16 killed in "freedom flotilla"!

P F Tinmore

blah blah blah
Well then since you have the facts that the IMRA background is false why not document the falsehoods
you know bring the proof.
A B C fashion.

For starters they say that Fayyed is the Prime Minister of Palestine. He has never been the Prime minister.

Never mind the IMRA piece never said what you claim , what you claim isn't so.

Were there other factually incorrect statements you care to shed light on?

Salam Fayyad (Arabic: سلام فياض‎; born 1952) is a Palestinian politician and the current Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority after being reappointed on 19 May 2009.

Salam]Error Fayyad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Quote from your source. "...its defiance of the Palestinian Authority headed by Abu Mazen and Salam Fayyad." The presidential term of Abu Mazen. aka Abbas, expired on Jan. 9, 2009. Salam Fayyad is not the prime minister. Why are they reported as heading the Palestinian Authority? From your Wikipedia link "(Salam Fayyad) has not been confirmed by the Palestinian Legislative Council, the Palestinian Authority's parliament." This is a constitutional requirement. Just as presidential appointments in the US require Senate approval, Presidential appointments in Palestine require approval of the PLC before they can take office.

Another quote "In recent years, primarily since Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip,..." Hamas did not "seize control" it was already the elected government in power by way of winning the majority of seats in the PLC. (the Palestinian parliament)

Another quote "In January 2008, an IHH delegation met with Ahmad Bahar, a senior Hamas activist who is chairman of the legislative council of the Hamas regime in Gaza." Ahmad Bahar is the chairman of the legislative council, (PLC) the legislative branch of the government in all of Palestine not a "Hamas regime in Gaza."

I would not trust the credibility of your source.
As I expected, the freedom flotilla was bombed:
16 humanitarians killed :confused:, incredible

Israel attacks Gaza aid fleet - Middle East - Al Jazeera English


The anti-semites are out in forces these last few days..................

Unless you are a mental case, you're aware that this "peace flotilla" was actually a bunch of terror boats. Its not even debatable......................

that is, of course, unless youre a fcukking mental case!!!

The last few days on this proves that the greatest allies of Al Queda = the American left.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Yeah blood thirsty bastards, every islamic nation.
2. Beheadings, beatings of women folks, honor killings, basic blood letting, day in day out, thats islam, and they own you and you love it, with all that experiance you have under your belt.
3. How many blood lettings have you notched up anyways, just boils in your soul huh dog meat?


Whoever dropped you as a child must cry whenever they see your posts.

1. Point out where I got it wrong, there genius!:lol:

A blockade is an act of war, whom has Israel declared war on? What gives them the right to attack peaceful shipping in international waters? Which, by the way, is called piracy.

The israelis were the ones that were attacked, and there was nothing peaceful about it. Apparently you missed the video, or you just like it when jews are attacked and youre being dishonest about what happened.

It amuses me that you have to make up lies in order to make your side sound like the good guys. Please, tell us more about your "peaceful" brothers. We could all use a laugh. :lol:

So Israel goes out in international waters, boards someone elses ship, then claims self defense. Only in Israel can something like that be said with a straight face.

As much as I hate what Israel did my loyalty to facts and information dictate that I point out Israel pretty much followed the law. Maritime Law allows a blockade to be enforced anywhere in the world. If a ship departs from Australia headed to a blockade in Florida the US Navy could intercept that ship the moment it leaves the dock in Australia on the condition the intentions have been stated to go through the blockade. The flotilla clearly announced their intentions to go through the blockade.

However, the legitimacy of the blockade could be questioned but Israel announced last year quite clearly:

P F Tinmore

blah blah blah
For starters they say that Fayyed is the Prime Minister of Palestine. He has never been the Prime minister.

Never mind the IMRA piece never said what you claim , what you claim isn't so.

Were there other factually incorrect statements you care to shed light on?

Salam Fayyad (Arabic: سلام فياض‎; born 1952) is a Palestinian politician and the current Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority after being reappointed on 19 May 2009.

