151 years ago today: Democrats founded and staffed the Ku Klux Klan

Well a lot has changed since then. Republicans wanted to end slavery back then. Now they think they think it was a good thing.

Republicans and Democrats of today are very different then they were in the 1800s.

Now that is funny, really funny. I assume that is YOUR opinion; and everyone is entitled to their opinion. Therefore, don't get angry when you are over ruled by most of the rest of America.

You really believe republicans and democrats are the same as they were 151 years ago? Both parties have changed a lot. One being that republicans were progressive and democrats were conservative. That definitely isn't the case now.

Absolutely. Context is crucial. In the mid-19th century the Democratic Party was the home of "states rights" and decentralized government that, like several other parties that died off, failed to take a moral stand on the elephant-in-the-room question of Slavery, while the brand-new Republican Party pointedly took that issue on, drawing much of its base from the Whigs, which was one of those aforementioned dying parties. That made the RP the Liberals and the Democrats the Conservatives -- at that time. Interestingly it also made the RP the party of big activist government, which philosophy came with the Whigs (Lincoln himself had been one).

By the turn of the next century the RP was taking on the interests of the wealthy and the corporations while the DP was absorbing the Populist Party and movement, all of which shifted the bases of both parties. By the 1930s as one of the results of that, the black vote shifted from Republican to Democrat and has been there ever since. So when the Klan was re-started in 1915 after forty years dormant, its targets of blacks, Jews, immigrants, labor unions and Catholics --- were all constituents of the Democratic Party.

But again, lest we leave the wrong impression ---- the Klan didn't attack blacks, Jews, Catholics, immigrants and labor unions because they were "Democrats'"--- they attacked them because they were blacks, Jews, Catholics, immigrants and labor unions, and that represented change, which their hyperconservative mania could not handle.

>> In the end, the Klan was important not for what it did but for what it signified. It accomplished little but, as [Grand Wizard Hiram] Evans appreciated, it expressed the otherwise inarticulate rage and resentment of millions. At bottom its members' quarrel was with modernity. In particular, they objected to the rise of Catholics and Jews to positions of power and prominence; they feared that science would undermine the moral authority of the Bible; they worried that a "New Woman" would refuse to the submit to patriarchal authority; they worried that a "New Negro" would reject white supremacy. In matters trivial and profound they found themselves threatened with being passed by. The Klan captured perfectly, as did the Eugenics movement, their simultaneous sense of being entitled and endangered. << ---An American Fascism?
The fatal fallacy this board continually makes is to attempt to dress up literally everything that ever happens as either "Democrat" or "Republican" as if these are the two and only two elements in the Periodic Table, one or the other of which *MUST* be ascribed to every event and every person, world without end amen. Life just doesn't work that way. Not everything derives from politics. Some of the wags on this board take this politics-as-football game crapola WAY too seriously.
The klan was the terrorist arm of the democrat party....they did not murder democrats...they murdered blacks and their Republican allies......
The klan was created by the democrats

Once AGAIN ----- Link?

Don't feel bad if you can't find one. I've put that question out the entire four years I've been on this board, and nobody else has been able to answer it either.

What's astounding is that y'all just keep trotting this myth out over and over still hoping somebody will buy it.
It had nothing to do with slavery until Lincoln decided to free the slaves as a war measure.
More historical revisionism! The Emancipation Proclamation was issued January 1, 1863, over 18 months after the start of the Civil War! Distorting and lying about easily obtainable historical facts is rather stupid, don't you think? Or don't you think!
Four out of five Klansmen prefers the Republican Party.....the fifth prefers the Nazi Party
It had nothing to do with slavery until Lincoln decided to free the slaves as a war measure.
More historical revisionism! The Emancipation Proclamation was issued January 1, 1863, over 18 months after the start of the Civil War! Distorting and lying about easily obtainable historical facts is rather stupid, don't you think? Or don't you think!
18 months is more than enough time to decide to go for such a war measure, you've done nothing to disprove my statement~
It had nothing to do with slavery until Lincoln decided to free the slaves as a war measure.
More historical revisionism! The Emancipation Proclamation was issued January 1, 1863, over 18 months after the start of the Civil War! Distorting and lying about easily obtainable historical facts is rather stupid, don't you think? Or don't you think!

