16 killed in "freedom flotilla"!

Common Law does not exist under international law.

You are right that it is not piracy, but incorrect about its legality. Notice the article does not touch upon the legality of the blockade itself, something necessary for the enforcement of the blockade to be the case.

Wrong. Common law (in international law this is "customary law") is one of the biggest components OF international law.

If you wish now to assert that there is something fundamentally wrong, legally, with the establishment of the blockade, that would be interesting. I'd love to see you actually support that one.

Since Israel does not give a rat's behind about law, I will not argue that point. That point is moot. The Free Gaza movement has been advised by their legal experts that what they are doing is perfectly legal. Again, a moot point.

The court Free Gaza is working in is the court of world opinion and they seem to be doing a good job. A few years ago they were one boat and a handful of activists. Look at it now. And there are two more boats almost to Gaza now along with a couple more flotillas in the pipeline. Palestine is gaining and Israel is losing in the world of public opinion. Sooner or later the governments will follow.

It is the Arab fucktards in that region who don't care at all about the law.

You base your arguments on your filthy prejudices and your lies which makes your arguments a complete void. Akin to that space between the corners of your rotten skull.
Common Law does not exist under international law.

You are right that it is not piracy, but incorrect about its legality. Notice the article does not touch upon the legality of the blockade itself, something necessary for the enforcement of the blockade to be the case.

Wrong. Common law (in international law this is "customary law") is one of the biggest components OF international law.

If you wish now to assert that there is something fundamentally wrong, legally, with the establishment of the blockade, that would be interesting. I'd love to see you actually support that one.

Since Israel does not give a rat's behind about law, I will not argue that point. That point is moot. The Free Gaza movement has been advised by their legal experts that what they are doing is perfectly legal. Again, a moot point.

The court Free Gaza is working in is the court of world opinion and they seem to be doing a good job. A few years ago they were one boat and a handful of activists. Look at it now. And there are two more boats almost to Gaza now along with a couple more flotillas in the pipeline. Palestine is gaining and Israel is losing in the world of public opinion. Sooner or later the governments will follow.

Tell us all about the law. You must think we're as stupid as you and your pals are. We'll obey the law when you do. Lead the way. Show me.
Wrong. Common law (in international law this is "customary law") is one of the biggest components OF international law.

If you wish now to assert that there is something fundamentally wrong, legally, with the establishment of the blockade, that would be interesting. I'd love to see you actually support that one.

Since Israel does not give a rat's behind about law, I will not argue that point. That point is moot. The Free Gaza movement has been advised by their legal experts that what they are doing is perfectly legal. Again, a moot point.

The court Free Gaza is working in is the court of world opinion and they seem to be doing a good job. A few years ago they were one boat and a handful of activists. Look at it now. And there are two more boats almost to Gaza now along with a couple more flotillas in the pipeline. Palestine is gaining and Israel is losing in the world of public opinion. Sooner or later the governments will follow.

It is the Arab fucktards in that region who don't care at all about the law.

You base your arguments on your filthy prejudices and your lies which makes your arguments a complete void. Akin to that space between the corners of your rotten skull.

Weren't you saying that they should nuke millions of Arabs because they are Arab?

And yet you have the gall to criticize someone else based on prejudices?

Man. What is wrong with you people.
Wrong. Common law (in international law this is "customary law") is one of the biggest components OF international law.

If you wish now to assert that there is something fundamentally wrong, legally, with the establishment of the blockade, that would be interesting. I'd love to see you actually support that one.

Since Israel does not give a rat's behind about law, I will not argue that point. That point is moot. The Free Gaza movement has been advised by their legal experts that what they are doing is perfectly legal. Again, a moot point.

The court Free Gaza is working in is the court of world opinion and they seem to be doing a good job. A few years ago they were one boat and a handful of activists. Look at it now. And there are two more boats almost to Gaza now along with a couple more flotillas in the pipeline. Palestine is gaining and Israel is losing in the world of public opinion. Sooner or later the governments will follow.

Tell us all about the law. You must think we're as stupid as you and your pals are. We'll obey the law when you do. Lead the way. Show me.


Hmm. Seems some of you people who are pro-Israel identify with Israel a little bit too closely for comfort.
Common Law: A system of law that is derived from judges' decisions (which arise from the judicial branch of government), rather than statutes or constitutions (which are derived from the legislative branch of government).