Salam]Error Fayyad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Quote from your source. "...its defiance of the Palestinian Authority headed by Abu Mazen and Salam Fayyad." The presidential term of Abu Mazen. aka Abbas, expired on Jan. 9, 2009. Salam Fayyad is not the prime minister. Why are they reported as heading the Palestinian Authority? From your Wikipedia link "(Salam Fayyad) has not been confirmed by the Palestinian Legislative Council, the Palestinian Authority's parliament." This is a constitutional requirement. Just as presidential appointments in the US require Senate approval, Presidential appointments in Palestine require approval of the PLC before they can take office.
So you object to the facts
Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of Prime Ministers

Mahmoud Abbas - Fatah (19 March 2003 – 6 September 2003)
Ahmad Qurei - Fatah (7 October 2003 – 18 December 2005)
Nabil Shaath - Fatah (18 December 2005 – 24 December 2005) (acting)
Ahmad Qurei - Fatah (24 December 2005 – 29 March 2006)
Ismail Haniyeh - Hamas (29 March 2006 – present) (along with the Palestinian Legislative Council, refuses to acknowledge legitimacy of dismissal; from 14 June 2007 exercising de facto authority in the Gaza Strip [2])
Salam Fayyad - Third Way (17 June 2007[3] – Present) (emergency rule; legitimacy unrecognised by the Palestinian Legislative Council, authority limited de facto to areas of the West Bank under Palestinian control)

Another quote "In recent years, primarily since Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip,..." Hamas did not "seize control" it was already the elected government in power by way of winning the majority of seats in the PLC. (the Palestinian parliament)

Hamas takes control of Gaza | World news | guardian.co.uk


Hamas fighters today basked in triumph after taking complete control in Gaza as the west scrambled for a response to the arrival of Islamist power on Israel's doorstep.
In a stark demonstration of the new facts on the ground, a masked Hamas fighter sat down at the desk of the Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas, also known as Abu Mazen, and declared an end to the western-backed authority in the Gaza strip.

In an imaginary telephone call to the US, a fighter from the Islamist movement's armed wing, Izz el-Deen al-Qassam, joked: "Hello Condoleezza Rice. You have to deal with me now, there is no Abu Mazen anymore."

In one of its first assertions of authority, Hamas called for the immediate release of the BBC Gaza correspondent, Alan Johnston, who was seized in March.

"He is a guest of the Palestinian people," a masked Hamas official said at a news conference.

Amid scenes of disorder, the deposed Hamas prime minister, Ismail Haniyeh, called for an end to looting of abandoned Fatah properties and proposed reconciliation talks with Mr Abbas.

At least 10 killed as Hamas forces seize Fatah HQ in northern Gaza Strip - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

At least 10 killed as Hamas forces seize Fatah HQ in northern Gaza Strip
Abbas' forces ordered to stop Hamas 'coup'; total of 25 Palestinians killed as violence rages.

At least 10 people were killed and dozens wounded as Hamas captured the headquarters of the Fatah-allied security forces in northern Gaza on Tuesday evening, seizing a key prize in the bloody battle for control of the Gaza Strip.

Another quote "In January 2008, an IHH delegation met with Ahmad Bahar, a senior Hamas activist who is chairman of the legislative council of the Hamas regime in Gaza." Ahmad Bahar is the chairman of the legislative council, (PLC) the legislative branch of the government in all of Palestine not a "Hamas regime in Gaza."

Palestinian Legislative Counci lGaza City looks effective ,pretty much looks like "palestine"

I would not trust the credibility of your source

That was never in question.
It never was about the source,
it was always about your credibility
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As I expected, the freedom flotilla was bombed:
16 humanitarians killed :confused:, incredible

Israel attacks Gaza aid fleet - Middle East - Al Jazeera English


The anti-semites are out in forces these last few days..................

Unless you are a mental case, you're aware that this "peace flotilla" was actually a bunch of terror boats. Its not even debatable......................

that is, of course, unless youre a fcukking mental case!!!

The last few days on this proves that the greatest allies of Al Queda = the American left.

Terror boats? That must be why so many israeli soldiers got killed with guns and bombs when they boarded eh?

Also, stop trying to toss around the "anti-Semite" term as a form of trying to silence criticism you fucking dumbass. Shitheads like you disrespect the Jews when you do that.

