“17 Tapes” Is The Latest Attempt By Republicans To Smear Joe Biden

Here’s a hot tip for anyone trying to peddle a lie: Add a number. Don’t make it too big, or too vague, like “millions.” If you’re talking about stealing an election, 450,000might work. Or 33,000. Or maybe 5,000. But really, all those numbers are a little suspiciously neat. To really make this thing work, the number has to be something solid. Something specific.

Like 17. Now there’s a number.

If you’ve seen that number in the news this week, it’s probably been as part of the latest “scandal” that Republicans have whipped up about President Joe Biden. If you haven’t seen it, count yourself lucky, but don’t think it’s going to last. Because Republicans, led by pidgin expert Sen. Chuck Grassley and whistleblower-hatingRep. James Comer, are claiming that there are “17 tapes” that document their claims of a bribery scandal connected to Biden and his son Hunter.

Have they heard these 17 tapes? No. Have they heard maybe 10 of the tapes? No. How many tapes have they heard? Zero. They’ve heard zero tapes. Because the whole thing is just another part of the extended fantasy tale that Rudy Giuliani brought to them years ago. Like the missing whistleblower and the fake “FBI document,” Republicans know this is all a lie. They just don’t care.

The make-believe scandal that Republicans are now pretending to investigate goes back to May 1, 2019. That’s when Rudy Giulani brought a tale of intrigue, bribery, and blackmail to The New York Times, without any evidence, and the Times did what it does when Guilani brings them anything: They ran it without question.

The claim from the start was based around the fact that while Joe Biden had been vice president, his son Hunter had been on the board of a Ukrainian energy firm called Burisma. In March 2016, Biden pressured Ukraine to fire a prosecutor named Viktor Shokin, heavily hinting that U.S. aid might be withheld if Shokin wasn’t dropped. From this, Giuliani spun a story that Shokin had been investigating Burisma and Biden had him fired to protect his son’s paycheck.

It took less than a week for Bloomberg News to do what The New York Times had skipped over in their efforts to act as a Giuliani transcription service. Bloomberg sent reporters to Ukraine, interviewed officials, checked with Giuliani’s supposed sources, and looked back at the very well documented, very public events. They immediately showed that everything Giuliani was claiming was nonsense.

The reason that Biden put pressure on Ukraine over Shokin was because he was refusing to investigate Burisma. And not just Burisma. Shokin was such a corrupt prosecutor that he was allowing oligarchs to do as they pleased, so long as they shared a little of their profits. It was actually a probe by the U.K.’s Serious Fraud Office that opened the door on how corrupt Shokin was, and how his failure to investigate was turning Ukraine into a hotspot for international criminals. Getting rid of Shokin was a critical step in the fight against corruption in Ukraine.

Shokin himself has even confirmed that he was never investigating Burisma, which is all the testimony that’s needed to show that the whole thing is a farce. The truth is that Biden completely ignored how his actions might damage his son’s income in order to do the right thing in stopping corruption. And, no matter what Giuliani, Trump, or innumerable Republicans have said since then, there is not, was not, has not been, any evidence of wrongdoing by either Joe Biden or Hunter Biden in Ukraine.

But just because a crime doesn’t exist has never stopped Republicans from continuing to “investigate.” Since Republicans gained control of the House, that has meant Rep. James Comer cornponing his way across right-wing media repeating claims he knows are not true. Because truth has f*** all to do with it.

Here’s a number for you. 18

That’s how many months are left before the Democrats take back the House.
Ah, it's the daily spew! Thanks but no thanks.
the evidence for all these little conspiracies ...

Let me stop you right there because almost EVERYTHNG Democrats, their Fake Neqs MSM, snowflakes, trolls, and bots have called 'Conspiracy Theories' have been proven to be TRUE / REAL.

A whistleblower comes forward to prove the Bidens have created 20 shell companies / LLCs for 11 Bidens - to include their grandkids...

A whistleblower comes forward to prove these 20 accounts have triggered hundreds of Suspicious Account Activity Alerts used to track / identify smugglers...

A whistleblower comes forward to prove these 20 accounts have been used to launder millions of dollars from China, Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Burisma, and others...

Evidence supporting these claims is submitted by the US Dept of the Treasury, the US IRS, AND 12 seperaye banks...

Some of these payments deposited into these accounts are referrenced in Hunter's laptop

A Burisma Exec testifies he bribed Joe Biden $5 Mil, says he has tapes...

