157 IRS Whitehouse visits scandal.......More like 11 visits

Why is it that Shulman only signed in for 11 visits to the White House?

More than 50 of Douglas Shulman's scheduled visits are described as "health care meetings" or "health care reform meetings," according to the visitor logs. Arrival times are only listed for 11 of his visits, and it's not unusual for a person to appear on the visitor logs - which are derived from Secret Service clearance lists - without actually having visited the White House. The majority of the visits were set to be held in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, which houses office suites for administration aides.

Did IRS chief really visit White House 157 times? ? CNN Political Ticker

157 or 11, it only takes 1 to start a scandal.

So that's the inmates' fallback position? That's awesome!
He did visit 157 times. Look up his name and then click on each individual visit, even the ones without a TOA/TOD.

They all have data, people he came with, room numbers, dates, ect.

And predictably, the rightwingers are simply going to become deniers of the facts on this one,

as they usually do.
He did visit 157 times. Look up his name and then click on each individual visit, even the ones without a TOA/TOD.

They all have data, people he came with, room numbers, dates, ect.

And predictably, the rightwingers are simply going to become deniers of the facts on this one,

as they usually do.

Since nobody seems to be able to find out the real facts on this I think you should STFU.

That is the problem here. Nobody seems to be able to come up with any real facts. That is the cause of the scandal in the first place. The White House denying what took place yet not providing any official proof to counter any of the accusations. Instead they try to confuse the issue by having their media dogs do it for them. According to the latest report posted here it says Shulman only physically entered the White House 39 times, which puts the lie to the 11 times reported by the White House itself earlier in this thread. The rest of the 100 plus visits were with White House officials in the Executive office adjacent to the White House.

Jeesus Christ.

This is getting to be pretty pathetic.
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He did visit 157 times. Look up his name and then click on each individual visit, even the ones without a TOA/TOD.

They all have data, people he came with, room numbers, dates, ect.

And predictably, the rightwingers are simply going to become deniers of the facts on this one,

as they usually do.

And as usual, you aren't doing anything to rebut them.
Why is it that Shulman only signed in for 11 visits to the White House?

Did IRS chief really visit White House 157 times? ? CNN Political Ticker

157 or 11, it only takes 1 to start a scandal.

Oh there isn't any scandal. The IRS, EPA, and who knows how many other departments just decided to target conservative groups and candidates organically with no direction or orders to do so.

Sarcasm. You're doing it right!
Why exactly doesn't the corruption and scandals of this administration bother you?

Let me answer that question by posing another:

Why don't obvious partisan witch-hunts punctuated by wolf-crying and hyperbole not bother you?

The fact that there isn't one. The fact that conservative groups and candidates have been targetted by multiple agencies of the government which has been admitted.

How many scandals does this administration need to be involved in before you admit that they are corrupt?

Who's corrupt? The President? The Secretary of the Treasury? The ex-head of the IRS, the Bush appointee?
Let me answer that question by posing another:

Why don't obvious partisan witch-hunts punctuated by wolf-crying and hyperbole not bother you?

The fact that there isn't one. The fact that conservative groups and candidates have been targetted by multiple agencies of the government which has been admitted.

How many scandals does this administration need to be involved in before you admit that they are corrupt?

Who's corrupt? The President? The Secretary of the Treasury? The ex-head of the IRS, the Bush appointee?

It doesn't matter if Bush hired him. The Bush's are well known for picking cabinet members and judges with liberal backgrounds. It doesn't mean he can't be corrupted.
man, the race to protect this administration and the IRS is on...three threads on this already..
He did visit 157 times. Look up his name and then click on each individual visit, even the ones without a TOA/TOD.

They all have data, people he came with, room numbers, dates, ect.

And predictably, the rightwingers are simply going to become deniers of the facts on this one,

as they usually do.

And as usual, you aren't doing anything to rebut them.

The facts have been posted. If you want to keep entertaining us by denying them, that's your privilege.

The problem for you people is, you are the people of Birther fame. You are the people of the Unskewed polls fame. You are the people of lie after lie after lie all told in the name of rightwing propaganda;

you have no credibility whatsoever, as is once again proven with this lie.
How does FoxNews consistently get it so wrong?

The Fake Story About the IRS Commissioner and the White House - Garance Franke-Ruta - The Atlantic


There it is Conservatives.......a total of 11 visits when he actually attended vs the 157 times he was listed as a cleared visitor

You're taking shots at fox for lack of credibilty, yet you're providing a link from The Atlantic. LoL

The Atlanic is a good source for someone like you to get your daily dose of confirmation bias, but anyone who has the ability to think independently knows The Atlantic is a joke.
The fact that there isn't one. The fact that conservative groups and candidates have been targetted by multiple agencies of the government which has been admitted.

How many scandals does this administration need to be involved in before you admit that they are corrupt?

Who's corrupt? The President? The Secretary of the Treasury? The ex-head of the IRS, the Bush appointee?

It doesn't matter if Bush hired him. The Bush's are well known for picking cabinet members and judges with liberal backgrounds. It doesn't mean he can't be corrupted.

