1619 Creator says Cuba is the model for the least racist nation

I told you they were fucking commies.

I will fuck up the next person who denies these asshole are commies!!!
Congratulations, you win a cookie


The Creator of the 1619 project, the one that has convinced the entire country of systemic racism, is touting Cuba as the golden standard on how to do away with racism.

Meanwhile, 2/3 of the Cuban nation are black with 70% of those in government who are white.

Also, I note with interest that she herself does not live in this "anti-racist" utopia.
Healthcare — Cuba Platform
The Cuban healthcare system employs a three-tiered structure for organizing primary, secondary, and tertiary care. Municipal authorities oversee a community-based primary care level consisting of consultorios (first-level clinics for consultation with doctors and nurses) and regional polyclinics. This level is famously characterized by a general family-doctor-and-nurse model (MEF, for its acronym in …

Cuba's Health Care System: a Model for the World | HuffPost
Aug 08, 2014 · 08/08/2014 09:46 am ET Updated Oct 08, 2014. This post first appeared in Opera Mundi. According to the UN’s World Health Organization, Cuba’s health care system is an example for all

Which just goes to show that anyone who trusts the WHO or believes what they say is a blithering moron who should be institutionalized for their own safety.
How about YOUR experiences with Cuban healthcare?

Jul 10, 2021 · Despite the blockade, Cuba has secured and guarantees free healthcare to all its residents. Cuba has independently produced five COVID-19 vaccines, but the blockade prevents access to equipment for vaccine and food production creating shortages and scarcity. Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla said during the U.N. General Assembly ...

Liberation News? Seriously?

Consider that your last chance to be seen as a real person in this thread . . . and you blew it. Dismissed, leftist tool.
Will lefties never learn? Another Jones entered the limelight in the 70's and lefties were enchanted by the notion of a socialist paradise in the jungles of Guyana. Democrats from Pelosi's San Francisco district couldn't wait to join Jim Jones temple and he was even photographed with Jimmie Carter's 1st lady at the time.
The Blaze? Seriously? :rofl: :cuckoo:

So you're saying Hannah-Jones DIDN'T say that?

Or are you, as usual, saying, "I have absolutely nothing intelligent to say, so I'll just pretend to sneer and hope people fill in the blanks for me"?

Go be Jillian somewhere that decent people don't have to see it.
hhahhaha yeah...that's it...leftwing Cuba would be doing great right now, but for the failing capitalist system in the US....which somehow is keeping the great leftist economic system from doing well...even when it's failing....that makes a lot of sense

They are, massive food storages in Cuba at the moment...what you consider bulk and what they consider bulk are quite different.
Is leftwing better off than small bathtub governments of neighboring Haiti and the Dominican Republic?
Food shortages imposed on Cuba by US dirty tricks is the last hurdle to China eliminating the shortages.

There's still time for Americans to hate, but not much anymore.
hahaha the US isn't causing food shortages.
The abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables we see in Cuban markets are lazer images.
As are the displays of plenty Canadian tourists are treated to!

Cuban Americans can demonstrate their hate all the like but it's not going to stop China to the rescue. That understood by America's government already!
hahah the Cuban Govt is causing the food shortages....I am sure they treat the tourist well...it's the citizens that they cause harm to
Jeeeez. Trumpies hate everybody .. When you aren't trashing the Europeans or Canadians or Mexicans or the Arabs, you're trashing Cuba.

Have you traveled much?
Truth hurts don't it? When fake Americans stop trashing America I will try being nice. By fake Americans I mean libtards like you.
It's obvious that a good portion of Americans are ready to bomb Cuba to save the people.
But can America get away with another war of aggression now?

The best hope is in the demonization of China and that's already started to be shifted at least partially off of Russia's supposed Malware attacks and onto China.

Hardly any American is immune from 'hate' propaganda against the dreaded commies under their beds.

Or is Cuba going to quietly and peacefully slip out of US hands and into China's favour?

Some could say that Trump lost a war fro his country without firing a shot. For the fine purpose of spiting that ni--er who presumed he could be the president.

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