16 killed in "freedom flotilla"!

I just showed you a cartoon made by muslims teaching muslim children how to commit suicide and murder and all you did was deflect. This is the problem. You and your fellow muslims say one thing then you say something else. You speak out of both sides of your mouth. You justify violence in the name of "justice". As long as you and your fellow muslims believe your goal is attainable then all you are doing is leading others to their doom.
Erm, not quite. I acknowledged that you provided a single example of something happening but pointed out that you have failed to provide examples of it happening on a large scale. This position of mine has not changed. I've been consistent throughout this discussion.

You make the mistake of assuming that I identify with all "Muslims." I consider the Iranian regime heretical and support the dismantlement of every state in the so-called Muslim world; none of them are truly Islamic and most of them are oppressive.

You're not following God.

I've experienced far too much to believe that.

Then work on that goal. If you and other muslims fix Islam then everything will work out. Destroying Israel is not the answer. Living in peace is the answer. To demand Israel be removed is not going to lead anywhere but death. If Islam is truely the "religion of peace" then let's see some peace. Otherwise, all you're doing is blowing smoke up our ass.

So we can blame Christian fuckwits like you next time some Christian fundamentalist goes and shoots someone?

Good to know.
The israelis were the ones that were attacked, and there was nothing peaceful about it. Apparently you missed the video, or you just like it when jews are attacked and youre being dishonest about what happened.

They boarded a merchantman in international waters , they were carrying weapons, the crew defended their ship with whatever they had. What part of the word "piracy" are you not understanding?

Piracy is defined as an act of robbery at sea for profit. You are the only one who doesnt understand its meaning. Do you really think calling them pirates is going to somehow convince people thats what they are? Get serious man. Thats fucking retarded. The one thing both sides of this debate share in common is they know EXACTLY what the Israelis were doing there. They declared what they were doing a LONG time ago to the entire world.

It amuses me that you have to make up lies in order to make your side sound like the good guys. Please, tell us more about your "peaceful" brothers. We could all use a laugh. :lol:

Prove anything I have said is a lie. Until then the only laugh is you.

You said the Israelis attacked these peaceful people in international waters. Thats NOT what happened. For starters, those people werent peaceful at all, and it was the Israelis who were were attacked in international waters, not the other way around as you claimed. I have video proof of this. What evidence do you have to prove otherwise?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bU12KW-XyZE]YouTube - Demonstrators Use Violence Against Israeli Navy Soldiers Attempting to Board Ship[/ame]

There you go. As per your request, you have thoroughly been proven to be a liar.


Are you really this fucking stupid?

Boarding someone elses boat is considered an attack.
They boarded a merchantman in international waters , they were carrying weapons, the crew defended their ship with whatever they had. What part of the word "piracy" are you not understanding?

Piracy is defined as an act of robbery at sea for profit. You are the only one who doesnt understand its meaning. Do you really think calling them pirates is going to somehow convince people thats what they are? Get serious man. Thats fucking retarded. The one thing both sides of this debate share in common is they know EXACTLY what the Israelis were doing there. They declared what they were doing a LONG time ago to the entire world.

Prove anything I have said is a lie. Until then the only laugh is you.

You said the Israelis attacked these peaceful people in international waters. Thats NOT what happened. For starters, those people werent peaceful at all, and it was the Israelis who were were attacked in international waters, not the other way around as you claimed. I have video proof of this. What evidence do you have to prove otherwise?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bU12KW-XyZE]YouTube - Demonstrators Use Violence Against Israeli Navy Soldiers Attempting to Board Ship[/ame]

There you go. As per your request, you have thoroughly been proven to be a liar.


Are you really this fucking stupid?

Boarding someone elses boat is considered an attack.

Unless it can be shown the blockade is illegal then the boarding was legal. Maritime law is pretty clear on this but I'm not sure about that whole murdering people who didn't have guns thing.
You said the Israelis attacked these peaceful people in international waters. Thats NOT what happened. For starters, those people werent peaceful at all, and it was the Israelis who were were attacked in international waters, not the other way around as you claimed. I have video proof of this. What evidence do you have to prove otherwise?
YouTube - Demonstrators Use Violence Against Israeli Navy Soldiers Attempting to Board Ship

There you go. As per your request, you have thoroughly been proven to be a liar.


