an apartment in Lancaster, Penn. on Thursday afternoon when he heard the news. So he and another friend, Chris Garcia, took to their bikes to join the search for Rojas, according to Lancaster Online.

He told reporters that one car in particular caught his eye. It turned around at the top of a hill near Garcia's apartment, where several police officers were gathered. It began turning in and out of side streets in the neighborhood, which is known for its cul-de-sacs and dead ends.

Boggs gave chase on his bicycle. He got close enough to the vehicle to see a little girl inside. He made eye contact with the driver, an older white male, who apparently got spooked enough to let Rojas get out of the car.

"She runs to my arms and said, 'I need to see my mommy,'" Boggs said.

He escorted her to police, who reunited her with her relatives. The town is hailing him as a hero.

The suspect, described as a white male between 50 and 70 years old, is still on the loose, FOX 59 reports. He was driving a maroon car with round taillights, and wearing green shoes, green pants and a red-and-white striped shirt. He reportedly walked with a limp.

Just wanted to post a nice story for a change.

Blacks are our brothers and sisters, people. It makes me very sad that some of you can't see that.

God put all of us on this earth together - It's up to us whether or not we get along.

Good job, son! I'm very proud of you. You saved this little girls life!


A true hero. The black community has a real roll model ;)
I cant wait until all you racists are dead.

The day the last racist shuffles off this mortal coil the world will be a better place

One thing is certain, as long as you are living there will be at least one racist alive, so you will never live to see the last of the racists.

Apparently, not all black kids spend their waking hours breaking the law, playing the "knock-out game," or getting high....

Temar Boggs, Pennsylvania Teen, Saved Jocelyn Rojas, Abducted 5-Year-Old Girl

Temar Boggs, Pennsylvania Teen, Saved Jocelyn Rojas, Abducted 5-Year-Old Girl

Minutes after Temar Boggs heard that 5-year-old Jocelyn Rojas had gone missing, he noticed a suspicious car careening in and out of the side streets of his neighborhood.

The 15-year-old was hanging out with his friends at an apartment in Lancaster, Penn. on Thursday afternoon when he heard the news. So he and another friend, Chris Garcia, took to their bikes to join the search for Rojas, according to Lancaster Online.

He told reporters that one car in particular caught his eye. It turned around at the top of a hill near Garcia's apartment, where several police officers were gathered. It began turning in and out of side streets in the neighborhood, which is known for its cul-de-sacs and dead ends.

Boggs gave chase on his bicycle. He got close enough to the vehicle to see a little girl inside. He made eye contact with the driver, an older white male, who apparently got spooked enough to let Rojas get out of the car.

"She runs to my arms and said, 'I need to see my mommy,'" Boggs said.

He escorted her to police, who reunited her with her relatives. The town is hailing him as a hero.

The suspect, described as a white male between 50 and 70 years old, is still on the loose, FOX 59 reports. He was driving a maroon car with round taillights, and wearing green shoes, green pants and a red-and-white striped shirt. He reportedly walked with a limp.

Just wanted to post a nice story for a change.

Blacks are our brothers and sisters, people. It makes me very sad that some of you can't see that.

God put all of us on this earth together - It's up to us whether or not we get along.

Good job, son! I'm very proud of you. You saved this little girls life!


So typical of liberals. Take a nice thing and make it ugly.
What I don't see in this thread is the reason to once again to divide on race. Certainly a story about a 15 year old saving a young girl is great, super, and quite amazing. Does it have anything to do with the color of his skin? Nope, not until the liberals make it that way. Anyone reading the story and seeing the image can see the truth no need to once again try and divide people over color as some have done.

As for sharing when one race helped the other. Here is a picture of just that:

What I don't see in this thread is the reason to once again to divide on race. Certainly a story about a 15 year old saving a young girl is great, super, and quite amazing. Does it have anything to do with the color of his skin? Nope, not until the liberals make it that way. Anyone reading the story and seeing the image can see the truth no need to once again try and divide people over color as some have done.

As for sharing when one race helped the other. Here is a picture of just that:


Like I have said over and over, if you don't like my thread, go suck eggs.

The end.

I have to suffer through "Negro" threads, knockout game videos and other fun stuff, so deal with a little kid who saved a little girl and pour yourself a nice tall glass of STFU.

What I don't see in this thread is the reason to once again to divide on race. Certainly a story about a 15 year old saving a young girl is great, super, and quite amazing. Does it have anything to do with the color of his skin? Nope, not until the liberals make it that way. Anyone reading the story and seeing the image can see the truth no need to once again try and divide people over color as some have done.

As for sharing when one race helped the other. Here is a picture of just that:


Like I have said over and over, if you don't like my thread, go suck eggs.

The end.

I have to suffer through "Negro" threads, knockout game videos and other fun stuff, so deal with a little kid who saved a little girl and pour yourself a nice tall glass of STFU.


What is wrong with pointing out how violent our society is? My problem and why I single groups out is a large percentage have marched in support of such. Trayvon attacked Zimmerman but we had to hear for over a year about how innocent Trayvon was and watch the protest in our streets about how evil we're.

This is why a single them out harshly...Not to say that this kid isn't a hero, because he truly is.
I believe we should praise our hero's and condemn our thugs. This is just my belief.
What I don't see in this thread is the reason to once again to divide on race. Certainly a story about a 15 year old saving a young girl is great, super, and quite amazing. Does it have anything to do with the color of his skin? Nope, not until the liberals make it that way. Anyone reading the story and seeing the image can see the truth no need to once again try and divide people over color as some have done.

As for sharing when one race helped the other. Here is a picture of just that:


Like I have said over and over, if you don't like my thread, go suck eggs.

The end.

I have to suffer through "Negro" threads, knockout game videos and other fun stuff, so deal with a little kid who saved a little girl and pour yourself a nice tall glass of STFU.


What is wrong with pointing out how violent our society is? My problem and why I single groups out is a large percentage have marched in support of such. Trayvon attacked Zimmerman but we had to hear for over a year about how innocent Trayvon was and watch the protest in our streets about how evil we're.

This is why a single them out harshly...Not to say that this kid isn't a hero, because he truly is.

And that's fine as it is within the rules, but every once in a while, i am going to point out the good, too.
Well ... that's too bad, because I used the word black, deal with it and don't forget that the next time some ass hole posts another "negro" thread. Feel free to show up and say the same thing, otherwise - you're nothing but a hypocrite. .
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Just wanted to post a nice story for a change.

Blacks are our brothers and sisters, people. It makes me very sad that some of you can't see that.

God put all of us on this earth together - It's up to us whether or not we get along.
Amen to all of this. :) :) :)

God bless you and that boy and girl always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. To me, the good fruits should never be lumped in there with the ones that are rotten. :) :) :)

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