Hunter Biden complains in his e-mail about having to give part of the money he is getting from these entities to his 'POPS'...

Hunter's own Burisma partners stated Joe Biden is the 'Big Guy'...

There are references to the 'Big Guy' getting 10% of the Influence Peddling' money...

And idiots like you try to claim that all of these individual pieces of CORROBORATING evidence are not true, that all of it is a 'Conspiracy Theory'.


Maybe its because the only 'evidence' Democrats trust is the 'evidence' they manufacture themselves.
Let me stop you roght there because almost EVERYTHNG Democrats, their Fake Neqs MSM, snowflakes, trolls, and bots have called 'Conspiracy Theories' have been proven to be TRUE / REAL.

A whistleblower comes forward to prove the Bidens have created 20 shell companies / LLCs for 11 Bidens - to include their grandkids...

A whistleblower comes forward to prove tbese 20 accounts have triggered hundreds of Suspicious Account Activity Alerts used to track / identify smugglers...

A whistleblower comes forward to prove tbese 20 accounts have been used to launder millions of dollars from China, Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Burisma, and others...

Evidence supporting these claims is submitted by the US Dept of the Treasury, the US IRS, AND 12 seperaye banks...

These payments deposited into these accounts are rererrenced in Hunter's laptop

A Burisma Exec testifies he bribed Joe Biden $5 Mil, says he has tapes...

Hunter Biden complains in his e-mail about having to give part of the money he is getting from these entities to his 'POPS'...

Hunter's own Burisma partners stayed Joe Biden is tbe 'Big Guy'...

There are recerences to rhe 'Big Guy' getting 10% of the Influence Peddling' money...

And idiots like you try to.claim that all of these individual pieces of CORROBORATING evidence are not true, that all of it is a 'Conspiracy Theory'.


Maybe its because the only 'evidence' Democrats trust is the 'evidence' they manufacture themselves.
No, you guys have just repeated them so often you really believe them. All I want to see is evidence that will hold up in court. Big Guy is not proof, some Russian guy saying Joe took money, and on and on. You might really want to think before you insult someone else's intelligence, your is certainly questionable.
No, you guys have just repeated them so often you really believe them.

Thank you for demonstrating how mentally f*ed up snowflakes are by continuing to ignore / dismiss all of the overwhelming, undeniable, corroborating evidence of the Biden's crimes.


You are dismissed due to a complete lack of credibility.
Thank you for demonstrating how mentally f*ed up snowflakes are by continuing to ignore / dismiss all of the overwhelming, undeniable, corroborating evidence of the Biden's crimes.


You are dismissed due to a complete lack of credibility.
What overwhelming evidence? 2 or 17 tapes no one can produce?
What overwhelming evidence? 2 or 17 tapes no one can produce?

Again you attempt to ignore all of the existing evidence, to include those listed and more.



Dismissed. Go back to the kids' table.
Again you attempt to ignore all of the existing evidence, to include those listed and more.



Dismissed. Go back to the kids' table.
One solid piece of evidence. Just one that would hold up in court.
One solid piece of evidence. Just one that would hold up in court.
The evidence is still being compiled. The Biden lackeys in the FBI and DOJ are going to do what they can to obstruct and derail attempts to compile evidence. Corrupt FBI director Wray tried to deny evidence of a FD-1023. He later presented a redacted copy that concealed the existence of tape recordings. The FD-1023 is not classified so why the need to redact unless there is something he wants to conceal.
Here’s a hot tip for anyone trying to peddle a lie: Add a number. Don’t make it too big, or too vague, like “millions.” If you’re talking about stealing an election, 450,000might work. Or 33,000. Or maybe 5,000. But really, all those numbers are a little suspiciously neat. To really make this thing work, the number has to be something solid. Something specific.

Like 17. Now there’s a number.

If you’ve seen that number in the news this week, it’s probably been as part of the latest “scandal” that Republicans have whipped up about President Joe Biden. If you haven’t seen it, count yourself lucky, but don’t think it’s going to last. Because Republicans, led by pidgin expert Sen. Chuck Grassley and whistleblower-hatingRep. James Comer, are claiming that there are “17 tapes” that document their claims of a bribery scandal connected to Biden and his son Hunter.

