“17 Tapes” Is The Latest Attempt By Republicans To Smear Joe Biden

If at first you do not succeed, fail and fail and fail and fail and fail and fail and fail and fail and fail again.

Democrats would know / Democrat motto. They have been doing that for 7 yeats.

No, you guys have just repeated them so often you really believe them. All I want to see is evidence that will hold up in court. Big Guy is not proof, some Russian guy saying Joe took money, and on and on. You might really want to think before you insult someone else's intelligence, your is certainly questionable.
All I want to see is evidence that will hold up in court.
Like you wanted evidence confirming the Steele Dossier?

Like you wanted evidence of Schiffs version of the Trump phone calls?
Like you wanted evidence confirming the Steele Dossier?
I would not believe it without evidence. Another thing you guys do is assume everyone is just like you and dont need evidence at all if the info provides confirmation bias. I critically assess information from either side. Try it sometime.
I would not believe it without evidence. Another thing you guys do is assume everyone is just like you and dont need evidence at all if the info provides confirmation bias. I critically assess information from either side. Try it sometime.
I would not believe it without evidence.

any evidence you saw on the Steele dossier was disproven long ago.
mak2 said:

“The evidence is still being compiled. :laughing0301:

Let me guess. You were laughing during years of the Dem / Marxist fraud surrounding the Russia collusion hoax. You found it funny that Dems / Marxists lied, connived, cheated and conspired to perpetuate a hoax on the American people.
mak2 said:

“The evidence is still being compiled. :laughing0301:

Let me guess. You were laughing during years of the Dem / Marxist fraud surrounding the Russia collusion hoax. You found it funny that Dems / Marxists lied, connived, cheated and conspired to perpetuate a hoax on the American people.
Deflection. I critically think about information on either side. Try it. Thinking makes you uncomfortable at first, but it gets better.
That bullshit from Rudy is not proof.
I can certainly admit that Biden lackeys in the FBI tried to conceal evidence. The FBI’s Wray turned over redacted documents he previously denied existing only under a contempt of Congress charge.

It’s really comical how Dems/Marxists insist there is no evidence when the Biden lackeys produce evidence under threat of contempt charges.
Deflection. I critically think about information on either side. Try it. Thinking makes you uncomfortable at first, but it gets better.
I see you’re uncomfortable when held to any ethical standard. Try critically thinking about corrupt Dems / Marxists who perpetrated a years long fraud on the American public.

Critical thinking tells me that a corrupt government agency such as the FBI which specifically tried to conceal evidence is critically flawed.

Dems / Marxists believe otherwise because ethics and accountability have never been a concern for cheats and liars.
Now you are intentionally ignoring the fact that the US Federal Govt agency - the DOJ, led by
US AG Garland, is dirty as hell, criminally partisanly weaponized, and has been protecting the Bidens.

I can't tell if you are playing tbe 'stupid' game or if you are really this stupid.
And the proof of that assertion is what?

Your grievance politics.
Lock downs and masks did work, I still do not think it has been proven the virus came from the lab and I do not recall anyone seriously saying it did not, just that it had not been proven. And when it has been proven, what difference does it make? There is indeed a border crisis, immigration policy needs to be updated but the Repubs will never do it because it is one of the issues that fire the base up. If Hunter did something wrong arrest him, if Joe did something wrong impeach him, but it appears you guys cannot prove either. Trump had Hunters computer first. Trump on stage with Putin saying he trusted him more than our guys is enough collusion for me.


So you still refuse to believe in the SCIENCE because your masters told you not to. Whew, that's pretty scary!
Indeed. Please lecture us some more about dishonest and corrupt. Indeed, lecture us about the dishonest and corrupt Dems / Marxists who pushed the Russia collusion hoax for years, knowing it was a fraud.

Indeed, lecture us about the dishonest and corrupt lackeys at the FBI and DOJ who still haven’t charged Hunter Biden with a federal firearms violation for lying on a firearms application.
They'll drag it out until they say OOPS, how did that happen? The statute of limitations just ran out!

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