157 IRS Whitehouse visits scandal.......More like 11 visits

It doesn't matter if Bush hired him. The Bush's are well known for picking cabinet members and judges with liberal backgrounds. It doesn't mean he can't be corrupted.

I am waiting for an ounce of credible evidence that in any way implicates the President of the United States,

Barack Obama, in any wrongdoing whatsoever.

That is all I want.

1. Is that too much to ask?

2. If not, why won't ANYONE on this forum, or anywhere else, provide that?

Yea, forget about the people this agency screwed over..it' all about OBAMA for you..
connecting the DOTS seems to be something you all can't see anymore...now if it had been a Republican...one dot and they would of been connected and should be hung..

So now you're saying that everyone who blamed Bush for everything that happened during his 8 years,

all those people were right? and all the people who defended Bush were wrong?

Is that your flip flop??
And as usual, you aren't doing anything to rebut them.

The facts have been posted. If you want to keep entertaining us by denying them, that's your privilege.

The problem for you people is, you are the people of Birther fame. You are the people of the Unskewed polls fame. You are the people of lie after lie after lie all told in the name of rightwing propaganda;

you have no credibility whatsoever, as is once again proven with this lie.

The "FACTS" that have been posted keep changing so I don't think they are so factual.

Why don't you start by conceding that the 157 actual visits number, the number that every rightwing propaganda outlet on the planet is still fixated on and still promoting,

is absolutely wrong at this point, aka a LIE.
It doesn't matter if Bush hired him. The Bush's are well known for picking cabinet members and judges with liberal backgrounds. It doesn't mean he can't be corrupted.


You could just as easily make a case that the Bush appointee was doing this to make the Obama administration look bad. Since we are throwing around wild accusations.

Additionally, given the behavior of Republicans, and Conservatives in general, that's not that far fetched.

that's it, a right wing conspiracy..
sheesh Sallow you're getting a little out there...

It's funny you guys are saying "out there".

You put a guy in charge multiple complex "investigations" who's stated that this administration was the "Most Corrupt in history" barely six months in. The very same guy that you have running this has been indicted for car theft and plead out a gun charge.

You say this after we find that that the Republicans in the Senate held a meeting with a powerpoint presentation, outlying how they were going to make Obama a one term President. Then McConnell when on to reinforce that stated goal.

You say this after the house has voted 37 times to repeal ObamaCare..that's after it was passed and vetted by the Supreme court.

You say this after we now have to have a super majority for every piece of legislation. And, the President can't even get a full cabinet together..let alone judges and commissioner appointments.

This is VERY RADICAL behavior. And I have no idea how you folks support this crap, unless you really want to see our Democratic system of government go down the tubes.

You could just as easily make a case that the Bush appointee was doing this to make the Obama administration look bad. Since we are throwing around wild accusations.

Additionally, given the behavior of Republicans, and Conservatives in general, that's not that far fetched.

that's it, a right wing conspiracy..
sheesh Sallow you're getting a little out there...

It's funny you guys are saying "out there".

You put a guy in charge multiple complex "investigations" who's stated that this administration was the "Most Corrupt in history" barely six months in. The very same guy that you have running this has been indicted for car theft and plead out a gun charge.

You say this after we find that that the Republicans in the Senate held a meeting with a powerpoint presentation, outlying how they were going to make Obama a one term President. Then McConnell when on to reinforce that stated goal.

You say this after the house has voted 37 times to repeal ObamaCare..that's after it was passed and vetted by the Supreme court.

You say this after we now have to have a super majority for every piece of legislation. And, the President can't even get a full cabinet together..let alone judges and commissioner appointments.

This is VERY RADICAL behavior. And I have no idea how you folks support this crap, unless you really want to see our Democratic system of government go down the tubes.

Assuming it is corrupt to oppose a sitting president means you're out there.
Thinking that using normal rules of the Senate to prevent the Democrats from running roughshod over the minority is wrong means you're out there.
And thinking that this is a Democracy and not a Republic means you're out there.
The facts have been posted. If you want to keep entertaining us by denying them, that's your privilege.

The problem for you people is, you are the people of Birther fame. You are the people of the Unskewed polls fame. You are the people of lie after lie after lie all told in the name of rightwing propaganda;

you have no credibility whatsoever, as is once again proven with this lie.