Have they heard these 17 tapes? No. Have they heard maybe 10 of the tapes? No. How many tapes have they heard? Zero. They’ve heard zero tapes. Because the whole thing is just another part of the extended fantasy tale that Rudy Giuliani brought to them years ago. Like the missing whistleblower and the fake “FBI document,” Republicans know this is all a lie. They just don’t care.

The make-believe scandal that Republicans are now pretending to investigate goes back to May 1, 2019. That’s when Rudy Giulani brought a tale of intrigue, bribery, and blackmail to The New York Times, without any evidence, and the Times did what it does when Guilani brings them anything: They ran it without question.

The claim from the start was based around the fact that while Joe Biden had been vice president, his son Hunter had been on the board of a Ukrainian energy firm called Burisma. In March 2016, Biden pressured Ukraine to fire a prosecutor named Viktor Shokin, heavily hinting that U.S. aid might be withheld if Shokin wasn’t dropped. From this, Giuliani spun a story that Shokin had been investigating Burisma and Biden had him fired to protect his son’s paycheck.

It took less than a week for Bloomberg News to do what The New York Times had skipped over in their efforts to act as a Giuliani transcription service. Bloomberg sent reporters to Ukraine, interviewed officials, checked with Giuliani’s supposed sources, and looked back at the very well documented, very public events. They immediately showed that everything Giuliani was claiming was nonsense.

The reason that Biden put pressure on Ukraine over Shokin was because he was refusing to investigate Burisma. And not just Burisma. Shokin was such a corrupt prosecutor that he was allowing oligarchs to do as they pleased, so long as they shared a little of their profits. It was actually a probe by the U.K.’s Serious Fraud Office that opened the door on how corrupt Shokin was, and how his failure to investigate was turning Ukraine into a hotspot for international criminals. Getting rid of Shokin was a critical step in the fight against corruption in Ukraine.

Shokin himself has even confirmed that he was never investigating Burisma, which is all the testimony that’s needed to show that the whole thing is a farce. The truth is that Biden completely ignored how his actions might damage his son’s income in order to do the right thing in stopping corruption. And, no matter what Giuliani, Trump, or innumerable Republicans have said since then, there is not, was not, has not been, any evidence of wrongdoing by either Joe Biden or Hunter Biden in Ukraine.

But just because a crime doesn’t exist has never stopped Republicans from continuing to “investigate.” Since Republicans gained control of the House, that has meant Rep. James Comer cornponing his way across right-wing media repeating claims he knows are not true. Because truth has f*** all to do with it.

Here’s a number for you. 18

That’s how many months are left before the Democrats take back the House.
First you need to Quote the things you plagiarized from the article. Are you Joe Biden?

Second, Dailykos? LOL!

Third, take your meds, Biden loon
The evidence is still being compiled. The Biden lackeys in the FBI and DOJ are going to do what they can to obstruct and derail attempts to compile evidence. Corrupt FBI director Wray tried to deny evidence of a FD-1023. He later presented a redacted copy that concealed the existence of tape recordings. The FD-1023 is not classified so why the need to redact unless there is something he wants to conceal.
He wants to conceal his taped, inappropriate relationship
Here’s a hot tip for anyone trying to peddle a lie: Add a number. Don’t make it too big, or too vague, like “millions.” If you’re talking about stealing an election, 450,000might work. Or 33,000. Or maybe 5,000. But really, all those numbers are a little suspiciously neat. To really make this thing work, the number has to be something solid. Something specific.

Like 17. Now there’s a number.

If you’ve seen that number in the news this week, it’s probably been as part of the latest “scandal” that Republicans have whipped up about President Joe Biden. If you haven’t seen it, count yourself lucky, but don’t think it’s going to last. Because Republicans, led by pidgin expert Sen. Chuck Grassley and whistleblower-hatingRep. James Comer, are claiming that there are “17 tapes” that document their claims of a bribery scandal connected to Biden and his son Hunter.

Have they heard these 17 tapes? No. Have they heard maybe 10 of the tapes? No. How many tapes have they heard? Zero. They’ve heard zero tapes. Because the whole thing is just another part of the extended fantasy tale that Rudy Giuliani brought to them years ago. Like the missing whistleblower and the fake “FBI document,” Republicans know this is all a lie. They just don’t care.

The make-believe scandal that Republicans are now pretending to investigate goes back to May 1, 2019. That’s when Rudy Giulani brought a tale of intrigue, bribery, and blackmail to The New York Times, without any evidence, and the Times did what it does when Guilani brings them anything: They ran it without question.

