151 years ago today: Democrats founded and staffed the Ku Klux Klan

Actually they did leave the country. Which act by definition breaks up the Union.


They tried and they failed. Kind of like you do every time you try to pretend you know the first thing about...well, anything.
It was their state not the United's seems self explanatory

No, it was and is OUR Union. If you don't want to live in my house, fine, get the fuck out. But you don't get to take the basement with you.
Sorry pal. Ain't true and why there was a war. ....

It is true, and that's why they lost.
They lost because the north had more guns. It's usually how a side wins
On Dec. 24, 1865, Democrats in the American South formed the Ku Klux Klan as a means of keeing uppity blacks in their place. They attacked the blacks, and any white Republicans who defended or support them, lynching and killing them when possible. Democrat support for, and membership in, the KKK continues to this day, with theDemocrat attacking, insulting, and pillorying blacks who dared to espouse viewpoints the Democrats disagree with.


KKK founded - Dec 24, 1865 - HISTORY.com

151 years ago KKK founded
December 24, 2016

In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the “Ku Klux Klan.” The KKK rapidly grew from a secret social fraternity to a paramilitary force bent on reversing the federal government’s progressive Reconstruction Era-activities in the South, especially policies that elevated the rights of the local African American population.

The name of the Ku Klux Klan was derived from the Greek word kyklos, meaning “circle,” and the Scottish-Gaelic word “clan,” which was probably chosen for the sake of alliteration. Under a platform of philosophized white racial superiority, the group employed violence as a means of pushing back Reconstruction and its enfranchisement of African Americans. Former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was the KKK’s first grand wizard; in 1869, he unsuccessfully tried to disband it after he grew critical of the Klan’s excessive violence.

Most prominent in counties where the races were relatively balanced, the KKK engaged in terrorist raids against African Americans and white Republicans at night, employing intimidation, destruction of property, assault, and murder to achieve its aims and influence upcoming elections. In a few Southern states, Republicans organized militia units to break up the Klan. In 1871, the Ku Klux Act passed Congress, authorizing President Ulysses S. Grant to use military force to suppress the KKK. The Ku Klux Act resulted in nine South Carolina counties being placed under martial law and thousands of arrests.

Democrats did not start the KKK white Christian southern aupremacists did you lying freak of nature. Nor does you link say anything about democrats, troll boy

But don't worry. The KKK are all republicans now

Now shut up and crawl back into the hole you came out of
You are ignorant. And since you refuse to learn, you are doomed to remain very ignorant.
They tried and they failed. Kind of like you do every time you try to pretend you know the first thing about...well, anything.
It was their state not the United's seems self explanatory

No, it was and is OUR Union. If you don't want to live in my house, fine, get the fuck out. But you don't get to take the basement with you.
Sorry pal. Ain't true and why there was a war. ....

It is true, and that's why they lost.
They lost because the north had more guns. ...

And more troops, and more food, and superior transportation, and industry, and were in the right.
It was their state not the United's seems self explanatory

No, it was and is OUR Union. If you don't want to live in my house, fine, get the fuck out. But you don't get to take the basement with you.
Sorry pal. Ain't true and why there was a war. ....

It is true, and that's why they lost.
They lost because the north had more guns. ...

And more troops, and more food, and superior transportation, and industry, and were in the right.
In the right about?
No, it was and is OUR Union. If you don't want to live in my house, fine, get the fuck out. But you don't get to take the basement with you.
Sorry pal. Ain't true and why there was a war. ....

It is true, and that's why they lost.
They lost because the north had more guns. ...

And more troops, and more food, and superior transportation, and industry, and were in the right.
In the right about?

The preservation of the Union over the illegal actions of traitors and fools willing to cause the deaths of good men in the name of evil.
Honey, you are either lying, or naive. Which is it?
From the 1868 National Democratic Convention- pg 59
Resolved, That it is not only the patriotic duty, but the deliberate purpose "of the Democratic party never to submit to be governed by the negro, nor by those claiming to be elected by negro suffrage; and we do earnestly recom- mend the adoption of this resolution by the National Convention of the Democracy, which shall assemble in July next.