Actually she said "until" so in effect you kinda supported her point.

It's not really accurate though. It would be inaccurate to say Slavery had nothing to do with the Civil War and equally inaccurate to say it was the only cause. The rift and rivalry between North and South was at base economic, and Slavery was an inseparable part of the South's dominating economy. It was a wedge between North and South since the country was founded and festered for decades until it could no longer be ignored and the whole thing boiled over.

But at base the concept of secession had also been festering for decades long before the Slavery question came to a head. South Carolinians were calling for secession at least as far back as 1828 over the Quincy Adams "Tariff of Abominations", which had nothing to do with slavery. So the seeds were already sown long before 1861. South Carolina, one will recall, was also the first state to take the step of secession, as well as the site of the first shots of the War.

So we could say the cause of the Civil War was technically an economic rift, but an essential and inseparable part of it was the question of Slavery and whether it would be allowed to continue, which directly affected that economy. Had Slavery not been in question, the economic rift would have still been present. How it would have resolved we can only guess. The North was beginning to urbanize and industrialize so change was inevitable in some form. And the various European and Latin American nations were themselves already doing away with Slavery so its days were already numbered.

Punkin is correct that the EP was a war measure. Our history books like to crow "Lincoln freed the slaves" but he really didn't. That wasn't done until the 13th Amendment after Lincoln was dead. What the EP did was free slaves inside the Confederacy that were living in Union-occupied territory ---- which gave him more soldiers.
Dems refuse to face the facts that their party isn't perfect.

It goes against their narrative that everything every Republican has ever done is 100% evil and everything every Democrat has ever done is 100% just.

When that is your bullshit narrative, you give yourself no wiggle room for any diversity of thought.
Four out of five Klansmen prefers the Republican Party.....the fifth prefers the Nazi Party
5 out of 5 democrats belong to the party who created the kkk....

No political party started the KKK. You yourself are among the moronics I have invited to prove me wrong. I've got nothing but crickets on that. Which is what I expect.
Four out of five Klansmen prefers the Republican Party.....the fifth prefers the Nazi Party
Little pogo wants to know if you have a link that backs that up.

If you don't, he'll probably....... well, ignore your failure.
Republicans and the Klan hold the same beliefs

Anti- Minority

As long as you can join the Republican Party...why would you want to join the Klan?
Four out of five Klansmen prefers the Republican Party.....the fifth prefers the Nazi Party
Little pogo wants to know if you have a link that backs that up.

If you don't, he'll probably....... well, ignore your failure.

Actually your post number one here was the first one I called out. Still waiting for a link on that which I already know you can't do because none exists.

So much for post number one. I did a number two on it.
Four out of five Klansmen prefers the Republican Party.....the fifth prefers the Nazi Party
5 out of 5 democrats belong to the party who created the kkk....

No political party started the KKK. You yourself are among the moronics I have invited to prove me wrong. I've got nothing but crickets on that. Which is what I expect.
We,don't blame you democrats from avoiding the fact that your party created the kkk....what rational normal person would belong to such a party, and then there is you celebrating it.....
150 years ago......The "Democrat" party was the party of choice for the klan

Today, it is solidly Republican
No, the democrats created the kkk......

Link then?

I've got volumes and volumes on this history. Zero point to a political founding. Either time.

So c'mon then, educate me. Prove me wrong. Hook a brutha up.
Can you get refunds?

I'm thinking of putting all these crickets up on eBay. I get a never-ending supply from calling out bullshit on this site.
Republicans and the Klan hold the same beliefs

Anti- Minority

As long as you can join the Republican Party...why would you want to join the Klan?
Your fake news tell you that? Like they tell you even though democrats started,the kkk,,you're not really a klansman....:lol:
150 years ago......The "Democrat" party was the party of choice for the klan

Today, it is solidly Republican
No, the democrats created the kkk......

Link then?

I've got volumes and volumes on this history. Zero point to a political founding. Either time.

So c'mon then, educate me. Prove me wrong. Hook a brutha up.
Can you get refunds?

I'm thinking of putting all these crickets up on eBay. I get a never-ending supply from calling out bullshit on this site.
Awwww.....embarrassed snowflake....

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