The claim from the start was based around the fact that while Joe Biden had been vice president, his son Hunter had been on the board of a Ukrainian energy firm called Burisma. In March 2016, Biden pressured Ukraine to fire a prosecutor named Viktor Shokin, heavily hinting that U.S. aid might be withheld if Shokin wasn’t dropped. From this, Giuliani spun a story that Shokin had been investigating Burisma and Biden had him fired to protect his son’s paycheck.

It took less than a week for Bloomberg News to do what The New York Times had skipped over in their efforts to act as a Giuliani transcription service. Bloomberg sent reporters to Ukraine, interviewed officials, checked with Giuliani’s supposed sources, and looked back at the very well documented, very public events. They immediately showed that everything Giuliani was claiming was nonsense.

The reason that Biden put pressure on Ukraine over Shokin was because he was refusing to investigate Burisma. And not just Burisma. Shokin was such a corrupt prosecutor that he was allowing oligarchs to do as they pleased, so long as they shared a little of their profits. It was actually a probe by the U.K.’s Serious Fraud Office that opened the door on how corrupt Shokin was, and how his failure to investigate was turning Ukraine into a hotspot for international criminals. Getting rid of Shokin was a critical step in the fight against corruption in Ukraine.

Shokin himself has even confirmed that he was never investigating Burisma, which is all the testimony that’s needed to show that the whole thing is a farce. The truth is that Biden completely ignored how his actions might damage his son’s income in order to do the right thing in stopping corruption. And, no matter what Giuliani, Trump, or innumerable Republicans have said since then, there is not, was not, has not been, any evidence of wrongdoing by either Joe Biden or Hunter Biden in Ukraine.

But just because a crime doesn’t exist has never stopped Republicans from continuing to “investigate.” Since Republicans gained control of the House, that has meant Rep. James Comer cornponing his way across right-wing media repeating claims he knows are not true. Because truth has f*** all to do with it.

Here’s a number for you. 18

That’s how many months are left before the Democrats take back the House.
Let’s suppose there are 17 tapes and they are real plus evidence of shell companies and transfers of money, some which ended in Joe Biden’s account. In my scenario there is plenty of hard to dispute evidence that Joe Biden was peddling his influence to foreign nations for money. Would you support impeaching Joe and removing him from office or if after the 2024 election, indicting and prosecuting him if he is no longer President?

Of course In my scenario Joe Biden would be considered innocent until found guilty. Trump is always treated as guilty until proved innocent by the liberal media and almost all Democrats with the exception of Alan Dershowitz.

Let’s suppose there are 17 tapes and they are real plus evidence of shell companies and transfers of money, some which ended in Joe Biden’s account. In my scenario there is plenty of hard to dispute evidence that Joe Biden was peddling his influence to foreign nations for money. Would you support impeaching Joe and removing him from office or if after the 2024 election, indicting and prosecuting him if he is no longer President?

Of course In my scenario Joe Biden would be considered innocent until found guilty. Trump is always treated as guilty until proved innocent by the liberal media and almost all Democrats with the exception of Alan Dershowitz.

I believe anyone who breaks the law should be prosecuted. Trump is not being treated as if he were guilty, in fact, he is being treated far better than any other American, like me or you, after being indited for serious crimes against American people.
Despite so many crimes and so much evidence against the Biden crime family snowflakes, bots, & trolls cling to the ignorant / desperate story / talking point that none of it is true, that instead Joe Biden is the 1 politician in the history of mankind that is moral, ethical, honest, and not corrupt / criminal...


...proving they have the IQ of a rock, less common sense than God gave a doorknob, and the morals, integrity, and trustworthiness of an unchaperoned Bill Clinton at a high school cheerleader sleep-over.

What proof have you presented?
What proof have you presented?
If you go to a Trump site it is a fact the tapes prove Biden got $5 million ooops, I think for some reason the last couple of days they have changed it to $10 million. But they discuss it as proof. They just know.
If you go to a Trump site it is a fact the tapes prove Biden got $5 million ooops, I think for some reason the last couple of days they have changed it to $10 million. But they discuss it as proof. They just know.
That bullshit from Rudy is not proof.
One solid piece of evidence. Just one that would hold up in court.

Now you are intentionally ignoring the fact that the US Federal Govt agency - the DOJ, led by
US AG Garland, is dirty as hell, criminally partisanly weaponized, and has been protecting the Bidens.