From Definition: Common Law

Customary Law: Unlike treaty law, customary international law is not written. To prove that a certain rule is customary one has to show that it is reflected in state practice and that there exists a conviction in the international community that such practice is required as a matter of law. In this context, "practice" relates to official state practice and therefore includes formal statements by states. A contrary practice by some states is possible because if this contrary practice is condemned by other states or denied by the government itself the original rule is actually confirmed.

Customary international humanitarian law

They are not the same.

Ohhh. So close. But you are still wrong.

As I noted earlier common law and customary law are the same thing.

Here's why:

Common law is the system of deciding cases that originated in England and which was latter adopted in the U.S.. Common law is based on precedent (legal principles developed in earlier case law) instead of statutory laws. It is the traditional law of an area or region created by judges when deciding individual disputes or cases. Common law changes over time.
Common Law Law & Legal Definition

Now YOU seem to think that only judges can make the common law -- or that a formal judiciary is required for there to be a common law. But that begs the question. Who makes judgments on issues of international law? On what do they BASE those decisions? Isn't PRECEDENT the basis for the determination of what is (or isn't) "customary?"

I think you'd be on sounder theoretical footing if you denied that International "Law" is actually "law."
Wrong. Common law (in international law this is "customary law") is one of the biggest components OF international law.

If you wish now to assert that there is something fundamentally wrong, legally, with the establishment of the blockade, that would be interesting. I'd love to see you actually support that one.

Since Israel does not give a rat's behind about law, I will not argue that point. That point is moot. The Free Gaza movement has been advised by their legal experts that what they are doing is perfectly legal. Again, a moot point.

The court Free Gaza is working in is the court of world opinion and they seem to be doing a good job. A few years ago they were one boat and a handful of activists. Look at it now. And there are two more boats almost to Gaza now along with a couple more flotillas in the pipeline. Palestine is gaining and Israel is losing in the world of public opinion. Sooner or later the governments will follow.

Israel is taking a page out of the bush admin's legal dance. Israel declared an Armed Conflict against Gaza to justify the blockade. However, doing so also opened the door for the Geneva Convention.....but at the same time Israel wants to say they aren't "really" at War to attempt a side step....much like Gitmo detainees. Here's a good application using a different set of beligerents:
Crimes Of War Project > The Book

Israel is really trying to kill as many civilians as possible with the blockade in hopes of engendering an internal volcano then take advantage of the implosion. This is almost exactly the same....strike that. This is exactly what the US did with Iraq. We made sure the UN sanctions remained in place so the average population would suffer like a mother fucker then we unilaterally created No Fly Zones to justify bombing iraq which needlessly killed more people.

There is an "armed conflict" because every time Israel gives up land, Hamasa uses it to fire missiles into Israel. You open your mouth only to breathe and lie. As long as the people in that area keep electing and appeasing islamofascists then they will live in misery and murder. That is not Israel's fault. It is the fault of the Islamic thugs you appease and support.
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Since Israel does not give a rat's behind about law, I will not argue that point. That point is moot. The Free Gaza movement has been advised by their legal experts that what they are doing is perfectly legal. Again, a moot point.

The court Free Gaza is working in is the court of world opinion and they seem to be doing a good job. A few years ago they were one boat and a handful of activists. Look at it now. And there are two more boats almost to Gaza now along with a couple more flotillas in the pipeline. Palestine is gaining and Israel is losing in the world of public opinion. Sooner or later the governments will follow.

It is the Arab fucktards in that region who don't care at all about the law.

You base your arguments on your filthy prejudices and your lies which makes your arguments a complete void. Akin to that space between the corners of your rotten skull.

Weren't you saying that they should nuke millions of Arabs because they are Arab?

And yet you have the gall to criticize someone else based on prejudices?

Man. What is wrong with you people.

Who said we should nuke millions of Arabs because they're Arab?

We should nuke them because they're ragheads. Not Arab.
Since Israel does not give a rat's behind about law, I will not argue that point. That point is moot. The Free Gaza movement has been advised by their legal experts that what they are doing is perfectly legal. Again, a moot point.

The court Free Gaza is working in is the court of world opinion and they seem to be doing a good job. A few years ago they were one boat and a handful of activists. Look at it now. And there are two more boats almost to Gaza now along with a couple more flotillas in the pipeline. Palestine is gaining and Israel is losing in the world of public opinion. Sooner or later the governments will follow.

Tell us all about the law. You must think we're as stupid as you and your pals are. We'll obey the law when you do. Lead the way. Show me.


Hmm. Seems some of you people who are pro-Israel identify with Israel a little bit too closely for comfort.

