16 killed in "freedom flotilla"!

The "peace activist" demonstrated there peaceful intentions with clubs,
once they over whelmed the soldiers and stole their side arms , the air support serviced the targets..

They were peaceful until Israel came to steal their stuff and shoot anyone who resisted. The same way Israel has been treating the Palestinians since 1947
Smuggling weapons across a quarantine has always been one of the most peace pursuits .

You obviously don't know much about the conflict.
They were peaceful until Israel came to steal their stuff and shoot anyone who resisted. The same way Israel has been treating the Palestinians since 1947
Smuggling weapons across a quarantine has always been one of the most peace pursuits .

You obviously don't know much about the conflict.

You obviously don't have any concern for honesty.

Hamas has a charter. What do they explicitly seek in their charter, genius?

By stark contrast, Israel seeks the annihilation of nobody. Not in their charter and not otherwise.

Under those circumstances, setting up the blockade is valid in international law even if lots of busybody nations attempt to condemn it for their own hypocritical and dishonest reasons. Screw them. And attempting to RUN a blockade is actionable.

Now I see that the geniuses in Ireland are contemplating following in the imbecile footsteps of Turkey.

Maybe this time Israel won't attempt to use paintball guns. Sinking the mamajammas is an option.
Has ZERO to do with who Provokes, Sho...

For Fucks SAKE!...

Unprovoked Acts of Terror Followed by Hiding Amongst Women and Children will cause one Side to have a Higher Death Toll...

The Palestinian Terrorists have that Blood on THEIR hands!



Its called proportionality.

You don't get to cry defense and then set off on massacres.

There is no such thing and proportionate. That is a liberal irrationality. Would you be OK with Jews going into public Arab centers with suicide vest or Jews along the border shooting dozen upon dozen daily missile attacks? Nope.

Proportionate force is stupidity! The objective of war is not a stalemate, rather its to win.

You would have been a called a moron (which suits you) if back in the 30s and 40s you called for America, Russia and Britian to use proportionate force against Germany and Japan!

Luckily your opinion means fuck all. Israel has signed a treaty agreeing to use proportionate force. So your telling me that Israel signed a treaty and knowingly is breaking the law?

Why are you justifying such illegal acts?
As I expected, the freedom flotilla was bombed:
16 humanitarians killed :confused:, incredible

Israel attacks Gaza aid fleet - Middle East - Al Jazeera English


Wow alqueada terrorist try to smuggle weapons into Gaza to kill jews and you get your panties in a wad.
Im shocked shocked I tell you.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Proof they were al qaeda terrorists?

Good luck with that.
There seem to be quite a few people who back the muslims and Pals that are quite ignorant of Islam and what is really going on. They don't get it. The really believe that all the rest of the world has to do is give them what they want and they will be happy. What they want is Israel destroyed and the left cannot accept that as the reason, when, in fact, it is the only thing that will make them happy.


Pakistan is a Muslim country with nukes. If thats all they really wanted, Israel would be gone.

Islam, and muslims, are slightly more complicated than you say.

Now you're gonna muddy the water and confuse the issue. Try again. Keep spinning until you pass out.

Yes, perish forbid we talk about anything other than massive generalizations when talking about over a billion individuals.

Because everyone knows that the clearer something is, the more likely it is to be true.
Wrong. The ship did not go to port to be inspected. That's why it was boarded.

Who died and left Israel their boss.

That response pretty much lost your pathetic argument. Try again. Is your mommy home or is there an adult there who can explain to you what is happening in the Middle East and why there is a blockade? That might help you understand why, where and what for.

Right. Because if spices get into Gaza, they might be magically turned into bombs.
As I expected, the freedom flotilla was bombed:
16 humanitarians killed :confused:, incredible

Israel attacks Gaza aid fleet - Middle East - Al Jazeera English


Wow alqueada terrorist try to smuggle weapons into Gaza to kill jews and you get your panties in a wad.
Im shocked shocked I tell you.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Proof they were al qaeda terrorists?

Good luck with that.

The ongoing interrogation of passengers who were aboard the Marmara - the Gaza aid flotilla's flagship - revealed that the majority of those who attacked the Israeli Naval Commandos boarding the ship have direct and indirect Global Jihad ties. Israel's investigation has revealed some 100 people infiltrated the peace and humanitarian aid activists making their way to Gaza, with the explicit design to attack Israeli soldiers using cold arms.
Some among that group are believed to have ties with World Jihad groups, mainly al-Qaeda.

The majority of suspects are Turks, but some are Yemenites and Indonesian. One Yemenite Islamist was photographed with a dagger in his belt prior to the raid.

The suspects are not cooperating with investigators. Most of them have no identification papers, and Israeli authorities are still trying to ascertain their identity.

Nevertheless, it is clear that the majority were recruited by the same IHH handler who organized the flotilla.

IHH is a Turkish humanitarian relief fund with a radical Islamic anti-Western orientation.

Some of the suspects were found to be carrying large sums of money. Others had Kevlar vests and gas masks; and all were found to be carrying weapons such as knives, metal clubs and slingshots..

