16 killed in "freedom flotilla"!

Turkey is responsible for trying to force a bunch of extremists into Israeli territory.

They are the ones responsible for the injuring of the Israeli soldiers.

1. Gaza is not Israelian territory.
2. Aid workers are not extremists
3. Israel and its government is repsonsible for the future.
4. Turkey will make your breathing space very thin.
Turkey is responsible for trying to force a bunch of extremists into Israeli territory.

They are the ones responsible for the injuring of the Israeli soldiers.

1. Gaza is not Israelian territory.
2. Aid workers are not extremists
3. Israel and its government is repsonsible for the future.
4. Turkey will make your breathing space very thin.

Ekrem, you are condemned to hell because you refuse to believe God. The boundaries of Israel were defined in the Bible to be the River Litani to Damascus to the Euphrates to the Indian Ocean and west to the River of Egypt. That is an area bout fifty times bigger than Israel is today. Why don't you read the Bible and find out the truth about what God said? By the way, Gaza is just a small part of that land that goes all the way west to Egypt. The Moslem holy city of Medina is part of Greater Israel. It used to be a Jewish Merchant City before Mohammet killed all of the Jewish men there and raped all of the Jewish girls and women. For that sin against God Mohammet is going to Hell.
Ekrem, you are condemned to hell because you refuse to believe God. The boundaries of Israel were defined in the Bible to be the River Litani to Damascus to the Euphrates to the Indian Ocean and west to the River of Egypt. That is an area bout fifty times bigger than Israel is today. Why don't you read the Bible and find out the truth about what God said? By the way, Gaza is just a small part of that land that goes all the way west to Egypt. The Moslem holy city of Medina is part of Greater Israel. It used to be a Jewish Merchant City before Mohammet killed all of the Jewish men there and raped all of the Jewish girls and women. For that sin against God Mohammet is going to Hell.

You had the 20th century for your agenda. Failed.
World moves on, 21st century is undisputed Sunnite rule over Middle-East.
Get an earthly life.
Let me clue you in. Turkey will huff and puff and do jack and shit.

End of story.

I will be here, when you are proven wrong. It wont take long.

LOL! I am right. There is no "when."

It's a lock. Turkey will not do jack shit EXCEPT for the huffing and puffing.

They made a huge mistake being part of that retarded flotilla. A sad ending, but very very predictable. And it is the fault NOT of Israel -- even in international waters. It remains entirely the fault of those who engaged in that stupid display of futility. Sorry that folks had to die, but they bear responsibility for the consequences of their own insidious and stupid actions.
LOL! I am right. There is no "when." (...)

Turkish PM was in South-America when all this happened.
He will address tomorrow through parliament the Turkish public and World Community.
This he said by telephone on plane back to Turkey.

Tomorrow you will see, that there is no QUOTE: "LOL" about this issue.
I am no administrative politician and no general, unlike Neubarth, I therefore do not talk of conquering or nuking nations.
I have to wait, which sounds do come out of administrative Turkey.
I am very confident, that our response will be in utilizing almost all capabilities we have.
In the near future, even Israelian government might collapse and lead there to new elections.
If Turkey jumps, whole region jumps with.

International waters:
* * * *
[image snipped. nobody is denying that the boarding took place in international waters.]

Let me clue you in. Turkey will huff and puff and do jack and shit.

End of story.

Yes....people have tried to deny it happened in international waters * * * *

bent tight is lying once again.

You, MenstrualMess, remain nothing but an abjectly pathetic deliberate liar. Israel itself acknowledged that it happened in international waters, you fraudulent lying tool.
Israeli spokeswoman Avital Leibovich claims that the activists were affiliated with Hamas, and as such, the convoy was not intended to be a humanitarian project. She also acknowledges that the Flotilla was raided in international waters. (All via interview with Al Jazeera English)
Flotilla Update: Immediate Post-Attack Sixteen Minutes to Palestine

Stupid and dishonest MenstrualMess can't get ANYTHING right or honest.
Let me clue you in. Turkey will huff and puff and do jack and shit.