Well, c'mon Sparky. Show me how to obey the law and lead the way. All I can see from you is a mountain of hypocrisy.
Common Law: A system of law that is derived from judges' decisions (which arise from the judicial branch of government), rather than statutes or constitutions (which are derived from the legislative branch of government).

From Definition: Common Law

Customary Law: Unlike treaty law, customary international law is not written. To prove that a certain rule is customary one has to show that it is reflected in state practice and that there exists a conviction in the international community that such practice is required as a matter of law. In this context, "practice" relates to official state practice and therefore includes formal statements by states. A contrary practice by some states is possible because if this contrary practice is condemned by other states or denied by the government itself the original rule is actually confirmed.

Customary international humanitarian law

They are not the same.

Ohhh. So close. But you are still wrong.

As I noted earlier common law and customary law are the same thing.

Here's why:

Common law is the system of deciding cases that originated in England and which was latter adopted in the U.S.. Common law is based on precedent (legal principles developed in earlier case law) instead of statutory laws. It is the traditional law of an area or region created by judges when deciding individual disputes or cases. Common law changes over time.
Common Law Law & Legal Definition

Now YOU seem to think that only judges can make the common law -- or that a formal judiciary is required for there to be a common law. But that begs the question. Who makes judgments on issues of international law? On what do they BASE those decisions? Isn't PRECEDENT the basis for the determination of what is (or isn't) "customary?"

I think you'd be on sounder theoretical footing if you denied that International "Law" is actually "law."

Oh the joy of explaining the basics of the law to people who lack any background in it.

Ok. Customary law is NOT based upon judicial precedent. What judges do has NOTHING to do with customary law. As was posted, customary law must be "reflected in State Practice".

Common law is based on judicial precedent OR the judges just make it up. See the State Secrets Privilege for an example. Reynolds v. US. The judges just made it up, basically. This is NOT allowed under customary law, where the only laws that are customary law are those which states have voluntarily followed for a period of time.
You talk about unrespected laws??
It votes countries such as Libya, Syria , Iran, and turkey in leadership positions.
Since Israel does not give a rat's behind about law, I will not argue that point. That point is moot. The Free Gaza movement has been advised by their legal experts that what they are doing is perfectly legal. Again, a moot point.

The court Free Gaza is working in is the court of world opinion and they seem to be doing a good job. A few years ago they were one boat and a handful of activists. Look at it now. And there are two more boats almost to Gaza now along with a couple more flotillas in the pipeline. Palestine is gaining and Israel is losing in the world of public opinion. Sooner or later the governments will follow.

Israel is taking a page out of the bush admin's legal dance. Israel declared an Armed Conflict against Gaza to justify the blockade. However, doing so also opened the door for the Geneva Convention.....but at the same time Israel wants to say they aren't "really" at War to attempt a side step....much like Gitmo detainees. Here's a good application using a different set of beligerents:
Crimes Of War Project > The Book

Israel is really trying to kill as many civilians as possible with the blockade in hopes of engendering an internal volcano then take advantage of the implosion. This is almost exactly the same....strike that. This is exactly what the US did with Iraq. We made sure the UN sanctions remained in place so the average population would suffer like a mother fucker then we unilaterally created No Fly Zones to justify bombing iraq which needlessly killed more people.

There is an "armed conflict" because every time Israel gives up land, Hamasa uses it to fire missiles into Israel. You open your mouth only to breathe and lie. As long as the people in that area keep electing and appeasing islamofascists then they will live in misery and murder. That is not Israel's fault. It is the fault of the Islamic thugs you appease and support.

Straight out of Israel's bull shit manual. The only thing you know about Hamas is from Israel. Don't you think there may be some bias here?
Israel is taking a page out of the bush admin's legal dance. Israel declared an Armed Conflict against Gaza to justify the blockade. However, doing so also opened the door for the Geneva Convention.....but at the same time Israel wants to say they aren't "really" at War to attempt a side step....much like Gitmo detainees. Here's a good application using a different set of beligerents:
Crimes Of War Project > The Book

Israel is really trying to kill as many civilians as possible with the blockade in hopes of engendering an internal volcano then take advantage of the implosion. This is almost exactly the same....strike that. This is exactly what the US did with Iraq. We made sure the UN sanctions remained in place so the average population would suffer like a mother fucker then we unilaterally created No Fly Zones to justify bombing iraq which needlessly killed more people.

There is an "armed conflict" because every time Israel gives up land, Hamasa uses it to fire missiles into Israel. You open your mouth only to breathe and lie. As long as the people in that area keep electing and appeasing islamofascists then they will live in misery and murder. That is not Israel's fault. It is the fault of the Islamic thugs you appease and support.

