16 killed in "freedom flotilla"!

Incorrect. I said that nobody I know was exposed to any nonsense of that sort; I never asserted that no Muslim children are indoctrinated. As I said, you've done nothing to prove your initial claims that "muslim children" in general are "taught to be suicide bombers." You've shown that an Iranian television program exists that exhorts children to use violence... that was never the subject of our disagreement. Please show some reliable evidence of this being a widespread phenomenon.

I used an Israeli source on purpose so that you'd look like an idiot if you accused me of "spewing propaganda." Way to take the bait! :clap2:

YOU are a liar. The cartoon is showing children how to commit suicide and murder. Watch the cartoon and you will see that.

Lord almighty, man, how thick-headed are you? :eusa_eh:

Read this again, slowly:
"You've shown that an Iranian television program exists that exhorts children to use violence... that was never the subject of our disagreement. Please show some reliable evidence of this being a widespread phenomenon."

I thought my post was pretty clear. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this time and assume that you simply read the post too quickly.

I said Muslims teach their children to commit murder and suicide. I proved my point. How you react to that is your problem. Move along now, Mohammed.

Sorry bout that,

1. Kalam, but in all honesty there is no good whatsoever coming from islam, ayabs, or muslims.
2. I just can't see it, if there is, kindly point it out.
3. Sick adult muslims/islam followers, teaching their children to murder is point blank insane, if you can't see this, then you approve of it.
4. Seeing you don't admonish them for doing it, you condone it, just like all the other ayabs/muslims.:eek:


Format your posts like a normal human being. I have no interest in wasting my time on head-cases, dude. Seek guidance from "the voices."

You seem pretty angry. Have you ever thought of leaving the USA and going over there to help the Pals or your brothers and sisters in Jihad? I think you'd be a good soldier for Allah.
Nope, no anger here. Have you ever thought of posting things that bear relevance to the topic being discussed?
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Kalam, but in all honesty there is no good whatsoever coming from islam, ayabs, or muslims.
2. I just can't see it, if there is, kindly point it out.
3. Sick adult muslims/islam followers, teaching their children to murder is point blank insane, if you can't see this, then you approve of it.
4. Seeing you don't admonish them for doing it, you condone it, just like all the other ayabs/muslims.:eek:


Format your posts like a normal human being. I have no interest in wasting my time on head-cases, dude. Seek guidance from "the voices."

1. LOL!!!!!!
2. Its because you have been check mated dude.
3. That was easy.

Format your posts like a normal human being. I have no interest in wasting my time on head-cases, dude. Seek guidance from "the voices."

You seem pretty angry. Have you ever thought of leaving the USA and going over there to help the Pals or your brothers and sisters in Jihad? I think you'd be a good soldier for Allah.
Nope, no anger here. Have you ever thought of posting things that bear relevance to the topic being discussed?

I did. Muslims and violence go hand in hand. Tell us how many people Mohammed killed and how many Jesus killed.
I said Muslims teach their children to commit murder and suicide. I proved my point. How you react to that is your problem. Move along now, Mohammed.

You provided an example of a certain occurance and have now failed several times to produce any evidence of it happening on a large scale. Your credibility is your concern, man, not mine. If you're more interest in attempting to troll me than carrying on an intelligent discussion, so be it. Just let me know so I don't waste my time.
I said Muslims teach their children to commit murder and suicide. I proved my point. How you react to that is your problem. Move along now, Mohammed.

You provided an example of a certain occurance and have now failed several times to produce any evidence of it happening on a large scale. Your credibility is your concern, man, not mine. If you're more interest in attempting to troll me than carrying on an intelligent discussion, so be it. Just let me know so I don't waste my time.

I'm certainly not "trolling" you. You are the one who inititially responded to MY post. Are you confused?

You just don't like what I say. That's too bad. I said Muslims teach children to commit suicide and murder and I showed you a cartoon from a Muslim Nation that shows exactly that.