On Dec. 24, 1865, Democrats in the American South formed the Ku Klux Klan as a means of keeing uppity blacks in their place. They attacked the blacks, and any white Republicans who defended or support them, lynching and killing them when possible. Democrat support for, and membership in, the KKK continues to this day, with theDemocrat attacking, insulting, and pillorying blacks who dared to espouse viewpoints the Democrats disagree with.


KKK founded - Dec 24, 1865 - HISTORY.com

151 years ago KKK founded
December 24, 2016

In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the “Ku Klux Klan.” The KKK rapidly grew from a secret social fraternity to a paramilitary force bent on reversing the federal government’s progressive Reconstruction Era-activities in the South, especially policies that elevated the rights of the local African American population.

The name of the Ku Klux Klan was derived from the Greek word kyklos, meaning “circle,” and the Scottish-Gaelic word “clan,” which was probably chosen for the sake of alliteration. Under a platform of philosophized white racial superiority, the group employed violence as a means of pushing back Reconstruction and its enfranchisement of African Americans. Former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was the KKK’s first grand wizard; in 1869, he unsuccessfully tried to disband it after he grew critical of the Klan’s excessive violence.

Most prominent in counties where the races were relatively balanced, the KKK engaged in terrorist raids against African Americans and white Republicans at night, employing intimidation, destruction of property, assault, and murder to achieve its aims and influence upcoming elections. In a few Southern states, Republicans organized militia units to break up the Klan. In 1871, the Ku Klux Act passed Congress, authorizing President Ulysses S. Grant to use military force to suppress the KKK. The Ku Klux Act resulted in nine South Carolina counties being placed under martial law and thousands of arrests.
There's no evidence the KKK was created by any political party. The founders were probably Democrat assuming they claimed membership in any political party because that party was the dominate party in the South. They were also likely to be Christians since Christianity was the predominate faith. However, that does not mean the KKK was founded by any Christian demonetization. It should also be noted that the anti-black Democratic Party then bears no similarity to the party of today nor does the racist white Christian churches in the South then bear any similar to those today.

Indeed there's no evidence any of them had any political affiliation or activity at all, plus in 1865 Tennessee was disenfranchised anyway. Nor is there any evidence they formed it with any kind of political aim, though there is evidence to the contrary. As the OP's own link (among many others) states -- "a secret social fraternity".
On Dec. 24, 1865, Democrats in the American South formed the Ku Klux Klan as a means of keeing uppity blacks in their place. They attacked the blacks, and any white Republicans who defended or support them, lynching and killing them when possible. Democrat support for, and membership in, the KKK continues to this day, with theDemocrat attacking, insulting, and pillorying blacks who dared to espouse viewpoints the Democrats disagree with.


KKK founded - Dec 24, 1865 - HISTORY.com

151 years ago KKK founded
December 24, 2016

In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the “Ku Klux Klan.” The KKK rapidly grew from a secret social fraternity to a paramilitary force bent on reversing the federal government’s progressive Reconstruction Era-activities in the South, especially policies that elevated the rights of the local African American population.

The name of the Ku Klux Klan was derived from the Greek word kyklos, meaning “circle,” and the Scottish-Gaelic word “clan,” which was probably chosen for the sake of alliteration. Under a platform of philosophized white racial superiority, the group employed violence as a means of pushing back Reconstruction and its enfranchisement of African Americans. Former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was the KKK’s first grand wizard; in 1869, he unsuccessfully tried to disband it after he grew critical of the Klan’s excessive violence.

