16 killed in "freedom flotilla"!

Obviously, the two shitheads deserved to die. If you deliberately go to the wrong place at the wrong time and then die because of your stupidity, you chose your fate. In the United States we refer to that as Darwin Award material. They eliminated themselves from the breeding pool.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

Im sure if they were legitimate peace activist they would have some kind of identification

Off course they have identification, one of the deads is National Athlete of Turkish Taekvando Team. Another one is a TV-series actor.

Gemideki ünlü oyuncu ortaya çýktý - Hürriyet
Milli tekvandocu Ýsrail kurþunuyla öldü - Hürriyet


Who cares? It's not like it's of any value, anyway.

I mean, come ON.

It's just Turkey.

Turkey, for Pete's sake.

"It's just Turkey."

Damn, SNITCH BITCH You love to advertise your stoopidity.

No, ya dishonest moron. I like to have you highlight your imbecility. And you gladly go for the gusto every time I provide the slightest impetus for you to make a complete braying jackass out of yourself. :clap2:

Lol.....you have to be one of the most useless ***** in existence.
No, Items that are factually incorrect are misinformation. It matters not if I agree or disagree.
Well then since you have the facts that the IMRA background is false why not document the falsehoods
you know bring the proof.
A B C fashion.

For starters they say that Fayyed is the Prime Minister of Palestine. He has never been the Prime minister.
And where exactly does it say that in the article ?
IMRA - Thursday, May 27, 2010 Background Information: Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH)
No, Items that are factually incorrect are misinformation. It matters not if I agree or disagree.
Well then since you have the facts that the IMRA background is false why not document the falsehoods
you know bring the proof.
A B C fashion.

For starters they say that Fayyed is the Prime Minister of Palestine. He has never been the Prime minister.
Salam Fayyad (Arabic: سلام فياض‎; born 1952) is a Palestinian politician and the current Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority after being reappointed on 19 May 2009.

Salam Fayyad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Did you mean some other Salam Fayyad?
What does that have to do with misinformation?

You're supporting a group of people who teach their children suicide and murder. I'd say you were misinformed. That's what it has to do with "misinformation".

Children around the world are taught that is is honorable to defend their country.

You're very misinformed. Teaching children to commit suicide and murder is not "defending their country". The only children I know in this world who are taught to commit suicide and murder are muslim children. Tell us about the others.
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"It's just Turkey."

Damn, SNITCH BITCH You love to advertise your stoopidity.

No, ya dishonest moron. I like to have you highlight your imbecility. And you gladly go for the gusto every time I provide the slightest impetus for you to make a complete braying jackass out of yourself. :clap2:

Lol.....you have to be one of the most useless ***** in existence.

Sorry dude , no one bought your shit.

Curvys Internet bargins! - eBay (item 330438558221 end time Jun-02-10 10:31:11 PDT)
You're supporting a group of people who teach their children suicide and murder. I'd say you were misinformed. That's what it has to do with "misinformation".

Children around the world are taught that is is honorable to defend their country.

You're very misinformed. Teaching children to commit suicide and murder is not "defending their country". The only children I know in this world who are taught to commit suicide and murder are muslim children. Tell us about the others.

Nobody I know was taught any such thing. Zionists are unable to rationalize Israeli oppression without making sweeping, inaccurate generalizations about "the enemy." Thank you for providing such a sterling example of the irrationality upon which Zionism thrives.
Children around the world are taught that is is honorable to defend their country.

You're very misinformed. Teaching children to commit suicide and murder is not "defending their country". The only children I know in this world who are taught to commit suicide and murder are muslim children. Tell us about the others.

Nobody I know was taught any such thing. Zionists are unable to rationalize Israeli oppression without making sweeping, inaccurate generalizations about "the enemy." Thank you for providing such a sterling example of the irrationality upon which Zionism thrives.