Probe reveals flotilla lynchers have ties to Global Jihad - Israel News, Ynetnews

Im sure if they were legitimate peace activist they would have some kind of identification

Turkey’s Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH) was established in 1995 and
registered in Istanbul. The organization was outlawed in Israel in May 2008
because of its affiliation with the “charity coalition” and the fact that it
had become a major component in the global fund raising machine for the
Hamas terrorist organization.

The foundation’s declared goal is to provide assistance to Islamic groups in
various places around the world, mainly in Asia. In recent years, however,
there has been a marked trend in the organization to broaden its operations
to various countries in Europe as well, sometimes by establishing branches
that bear its name, even though they deny any connection to the IHH.

IMRA - Thursday, May 27, 2010 Background Information: Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH)
There is no God but God. And Allah is most certainly not His name.

And Mohammud was a psychotic pedophile piece of garbage, too.

if by "God" you are referring to the entity who is called "elohim" by moses in the opening lines of genesis, who is the infinitely incomprehensible one which is the one that is all that is, was and ever will be, i agree wholeheartedly.

if you mean "the Lord God" YHVH, he said to moses, "i am the lord your god, who brought you out of the house of bondage. you will have no other gods BEFORE me" which suggests that there are other lesser gods than the illimitable one and YHVH wanted the israelites to worship him exclusively and would get really pissed if they started worship ping his competition.

which he seems ready to do often.

i'm not looking forward to his response to what's going on in his flock lately.

he definitely does not like it when we kill each other, telling noah after the flood that the sin of killing is the only unforgivable one
Its called proportionality.

You don't get to cry defense and then set off on massacres.

There is no such thing and proportionate. That is a liberal irrationality. Would you be OK with Jews going into public Arab centers with suicide vest or Jews along the border shooting dozen upon dozen daily missile attacks? Nope.

Proportionate force is stupidity! The objective of war is not a stalemate, rather its to win.

You would have been a called a moron (which suits you) if back in the 30s and 40s you called for America, Russia and Britian to use proportionate force against Germany and Japan!

Luckily your opinion means fuck all. Israel has signed a treaty agreeing to use proportionate force. So your telling me that Israel signed a treaty and knowingly is breaking the law?

Why are you justifying such illegal acts?

Your kind of Thinking would have seen Germany and Japan the Victors in WWII...

Is this Irrational Concept of yours Rooted in Sympathy for Jihadists or Hatred for Jews?...



Sorry bout that,

1. The dumb ass ayabs on those ships had it coming, trying to club all the Jews who came down by rope from helicopters, to inspect the cargo.
2. Which they have a right to do so.
3. You start clubing IDF like a baby seal, and they will come unloose on you, lesson learned eh ayabs?:eek:

Wow alqueada terrorist try to smuggle weapons into Gaza to kill jews and you get your panties in a wad.
Im shocked shocked I tell you.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Proof they were al qaeda terrorists?

Good luck with that.

The ongoing interrogation of passengers who were aboard the Marmara - the Gaza aid flotilla's flagship - revealed that the majority of those who attacked the Israeli Naval Commandos boarding the ship have direct and indirect Global Jihad ties. Israel's investigation has revealed some 100 people infiltrated the peace and humanitarian aid activists making their way to Gaza, with the explicit design to attack Israeli soldiers using cold arms.
Some among that group are believed to have ties with World Jihad groups, mainly al-Qaeda.

The majority of suspects are Turks, but some are Yemenites and Indonesian. One Yemenite Islamist was photographed with a dagger in his belt prior to the raid.

The suspects are not cooperating with investigators. Most of them have no identification papers, and Israeli authorities are still trying to ascertain their identity.

Nevertheless, it is clear that the majority were recruited by the same IHH handler who organized the flotilla.

IHH is a Turkish humanitarian relief fund with a radical Islamic anti-Western orientation.

Some of the suspects were found to be carrying large sums of money. Others had Kevlar vests and gas masks; and all were found to be carrying weapons such as knives, metal clubs and slingshots..

Probe reveals flotilla lynchers have ties to Global Jihad - Israel News, Ynetnews

Im sure if they were legitimate peace activist they would have some kind of identification

Turkey’s Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH) was established in 1995 and
registered in Istanbul. The organization was outlawed in Israel in May 2008
because of its affiliation with the “charity coalition” and the fact that it
had become a major component in the global fund raising machine for the
Hamas terrorist organization.

The foundation’s declared goal is to provide assistance to Islamic groups in
various places around the world, mainly in Asia. In recent years, however,
there has been a marked trend in the organization to broaden its operations
to various countries in Europe as well, sometimes by establishing branches
that bear its name, even though they deny any connection to the IHH.

IMRA - Thursday, May 27, 2010 Background Information: Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH)

I was briefly looking through the IMRA link and noticed some things that were factually incorrect. These incorrect items benefit Israel. Do you consider this site to be credible or is it propaganda?
Who died and left Israel their boss.

That response pretty much lost your pathetic argument. Try again. Is your mommy home or is there an adult there who can explain to you what is happening in the Middle East and why there is a blockade? That might help you understand why, where and what for.