Try reading Imperial Hubris and you will see alkida's greatest ally in the US was the Bush Admin and the neocons. The author spent 20 years tracking and studying bin laden and alkida. We know you won't inform yourself but at least you can't claim nobody told you.......
P F Tinmore

Never mind the IMRA piece never said what you claim , what you claim isn't so.

Were there other factually incorrect statements you care to shed light on?

Salam Fayyad (Arabic: سلام فياض‎; born 1952) is a Palestinian politician and the current Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority after being reappointed on 19 May 2009.

Salam]Error Fayyad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So you object to the facts
Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of Prime Ministers

Mahmoud Abbas - Fatah (19 March 2003 – 6 September 2003)
Ahmad Qurei - Fatah (7 October 2003 – 18 December 2005)
Nabil Shaath - Fatah (18 December 2005 – 24 December 2005) (acting)
Ahmad Qurei - Fatah (24 December 2005 – 29 March 2006)
Ismail Haniyeh - Hamas (29 March 2006 – present) (along with the Palestinian Legislative Council, refuses to acknowledge legitimacy of dismissal; from 14 June 2007 exercising de facto authority in the Gaza Strip [2])
Salam Fayyad - Third Way (17 June 2007[3] – Present) (emergency rule; legitimacy unrecognised by the Palestinian Legislative Council, authority limited de facto to areas of the West Bank under Palestinian control)

Hamas takes control of Gaza | World news | guardian.co.uk


Hamas fighters today basked in triumph after taking complete control in Gaza as the west scrambled for a response to the arrival of Islamist power on Israel's doorstep.
In a stark demonstration of the new facts on the ground, a masked Hamas fighter sat down at the desk of the Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas, also known as Abu Mazen, and declared an end to the western-backed authority in the Gaza strip.

In an imaginary telephone call to the US, a fighter from the Islamist movement's armed wing, Izz el-Deen al-Qassam, joked: "Hello Condoleezza Rice. You have to deal with me now, there is no Abu Mazen anymore."

In one of its first assertions of authority, Hamas called for the immediate release of the BBC Gaza correspondent, Alan Johnston, who was seized in March.

"He is a guest of the Palestinian people," a masked Hamas official said at a news conference.

Amid scenes of disorder, the deposed Hamas prime minister, Ismail Haniyeh, called for an end to looting of abandoned Fatah properties and proposed reconciliation talks with Mr Abbas.

At least 10 killed as Hamas forces seize Fatah HQ in northern Gaza Strip - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

At least 10 killed as Hamas forces seize Fatah HQ in northern Gaza Strip
Abbas' forces ordered to stop Hamas 'coup'; total of 25 Palestinians killed as violence rages.

At least 10 people were killed and dozens wounded as Hamas captured the headquarters of the Fatah-allied security forces in northern Gaza on Tuesday evening, seizing a key prize in the bloody battle for control of the Gaza Strip.


Palestinian Legislative Counci lGaza City looks effective ,pretty much looks like "palestine"

I would not trust the credibility of your source

That was never in question.
It never was about the source,
it was always about your credibility

You are the one have trouble understanding the facts.
Ismail Haniyeh - Hamas (29 March 2006 – present) (along with the Palestinian Legislative Council, refuses to acknowledge legitimacy of dismissal; from 14 June 2007 exercising de facto authority in the Gaza Strip [2])
Salam Fayyad - Third Way (17 June 2007[3] – Present) (emergency rule; legitimacy unrecognised by the Palestinian Legislative Council, authority limited de facto to areas of the West Bank under Palestinian control)

"Unrecognized by the Palestinian Legislative Council." That is a constitutional requirement. Fayyad cannot take office without PLC approval.

"Ismail Haniyeh refuses to acknowledge legitimacy of dismissal." The President has the authority to dismiss his PM and cabinet, however, their constitution states that the dismissed government stays in power until the PLC approves the replacements. That has not happened. Ismail Haniyeh is the legal Prime Minister of all of Palestine.

Hamas did not "violently seize control of the Gaza Strip." After the supposed coup:

Abbas was still president.
Haniyeh was still the Prime Minister.
The president's cabinet remained unchanged.
Non of the PLC members were removed or replaced.
The judicial branch was left unchanged.
The constitution remained in force.