The "FACTS" that have been posted keep changing so I don't think they are so factual.

Why don't you start by conceding that the 157 actual visits number, the number that every rightwing propaganda outlet on the planet is still fixated on and still promoting,

is absolutely wrong at this point, aka a LIE.

I see no evidence that proves that, and even if I did it doesn't change the fact that Shulman and the White House lied about it. Besides, you liberal parrots would assume an admission to be proof there is no scandal because your level of proof is about as low as one can get. You think one wrong fact erases all truth. Here's a fact that cannot be denied. Shulman lied about the reasons for his visits. The White House trying to confuse the issue doesn't change that nor does the fact that he was a Bush appointee. He served under Obama while this was going on and it still goes on even though he has been replaced for months.
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that's it, a right wing conspiracy..
sheesh Sallow you're getting a little out there...

It's funny you guys are saying "out there".

You put a guy in charge multiple complex "investigations" who's stated that this administration was the "Most Corrupt in history" barely six months in. The very same guy that you have running this has been indicted for car theft and plead out a gun charge.

You say this after we find that that the Republicans in the Senate held a meeting with a powerpoint presentation, outlying how they were going to make Obama a one term President. Then McConnell when on to reinforce that stated goal.

You say this after the house has voted 37 times to repeal ObamaCare..that's after it was passed and vetted by the Supreme court.

You say this after we now have to have a super majority for every piece of legislation. And, the President can't even get a full cabinet together..let alone judges and commissioner appointments.

This is VERY RADICAL behavior. And I have no idea how you folks support this crap, unless you really want to see our Democratic system of government go down the tubes.

Assuming it is corrupt to oppose a sitting president means you're out there.
Thinking that using normal rules of the Senate to prevent the Democrats from running roughshod over the minority is wrong means you're out there.
And thinking that this is a Democracy and not a Republic means you're out there.

You're ridiculous.

Really simply ridiculous.

Bring the country to a grinding halt when you are not in power will tear the government apart. Mainly because it encourages that behavior on the part of the other party when they are in the minority. Conservatives thwarted Clinton in every way available to them. They closed down government, twice and impeached him. That didn't come without consequences. Turning down Clinton's requests for special forces to get Osama Bin Laden and laughing at his efforts when he tried with degraded methods led to the the disaster of 9/11.

That didn't happen with Bush, who, legislatively, was extremely successful.

And thinking "Republic" and "Democracy" are mutually exclusive is preposterous.
Lol. This admin can't even get its lies straight. Earlier Shuman had said that he went to the easter roll, now they're saying he wasn't even there. What a load..

''Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive'' --Sir Walter Scott
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Lol. This admin can't even get its lies straight. Earlier Shuman had said that he went to the easter roll, now they're saying he wasn't even there. What a load..

Shulman is not an appointee of this administration.

Catch up.
Lol. This admin can't even get its lies straight. Earlier Shuman had said that he went to the easter roll, now they're saying he wasn't even there. What a load..

Shulman is not an appointee of this administration.

Catch up.

He was a bush appointee. You catch up. How many times did he visit bush?

Don't know.

Seems conservatives could care less that the NAACP was targeted for a 2 year audit after criticizing Bush.

Do you?

Do also wonder if he might have visited McConnell? And maybe got marching orders from that rube? :eek:
Shulman is not an appointee of this administration.

Catch up.

He was a bush appointee. You catch up. How many times did he visit bush?

Don't know.

Seems conservatives could care less that the NAACP was targeted for a 2 year audit after criticizing Bush.

Do you?

Do also wonder if he might have visited McConnell? And maybe got marching orders from that rube? :eek:

One group or five hundred groups is wrong. He visited once.
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He was a bush appointee. You catch up. How many times did he visit bush?

Don't know.

Seems conservatives could care less that the NAACP was targeted for a 2 year audit after criticizing Bush.

Do you?

Do also wonder if he might have visited McConnell? And maybe got marching orders from that rube? :eek:

One group or five hundred groups is wrong. He visited once.


Again..there were no such investigations during the Bush administration.

By the way..surprise surprise..the Republicans investigated the IRS "targeting" conservatives in 1998.