I am waiting for an ounce of credible evidence that in any way implicates the President of the United States,

Barack Obama, in any wrongdoing whatsoever.

That is all I want.

1. Is that too much to ask?

2. If not, why won't ANYONE on this forum, or anywhere else, provide that?
How does FoxNews consistently get it so wrong?

The Fake Story About the IRS Commissioner and the White House - Garance Franke-Ruta - The Atlantic


There it is Conservatives.......a total of 11 visits when he actually attended vs the 157 times he was listed as a cleared visitor

You're taking shots at fox for lack of credibilty, yet you're providing a link from The Atlantic. LoL

The Atlanic is a good source for someone like you to get your daily dose of confirmation bias, but anyone who has the ability to think independently knows The Atlantic is a joke.

The Atlantic is not the source of the information. The actual records, which are shown, are the source.
Who's corrupt? The President? The Secretary of the Treasury? The ex-head of the IRS, the Bush appointee?

It doesn't matter if Bush hired him. The Bush's are well known for picking cabinet members and judges with liberal backgrounds. It doesn't mean he can't be corrupted.

I am waiting for an ounce of credible evidence that in any way implicates the President of the United States,

Barack Obama, in any wrongdoing whatsoever.

That is all I want.

1. Is that too much to ask?

2. If not, why won't ANYONE on this forum, or anywhere else, provide that?

Yea, forget about the people this agency screwed over..it' all about OBAMA for you..
connecting the DOTS seems to be something you all can't see anymore...now if it had been a Republican...one dot and they would of been connected and should be hung..
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How does FoxNews consistently get it so wrong?

The Fake Story About the IRS Commissioner and the White House - Garance Franke-Ruta - The Atlantic


There it is Conservatives.......a total of 11 visits when he actually attended vs the 157 times he was listed as a cleared visitor

You're taking shots at fox for lack of credibilty, yet you're providing a link from The Atlantic. LoL

The Atlanic is a good source for someone like you to get your daily dose of confirmation bias, but anyone who has the ability to think independently knows The Atlantic is a joke.

Fair enough....why don't you provide some proof of 157 visits?
And predictably, the rightwingers are simply going to become deniers of the facts on this one,

as they usually do.

And as usual, you aren't doing anything to rebut them.

The facts have been posted. If you want to keep entertaining us by denying them, that's your privilege.

The problem for you people is, you are the people of Birther fame. You are the people of the Unskewed polls fame. You are the people of lie after lie after lie all told in the name of rightwing propaganda;

you have no credibility whatsoever, as is once again proven with this lie.

The "FACTS" that have been posted keep changing so I don't think they are so factual.
How does FoxNews consistently get it so wrong?

The Fake Story About the IRS Commissioner and the White House - Garance Franke-Ruta - The Atlantic


There it is Conservatives.......a total of 11 visits when he actually attended vs the 157 times he was listed as a cleared visitor

You're taking shots at fox for lack of credibilty, yet you're providing a link from The Atlantic. LoL

The Atlanic is a good source for someone like you to get your daily dose of confirmation bias, but anyone who has the ability to think independently knows The Atlantic is a joke.

Fair enough....why don't you provide some proof of 157 visits?

We don't need to. All we have to do is show that the White House is lying, which we have, and the actual number is just window dressing. They claim it's only 11 visits yet you guys keep showing proof it was more. 39 visits so far. This still doesn't dispute the fact that Shulman couldn't remember more than one.
The fact that there isn't one. The fact that conservative groups and candidates have been targetted by multiple agencies of the government which has been admitted.

How many scandals does this administration need to be involved in before you admit that they are corrupt?

Who's corrupt? The President? The Secretary of the Treasury? The ex-head of the IRS, the Bush appointee?

It doesn't matter if Bush hired him. The Bush's are well known for picking cabinet members and judges with liberal backgrounds. It doesn't mean he can't be corrupted.


You could just as easily make a case that the Bush appointee was doing this to make the Obama administration look bad. Since we are throwing around wild accusations.

Additionally, given the behavior of Republicans, and Conservatives in general, that's not that far fetched.
Who's corrupt? The President? The Secretary of the Treasury? The ex-head of the IRS, the Bush appointee?

It doesn't matter if Bush hired him. The Bush's are well known for picking cabinet members and judges with liberal backgrounds. It doesn't mean he can't be corrupted.


You could just as easily make a case that the Bush appointee was doing this to make the Obama administration look bad. Since we are throwing around wild accusations.

Additionally, given the behavior of Republicans, and Conservatives in general, that's not that far fetched.

I'm sure that's the reason.
Who's corrupt? The President? The Secretary of the Treasury? The ex-head of the IRS, the Bush appointee?

It doesn't matter if Bush hired him. The Bush's are well known for picking cabinet members and judges with liberal backgrounds. It doesn't mean he can't be corrupted.


You could just as easily make a case that the Bush appointee was doing this to make the Obama administration look bad. Since we are throwing around wild accusations.

Additionally, given the behavior of Republicans, and Conservatives in general, that's not that far fetched.

that's it, a right wing conspiracy..
sheesh Sallow you're getting a little out there...
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