It is a strange coup indeed that leaves the entire government unchanged.

The PLC is an independent, elected branch of government. Bombing the building (a civilian structure by the way) does not remove the PLC from existence.
Im sorry Salam Fayyad is prime minister ,

Hamas forced fatah out of power

and you are insane .

That Gaza sounds like a real nice place though

Sewage 'tsunami' kills four in Gaza

At least four Palestinians drowned in a tsunami of raw sewage on Tuesday when a water treatment reservoir burst, flooding a village in the northern Gaza Strip.
The deluge, triggered by the collapse of a septic system aid organisations had long warned was dangerously overburdened, submerged dozens of homes in the Bedouin farming village of Umm al-Nasr beneath a cesspool of foul-smelling effluent.

Two women, one more than 70 years old, and two toddlers aged one and two died in the flood. Fifteen people were injured and scores more are still missing, according to Palestinian medics.

Village children clung to wooden doors floating on the putrid waters as rescuers used boats to help the victims.

"The situation is very bad," village mayor Ziad Abu Thabet said, comparing the disaster to a "tsunami." "Around 70 percent of the village houses were flooded by the waters," he said.

Sewage 'tsunami' kills four in Gaza
Im sorry Salam Fayyad is prime minister ,

Hamas forced fatah out of power

and you are insane .

That Gaza sounds like a real nice place though

Sewage 'tsunami' kills four in Gaza

At least four Palestinians drowned in a tsunami of raw sewage on Tuesday when a water treatment reservoir burst, flooding a village in the northern Gaza Strip.
The deluge, triggered by the collapse of a septic system aid organisations had long warned was dangerously overburdened, submerged dozens of homes in the Bedouin farming village of Umm al-Nasr beneath a cesspool of foul-smelling effluent.

Two women, one more than 70 years old, and two toddlers aged one and two died in the flood. Fifteen people were injured and scores more are still missing, according to Palestinian medics.

Village children clung to wooden doors floating on the putrid waters as rescuers used boats to help the victims.

"The situation is very bad," village mayor Ziad Abu Thabet said, comparing the disaster to a "tsunami." "Around 70 percent of the village houses were flooded by the waters," he said.

Sewage 'tsunami' kills four in Gaza

"Im sorry Salam Fayyad is prime minister" Propaganda media blitz.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72ai-Udti1M]YouTube - On The Map with Avi Lewis: Gaza Coup d'Etat?[/ame]

"Sewage 'tsunami' kills four in Gaza"

That sewage facility was schedule for repair but Israel stopped the project.
Im sorry Salam Fayyad is prime minister ,

Hamas forced fatah out of power

and you are insane .

That Gaza sounds like a real nice place though

Sewage 'tsunami' kills four in Gaza

At least four Palestinians drowned in a tsunami of raw sewage on Tuesday when a water treatment reservoir burst, flooding a village in the northern Gaza Strip.
The deluge, triggered by the collapse of a septic system aid organisations had long warned was dangerously overburdened, submerged dozens of homes in the Bedouin farming village of Umm al-Nasr beneath a cesspool of foul-smelling effluent.

Two women, one more than 70 years old, and two toddlers aged one and two died in the flood. Fifteen people were injured and scores more are still missing, according to Palestinian medics.

Village children clung to wooden doors floating on the putrid waters as rescuers used boats to help the victims.

"The situation is very bad," village mayor Ziad Abu Thabet said, comparing the disaster to a "tsunami." "Around 70 percent of the village houses were flooded by the waters," he said.

Sewage 'tsunami' kills four in Gaza

"Im sorry Salam Fayyad is prime minister" Propaganda media blitz.

"Sewage 'tsunami' kills four in Gaza"

That sewage facility was schedule for repair but Israel stopped the project.
Yeah its always the jews, do me a favor google PRIME MINISTER PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY tell me the name of the PRIME MINISTER PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY.
Im sorry Salam Fayyad is prime minister ,

Hamas forced fatah out of power

and you are insane .