Most prominent in counties where the races were relatively balanced, the KKK engaged in terrorist raids against African Americans and white Republicans at night, employing intimidation, destruction of property, assault, and murder to achieve its aims and influence upcoming elections. In a few Southern states, Republicans organized militia units to break up the Klan. In 1871, the Ku Klux Act passed Congress, authorizing President Ulysses S. Grant to use military force to suppress the KKK. The Ku Klux Act resulted in nine South Carolina counties being placed under martial law and thousands of arrests.
There's no evidence the KKK was created by any political party. The founders were probably Democrat assuming they claimed membership in any political party because that party was the dominate party in the South. They were also likely to be Christians since Christianity was the predominate faith. However, that does not mean the KKK was founded by any Christian demonetization. It should also be noted that the anti-black Democratic Party then bears no similarity to the party of today nor does the racist white Christian churches in the South then bear any similar to those today.
Oh yeah now you double down that it was Christians wow history and fact and you try and fake propaganda it! Hahahaha
Do you have evidence that the founders of the KKK were members of the Democratic Party? If so let's hear.

The fact is Christianity is a core belief of the KKK. It would be hard to deny that the founders did not consider themselves Christians. A belief in Jesus Christ was required to be a member. Christianity is embedded in KKK ritual.

There is certainly more evidence that the KKK was founded by Christians than Democrats.
History books tell us. Why?

Then your task is simple. So simple even you can follow it ----- go forth and *FIND* one of those history books, and bring it back here.

I've already been through them. Because my approach is different --- I actually go find out what I'm talking about before I make an assertion.
Honey, you are either lying, or naive. Which is it?
From the 1868 National Democratic Convention- pg 59
Resolved, That it is not only the patriotic duty, but the deliberate purpose "of the Democratic party never to submit to be governed by the negro, nor by those claiming to be elected by negro suffrage; and we do earnestly recom- mend the adoption of this resolution by the National Convention of the Democracy, which shall assemble in July next.

On Dec. 24, 1865, Democrats in the American South formed the Ku Klux Klan as a means of keeing uppity blacks in their place. They attacked the blacks, and any white Republicans who defended or support them, lynching and killing them when possible. Democrat support for, and membership in, the KKK continues to this day, with theDemocrat attacking, insulting, and pillorying blacks who dared to espouse viewpoints the Democrats disagree with.


KKK founded - Dec 24, 1865 - HISTORY.com

151 years ago KKK founded
December 24, 2016

In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the “Ku Klux Klan.” The KKK rapidly grew from a secret social fraternity to a paramilitary force bent on reversing the federal government’s progressive Reconstruction Era-activities in the South, especially policies that elevated the rights of the local African American population.

The name of the Ku Klux Klan was derived from the Greek word kyklos, meaning “circle,” and the Scottish-Gaelic word “clan,” which was probably chosen for the sake of alliteration. Under a platform of philosophized white racial superiority, the group employed violence as a means of pushing back Reconstruction and its enfranchisement of African Americans. Former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was the KKK’s first grand wizard; in 1869, he unsuccessfully tried to disband it after he grew critical of the Klan’s excessive violence.

Most prominent in counties where the races were relatively balanced, the KKK engaged in terrorist raids against African Americans and white Republicans at night, employing intimidation, destruction of property, assault, and murder to achieve its aims and influence upcoming elections. In a few Southern states, Republicans organized militia units to break up the Klan. In 1871, the Ku Klux Act passed Congress, authorizing President Ulysses S. Grant to use military force to suppress the KKK. The Ku Klux Act resulted in nine South Carolina counties being placed under martial law and thousands of arrests.
There's no evidence the KKK was created by any political party. The founders were probably Democrat assuming they claimed membership in any political party because that party was the dominate party in the South. They were also likely to be Christians since Christianity was the predominate faith. However, that does not mean the KKK was founded by any Christian demonetization. It should also be noted that the anti-black Democratic Party then bears no similarity to the party of today nor does the racist white Christian churches in the South then bear any similar to those today.

Indeed there's no evidence any of them had any political affiliation or activity at all, plus in 1865 Tennessee was disenfranchised anyway. Nor is there any evidence they formed it with any kind of political aim, though there is evidence to the contrary. As the OP's own link (among many others) states -- "a secret social fraternity".