The IRS disclosures present Republican critics a golden opportunity. Republicans on the Senate Finance Committee in 1998 mounted a series of hearings on IRS abuse, featuring taxpayers who portrayed the agency’s tax collectors as overzealous thugs with no respect for due process.
Republicans demand inquiry on IRS targeting of Tea Party - Politics - The Boston Globe

So they skipped out on this for a full decade.

Wonder why? :confused:

The "FACTS" that have been posted keep changing so I don't think they are so factual.

Why don't you start by conceding that the 157 actual visits number, the number that every rightwing propaganda outlet on the planet is still fixated on and still promoting,

is absolutely wrong at this point, aka a LIE.

I see no evidence that proves that, and even if I did it doesn't change the fact that Shulman and the White House lied about it. Besides, you liberal parrots would assume an admission to be proof there is no scandal because your level of proof is about as low as one can get. You think one wrong fact erases all truth. Here's a fact that cannot be denied. Shulman lied about the reasons for his visits. The White House trying to confuse the issue doesn't change that nor does the fact that he was a Bush appointee. He served under Obama while this was going on and it still goes on even though he has been replaced for months.

That was the number of visits, and quite a number of those visits he was not there for OEMB, but rather visitng the White House residence or the west wing. Sallow has been shown the evidence, but is once again so hard headed within his idealogy, he is willing to risk his own reputation over it. Sort of reminds me of Susan Rice, etc.
The facts have been posted. If you want to keep entertaining us by denying them, that's your privilege.

The problem for you people is, you are the people of Birther fame. You are the people of the Unskewed polls fame. You are the people of lie after lie after lie all told in the name of rightwing propaganda;

you have no credibility whatsoever, as is once again proven with this lie.

The "FACTS" that have been posted keep changing so I don't think they are so factual.

Why don't you start by conceding that the 157 actual visits number, the number that every rightwing propaganda outlet on the planet is still fixated on and still promoting,

is absolutely wrong at this point, aka a LIE.

It is not wrong...and is not a lie. The visitors Log speaks for itself.
Odd that when asked about it, he simply wouldnt have pointed out that they were incorrect.

What evidence do we have that your site isnt just making crap up?

Under Bush, did the IRS go after the NAACP (immediately after they criticized him by the way).

Is that only one organization?
Was there an investigation that was allowed to run its course?

Why don't you want this investigation conducted?
He did visit 157 times. Look up his name and then click on each individual visit, even the ones without a TOA/TOD.

They all have data, people he came with, room numbers, dates, ect.

Yep, and a lot of them have no specific purpose listed.

and quite a few have the westwing and POTUS listed.

Also looked up Lisa Jackson - ex EPA head. Quite a few to the POTUS as well.
When I initially saw the post about all the IRS visits I thought "man that is pretty suspicious even if nothing connects the dots that looks funny" and waited to comment because it was posted by a Republican and they have an awful track record preferring outrage to truth.

Viola, along with the POTUS birth cert, Koran bible swearing, 500 million dollar vacations joins this lie. And the right is still outraged, no, not that they were lied too. They're mad at the messenger who tells them they've been lied too.
The Visitor Log is available for all...157 visits. 157 visits that have not been denied having taken place by anyone under sworn testimony.

Benghazi was a disaster, which cost lives, due to this admins foreign policy decisions also happened.

Holders abuse of power to investigate reporters is not a fabrication.

But you keep apologizing for Obama's administration like a true ideological puppet~

The truth doesn't need your input or your silence.
When I initially saw the post about all the IRS visits I thought "man that is pretty suspicious even if nothing connects the dots that looks funny" and waited to comment because it was posted by a Republican and they have an awful track record preferring outrage to truth.

Viola, along with the POTUS birth cert, Koran bible swearing, 500 million dollar vacations joins this lie. And the right is still outraged, no, not that they were lied too. They're mad at the messenger who tells them they've been lied too.

I'm not mad at Hannity for pointing out that Shulman, Holder, and Obama lied to us. I'm just pissed so many on the left claim there's no scandal and all of this is just an honest mistake.

But what else is new.
What people fail to remember is that when looking for jobs today, many places have an investigation of the individuals to see what type of character they have and that investigation includes social networking posting. TO sit and deny what is right in front of ones eyes would call into question the values or smarts of that applicant. Don't think it is done? You are fooling yourselves.

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