I could care less what you say or how much of your time you want to waste. That's entirely up to you.
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFnbNy6MMDA]YouTube - Palestinian children taught to aspire to martyrdom[/ame]
Halloween is one holiday that Muslims do not celebrate. Muslims observe just two holidays: Eid Al-fitr and Eid Al-adha, and it is forbidden for a Muslim to join in a celebration in other holidays.
Read more at Suite101: Are Muslims Allowed to Celebrate Halloween?: What Does Islam Say About Children Trick-or-Treating? Are Muslims Allowed to Celebrate Halloween?: What Does Islam Say About Children Trick-or-Treating?
















Do you want peace?
I'm certainly not "trolling" you. You are the one who inititially responded to MY post. Are you confused?
Not in the least. You were trolling when you attempted to get a rise out of me by posting a cartoon of the Messenger (SAWS). If that kind of stuff got me angry, I'd avoid the internet like the plague.

You just don't like what I say. That's too bad. I said Muslims teach children to commit suicide and murder and I showed you a cartoon from a Muslim Nation that shows exactly that.

I could care less what you say or how much of your time you want to waste. That's entirely up to you.
I'm not concerned with what you say as much as I am with your failure to back it up. If offering that single example proved your point, I could just as easily claim that Jews approve of killing children, point to that Haaretz article as my single piece of evidence, and say "that's that!" Nobody is denying that efforts to indoctrinate children exist among self-proclaimed followers of Islam.

General statements, i.e. "Muslims teach their children to be suicide bombers" or "Jews support killing infants", require far more than one piece of evidence to be considered valid. You would have to post something showing that most Muslims indoctrinate their children in such a way; I would have to provide evidence of a majority of Jews supporting infanticide. Neither one of us would be able to succeed.
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Do you want peace?

I'd like to see Israel peacefully dismantled so that Palestinians and Jews can live under a single state that does not support any policy of ethnic discrimination. If justice cannot be obtained peacefully, I am open to other solutions.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h58N8q0OQBw]YouTube - Jewish rabbi calls for Israel not to exist[/ame]

In the long run I always support peace. The means necessary to obtain it may vary.
Do you want peace?

I'd like to see Israel peacefully dismantled so that Palestinians and Jews can live under a single state that does not support any policy of ethnic discrimination. If justice cannot be obtained peacefully, I am open to other solutions.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h58N8q0OQBw]YouTube - Jewish rabbi calls for Israel not to exist[/ame]

In the long run I always support peace. The means necessary to obtain it may vary.

Israel is not going to be "dismantled". As long as that is your goal there is only going to be war.

You're the problem.
Yeah missed those Jewish kids with the "play bombs" wrapped around them pics. Got them?
I fail to see how the perpetrator's survival makes a mass murder any less heinous. Then again, I'm not accustomed to using the kinds of double standards endemic to Zionism.
Israel is not going to be "dismantled". As long as that is your goal there is only going to be war.

You're the problem.

Then war it is. Israel is and has always been the problem. If Jewish survivors of the Holocaust needed a homeland of their own, a state should have been carved out of Nazi territory. The unjust imposition of foreign rule over the people of Palestine created many more problems than it solved.

Know this - unlike many Zionists, I do not support attacks that target civilians regardless of who perpetrates them. Martyrdom operations which target noncombatants rather than soldiers should be condemned just as emphatically as Israel's indiscriminate use of cluster munitions in densely populated areas.
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Israel is not going to be "dismantled". As long as that is your goal there is only going to be war.

You're the problem.

Then war it is. Israel is and has always been the problem. If Jewish survivors of the Holocaust needed a homeland of their own, a state should have been carved out of Nazi territory. The unjust imposition of foreign rule over the people of Palestine created many more problems than it solved.

Your choice, just as it is the choice of the other muslim murderers you defend. You should be thrown out of my country. Israel is a sovereign nation. The fact that you will not recognize that fact is going to lead to your anihilation. Your choice.
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