Zone1 This is What the Government has done for Whites

I dunno. I like those SS checks. :)
I'd be happier if they just gave me all my money back plus a reasonable annual interest rate compounded over the sixty-plus years I paid into the Ponzi scheme.
Tell me that it's not 1776 next July 4th. So face the music without denial. Whites have been given more than everybody here and it did not stop in the 1950's. White own of their profits right now. And during the pandemic white businesses were handed huge sums of money from the government. But you see, Marknut, those proframs I talk about have created much of the wealth whites have now. And considering that 40 percent of whites in America are still benefitting from the Homestead Act, you can drop the silly it's 2022 stuff.

Your excuses get you nowhere son. Understand that and govern yourself accordingly.
How amusing. "Drop the silly it's 2022 stuff." Do you mean it is not 2022?

"40 percent of whites in America are still benefitting from the Homestead Act"
That's just goofy. Where do you provide actual solutions? Say for the huge crime rate in the black community?


Where do you provide actual solutions? Say for the huge crime rate in the black community?
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This thread is about what the government has done for whites. It was created to debunk the lies right wings tell themselves about their independence. Whites are the government free stuff kings and queens. Whites have been the barons of begging. The masters of the government handout. Merit has very little to do with it. And all you can do is divert from the topic instead of facing the truth.
How amusing. "Drop the silly it's 2022 stuff." Do you mean it is not 2022?

"40 percent of whites in America are still benefitting from the Homestead Act"
That's just goofy. Where do you provide actual solutions? Say for the huge crime rate in the black community?


Where do you provide actual solutions? Say for the huge crime rate in the black community?
I did not create racism. Whites did. I have given you the solution. Get off your rear end asking blacks to fox the problem whites created and work to end white racism.

Solve the higher crime in the white community. Man up. This thread is not about blacks.
I've posted documented history. So your disagreement is just ignorance.
That’s the biggest issue with your posts. History that does not pertain to today. History that nobody today is responsible for. History that whites today do not experience. History today that blacks do not experience.
This thread is about what the government has done for whites.
It is not about your flawed analysis of black wealth that ignores the trilllions of dollars blacks have been denied by various forms of white racism.
WTF is the government doing for or giving to whites TODAY that blacks are not getting?
I did not create racism. Whites did. I have given you the solution. Get off your rear end asking blacks to fox the problem whites created and work to end white racism.

Solve the higher crime in the white community. Man up. This thread is not about blacks.
Racism is dying from disinterest here. It's kept alive more by blacks than by whites.
I did not create racism. Whites did. I have given you the solution. Get off your rear end asking blacks to fox the problem whites created and work to end white racism.

Solve the higher crime in the white community. Man up. This thread is not about blacks.
Please at least make an effort to concentrate and reply to the question posed rather than typical far-left behavior by answering a question not asked.

Once again, for your convenience.

Your (IM2s) quote:
"40 percent of whites in America are still benefitting from the Homestead Act"

My (Markle's) question.
That's just goofy. Where do you provide actual solutions? Say for the huge crime rate in the black community?

This thread is about what the government has done for whites. It was created to debunk the lies right wings tell themselves about their independence. Whites are the government free stuff kings and queens. Whites have been the barons of begging. The masters of the government handout. Merit has very little to do with it. And all you can do is divert from the topic instead of facing the truth.
IF that is your sincere intent, then this thread belongs in the historical forum. I was under the belief that this is a forum for contemporary discussion and problem-solving, not debating the past.
WTF is the government doing for or giving to whites TODAY that blacks are not getting?
Do you mean other than being punished because of their race? Other than for being white?
What you explained fit YOUR narrative. I don't have a narrative and no matter what excuses any of you whites use, the fact is that the government gave free land to whites.

Molly, 93 million whites live on homestead lands. Entire states were created by homesteading. The constitution was ratified in 1787. You guys talk about the document all the time. So your that was in the past schtick won't work here. Whites got free land. Whites passed that free land to their children. Ask Cliven Bundy, he livee on homestead land and whines because he had to pay a grazing fee. Whites on the right have a serious entitlement mentality.
My family was given nothing. We all live on land stolen from the NA. You going to give your property back to them? What happened is in the PAST. Move on. That huge chip on your shoulder keeps you from focusing on anything but the past.
IF that is your sincere intent, then this thread belongs in the historical forum. I was under the belief that this is a forum for contemporary discussion and problem-solving, not debating the past.
No, the thread is here because people like you are apparently unaware of all the things whites have been given. And whites like you can take that it was in the past stuff and.... Because the past has created the present and all whites like you want to do is absolve yourselves of your responsibility to end the racist behavior practiced by whites while you bark at us to take responsibility for our choices. You don't want to solve the problem, you want us to present ideas so you can tell us how what we present are not the solution. End white racism. Do your part.
Do you mean other than being punished because of their race? Other than for being white?
Whites aren't being punished for anything. That's a belief held by members of the racist subculture in the white community.
Whites aren't being punished for anything. That's a belief held by members of the racist subculture in the white community.
Specifically, please. How are whites NOT being punished for being white? Do affirmative action laws NOT punish someone for being white or, as has been proven, Asian? Don't you want your surgeon, airline pilot, or grocery cashier to be the best and brightest for that job?
Specifically, please. How are whites NOT being punished for being white? Do affirmative action laws NOT punish someone for being white or, as has been proven, Asian? Don't you want your surgeon, airline pilot, or grocery cashier to be the best and brightest for that job?
Affirmative Action doesn't punish whites because whites have benefitted the most from it. Also AA was made to provide equal opportunity. So unless you believe whites are entitled to everything, you know that the policy does not punish whites. Asians are beneficiaries of AA. And why is it that whites like you can never bring yourself to believe that unqualified whites exist? Unqualified whites were given opportunities non whites were denied until 58 years ago. That's 188 years of unqualified whites getting everything given to them.

So stop whining. This imaginary white victimhood gets tiring to read.
No, the thread is here because people like you are apparently unaware of all the things whites have been given. And whites like you can take that it was in the past stuff and.... Because the past has created the present and all whites like you want to do is absolve yourselves of your responsibility to end the racist behavior practiced by whites while you bark at us to take responsibility for our choices. You don't want to solve the problem, you want us to present ideas so you can tell us how what we present are not the solution. End white racism. Do your part.
How do non racists end racism in others? I am no more responsible for the behavior of others than you are.
Yeah right. This forum debunks your claim.
Forums like this attract racist comments as they are free to express themselves with impunity. Most forums don't allow the 'verbiage' found here.

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