Not only can you still not figure out how the quote function works --- you haven't figured out how links work either?
The South was Democratic AND conservative. Until Thurmond broke the tradition barrier. That's WHY he broke away. Wasn't getting his conservative on. You cannot be a Liberal and hold slaves, Sparkles. They're mutually exclusive.

In 1865 it was Democrat and Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest became Grand Wizard, claiming to be the Klan's national leader. He was a pledged delegate from Tennessee to the New York Democratic national convention of 4 July 1868.

Are you munching on paint chips? I never made such a point. Go learn how to read.

LOL, really? Yeah the KKK was formed in a Southern Confederate State by a former Confederate General who was a DNC Delegate to their 1868 convention.

Not "because they were all Democrats" --- because the Republican Party had not gone into that territory. Which is what I just said up there. Again, learn to read.

Some were Democrats, there may have been a few Whigs hanging on, and there was the Constitutional Union Party which took three states in 1860. But Republicans didn't even run a candidate in the South until after the War.

And again, what forever fails to seep into y'all binary-bots heads ---- NOT EVERYONE BELONGS TO A FUCKING POLITICAL PARTY AT ALL.

Why did the Confederacy secede? I covered all that way earlier. Go learn how to read it.

Oh wait another Democrat was former Confederate Brigadier General George Gordon, who developed the Prescript, which espoused white supremacist belief. Gordon was elected as a Democrat to the Sixtieth, Sixty-first, and Sixty-second Congresses.

My aren't we having an angry widdle meltdown. :lmao: That's so cute.
I have no "excuses", Jethro. I have historical facts. And I know where they aren't as well, and where they aren't is in the founders of either version of the KKK.

Prove me wrong. Be the first.

Uh oh...
In an 1868 newspaper interview, Forrest stated that the Klan's primary opposition was to the Loyal Leagues, Republican state governments, people such as Tennessee governor William Gannaway Brownlow and other "carpetbaggers" and "scalawags". He argued that many southerners believed that blacks were voting for the Republican Party because they were being hoodwinked by the Loyal Leagues. One Alabama newspaper editor declared "The League is nothing more than a ****** Ku Klux Klan."

Then you're directly contradicting your own disheveled post up above with the 1861-2016 crapola.
Having it both ways -------------- Priceless.

But this one is correct. It's what I actually said originally. For those who can read.

It's not a contradiction, they where Democrats, I understand it's difficult for you to comprehend. So maybe you can wrap your 2 cent brain around this, they where Democrats in the 1860's to early 1870's, then again they where Democrats in the 1910's to the 1970's, is that simple enough for you...

Funny you can't refute anything then innit.
Logic is what I mainly do around this jernt. Except when it's a topic I'm well-versed on such as this one. Then I do both. For the price of one.

Why don't you throw that Nerf ball you got from Santa against the wall. Work out summa dem frustratin's.
Then you can hold your breath 'til you turn blue. :rofl:

I am too busy playing golf, drinking Margarita's and chasing Senoritas...

Too bad you're playing with your Pogo stick... :gay::gay::gay:
I have it figured out for my tablet- you just are too dumb to figure how to follow it, I guess.
And it is in the archives. Which also mentions there have been attempts to change it.


Honey, you are either lying, or naive. Which is it?
From the 1868 National Democratic Convention- pg 59
Resolved, That it is not only the patriotic duty, but the deliberate purpose "of the Democratic party never to submit to be governed by the negro, nor by those claiming to be elected by negro suffrage; and we do earnestly recom- mend the adoption of this resolution by the National Convention of the Democracy, which shall assemble in July next.

On Dec. 24, 1865, Democrats in the American South formed the Ku Klux Klan as a means of keeing uppity blacks in their place. They attacked the blacks, and any white Republicans who defended or support them, lynching and killing them when possible. Democrat support for, and membership in, the KKK continues to this day, with theDemocrat attacking, insulting, and pillorying blacks who dared to espouse viewpoints the Democrats disagree with.