Straight out of Israel's bull shit manual. The only thing you know about Hamas is from Israel. Don't you think there may be some bias here?

Straight out of the Islamofascist manual.

Yes, I am biased. I am always biased in favor of freedom, democracy and truth. I always choose freedom over lying religous murdering thugs. Anything else?
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There is an "armed conflict" because every time Israel gives up land, Hamasa uses it to fire missiles into Israel. You open your mouth only to breathe and lie. As long as the people in that area keep electing and appeasing islamofascists then they will live in misery and murder. That is not Israel's fault. It is the fault of the Islamic thugs you appease and support.

Straight out of Israel's bull shit manual. The only thing you know about Hamas is from Israel. Don't you think there may be some bias here?

Straight out of the Islamofascist manual.

Yes, I am biased. I am always biased in favor of freedom, democracy and truth. I always choose freedom over lying religous murdering thugs. Anything else?

Not if I am only going to get a BS answer.

BTW, since you like democracy, what do you think about the US funded coup against the elected government in Palestine?
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Common Law: A system of law that is derived from judges' decisions (which arise from the judicial branch of government), rather than statutes or constitutions (which are derived from the legislative branch of government).

From Definition: Common Law

Customary Law: Unlike treaty law, customary international law is not written. To prove that a certain rule is customary one has to show that it is reflected in state practice and that there exists a conviction in the international community that such practice is required as a matter of law. In this context, "practice" relates to official state practice and therefore includes formal statements by states. A contrary practice by some states is possible because if this contrary practice is condemned by other states or denied by the government itself the original rule is actually confirmed.

Customary international humanitarian law

They are not the same.

Ohhh. So close. But you are still wrong.

As I noted earlier common law and customary law are the same thing.

Here's why:

Common law is the system of deciding cases that originated in England and which was latter adopted in the U.S.. Common law is based on precedent (legal principles developed in earlier case law) instead of statutory laws. It is the traditional law of an area or region created by judges when deciding individual disputes or cases. Common law changes over time.
Common Law Law & Legal Definition

Now YOU seem to think that only judges can make the common law -- or that a formal judiciary is required for there to be a common law. But that begs the question. Who makes judgments on issues of international law? On what do they BASE those decisions? Isn't PRECEDENT the basis for the determination of what is (or isn't) "customary?"

I think you'd be on sounder theoretical footing if you denied that International "Law" is actually "law."

Oh the joy of explaining the basics of the law to people who lack any background in it.

Ok. Customary law is NOT based upon judicial precedent. What judges do has NOTHING to do with customary law. As was posted, customary law must be "reflected in State Practice".

Common law is based on judicial precedent OR the judges just make it up. See the State Secrets Privilege for an example. Reynolds v. US. The judges just made it up, basically. This is NOT allowed under customary law, where the only laws that are customary law are those which states have voluntarily followed for a period of time.

Yes it is a joy to explain the law to you ignorant types. But I also enjoy when you ignorati try to educate those of us who actually grasp the law.

Customary law is the key phrase that pays. If I show you another definition of "common law" that includes "custom" there is a chance (slim in your case since you are pretty dim) that you might BEGIN to grasp how wrong you have been.

Also, I couldn't help but notice that you dodged the barbed final comment. Typical cowardice from you arrogant ignorant types.

In an accurate, simple, brief and straightforward manner, define "law." I'll try to remedy a bit further your woefully deprived education, IF you manage to come up with a reasonably accurate reply at long last.

No need to thank me. I'm here for you legally inarticulate ignorant blowhards. :clap2:
Straight out of Israel's bull shit manual. The only thing you know about Hamas is from Israel. Don't you think there may be some bias here?

Straight out of the Islamofascist manual.

Yes, I am biased. I am always biased in favor of freedom, democracy and truth. I always choose freedom over lying religous murdering thugs. Anything else?

Not if I am only going to get a BS answer.

BTW, since you like democracy, what do you think about the US funded coup against the elected government in Palestine?

I could not care less about it. Israel and the USA will do what they have to do to ensure the safety of their people.

Germany elected Hitler and the Nazis also. Would you support Hitler and the Nazis if they were in power today?

I'll save you some time. I do not care and milions of other Americans who support Israel do not care. You can post and post every day about how mean and nasty and unfair Israel is and how the poor poor victims in Gaza are suffering and on and on and on until whenever. It doesn't matter. Either put down your weapons or die.
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