157 IRS Whitehouse visits scandal.......More like 11 visits

When I initially saw the post about all the IRS visits I thought "man that is pretty suspicious even if nothing connects the dots that looks funny" and waited to comment because it was posted by a Republican and they have an awful track record preferring outrage to truth.

Viola, along with the POTUS birth cert, Koran bible swearing, 500 million dollar vacations joins this lie. And the right is still outraged, no, not that they were lied too. They're mad at the messenger who tells them they've been lied too.

So now that you know that the 157 was not only accurate, but agreed to by Shulmann....are youy back to feeling that it is suspicious?
When I initially saw the post about all the IRS visits I thought "man that is pretty suspicious even if nothing connects the dots that looks funny" and waited to comment because it was posted by a Republican and they have an awful track record preferring outrage to truth.

Viola, along with the POTUS birth cert, Koran bible swearing, 500 million dollar vacations joins this lie. And the right is still outraged, no, not that they were lied too. They're mad at the messenger who tells them they've been lied too.

So now that you know that the 157 was not only accurate, but agreed to by Shulmann....are youy back to feeling that it is suspicious?

Show me, sure
It doesn't matter how many times he visited the Whitehouse, what does matter is the nature of his visits which he did not relate to congress when asked. Dodging a direct question is a sure sign the he has something to hide.

But lets worry about home many times he visited and forget about the fact the IRS is targeting a specific group based on ideology.

The lame ass liberals on here don't mind the targeting as long as it's not their ideology being targeted.
When I initially saw the post about all the IRS visits I thought "man that is pretty suspicious even if nothing connects the dots that looks funny" and waited to comment because it was posted by a Republican and they have an awful track record preferring outrage to truth.

Viola, along with the POTUS birth cert, Koran bible swearing, 500 million dollar vacations joins this lie. And the right is still outraged, no, not that they were lied too. They're mad at the messenger who tells them they've been lied too.

So now that you know that the 157 was not only accurate, but agreed to by Shulmann....are youy back to feeling that it is suspicious?

Show me, sure

under oath he was asked why he visited 157 times. He answered without saying that number was incorrect....or at least by sayiong that number seems askew. Albeit, his answer was childish and suspicious....and a mockery of his position.....but he did not deny the amount.

Now, if it had been only 11, he would have said "I do not know the exact number of times I was there but no way did i go there 157 times"..

Furthermore, all members of the committee are given data....so all memebers had the 157 number...and no doubt SOMEONE would have corrected it before hand.

But, of course, that is not proof to you becuase you dont want to know the truth. You wish to contninue to live in a cloud of "nothing is wrong as long as the child president is in office"
When lies and fabrication fit into a person's narrative structure then no matter what the reality, it works. The odd thing today is so many accept total crap as news or truth. Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, Michelle Bachmann, Rand Paul, Darrell Issa, and lots more say things that if examined make no logical sense, but if it fits into a person's narrative they don't care. It is an odd phenomenon, anyone with an explanation on why it has grown to be America's primary thought process let me know. Could it have anything to do with losing in 08 and 12? hm....

"It is just this lack of connection to a concern with truth - this indifference to how things really are - that I regard as of the essence of bullshit." Harry Frankfurt

Jonthan Lear: Whatever | New Republic

"Frankfurt’s theory is easy to state. Both the truth-teller and the liar have it in common that they care about the truth. The person who aims at the truth tries to figure out what the world is like and to communicate that to others; the liar attempts to deceive. But by his very attempt to mislead others, the liar betrays his own concern, however perverse, with how things are. As Frankfurt puts it, the truth-teller and the liar are playing opposite sides of the same game."
The Visitor Log is available for all...157 visits. 157 visits that have not been denied having taken place by anyone under sworn testimony.

Benghazi was a disaster, which cost lives, due to this admins foreign policy decisions also happened.

Holders abuse of power to investigate reporters is not a fabrication.

But you keep apologizing for Obama's administration like a true ideological puppet~

The truth doesn't need your input or your silence.

Well no..Bush Appointee Shulman was cleared to visit the whitehouse 157 times. And when was Bush Appointee Shulman asked about the number of times he went to the whitehouse.

Only 11 visits have been confirmed.

And where is your outrage over the lie that caused the illegal invasion of Iraq that cost the lives of over 4000 American troops and over 100K Iraqi civilians?

Did you like cheer for all that death?

So now that you know that the 157 was not only accurate, but agreed to by Shulmann....are youy back to feeling that it is suspicious?

Show me, sure

under oath he was asked why he visited 157 times. He answered without saying that number was incorrect....or at least by sayiong that number seems askew. Albeit, his answer was childish and suspicious....and a mockery of his position.....but he did not deny the amount.

Now, if it had been only 11, he would have said "I do not know the exact number of times I was there but no way did i go there 157 times"..

Furthermore, all members of the committee are given data....so all memebers had the 157 number...and no doubt SOMEONE would have corrected it before hand.

But, of course, that is not proof to you becuase you dont want to know the truth. You wish to contninue to live in a cloud of "nothing is wrong as long as the child president is in office"

More and More it looks like conservatives put Bush Appointee Shulman up to this.

Congress should be purged of them.
Show me, sure

under oath he was asked why he visited 157 times. He answered without saying that number was incorrect....or at least by sayiong that number seems askew. Albeit, his answer was childish and suspicious....and a mockery of his position.....but he did not deny the amount.

Now, if it had been only 11, he would have said "I do not know the exact number of times I was there but no way did i go there 157 times"..

Furthermore, all members of the committee are given data....so all memebers had the 157 number...and no doubt SOMEONE would have corrected it before hand.

But, of course, that is not proof to you becuase you dont want to know the truth. You wish to contninue to live in a cloud of "nothing is wrong as long as the child president is in office"

More and More it looks like conservatives put Bush Appointee Shulman up to this.