End of story.

I will be here, when you are proven wrong. It wont take long.

LOL! I am right. There is no "when."

It's a lock. Turkey will not do jack shit EXCEPT for the huffing and puffing.

They made a huge mistake being part of that retarded flotilla. A sad ending, but very very predictable. And it is the fault NOT of Israel -- even in international waters. It remains entirely the fault of those who engaged in that stupid display of futility. Sorry that folks had to die, but they bear responsibility for the consequences of their own insidious and stupid actions.

Right, because you know so much about Turkish politics, right?

Turkey is a regional power. They were one of Israels only semi-allies in the region. Now? Not so much. Turkey has already recalled its ambassador.
Turkey is responsible for trying to force a bunch of extremists into Israeli territory.

They are the ones responsible for the injuring of the Israeli soldiers.


If soldiers invade your boat in the middle of the night while in international waters, you get to fight back. Its not their fault they were invaded. Sheesh, personal responsibility, anyone?
[image snipped. nobody is denying that the boarding took place in international waters.]

Let me clue you in. Turkey will huff and puff and do jack and shit.

End of story.

Yes....people have tried to deny it happened in international waters SNITCH BITCH.

bent tight is lying once again.

You, MenstrualMess, remain nothing but an abjectly pathetic deliberate liar. Israel itself acknowledged that it happened in international waters, you fraudulent lying tool.
Israeli spokeswoman Avital Leibovich claims that the activists were affiliated with Hamas, and as such, the convoy was not intended to be a humanitarian project. She also acknowledges that the Flotilla was raided in international waters. (All via interview with Al Jazeera English)
Flotilla Update: Immediate Post-Attack Sixteen Minutes to Palestine

Stupid and dishonest MenstrualMess can't get ANYTHING right or honest.

You're a stoopid fuck. I never said Israel denied it. Once again you have celebrated on a strawman because you are too fucking dishonest as always.
There is no God but God. And Allah is most certainly not His name.

And Mohammud was a psychotic pedophile piece of garbage, too.

Are you really this ignorant of the basics of language?

Do you think that because the french call god Dieu, that somehow they are thinking of a different god than English-speakers?

You can use more than one word to refer to the same thing. Like I could call you an asshat, or a retard. And either are perfectly applicable.
Turkey is responsible for trying to force a bunch of extremists into Israeli territory.

They are the ones responsible for the injuring of the Israeli soldiers.


If soldiers invade your boat in the middle of the night while in international waters, you get to fight back. Its not their fault they were invaded. Sheesh, personal responsibility, anyone?

Israel Forces Fired On Sleeping Civillians Under Cover Of Darkness

Heavily armed soldiers “began to shoot the moment their feet hit the deck”

Steve Watson
Monday, May 31st, 2010

While the Israeli government is praising it’s soldiers as heroes and saying they were acting in self defence by firing on unarmed civilians flying a white flag in international waters, one group involved with the Freedom Flotilla has a quite different story.

A spokeswoman for Israel Defence Forces (IDF), Avital Leibovich, claims that Israeli officers gave several warnings before boarding the the Turkish boat, the Mavi Marmara.

Somehow, according to Leibovich, when the soldiers did board the boat, they were then attacked by unarmed activists and relieved of their guns – a claim that is not backed up by video footage of the ambush.

Leibovich told reporters “We found ourselves in the middle of a lynching,”

“We didn’t look for confrontation but it was a massive attack,” she said. “What happened was a last resort.”

This story is on its face ridiculous.

The following press release came from Freegaza.com , one of the aid groups involved in the flotilla, in the wake of the attack:

Under darkness of night, Israeli commandoes dropped from a helicopter onto the Turkish passenger ship, Mavi Marmara, and began to shoot the moment their feet hit the deck.

They fired directly into the crowd of civilians asleep. According to the live video from the ship, two have been killed, and 31 injured. Al Jazeera has just confirmed the numbers.

