157 IRS Whitehouse visits scandal.......More like 11 visits

Use this White House search log for Douglas Shulman

White House Visitor Records | The White House

It's right there 157 times....

Rightwinger you are by far the most demanding lazy-assed whiner posting.

Yes, he was preregistered 157 times - but how many actual visits did he make?

I just looked up Nancy Pelosi and according to the OP's logic, she's only been to the WH once. 87 total entries... HALF what the IRS dude racked up. HALF!
He did visit 157 times. Look up his name and then click on each individual visit, even the ones without a TOA/TOD.

They all have data, people he came with, room numbers, dates, ect.
Quelle surprise!!! ;) they tell their listeners :tinfoil: what they want to hear. They ALSO know that their listeners won't question their version.

"listeners" don't you really mean puppets or maybe sheeple :up:
He did visit 157 times. Look up his name and then click on each individual visit, even the ones without a TOA/TOD.

They all have data, people he came with, room numbers, dates, ect.

Yep, and a lot of them have no specific purpose listed.
Let me answer that question by posing another:

Why don't obvious partisan witch-hunts punctuated by wolf-crying and hyperbole not bother you?

The fact that there isn't one. The fact that conservative groups and candidates have been targetted by multiple agencies of the government which has been admitted.

How many scandals does this administration need to be involved in before you admit that they are corrupt?

"The fact that there isn't one" is my answer right back at you. This started off as a revelation that a few people in one field office did some things which under current law you can't even say were actually illegal and it's been drawn out into something "worse than Watergate". Thankfully it doesn't appear that the rest of the country is really buying it so far.


New IRS chief says his agency 'violated' Americans' trust with 'simply unacceptable' political partisanship

Raging headlines from his appearance and you liberals are still trying to claim no wrong has been done.

And as far as your "Americans don't care" bullshit goes....

But any reform, he told Florida Republican Rep. Ander Crenshaw, 'has to start with a recognition that the trust [of taxpayers] has been violated.'

Most Americans agree with that assessment, judging from a Quinnipiac University poll released last week.

In that survey, 66 percent said they 'disapproved' of the IRS's performance of its core duties.

'My primary mission,' Werfel said, 'is to restore that trust.'

New IRS chief Danny Werfel says his agency 'violated' Americans' trust | Mail Online
How does FoxNews consistently get it so wrong?

The Fake Story About the IRS Commissioner and the White House - Garance Franke-Ruta - The Atlantic


There it is Conservatives.......a total of 11 visits when he actually attended vs the 157 times he was listed as a cleared visitor

It's all they got.. Benghazi, Fast and Furious, and the latest battle cry of the tea bag whackadoodles - IRS - with the charge led by a lowlife car thief.
Nothing to compare to iraqwmdscam and the nation's economy crashing on bush's watch.
He did visit 157 times. Look up his name and then click on each individual visit, even the ones without a TOA/TOD.

They all have data, people he came with, room numbers, dates, ect.

Well, Jeff Gannon/Guckert visited bush at the white house more times than that and we didn't complain.
Poor liberals, they are trying so hard to protect their king but facts certainly prove otherwise.
Is this how Atlantic came up with the magic number 11? 11 visits after he was briefed that the IRS was seriously FUBAR'D?

Or the 11 times he tapped his badge?

The vast majority of Shulman’s visits came before he was formally briefed on May 3, 2012, by the IRS inspector general that the agency had wrongly targeted conservative groups. He appears on the visitor logs 11 times after that briefing.

The logs also do not necessarily reflect how often Shulman visited 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

They show how often Shulman was cleared by security to come to the White House or the Old Executive Office Building next door, not whether he actually made the trip.

Because agency heads are often waived past security, the visitor logs show that Shulman only tapped his security badge to enter the grounds 11 times from 2009 to 2012.

Doug Shulman?s White House visits reflect expanded IRS role - Lauren French - POLITICO.com


Stealth visits

Show us 157 visits. No, better yet.....Tell us about what a liar Obama is

I showed you, so how about you apologize for being too lazy to look it up yourself?

At least we now have a consensus that there were 157 visits. So 2/3 of those visits were about how this thug would use the power of the IRS to implement Obamacare--- Yes, what a "save" you have given Shulman!

Still, there are those other 63 visits, that the linked article willy-nilly dismisses. Proving once and for all that for too many people such as yourself- what matters is ideology- not liberty.
Why is it that Shulman only signed in for 11 visits to the White House?

More than 50 of Douglas Shulman's scheduled visits are described as "health care meetings" or "health care reform meetings," according to the visitor logs. Arrival times are only listed for 11 of his visits, and it's not unusual for a person to appear on the visitor logs - which are derived from Secret Service clearance lists - without actually having visited the White House. The majority of the visits were set to be held in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, which houses office suites for administration aides.

Did IRS chief really visit White House 157 times? ? CNN Political Ticker
The Daily Caller story that kicked off the latest round of finger-pointing and blame in the IRS “scandal” currently gripping the right blogosphere and Fox News was actually based on erroneous information. According to the Atlantic, the editorial staff at the Caller overestimated the number of visits by now-former IRS director Douglas Shulman by 146, claiming that Shulman visited the Obama White House 157 times rather than the 11 visits he is confirmed to have actually made.

'Daily Caller' story on IRS director's many White House visits a bust | The Raw Story
Why is it that Shulman only signed in for 11 visits to the White House?

More than 50 of Douglas Shulman's scheduled visits are described as "health care meetings" or "health care reform meetings," according to the visitor logs. Arrival times are only listed for 11 of his visits, and it's not unusual for a person to appear on the visitor logs - which are derived from Secret Service clearance lists - without actually having visited the White House. The majority of the visits were set to be held in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, which houses office suites for administration aides.

Did IRS chief really visit White House 157 times? ? CNN Political Ticker

157 or 11, it only takes 1 to start a scandal.
Why is it that Shulman only signed in for 11 visits to the White House?

More than 50 of Douglas Shulman's scheduled visits are described as "health care meetings" or "health care reform meetings," according to the visitor logs. Arrival times are only listed for 11 of his visits, and it's not unusual for a person to appear on the visitor logs - which are derived from Secret Service clearance lists - without actually having visited the White House. The majority of the visits were set to be held in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, which houses office suites for administration aides.

Did IRS chief really visit White House 157 times? ? CNN Political Ticker

157 or 11, it only takes 1 to start a scandal.

Oh there isn't any scandal. The IRS, EPA, and who knows how many other departments just decided to target conservative groups and candidates organically with no direction or orders to do so.

At least we now have a consensus that there were 157 visits. So 2/3 of those visits were about how this thug would use the power of the IRS to implement Obamacare--- Yes, what a "save" you have given Shulman!

Still, there are those other 63 visits, that the linked article willy-nilly dismisses. Proving once and for all that for too many people such as yourself- what matters is ideology- not liberty.


According to whom?

The Daily Caller?

The same outfit that bribed a prostitute to frame Senator Menendez as a prostitute?

That's the source?

Why is it that Shulman only signed in for 11 visits to the White House?

Did IRS chief really visit White House 157 times? ? CNN Political Ticker

157 or 11, it only takes 1 to start a scandal.

Oh there isn't any scandal. The IRS, EPA, and who knows how many other departments just decided to target conservative groups and candidates organically with no direction or orders to do so.

Actually the IRS was breaking the law.

And has been doing it for 50 years.

None of the groups that got 501 c status should have ever gotten it. ESPECIALLY the Tea Party and Karl Rove groups.

The law says "EXCLUSIVELY" involved in Social Welfare and the IRS REGULATION says "Primarily".

That's against the law.

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