Seriously, where does Israel get off thinking they can boss people around?

When your nation is under attack. Tha's when.
Its called proportionality.

You don't get to cry defense and then set off on massacres.

There is no such thing and proportionate. That is a liberal irrationality. Would you be OK with Jews going into public Arab centers with suicide vest or Jews along the border shooting dozen upon dozen daily missile attacks? Nope.

Proportionate force is stupidity! The objective of war is not a stalemate, rather its to win.

You would have been a called a moron (which suits you) if back in the 30s and 40s you called for America, Russia and Britian to use proportionate force against Germany and Japan!

Luckily your opinion means fuck all. Israel has signed a treaty agreeing to use proportionate force. So your telling me that Israel signed a treaty and knowingly is breaking the law?

Why are you justifying such illegal acts?

Why are you justifying a tribe that teaches their children to commit suicide and murder?
Proof they were al qaeda terrorists?

Good luck with that.

The ongoing interrogation of passengers who were aboard the Marmara - the Gaza aid flotilla's flagship - revealed that the majority of those who attacked the Israeli Naval Commandos boarding the ship have direct and indirect Global Jihad ties. Israel's investigation has revealed some 100 people infiltrated the peace and humanitarian aid activists making their way to Gaza, with the explicit design to attack Israeli soldiers using cold arms.
Some among that group are believed to have ties with World Jihad groups, mainly al-Qaeda.

The majority of suspects are Turks, but some are Yemenites and Indonesian. One Yemenite Islamist was photographed with a dagger in his belt prior to the raid.

The suspects are not cooperating with investigators. Most of them have no identification papers, and Israeli authorities are still trying to ascertain their identity.

Nevertheless, it is clear that the majority were recruited by the same IHH handler who organized the flotilla.

IHH is a Turkish humanitarian relief fund with a radical Islamic anti-Western orientation.

Some of the suspects were found to be carrying large sums of money. Others had Kevlar vests and gas masks; and all were found to be carrying weapons such as knives, metal clubs and slingshots..

Probe reveals flotilla lynchers have ties to Global Jihad - Israel News, Ynetnews

Im sure if they were legitimate peace activist they would have some kind of identification

Turkey’s Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH) was established in 1995 and
registered in Istanbul. The organization was outlawed in Israel in May 2008
because of its affiliation with the “charity coalition” and the fact that it
had become a major component in the global fund raising machine for the
Hamas terrorist organization.

The foundation’s declared goal is to provide assistance to Islamic groups in
various places around the world, mainly in Asia. In recent years, however,
there has been a marked trend in the organization to broaden its operations
to various countries in Europe as well, sometimes by establishing branches
that bear its name, even though they deny any connection to the IHH.

IMRA - Thursday, May 27, 2010 Background Information: Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH)

I was briefly looking through the IMRA link and noticed some things that were factually incorrect. These incorrect items benefit Israel. Do you consider this site to be credible or is it propaganda?

So says the tool and useful idiot, islamofascist bootlicker.
The ongoing interrogation of passengers who were aboard the Marmara - the Gaza aid flotilla's flagship - revealed that the majority of those who attacked the Israeli Naval Commandos boarding the ship have direct and indirect Global Jihad ties. Israel's investigation has revealed some 100 people infiltrated the peace and humanitarian aid activists making their way to Gaza, with the explicit design to attack Israeli soldiers using cold arms.
Some among that group are believed to have ties with World Jihad groups, mainly al-Qaeda.

The majority of suspects are Turks, but some are Yemenites and Indonesian. One Yemenite Islamist was photographed with a dagger in his belt prior to the raid.

The suspects are not cooperating with investigators. Most of them have no identification papers, and Israeli authorities are still trying to ascertain their identity.

Nevertheless, it is clear that the majority were recruited by the same IHH handler who organized the flotilla.

IHH is a Turkish humanitarian relief fund with a radical Islamic anti-Western orientation.

Some of the suspects were found to be carrying large sums of money. Others had Kevlar vests and gas masks; and all were found to be carrying weapons such as knives, metal clubs and slingshots..

Probe reveals flotilla lynchers have ties to Global Jihad - Israel News, Ynetnews

Im sure if they were legitimate peace activist they would have some kind of identification

Turkey’s Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH) was established in 1995 and
registered in Istanbul. The organization was outlawed in Israel in May 2008
because of its affiliation with the “charity coalition” and the fact that it
had become a major component in the global fund raising machine for the
Hamas terrorist organization.

The foundation’s declared goal is to provide assistance to Islamic groups in
various places around the world, mainly in Asia. In recent years, however,
there has been a marked trend in the organization to broaden its operations
to various countries in Europe as well, sometimes by establishing branches
that bear its name, even though they deny any connection to the IHH.

IMRA - Thursday, May 27, 2010 Background Information: Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH)

I was briefly looking through the IMRA link and noticed some things that were factually incorrect. These incorrect items benefit Israel. Do you consider this site to be credible or is it propaganda?

So says the tool and useful idiot, islamofascist bootlicker.

So, I take it that you consider misinformation to be credible.

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