Are you really this fucking stupid?

Boarding someone elses boat is considered an attack.

Unless it can be shown the blockade is illegal then the boarding was legal. Maritime law is pretty clear on this but I'm not sure about that whole murdering people who didn't have guns thing.

That doesn't mean they don't have a right to self defense. They do.
By the way...the blockade is a pretty clear example of collective action against a civilian populace...hence it is illegal.

Are you really this fucking stupid?

Boarding someone elses boat is considered an attack.

Unless it can be shown the blockade is illegal then the boarding was legal. Maritime law is pretty clear on this but I'm not sure about that whole murdering people who didn't have guns thing.

That doesn't mean they don't have a right to self defense. They do.

This is where it gets shitty. Israel had the legal right to board the ships. If the Captains did not give a stand down order to all passengers respecting that law then it is not self defense if the IDF encountered resistance upon boarding. Given the fucking massacre common sense says it's pretty clear what happened but this would need to be proven with all available evidence. My thought is the IDF has raped any and all evidence they don't like so producing evidence in favor of the flotillas will be pretty hard.

I'm thinking a smart move would have been to have international media in air support to capture footage of the interaction between the flotilla and the IDF. Since it was international waters the IDF could not make the media leave unless the media had stated they planned on breaking the blockade.
They tried to run a blockade.

It's too bad Israeli didn't use more aggresive measures, and sunk the ship.

Turkey is obviously looking to provoke a fight with Israel.
You said the Israelis attacked these peaceful people in international waters. Thats NOT what happened. For starters, those people werent peaceful at all, and it was the Israelis who were were attacked in international waters, not the other way around as you claimed. I have video proof of this. What evidence do you have to prove otherwise?
YouTube - Demonstrators Use Violence Against Israeli Navy Soldiers Attempting to Board Ship

There you go. As per your request, you have thoroughly been proven to be a liar.


Are you really this fucking stupid?

Boarding someone elses boat is considered an attack.

Unless it can be shown the blockade is illegal then the boarding was legal. Maritime law is pretty clear on this but I'm not sure about that whole murdering people who didn't have guns thing.

It is still an attack in spit of whatever excuse you have on your little mind.

Are you really this fucking stupid?

Boarding someone elses boat is considered an attack.

Unless it can be shown the blockade is illegal then the boarding was legal. Maritime law is pretty clear on this but I'm not sure about that whole murdering people who didn't have guns thing.

That doesn't mean they don't have a right to self defense. They do.

They tried to run a blockade.

It's too bad Israeli didn't use more aggresive measures, and sunk the ship.

Turkey is obviously looking to provoke a fight with Israel.

They were miles away from the blockade....about 50 miles. So don't act like the IDF were standing still at blockade coordinates and the flotilla tried to force past them you intellectually dishonest shitslime.
Douche bag it didn't matter. Israel doesn't have to wait until they are 10 feet from port.

They intended to run the blockade. They would not heed to the instructions to be inspected if they want to go into Gaza. They never claimed that they didn't intend to run the blockade.

Israel should have sank the boat.
The average every day "Palestinian" only has Hamas to blame for their living conditions. The Pals are being held hostage by Hamas. Not Israel.

The next big money maker online will be setting up a pay-pal account with a poll for posts just like this one. When people make such unfuckingabsurdiculous statements like this they should have to donate money to the VA for wasting other peoples' time.

Could you possibly come up with anything more ignorant about Gaza? Hey! Maybe you can claim that is where iraq's wmd got sent? Man.....go write yourself up that editorial and submit it to newsmax. Within 16 hours some dumbfuck would be starting a thread proclaiming the wmd have been found.
I just showed you a cartoon made by muslims teaching muslim children how to commit suicide and murder and all you did was deflect. This is the problem. You and your fellow muslims say one thing then you say something else. You speak out of both sides of your mouth. You justify violence in the name of "justice". As long as you and your fellow muslims believe your goal is attainable then all you are doing is leading others to their doom.
Erm, not quite. I acknowledged that you provided a single example of something happening but pointed out that you have failed to provide examples of it happening on a large scale. This position of mine has not changed. I've been consistent throughout this discussion.