I can't tell if you are playing tbe 'stupid' game or if you are really this stupid.
Now you are intentionally ignoring the fact that the US Federal Govt agency - the DOJ, led by
US AG Garland, is dirty as hell, criminally partisanly weaponized, and has been protecting the Bidens.

I can't tell if you are playing tbe 'stupid' game or if you are really this stupid.
You repeatedly admit you have no evidence cause the FBI/DOJ whoever is protecting the Bidens. If that part of what you say is true, why do you keep saying you have evidence. It is a critical thinking exercise. Let's think about this. I say where is the evidence, you say the FBI is withholding it cause they are meanies, then you say you have evidence. So which is it?
Here’s a hot tip for anyone trying to peddle a lie: Add a number. Don’t make it too big, or too vague, like “millions.” If you’re talking about stealing an election, 450,000might work. Or 33,000. Or maybe 5,000. But really, all those numbers are a little suspiciously neat. To really make this thing work, the number has to be something solid. Something specific.

Like 17. Now there’s a number.

If you’ve seen that number in the news this week, it’s probably been as part of the latest “scandal” that Republicans have whipped up about President Joe Biden. If you haven’t seen it, count yourself lucky, but don’t think it’s going to last. Because Republicans, led by pidgin expert Sen. Chuck Grassley and whistleblower-hatingRep. James Comer, are claiming that there are “17 tapes” that document their claims of a bribery scandal connected to Biden and his son Hunter.

Have they heard these 17 tapes? No. Have they heard maybe 10 of the tapes? No. How many tapes have they heard? Zero. They’ve heard zero tapes. Because the whole thing is just another part of the extended fantasy tale that Rudy Giuliani brought to them years ago. Like the missing whistleblower and the fake “FBI document,” Republicans know this is all a lie. They just don’t care.

The make-believe scandal that Republicans are now pretending to investigate goes back to May 1, 2019. That’s when Rudy Giulani brought a tale of intrigue, bribery, and blackmail to The New York Times, without any evidence, and the Times did what it does when Guilani brings them anything: They ran it without question.

The claim from the start was based around the fact that while Joe Biden had been vice president, his son Hunter had been on the board of a Ukrainian energy firm called Burisma. In March 2016, Biden pressured Ukraine to fire a prosecutor named Viktor Shokin, heavily hinting that U.S. aid might be withheld if Shokin wasn’t dropped. From this, Giuliani spun a story that Shokin had been investigating Burisma and Biden had him fired to protect his son’s paycheck.

It took less than a week for Bloomberg News to do what The New York Times had skipped over in their efforts to act as a Giuliani transcription service. Bloomberg sent reporters to Ukraine, interviewed officials, checked with Giuliani’s supposed sources, and looked back at the very well documented, very public events. They immediately showed that everything Giuliani was claiming was nonsense.

The reason that Biden put pressure on Ukraine over Shokin was because he was refusing to investigate Burisma. And not just Burisma. Shokin was such a corrupt prosecutor that he was allowing oligarchs to do as they pleased, so long as they shared a little of their profits. It was actually a probe by the U.K.’s Serious Fraud Office that opened the door on how corrupt Shokin was, and how his failure to investigate was turning Ukraine into a hotspot for international criminals. Getting rid of Shokin was a critical step in the fight against corruption in Ukraine.

Shokin himself has even confirmed that he was never investigating Burisma, which is all the testimony that’s needed to show that the whole thing is a farce. The truth is that Biden completely ignored how his actions might damage his son’s income in order to do the right thing in stopping corruption. And, no matter what Giuliani, Trump, or innumerable Republicans have said since then, there is not, was not, has not been, any evidence of wrongdoing by either Joe Biden or Hunter Biden in Ukraine.

But just because a crime doesn’t exist has never stopped Republicans from continuing to “investigate.” Since Republicans gained control of the House, that has meant Rep. James Comer cornponing his way across right-wing media repeating claims he knows are not true. Because truth has f*** all to do with it.

Here’s a number for you. 18

That’s how many months are left before the Democrats take back the House.

If at first you do not succeed, fail and fail and fail and fail and fail and fail and fail and fail and fail again.

As each attempt land in the shit pile, they find another tape which like the others to do not exist. ReNaziKlans are desperate to deflect away from the 71-Counts in TWO Indictments. Each time they try, each time they wind up a steaming pile shit.

Each attempt looks even more desperate the last.

But then again, with the ReNaziKlans, desperation is their go to move.

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