Blah, blah, and more blah. Have a look at this:
Iranian Afterschool Special: How to Be a Suicide Bomber! | SPIKE
You're very misinformed. Teaching children to commit suicide and murder is not "defending their country". The only children I know in this world who are taught to commit suicide and murder are muslim children. Tell us about the others.

Nobody I know was taught any such thing. Zionists are unable to rationalize Israeli oppression without making sweeping, inaccurate generalizations about "the enemy." Thank you for providing such a sterling example of the irrationality upon which Zionism thrives.

Blah, blah, and more blah. Have a look at this:
Iranian Afterschool Special: How to Be a Suicide Bomber! | SPIKE
Having to give people basic training in logic is annoying. The stupidity you display with each of your posts here has become an epidemic... the existence of one or one-hundred individual incidents does not allow you to draw logical conclusions about any group as a whole.

West Bank rabbi: Jews can kill Gentiles who threaten Israel

Rabbi Yitzhak Shapiro, who heads the Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva in the Yitzhar settlement, wrote in his book "The King's Torah" that even babies and children can be killed if they pose a threat to the nation.

Shapiro based the majority of his teachings on passages quoted from the Bible, to which he adds his opinions and beliefs.

"It is permissable to kill the Righteous among Nations even if they are not responsible for the threatening situation," he wrote, adding: "If we kill a Gentile who has sinned or has violated one of the seven commandments - because we care about the commandments - there is nothing wrong with the murder."

West Bank rabbi: Jews can kill Gentiles who threaten Israel - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Notice how I haven't made the assumption that all Jews approve of slaughtering children. Not being a dumbass doesn't require a great deal of effort. I invite you to give it a try.
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Nobody I know was taught any such thing. Zionists are unable to rationalize Israeli oppression without making sweeping, inaccurate generalizations about "the enemy." Thank you for providing such a sterling example of the irrationality upon which Zionism thrives.

Blah, blah, and more blah. Have a look at this:
Iranian Afterschool Special: How to Be a Suicide Bomber! | SPIKE
Having to give people basic training in logic is annoying. The stupidity you display with each of your posts here has become an epidemic... the existence of one or one-hundred individual incidents does not allow you to draw logical conclusions about any group as a whole.

West Bank rabbi: Jews can kill Gentiles who threaten Israel

Rabbi Yitzhak Shapiro, who heads the Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva in the Yitzhar settlement, wrote in his book "The King's Torah" that even babies and children can be killed if they pose a threat to the nation.

Shapiro based the majority of his teachings on passages quoted from the Bible, to which he adds his opinions and beliefs.

"It is permissable to kill the Righteous among Nations even if they are not responsible for the threatening situation," he wrote, adding: "If we kill a Gentile who has sinned or has violated one of the seven commandments - because we care about the commandments - there is nothing wrong with the murder."

West Bank rabbi: Jews can kill Gentiles who threaten Israel - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Notice how I haven't made the assumption that all Jews approve of slaughtering children. Not being a dumbass doesn't require a great deal of effort. I invite you to give it a try.

Focus. You said there were no muslim children being taught to commit suicide and murder. I just gave you the Iranian cartoon for children.

Are you going to address that or just spew your propaganda garbage?
Focus. You said there were no muslim children being taught to commit suicide and murder. I just gave you the Iranian cartoon for children.
Incorrect. I said that nobody I know was exposed to any nonsense of that sort; I never asserted that no Muslim children are indoctrinated. As I said, you've done nothing to prove your initial claims that "muslim children" in general are "taught to be suicide bombers." You've shown that an Iranian television program exists that exhorts children to use violence... that was never the subject of our disagreement. Please show some reliable evidence of this being a widespread phenomenon.