That Gaza sounds like a real nice place though

Sewage 'tsunami' kills four in Gaza

At least four Palestinians drowned in a tsunami of raw sewage on Tuesday when a water treatment reservoir burst, flooding a village in the northern Gaza Strip.
The deluge, triggered by the collapse of a septic system aid organisations had long warned was dangerously overburdened, submerged dozens of homes in the Bedouin farming village of Umm al-Nasr beneath a cesspool of foul-smelling effluent.

Two women, one more than 70 years old, and two toddlers aged one and two died in the flood. Fifteen people were injured and scores more are still missing, according to Palestinian medics.

Village children clung to wooden doors floating on the putrid waters as rescuers used boats to help the victims.

"The situation is very bad," village mayor Ziad Abu Thabet said, comparing the disaster to a "tsunami." "Around 70 percent of the village houses were flooded by the waters," he said.

Sewage 'tsunami' kills four in Gaza

"Im sorry Salam Fayyad is prime minister" Propaganda media blitz.

"Sewage 'tsunami' kills four in Gaza"

That sewage facility was schedule for repair but Israel stopped the project.
Yeah its always the jews, do me a favor google PRIME MINISTER PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY tell me the name of the PRIME MINISTER PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY.

If you can find any news report or any document showing Fayyad's approval, as constitutionally required, post it.
Attili said a lagoon collapsed in 2007 killing five people and displacing hundreds of families.

Majeda Alawneh, a spokeswoman for the PWA, told IRIN three of her staff in Gaza had been killed in the Israeli offensive which began on 27 December. "Two staff members were working in the waste water sector and one was on duty at a water well," she said from the PWA's Ramallah office.

One shell had hit a lagoon with a weak retaining wall, supported by sand, and the PWA was concerned the damage might cause a collapse, she said.

The Coastal Municipalities Water Utilities (CMWU), Gaza's main water agency, said it had received unconfirmed reports that 200,000 cubic meters of wastewater had leaked from the Gaza City treatment plant after an embankment sustained damage during the fighting.

"The Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip is causing extensive damage to homes and to public infrastructure and is jeopardizing water, sanitation and medical services," said the UN humanitarian coordinator's statement on 12 January.

ei: Gaza sewage lagoons could collapse
"Im sorry Salam Fayyad is prime minister" Propaganda media blitz.

"Sewage 'tsunami' kills four in Gaza"

That sewage facility was schedule for repair but Israel stopped the project.
Yeah its always the jews, do me a favor google PRIME MINISTER PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY tell me the name of the PRIME MINISTER PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY.

If you can find any news report or any document showing Fayyad's approval, as constitutionally required, post it.

Salam Fayyad is the current Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on the basis of "national emergency".
there in nothing you can do about it.

Is there any more misinformation from IMRA you want to point out?
Yeah its always the jews, do me a favor google PRIME MINISTER PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY tell me the name of the PRIME MINISTER PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY.

If you can find any news report or any document showing Fayyad's approval, as constitutionally required, post it.

Salam Fayyad is the current Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on the basis of "national emergency".
there in nothing you can do about it.

Says the liars.

Is there any more misinformation from IMRA you want to point out?

No, three lies should be enough.

Just curious, what emergency are they talking about?
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I just showed you a cartoon made by muslims teaching muslim children how to commit suicide and murder and all you did was deflect. This is the problem. You and your fellow muslims say one thing then you say something else. You speak out of both sides of your mouth. You justify violence in the name of "justice". As long as you and your fellow muslims believe your goal is attainable then all you are doing is leading others to their doom.
Erm, not quite. I acknowledged that you provided a single example of something happening but pointed out that you have failed to provide examples of it happening on a large scale. This position of mine has not changed. I've been consistent throughout this discussion.

You make the mistake of assuming that I identify with all "Muslims." I consider the Iranian regime heretical and support the dismantlement of every state in the so-called Muslim world; none of them are truly Islamic and most of them are oppressive.

You're not following God.

I've experienced far too much to believe that.

Then work on that goal. If you and other muslims fix Islam then everything will work out. Destroying Israel is not the answer. Living in peace is the answer. To demand Israel be removed is not going to lead anywhere but death. If Islam is truely the "religion of peace" then let's see some peace. Otherwise, all you're doing is blowing smoke up our ass.
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