1619 Creator says Cuba is the model for the least racist nation

The Creator of the 1619 project, the one that has convinced the entire country of systemic racism, is touting Cuba as the golden standard on how to do away with racism.

Meanwhile, 2/3 of the Cuban nation are black with 70% of those in government who are white.
Starve everyone to death?
Healthcare — Cuba Platform
The Cuban healthcare system employs a three-tiered structure for organizing primary, secondary, and tertiary care. Municipal authorities oversee a community-based primary care level consisting of consultorios (first-level clinics for consultation with doctors and nurses) and regional polyclinics. This level is famously characterized by a general family-doctor-and-nurse model (MEF, for its acronym in …

Cuba's Health Care System: a Model for the World | HuffPost
Aug 08, 2014 · 08/08/2014 09:46 am ET Updated Oct 08, 2014. This post first appeared in Opera Mundi. According to the UN’s World Health Organization, Cuba’s health care system is an example for all

You people are utterly stupid

Jeeeez. Trumpies hate everybody .. When you aren't trashing the Europeans or Canadians or Mexicans or the Arabs, you're trashing Cuba.

Have you traveled much?
and dems trash America .

The Creator of the 1619 project, the one that has convinced the entire country of systemic racism, is touting Cuba as the golden standard on how to do away with racism.

Meanwhile, 2/3 of the Cuban nation are black with 70% of those in government who are white.

'Nuff said.
I’ve been using Cuba as a a model of transcending race for years. Blacks in Cuba are culturally the same as non-blacks in Cuba. Mostly because the entire population is oppressed.
But hypocritical blacks in America insist on segregating themselves and blaming whites for their own bigotry.
The hypocritical bigot in this story is a perfect example.
I think this is the key although in the Cuban ruling class we don't see dark Cubans at all.
Apparently you can't read well

And don't call me Surly.

Apparently you can't read the word BROWN since even many "whites" in Cuba have light brown skin.

Racial Demographics:

US State Department officially identifies Cuba as 62% black. Cuban scholars say up to 72% of population is non-white.


According to Cuban statistics released in The Challenges of the Racial Problems in Cuba (2008)1 , a 385-page study whose publication was authorized by Raul Castro´s regime, described the plight of the Black population as a whole. Written by economist (Chief Investigator), Dr. Esteban Morales Dominguez, and based on 2005 data, it reveals that: • Black population recorded growing impoverishments over the past 25 years; • Cuba´s total civil and public leadership is predominantly white (71%), despite a Black population of somewhere between 62-72%


The Creator of the 1619 project, the one that has convinced the entire country of systemic racism, is touting Cuba as the golden standard on how to do away with racism.

Meanwhile, 2/3 of the Cuban nation are black with 70% of those in government who are white.
The Blaze? Seriously? :rofl: :cuckoo:

The Creator of the 1619 project, the one that has convinced the entire country of systemic racism, is touting Cuba as the golden standard on how to do away with racism.

Meanwhile, 2/3 of the Cuban nation are black with 70% of those in government who are white.
Not to mention the leftwing socialist regime is oppressing it's entire population
Cuba's voter turnout in 2019 was 90% and they voted for the Cuban Constitution.
whenever voter turnout is that big....it's suspect.

Other places that have high voter turn out like that were Saddam's Iraq, Kim in NK, Assad...and of course in Cuba with the Castros

Iraq former president Saddam Hussein also won 100% votes in a 2002 referendum on whether his decades-long rule was to continue. Former Supreme Leader Kim Jong-il fared almost as well as his son in 2009, winning 99.9 % of votes. Raul Castro earned 99.4% votes in the 2008 Cuban election and Syria's Bashar al-Assad secured 97.6% votes for his 2007 presidential referendum.
Turkmenistan's Saparmurat Niyazov in 1992 and Chechnya's United Russian Party in 2011 both secured 99.5%. Kurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, also from Turkmenistan, topped them with 97% in 2012. In 2004, Georgia's Mikheil Saakashvili won more than 96% votes after his predecessor was ousted in a bloodless revolution.
In authoritarian regimes, elections are largely managed popularity contests, says Michael Svetlik, vice-president of the International Foundation for Electoral Systems. Elections are rigged and people vote one way because they fear punishments."
Tell us about your experiences with Cuban healthcare...
I cut my ankle damn near the Achilles. No hospital. The girl at the farmacia cleaned it thoroughly, stitched it up and gave me 10 days of Cephalexin tabs. Offered a tetanus booster, which I declined.
Worked out to about $15 -17 usa pesos
Not to mention the leftwing socialist regime is oppressing it's entire population
Cuba is persecuting more than others, like persecuting gays.

