1619 Creator says Cuba is the model for the least racist nation

Capitalism always needs fome blending in of socialism to make it work well enough to fulfill the needs of the country's people.
That's obviously above your pay grade to understand.

You're too consumed with hate to be of any interest in this discussion.

People in relatively poor countries eat their pets when the country's wealth isn't distributed equitably.

People in America eat Ramen noodles and other affordable foods when America's huge wealth isn't shared equitably.

Even 'your' comments are sometimes worthy of a reply because they raise the obvious points that are relevant.

Even though to you your comments are just your expressions of hate.
No capitalism doesn’t need the Govt owning the means of production. Govt can certainly own things and Govt can certainly purchase things

The only hate i have is for the suffering people invading zoos to find food

You are comparing eating ramen noodles to people forced to eat their pets? really? haha that’s how messed up you are

the very idea that you think wealth need to be redistributed is the problem. wealth isn’t finite…not in a capitalist society. In a left wing society maybe, as we have seen…people don’t own anything thus can’t create it for themselves and are dependent on govt to redistribute it. That’s the flaw, and why the Govt party leaders are eating porterhouse steaks and the rest of the nation is forced to eat rats
The point is, the people of Venezuela actually were being forced to eat their pets before Hugo Chavez


And Venezuela's 'pie' was and is a big pie, with their oil wealth

Was. Before Chavez and Maduro looted their oil infrastructure funds.

See how you can contribute to the discussion, even when your intention if only meant to spew more hate!

Pointing out the failures of communism is "spewing hate"?

You're so dramatic!

How well could Cuba be doing if it wasn't for US dirty tricks?

How well could Cuba be doing if it wasn't for Castro's dictatorship?
It's true, the worker's revolution was a failure.
You aren't understanding that it's a popular revolution and that it would have fallen many years ago if it wasn't.

No dictatorship can last for as long as Cuba's revolution has lasted if it's not supported by it's people.

You could be raising a relevant question on why America hasn't crushed their revolution through the violence of war?

Popular dictatorships are toppled by America's dirty tricks when America sees it as a threat.

Why hasn't America made the move to restore the Batista regime, or the equivalent in Cuba?
Was. Before Chavez and Maduro looted their oil infrastructure funds.
That's an interesting supposition but it has no basis in truth. What could it even mean?

Nationalizing Venezuela's oil wealth could only have a negative effect if America opposed it and took measures to attempt to reverse Chavez's move. It was the case in Iraq and also in other oil rich countries.
Saudi is an example of co-operation with America where the evil monarchy actually did capture a big part of the oil wealth, and hence no need for US dirty tricks.

Would Americans have us believe that Chavez and Maduro kepts Venezuela's wealth in their own personal bank vaults?

You're acting like a nasty contrary little prick Todd, and it's really only based on you hateful disposition. It's gotten too tedious to even answer for a while at least. You need time to polish up your game Todd.
That's an interesting supposition but it has no basis in truth. What could it even mean?

It means that Chavez and Maduro looted the oil funds that should have been reinvested.
Are you a moron or just a far-leftist?

Nationalizing Venezuela's oil wealth could only have a negative effect if America opposed it and took measures to attempt to reverse Chavez's move.

When you embezzle money that is needed to keep up oil production, you shouldn't be surprised when oil production declines. Unless you're a far-left moron. Then you're shocked.

Would Americans have us believe that Chavez and Maduro kepts Venezuela's wealth in their own personal bank vaults?

Where do you feel they keep it? Maybe Hugo's daughter could could help you?

Diario las Americas claims that Maria Gabriela Chavez, 35, has $4.2billion in assets held in American and Andorran banks


You're acting like a nasty contrary little prick Todd

Of course my posts would make a whiney far-left twat feel that way.

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