KKK founded - Dec 24, 1865 - HISTORY.com

151 years ago KKK founded
December 24, 2016

In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the “Ku Klux Klan.” The KKK rapidly grew from a secret social fraternity to a paramilitary force bent on reversing the federal government’s progressive Reconstruction Era-activities in the South, especially policies that elevated the rights of the local African American population.

The name of the Ku Klux Klan was derived from the Greek word kyklos, meaning “circle,” and the Scottish-Gaelic word “clan,” which was probably chosen for the sake of alliteration. Under a platform of philosophized white racial superiority, the group employed violence as a means of pushing back Reconstruction and its enfranchisement of African Americans. Former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was the KKK’s first grand wizard; in 1869, he unsuccessfully tried to disband it after he grew critical of the Klan’s excessive violence.

Most prominent in counties where the races were relatively balanced, the KKK engaged in terrorist raids against African Americans and white Republicans at night, employing intimidation, destruction of property, assault, and murder to achieve its aims and influence upcoming elections. In a few Southern states, Republicans organized militia units to break up the Klan. In 1871, the Ku Klux Act passed Congress, authorizing President Ulysses S. Grant to use military force to suppress the KKK. The Ku Klux Act resulted in nine South Carolina counties being placed under martial law and thousands of arrests.
There's no evidence the KKK was created by any political party. The founders were probably Democrat assuming they claimed membership in any political party because that party was the dominate party in the South. They were also likely to be Christians since Christianity was the predominate faith. However, that does not mean the KKK was founded by any Christian demonetization. It should also be noted that the anti-black Democratic Party then bears no similarity to the party of today nor does the racist white Christian churches in the South then bear any similar to those today.

Indeed there's no evidence any of them had any political affiliation or activity at all, plus in 1865 Tennessee was disenfranchised anyway. Nor is there any evidence they formed it with any kind of political aim, though there is evidence to the contrary. As the OP's own link (among many others) states -- "a secret social fraternity".

Not only can you still not figure out how the quote function works --- you haven't figured out how links work either?
On Dec. 24, 1865, Democrats in the American South formed the Ku Klux Klan as a means of keeing uppity blacks in their place. They attacked the blacks, and any white Republicans who defended or support them, lynching and killing them when possible. Democrat support for, and membership in, the KKK continues to this day, with theDemocrat attacking, insulting, and pillorying blacks who dared to espouse viewpoints the Democrats disagree with.


KKK founded - Dec 24, 1865 - HISTORY.com

151 years ago KKK founded
December 24, 2016

In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the “Ku Klux Klan.” The KKK rapidly grew from a secret social fraternity to a paramilitary force bent on reversing the federal government’s progressive Reconstruction Era-activities in the South, especially policies that elevated the rights of the local African American population.

The name of the Ku Klux Klan was derived from the Greek word kyklos, meaning “circle,” and the Scottish-Gaelic word “clan,” which was probably chosen for the sake of alliteration. Under a platform of philosophized white racial superiority, the group employed violence as a means of pushing back Reconstruction and its enfranchisement of African Americans. Former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was the KKK’s first grand wizard; in 1869, he unsuccessfully tried to disband it after he grew critical of the Klan’s excessive violence.

Most prominent in counties where the races were relatively balanced, the KKK engaged in terrorist raids against African Americans and white Republicans at night, employing intimidation, destruction of property, assault, and murder to achieve its aims and influence upcoming elections. In a few Southern states, Republicans organized militia units to break up the Klan. In 1871, the Ku Klux Act passed Congress, authorizing President Ulysses S. Grant to use military force to suppress the KKK. The Ku Klux Act resulted in nine South Carolina counties being placed under martial law and thousands of arrests.

Democrats did not start the KKK white Christian southern aupremacists did you lying freak of nature.

But don't worry. The KKK are all republicans now

Now shut up and crawl back into the hole you came out of
Yes, democrats....
I thought it was the Bush family that founded the KKK way back then.

Your usual inanity relevant to absolutely nothing on the topic but you actually kind of touched a nerve here.

