17 year old daughter of Congressman dies of heart attack…

Do you really need an answer to that?

It's bizarre.

Trump develops what they call a "poison" vaccine and they still want to vote for the guy. I don't expect perfection out of my candidates but I do expect them to not authorize/pay for/ create/ (they keep changing the description to make the blob seem like he had nothing to do with it) poison and then tell you it is safe.

I guess the last-deadender likes the idea of his president telling someone to take what he thinks is poison.
So you disagree with your fellow Trumpsters who claim the vaccine is dangerous.

Thanks for the thoughtful response.
I’ve had the shots and a booster, and no problem…Now I’m not saying that there aren’t problems with it, especially in younger children, nor am I saying that problems won’t occur, but, nothing I see out of statistical norms yet.

We had to do something, and this seems to have gotten a handle on the virus, before we totally wrecked the country.
Yes, so would everyone else, but they have none and will never get any.

These antivaxxers will claim your poor credit score, dog's flatulence, flat tire, and male pattern baldness on the vaccine, despite people having these problems without ever being given the "jab" as they call it!
I trust my doctor. As a truck driver, traveling to different states as “essential” I didn’t see a choice. Plus I was in the military for 6 years, who knows what THEY “jabbed“ me with…:dunno:
The reason we lack evidence of young people dying from clots in droves is Because We Dont Have a History of experimenting on the population en masse to thwart the re-election of a sitting President
Typical lib loons keep yapping about stats. There are not any because the USA has never engaged in such a heinous act upon the population. How convenient .
Well, that’s the point, isn’t it? Information is being skewed, or withheld completely, but I don’t think we can form conclusions based on anecdotal evidence without it, like I said I trust my doc, as everyone should.

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