Streaming video shows the Israeli soldiers shooting at civilians, and our last SPOT beacon said, “HELP, we are being contacted by the Israelis.”

As things currently stand 20 people are thought to have been killed in the attack.

While the IDF and the Israeli government claim that their soldiers were attacked by violent political agitators wielding knives, several videos of those on board the boats and scenes from their voyage reveal that they are peaceful civilians that could not possibly constitute any threat to one of the most powerful armies on the planet.
More at: Israel Forces Fired On Sleeping Civillians Under Cover Of Darkness
I am a simple Bible believing Christian. You are of your father the Devil, (Satan or Allah) who is the father of all liars. You are condemned to Hell where you belong. Read the Bible and find the plan of Salvation and maybe you can save your stinking arse. I doubt that can happen though.

Isn't that what Jesus told the Jews in the book of John: 8:44

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lust of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the begining, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie , he speaketh of his own, for he is a liar, and the father of it.

And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

And because of this, they killed Jesus and blamed Pontius Pilot.
Those sleeping terrorists Grumpy attacking them with knives and bats, threw them off ships, and used their own guns against them.
Israel comes out of this looking terrible any way you look at it....
Not at all. The Israeli action brings Glory to God because it shows that they are finally following the instructions of JHVH. They have had a hard time doing that over the millenniums. They are learning to be obedient to God. Praise God it is finally happening. My Jewish brothers are learning to be obedient to JHVH.
Will miracles never cease.
I am a simple Bible believing Christian. You are of your father the Devil, (Satan or Allah) who is the father of all liars. You are condemned to Hell where you belong. Read the Bible and find the plan of Salvation and maybe you can save your stinking arse. I doubt that can happen though.

Isn't that what Jesus told the Jews in the book of John: 8:44

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lust of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the begining, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie , he speaketh of his own, for he is a liar, and the father of it.

And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

And because of this, they killed Jesus and blamed Pontius Pilot.

Satan is the father of all liars. I sincerely hope that you are not letting Satan influence you to post lies on this forum.

If you actually read the Bible you would know that Jesus was speaking to the Jewish religious leaders of the day. The same leaders whom God JHVH castigated because they had accepted a religion of false piety in place of obedience to God JHVH. That is the reason why the Jews were thrown out of Israel for nearly two thousand years. When they were ready to be obedient to God JHVH, he would bring them back to Israel. They are slowly learning to be obedient to their God, but it is a gradual learning process, and they are a very stubborn people.

I speak for Israel, "Satan will not prevail any longer against God's people. God will reign triumphant over the world within three years." Amen!
Yes....people have tried to deny it happened in international waters SNITCH BITCH.

bent tight is lying once again.

You, MenstrualMess, remain nothing but an abjectly pathetic deliberate liar. Israel itself acknowledged that it happened in international waters, you fraudulent lying tool.
Israeli spokeswoman Avital Leibovich claims that the activists were affiliated with Hamas, and as such, the convoy was not intended to be a humanitarian project. She also acknowledges that the Flotilla was raided in international waters. (All via interview with Al Jazeera English)
Flotilla Update: Immediate Post-Attack Sixteen Minutes to Palestine

Stupid and dishonest MenstrualMess can't get ANYTHING right or honest.

You're a stoopid * * * * I never said Israel denied it. Once again you have celebrated on a strawman because you are too fucking dishonest as always.

You remain an OBVIOUS and compulsive liar. You said "people" had denied it. But the POINT, you moron, is that Israel itself never denied that it was in international waters. So why anybody would bother denying what the main actor acknowledged remains unclear.

It was in International Waters.

So what?

I realize that you will run away from addressing this question too -- with more of your pathetic efforts at deflection -- but I think it's still worthwhile to expose your endless display of fraudulence.

You've got nothing of merit to say -- ever. You are a liar and a fraud. But don't worry. I will continue to expose you when I come upon any examples of your determined efforts to continue your lying ways. And, the really good part is: lots of people are on to who and what you are, now. So, I will never be alone in exposing your dishonesty! :cool:

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