>> On the county, municipal, and town levels, Klansmen captured untold numbers of offices, or at least influenced elections. Avowed klansmen became mayors of Saco (John G. Smith)*, Westbrook (Charles S. Tuttle Jr) and Rockland.[28] The Klan "figured prominently" in the election of mayor Allen M. Irish of Bath.[29] In 1923 the Klan were beginning "to take an active part in the politics" of Brewer,[30] and the following year Kleagle Farnsworth declared that "all Klan candidates" on the ballot had elected in the town of Dexter, Maine (Gov. Brewster's home town).[29] In 1928 the New York Times referred to Newport and Kennebunkport as "old Ku Klux capitals"[31] Other political figures whose elections were reportedly endorsed by the Klan included Androscoggin County sheriff E.E. Additon, Auburn mayor Fred E. Walton,[32] Lisbon Falls state representative Louis A. Jack, and president of the Maine State Senate Hodgdon Buzzell. << Wiki: Klan in Maine
-- And the Compostion Fallacists will love this part -----

.................. those politicians quoted there were all Republicans, Because "Republican" in Maine was cognate to "Democrat" in the South. One-party state.

Oh noes? Are we to infer that Democrats AND Republicans founded the Klan?? :eek:
There's no evidence the KKK was created by any political party. The founders were probably Democrat assuming they claimed membership in any political party because that party was the dominate party in the South.
And it was also the party of the people who wanted to own slaves, and who fought against any attempts to free them or treat them as (gasp) human.

Little pogo wants you to believe they were all loyal Lincoln voters. It's the only way his hysterical screeds could possibly make any sense. :rofl:
And Coolidge did not play Birth of a Nation, that would be Wilson. It was Griffith who set that up, and then implied in his advertising that Wilson had "endorsed" it. Coolidge did however come under fire for not coming out against lynchings....

I stand corrected, it was Wilson, not Coolidge...

The movie still played in the White House under a Democrat POTUS...

You must be retarded. NOBODY claimed there was party-switching over a 150+ year period. I don't know if anyone but I addressed it, and I specifically said that did *NOT* happen for exactly 99 years (until Thurmond). I also explained why politicians don't switch parties before their voting base does.

It's okay, stop trying to explain it, are you potty trained yet?
Last edited:
Instead of breaking it down between Democrats and Republicans, break it down between north and south

If you follow your logic, really lack of logic, the Southern Politician was never affiliated with a party, according to the LMSM and sloths like yourselves everyone south of the Mason-Dixon are just racist...

But again you're the one who used to claim "The next Republican POTUS hadn't been born yet" right?

RW good luck living that one down...
This document is an example of the type of threats for which the KKK became known. In this case, the target was Davie Jeems, a black Republican recently elected sheriff in Lincoln County, Georgia. The language of the document evokes a ghostly menacing presence; even the handwriting is reminiscent of a ransom note. The word “notice” and the two holes at the top indicate that it was most likely posted in a public place. Someone has written on the back of the sheet that “similar threats have prevented all the other Republican officers to take their [commissions].
And in the 1964 CRA vote- more Democrats than Republicans voted in favor.

Over the history of CRA voting the percentage of GOP votes is much higher than DNC votes, sorry you can't understand this...

They have special places for you to exist...

What was certain was that every Southern Senator- Democrat and Republican- voted against.

True, but I thought the Southern Politician was just racist no matter what their party?

And the Republican candidate for President in 1964- voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Yes he did, and there is much more to this story...
Sorry pal. Ain't true and why there was a war. ....

It is true, and that's why they lost.
They lost because the north had more guns. ...

And more troops, and more food, and superior transportation, and industry, and were in the right.
In the right about?

The preservation of the Union over the illegal actions of traitors and fools willing to cause the deaths of good men in the name of evil.
It was their state bought and paid for. Just like my house. They fought for what was theirs. I didn't think you thought the us owned your home? Wow, I'll fight em for my home! Bet your ass

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