168 Republicans vote against active shooter allert system

An attitude shared by too many of your fellow citizens which is the main reason both parties can get away with following "their" agendas and not ones that better serve the interests of citizens and this nation.

The major flaw with our USA system of government is the low level of actual, concerned, and involved citizen participation. Which is, should be, more than just voting every couple/few years or so.

There is so much that you don't know.
This bill requires a designated officer of the Department of Justice to act as the national coordinator of an Active Shooter Alert Communications Network regarding an emergency involving an active shooter.

The bill sets forth duties of the coordinator, including to work with state, tribal, and local governments to encourage coordination of various elements of the network. The coordinator must also encourage federal, state, local, and tribal government agencies to establish procedures for responding to active shooters.

Finally, the bill requires the Government Accountability Office to study and report on state and local responses to active shooters and situations requiring the issuance of a public alert or warning.

There is no doubt that the Senate will not get an up or down vote on HR 6538. How many more Mass Murders will it take to come to senses of the voters to replace the 169 members of the H. of Rep. who reject any gun control - the gun lobby bribes them and they are happy to spend half the day calling for more bribes to keep their job.

Yeah....don't need a federal coordinator.......the states can do this all on their own......

This has nothing to do with gun control, it is another attempt to create a bloated, useless bureaucracy...
I think that HR 6538 is one step to mitigate the damage, the deaths and the long lasting grief of families. As far as I know the Uvalde officers didn't do their job, not only because they were not trained, they were cowards.

They were trained...in fact, they had the training in May....or March.......but they had the training, and knew the policy and standards....if there is an active shooter the first officer on scene enters and tries to find and confront the shooter......I've been through this training several times.....and that is how police are now trained to respond to active shooters.
Yes I did pass Civics in High School, and graduated with a double major of Poli Sci and US History at CAL. Setting your ad hominem aside, what riders were attached to HR 6538 that made 169 members of The House rejected. All of us know the Gun Lobby bribed them.

Moron...this has nothing to do with guns....so there would be no "gun"reason to stop it......this is likely an attempt by the democrats to push through spending hidden behind this Bill...

As I've noted before, the Republican Party put money in their pocket book before the people they represent.

You dumb ass...

Don't blame the NRA for failed gun control efforts

You know how the argument goes. The "conventional wisdom" is the NRA's heavy spending stops hundreds of politicians from enacting the "common sense" gun control laws they and everyone else would otherwise support.

There's only one problem with that theory. It's all wrong.

Of course, the NRA does spend money and it does have a sophisticated and persistent messaging operation. But so do dozens of other organizations and causes. So, how does the NRA stack up against them?
Not too well. The NRA, gun makers, and gun rights issues do not even show up on the OpenSecrets website lists for top lobbying firms, top lobbying sectors, top lobbying issues, or top lobbying industries for the years 1998-2017.

The figures for Florida Senator Marco Rubio are particularly educational, since he has been a target of a lot of anti-NRA screeds since the shooting in his home state. A look at the top 20 donors to Rubio directly and his PAC since 2009 does not include the NRA.

Over his career since 2009, Rubio has raised a total of more than $91 million in donations. The NRA is responsible for just over $3 million of that, or 3.3 percent. Big whoop, as they say. Yes, $3 million is a lot of money and more than most of us could ever donate to anything. But context is everything, and the even a so-called "poster boy" for NRA donations would only be 3.3 percent lighter in campaign cash without them.

Again, that certainly doesn't mean the NRA isn't spending a lot of money. But the Poltifact fact-checking website puts the total amount of NRA spending since 1998 at $203 million. That figure is even smaller than it looks when you consider 30 percent of Americans, or about 100 million people, own a gun. By contrast, Wall Street and the broader financial industrial shelled out more than $1.1 billion in the 2016 election cycle alone. The financial industry employs only about six million people in total.

The bulk of that $203 million doesn't actually go to candidates as the hysterical tweets and finger pointers seem to believe. It's spent on those "issue ads" that you see mostly on cable news channels during election years. But even if those ads are extremely influential, they are a much different animal than direct campaign donations to individual congressional and presidential candidates.