You make the mistake of assuming that I identify with all "Muslims." I consider the Iranian regime heretical and support the dismantlement of every state in the so-called Muslim world; none of them are truly Islamic and most of them are oppressive.

You're not following God.

I've experienced far too much to believe that.

Then work on that goal. If you and other muslims fix Islam then everything will work out. Destroying Israel is not the answer. Living in peace is the answer. To demand Israel be removed is not going to lead anywhere but death. If Islam is truely the "religion of peace" then let's see some peace. Otherwise, all you're doing is blowing smoke up our ass.

One doesn't "fix" Islam; Islam has never changed and never will. Its self-proclaimed followers simply need to return to it. Israel's very existence is inimical to peace and justice in the region, so force may be the only answer if peaceful dismantlement is not a possibility. This extends to all governments in the Middle East and the Muslim world. Peace is practiced with those who are peaceful, not with the belligerent and oppressive, who will be opposed with force until they're removed from power.
Erm, not quite. I acknowledged that you provided a single example of something happening but pointed out that you have failed to provide examples of it happening on a large scale. This position of mine has not changed. I've been consistent throughout this discussion.

You make the mistake of assuming that I identify with all "Muslims." I consider the Iranian regime heretical and support the dismantlement of every state in the so-called Muslim world; none of them are truly Islamic and most of them are oppressive.


I've experienced far too much to believe that.

Then work on that goal. If you and other muslims fix Islam then everything will work out. Destroying Israel is not the answer. Living in peace is the answer. To demand Israel be removed is not going to lead anywhere but death. If Islam is truely the "religion of peace" then let's see some peace. Otherwise, all you're doing is blowing smoke up our ass.

One doesn't "fix" Islam; Islam has never changed and never will. Its self-proclaimed followers simply need to return to it. Israel's very existence is inimical to peace and justice in the region, so force may be the only answer if peaceful dismantlement is not a possibility. This extends to all governments in the Middle East and the Muslim world. Peace is practiced with those who are peaceful, not with the belligerent and oppressive, who will be opposed with force until they're removed from power.

Wrong. What every Muslim needs is psychiatric help. To break away from the random violent psychotic ramblings of the insane pedophile Mohammad (curse his foul odious disgusting depraved name and memory and may the one true God, whose name is certainly NOT "Allah," shit on Mohammad), these poor afflicted blighted souls need to be able to see just how fucked up that bullshit "religion" actually is. The further they get away from that evil crap known as "Islam," the better off they and the world will be.
Then work on that goal. If you and other muslims fix Islam then everything will work out. Destroying Israel is not the answer. Living in peace is the answer. To demand Israel be removed is not going to lead anywhere but death. If Islam is truely the "religion of peace" then let's see some peace. Otherwise, all you're doing is blowing smoke up our ass.

One doesn't "fix" Islam; Islam has never changed and never will. Its self-proclaimed followers simply need to return to it. Israel's very existence is inimical to peace and justice in the region, so force may be the only answer if peaceful dismantlement is not a possibility. This extends to all governments in the Middle East and the Muslim world. Peace is practiced with those who are peaceful, not with the belligerent and oppressive, who will be opposed with force until they're removed from power.

Wrong. What every Muslim needs is psychiatric help. To break away from the random violent psychotic ramblings of the insane pedophile Mohammad (curse his foul odious disgusting depraved name and memory and may the one true God, whose name is certainly NOT "Allah," shit on Mohammad), these poor afflicted blighted souls need to be able to see just how fucked up that bullshit "religion" actually is. The further they get away from that evil crap known as "Islam," the better off they and the world will be.

I apologize for apparently giving you the impression that I'm interested in your uneducated opinion about my religion.
Well Im out I have no further interest in conversing with people with such an embarrassing contempt for common recent history.
It is really quite amazing .
Thanks, I had no idea such people existed.
They tried to run a blockade.

It's too bad Israeli didn't use more aggresive measures, and sunk the ship.

Turkey is obviously looking to provoke a fight with Israel.

Its too bad more people aren't dead?

And yet you bitch about other peoples injustices?
The average every day "Palestinian" only has Hamas to blame for their living conditions. The Pals are being held hostage by Hamas. Not Israel.

Oh, well, considering Israel essentially created Hamas, guess they have Israel to blame as well.

Critical thinking ftw.

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