That's why Leftists are proud to wear Che T shirts and defend the Cuban regime like the useful racist Black hating tools they are for the Bernie crowd.
Healthcare — Cuba Platform
The Cuban healthcare system employs a three-tiered structure for organizing primary, secondary, and tertiary care. Municipal authorities oversee a community-based primary care level consisting of consultorios (first-level clinics for consultation with doctors and nurses) and regional polyclinics. This level is famously characterized by a general family-doctor-and-nurse model (MEF, for its acronym in …

Cuba's Health Care System: a Model for the World | HuffPost
Aug 08, 2014 · 08/08/2014 09:46 am ET Updated Oct 08, 2014. This post first appeared in Opera Mundi. According to the UN’s World Health Organization, Cuba’s health care system is an example for all
hahaha Cuba runs out of freaking TP! If you can't clean yourself...it's unhealthy! Cuba runs out of toilet paper

Cuba failing socialist healthcare system is one of the main reasons for the freedom revolution we are seeing now: Cuba’s Communist Healthcare System Collapses Amid COVID-19 Epidemic

The Socialist regime has run out of medicine....

A Cuban-American doctor explained Wednesday why Cuba is a "terrible, corrupt nation" after prominent socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., praised the communist country's policies.

"To talk about health care in Cuba is to talk about one of the saddest things on Earth," Miami physician Dr. Grazie Christie told "Fox & Friends."

Christie said, "there is no health care in Cuba for the regular people." She explained further that there are clinics for foreign visitors and tourists and there is one special hospital for the communist elite. The hospitals and clinics for everyone else are "covered in roaches and rats and have no equipment."
They have no medicine. They have no gauze. When a Cuban person in Cuba needs to have an operation, they call their family members here in Miami to send them gauze, syringes, suture material, and that’s what they use in Cuba for operations," Christie said.

"The Cuban people have nothing for themselves."
How about YOUR experiences with Cuban healthcare?

Jul 10, 2021 · Despite the blockade, Cuba has secured and guarantees free healthcare to all its residents. Cuba has independently produced five COVID-19 vaccines, but the blockade prevents access to equipment for vaccine and food production creating shortages and scarcity. Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla said during the U.N. General Assembly ...
There is no blockade....there hasn't been one since 1962 when we were attempted to keep nukes out.

You dembots will fall for any socialist propaganda won't you?
hahaha Cuba runs out of freaking TP! If you can't clean yourself...it's unhealthy! Cuba runs out of toilet paper

Cuba failing socialist healthcare system is one of the main reasons for the freedom revolution we are seeing now: Cuba’s Communist Healthcare System Collapses Amid COVID-19 Epidemic

The Socialist regime has run out of medicine....

A Cuban-American doctor explained Wednesday why Cuba is a "terrible, corrupt nation" after prominent socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., praised the communist country's policies.

"To talk about health care in Cuba is to talk about one of the saddest things on Earth," Miami physician Dr. Grazie Christie told "Fox & Friends."

Christie said, "there is no health care in Cuba for the regular people." She explained further that there are clinics for foreign visitors and tourists and there is one special hospital for the communist elite. The hospitals and clinics for everyone else are "covered in roaches and rats and have no equipment."
They have no medicine. They have no gauze. When a Cuban person in Cuba needs to have an operation, they call their family members here in Miami to send them gauze, syringes, suture material, and that’s what they use in Cuba for operations," Christie said.

"The Cuban people have nothing for themselves."
Can one of your sycophant doctors explain how the people of Cuba live longer than people in America?
There is no blockade....there hasn't been one since 1962 when we were attempted to keep nukes out.

You dembots will fall for any socialist propaganda won't you?

Trump said he reinstated the embargo and shut down the Marriott in Havana.

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