There's even a question of whether the NRA is very persuasive among actual gun owners. Fewer than 20 percent of American gun owners are even NRA members. That should tell us something about the "chicken or the egg" argument about the gun lobby. The NRA is much more likely piggybacking off the beliefs of gun owners as opposed to framing them in the first place. The real power is with those voting gun owners, not the lobby group that purports to represent them.

Some gun control advocates are wise to this fact. New America senior fellow Lee Drutman has been working to debunk the myth of the all-powerful NRA's money for several years. Beginning in 2012, he noted the NRA hadn't even made donations to a majority of members of Congress. He also made the correct designation between allegiance and influence. That is, the NRA supports candidates that already align with its philosophy as opposed to paying them to toe the line.

Former New York City mayor and media billionaire Mike Bloomberg has thus made a futile point over the years to combat the NRA's money machine. Bloomberg founded "Everytown for Gun Safety" in 2014based on matching the NRA's financial clout. It hasn't been a total political failure. But in the wake of so many mass shootings since 2014, it's also fair to say Everytown hasn't been able to shepherd any new significant national gun laws to passage either.

A much better strategy is to talk less about the NRA and focus more on resurrecting the anti-gun violence measures Americans have supported in the past. That includes beefed up policing and improved background check systems.

A misbegotten path is introducing new rules and misrepresenting them to the public. That's what happened last year when Democrats tried a proposed rule that they and most of the news media portrayed as a way to keep guns from the "mentally ill." But it really sought to put people into the federal government gun background database if they received disability payments from Social Security and received assistance to manage their benefits due to mental impairments. That's a far cry from "mentally ill." Even the ACLU and mental health advocates lined up against that idea, not just the NRA.
An attitude shared by too many of your fellow citizens which is the main reason both parties can get away with following "their" agendas and not ones that better serve the interests of citizens and this nation.

The major flaw with our USA system of government is the low level of actual, concerned, and involved citizen participation. Which is, should be, more than just voting every couple/few years or so.
when the 2 parties start running quality people that may change....until then FUCK both of the parties and the 20 percenters they run....
This bill requires a designated officer of the Department of Justice to act as the national coordinator of an Active Shooter Alert Communications Network regarding an emergency involving an active shooter.

The bill sets forth duties of the coordinator, including to work with state, tribal, and local governments to encourage coordination of various elements of the network. The coordinator must also encourage federal, state, local, and tribal government agencies to establish procedures for responding to active shooters.

Finally, the bill requires the Government Accountability Office to study and report on state and local responses to active shooters and situations requiring the issuance of a public alert or warning.

There is no doubt that the Senate will not get an up or down vote on HR 6538. How many more Mass Murders will it take to come to senses of the voters to replace the 169 members of the H. of Rep. who reject any gun control - the gun lobby bribes them and they are happy to spend half the day calling for more bribes to keep their job.
Getting rid of gun free zones will stop most of these mass shootings.

As I've noted before, the Republican Party put money in their pocket book before the people they represent.
Bet you don't have an issue with Bloomberg spending 50 million on gun control. Wonder how many politicians that bought. Its way more than the NRA spends.
How many more Mass Murders will it take to come to senses of the voters to replace the 169 members of the H. of Rep. who reject any gun control
Good question.

Answer: it doesn’t matter.

This is the Dark Age of the tyranny of Republican minority rule – where the will of he people is ignored and the democratic process rendered irrelevant.
School shootings are bad politics for the dishonest right; the last thing conservatives want is more attention directed at school shootings.
Gun free zones are bullet magnets.Your either one of the smart ones who knows that disarming law abiding citizens won't do shit are your one of the dumb asses that actually believe it will work.
Republicans "Read the bill" and "You don't know what's in the bill".

Insinuating there is something nefarious in the bill, of course without any evidence, because republicans didn't read the bill.

Although watching republicans defend their stupidity is entertaining.
Gun free zones are bullet magnets.Your either one of the smart ones who knows that disarming law abiding citizens won't do shit are your one of the dumb asses that actually believe it will work.
Sure, retard.

The cure for all the drug overdoses is, of course, MORE drugs too.
Good question.

Answer: it doesn’t matter.

This is the Dark Age of the tyranny of Republican minority rule – where the will of he people is ignored and the democratic process rendered irrelevant.
Call for a Convention then to amend the Constitution. You do know how that works, right ?

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