Congress should be purged of them.


The more you refer to him as a Bush appointee, the more childish you look.

Seeing as he is a democratic voter and demcoratic donator.

And...as is true to your charahcter....you continue to divert from the topic at hand.

Bottom line is this...

If Obama truly wanted to know who was up to this?

He would know by now.

He would have told his appointee to find out immediately. And it would have taken all of an hour to do.
So now that you know that the 157 was not only accurate, but agreed to by Shulmann....are youy back to feeling that it is suspicious?

Show me, sure

under oath he was asked why he visited 157 times. He answered without saying that number was incorrect....or at least by sayiong that number seems askew. Albeit, his answer was childish and suspicious....and a mockery of his position.....but he did not deny the amount.

Now, if it had been only 11, he would have said "I do not know the exact number of times I was there but no way did i go there 157 times"..

Furthermore, all members of the committee are given data....so all memebers had the 157 number...and no doubt SOMEONE would have corrected it before hand.

But, of course, that is not proof to you becuase you dont want to know the truth. You wish to contninue to live in a cloud of "nothing is wrong as long as the child president is in office"

Oh come on! That's not proof of anything. If they asked him "did he visit 157 times" and he said yes that would be different
How does FoxNews consistently get it so wrong?

The Fake Story About the IRS Commissioner and the White House - Garance Franke-Ruta - The Atlantic


There it is Conservatives.......a total of 11 visits when he actually attended vs the 157 times he was listed as a cleared visitor

So he signed in 11 times, i'm convinced, nothing to see here....... :thup:
157 Visits?
Where's your proof conservatives?

oh yea.......I heard it on FoxNews for a full week

Gotta love you guys

Shulman didn't deny it, so you and MSNBC know more about Schulman's visits than Schulman.......... :clap2:
Show me, sure

under oath he was asked why he visited 157 times. He answered without saying that number was incorrect....or at least by sayiong that number seems askew. Albeit, his answer was childish and suspicious....and a mockery of his position.....but he did not deny the amount.

Now, if it had been only 11, he would have said "I do not know the exact number of times I was there but no way did i go there 157 times"..

Furthermore, all members of the committee are given data....so all memebers had the 157 number...and no doubt SOMEONE would have corrected it before hand.

But, of course, that is not proof to you becuase you dont want to know the truth. You wish to contninue to live in a cloud of "nothing is wrong as long as the child president is in office"

More and More it looks like conservatives put Bush Appointee Shulman up to this.

Congress should be purged of them.

Yeah, right, sure, uh-huh.

So why doesn't the White House throw him under the bus like they usually do?
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Show me, sure

under oath he was asked why he visited 157 times. He answered without saying that number was incorrect....or at least by sayiong that number seems askew. Albeit, his answer was childish and suspicious....and a mockery of his position.....but he did not deny the amount.

Now, if it had been only 11, he would have said "I do not know the exact number of times I was there but no way did i go there 157 times"..

Furthermore, all members of the committee are given data....so all memebers had the 157 number...and no doubt SOMEONE would have corrected it before hand.

But, of course, that is not proof to you becuase you dont want to know the truth. You wish to contninue to live in a cloud of "nothing is wrong as long as the child president is in office"

Oh come on! That's not proof of anything. If they asked him "did he visit 157 times" and he said yes that would be different


If a detective asked you why you were somewhere 157 times and you had only been there 11 times....would you answer? Or would you say "i was not there 157 times"?

Dont answer it. You will likely lie through your teeth.

So please...continue to ignore reality.

It is the Obama daze.
The Visitor Log is available for all...157 visits. 157 visits that have not been denied having taken place by anyone under sworn testimony.

Benghazi was a disaster, which cost lives, due to this admins foreign policy decisions also happened.

Holders abuse of power to investigate reporters is not a fabrication.

But you keep apologizing for Obama's administration like a true ideological puppet~

The truth doesn't need your input or your silence.

Well no..Bush Appointee Shulman was cleared to visit the whitehouse 157 times. And when was Bush Appointee Shulman asked about the number of times he went to the whitehouse.


And of course, Bush appointee Schulman targeted conservatives at the behest of George Bush........ :thup:
Show me, sure

under oath he was asked why he visited 157 times. He answered without saying that number was incorrect....or at least by sayiong that number seems askew. Albeit, his answer was childish and suspicious....and a mockery of his position.....but he did not deny the amount.

Now, if it had been only 11, he would have said "I do not know the exact number of times I was there but no way did i go there 157 times"..

Furthermore, all members of the committee are given data....so all memebers had the 157 number...and no doubt SOMEONE would have corrected it before hand.

But, of course, that is not proof to you becuase you dont want to know the truth. You wish to contninue to live in a cloud of "nothing is wrong as long as the child president is in office"

Oh come on! That's not proof of anything. If they asked him "did he visit 157 times" and he said yes that would be different

when he was asked in a hearing, they knew of 118 visits, in which they stated they had not been given the data for the number of visits in 2012 yet.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxQS280RgEA&feature=endscreen&NR=1]Former IRS Commish Shulman cites Easter Egg Roll for visiting White House 118 times - YouTube[/ame]
How does FoxNews consistently get it so wrong?

The Fake Story About the IRS Commissioner and the White House - Garance Franke-Ruta - The Atlantic


There it is Conservatives.......a total of 11 visits when he actually attended vs the 157 times he was listed as a cleared visitor

LIsten, that doesn't really matter, we know Obama's a bad guy - we just KNOW it. I know 157 and 11 aren't really close but if you combine that with all the other lies doesn't it add up to one big truth - Obamadummierdumbocrats?!? Why do you hate America so much?

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