Are you going to address that or just spew your propaganda garbage?
I used an Israeli source on purpose so that you'd look like an idiot if you accused me of "spewing propaganda." Way to take the bait! :clap2:
Sorry bout that,

1. Kalam, but in all honesty there is no good whatsoever coming from islam, ayabs, or muslims.
2. I just can't see it, if there is, kindly point it out.
3. Sick adult muslims/islam followers, teaching their children to murder is point blank insane, if you can't see this, then you approve of it.
4. Seeing you don't admonish them for doing it, you condone it, just like all the other ayabs/muslims.:eek:

Focus. You said there were no muslim children being taught to commit suicide and murder. I just gave you the Iranian cartoon for children.
Incorrect. I said that nobody I know was exposed to any nonsense of that sort; I never asserted that no Muslim children are indoctrinated. As I said, you've done nothing to prove your initial claims that "muslim children" in general are "taught to be suicide bombers." You've shown that an Iranian television program exists that exhorts children to use violence... that was never the subject of our disagreement. Please show some reliable evidence of this being a widespread phenomenon.

Are you going to address that or just spew your propaganda garbage?
I used an Israeli source on purpose so that you'd look like an idiot if you accused me of "spewing propaganda." Way to take the bait! :clap2:

YOU are a liar. The cartoon is showing children how to commit suicide and murder. Watch the cartoon and you will see that.
Sorry bout that,

1. Kalam, but in all honesty there is no good whatsoever coming from islam, ayabs, or muslims.
2. I just can't see it, if there is, kindly point it out.
3. Sick adult muslims/islam followers, teaching their children to murder is point blank insane, if you can't see this, then you approve of it.
4. Seeing you don't admonish them for doing it, you condone it, just like all the other ayabs/muslims.:eek:


Format your posts like a normal human being. I have no interest in wasting my time on head-cases, dude. Seek guidance from "the voices."
Nobody I know was taught any such thing. Zionists are unable to rationalize Israeli oppression without making sweeping, inaccurate generalizations about "the enemy." Thank you for providing such a sterling example of the irrationality upon which Zionism thrives.

It's always convenient for certain people to heap accusations on Israel.
Yasser Arafat
Focus. You said there were no muslim children being taught to commit suicide and murder. I just gave you the Iranian cartoon for children.
Incorrect. I said that nobody I know was exposed to any nonsense of that sort; I never asserted that no Muslim children are indoctrinated. As I said, you've done nothing to prove your initial claims that "muslim children" in general are "taught to be suicide bombers." You've shown that an Iranian television program exists that exhorts children to use violence... that was never the subject of our disagreement. Please show some reliable evidence of this being a widespread phenomenon.

Are you going to address that or just spew your propaganda garbage?
I used an Israeli source on purpose so that you'd look like an idiot if you accused me of "spewing propaganda." Way to take the bait! :clap2:

YOU are a liar. The cartoon is showing children how to commit suicide and murder. Watch the cartoon and you will see that.

Lord almighty, man, how thick-headed are you? :eusa_eh:

Read this again, slowly:
"You've shown that an Iranian television program exists that exhorts children to use violence... that was never the subject of our disagreement. Please show some reliable evidence of this being a widespread phenomenon."

I thought my post was pretty clear. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this time and assume that you simply read the post too quickly.
Sorry bout that,

1. Kalam, but in all honesty there is no good whatsoever coming from islam, ayabs, or muslims.
2. I just can't see it, if there is, kindly point it out.
3. Sick adult muslims/islam followers, teaching their children to murder is point blank insane, if you can't see this, then you approve of it.
4. Seeing you don't admonish them for doing it, you condone it, just like all the other ayabs/muslims.:eek:


Format your posts like a normal human being. I have no interest in wasting my time on head-cases, dude. Seek guidance from "the voices."

You seem pretty angry. Have you ever thought of leaving the USA and going over there to help the Pals or your brothers and sisters in Jihad? I think you'd be a good soldier for Allah.
Nobody I know was taught any such thing. Zionists are unable to rationalize Israeli oppression without making sweeping, inaccurate generalizations about "the enemy." Thank you for providing such a sterling example of the irrationality upon which Zionism thrives.

It's always convenient for certain people to heap accusations on Israel.
Yasser Arafat

Thanks for the non-sequitur. Did you want to post anything substantive, or should I not hold my breath?

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