17 year old Dindu burgler shot dead by homeowner

I've never broken into someone's home . . . you?
when I was young ..one of those bad life choices .
I'm sure you've done something equally as stupid.

It's a shame someone didn't treat you the way you should have been treated.

If you're sure, prove it.
Another false assumption.

So you did get treated the way you should have for being a piece of shit thief? There's one piece of evidence that says otherwise.

As for your false assumption that people have done things equally stupid as you being a thief, provide a list of things I've done that you say is equal.
how should have I have been treated ?
btw I never stole anything.
you'd have to provide the list because I don't know how many or what kind equally stupid things you have done.
denning you did them or rationalizing them is dishonest .

You broke into the house. That's all that matter.

You claimed you were sure something stupid had been done. To make such a claim involves having knowledge. That you have to ask proves you don't know shit.
You think a person should do 15 years of hard labor for vandalism? You are so sick, so very, very sick.
We need to stop punishing people we are mad at the same way we sentence people we are afraid of.

Identity thieves should get get a year in jail and they should pay their victims restitution. Just like fathers have to pay child support and college students have to pay back their loans identity thieves have to pay their victims back.

How many victims of identity theft get paid back for their troubles? None!
Have you ever had your identity stolen? I did a couple years ago and it's still not resolved they - say it takes seven years to recover from it. Fortunately I owe nothing, haven't since I was a teenager and I don't take out loans I pay cash out a hand for everything.
Im the same way. Homes almost paid off so I'll be cash mostly from here on out for anything I want.

You cheat on your taxes. I'm at a better point and didn't cheat to do it.
Good for you

I did it honestly. You, a piece of shit, cheated.
when I was young ..one of those bad life choices .
I'm sure you've done something equally as stupid.

Someone should have given you what you deserved.
What did I deserve eh? Slappy of slapdick.

What thieves who break into houses deserve. When you choose to be a criminal, there are consequences.
not an answer.
what do they deserve, in your delusional opinion?

There is no specific answer. You and PMH have indicated that you would let someone steal from you. To the two of you, what a thief deserves is different than what the homeowner on this thread thought the thief deserved. If you think the thief deserves what you've earned, that's you choice. If I believe the thief deserves what this lady provided him, that's my choice.
best gobbledygook talking out your ass backpedalling I 've read all day.
btw I did not say I would let some one steal from me in any circumstance.
I would if it was the smartest way to protect my loved ones,
in your case you've already shown you'd shoot or more accurately want to shoot anyone for anything you find offensive and you have the temerity to suggest I'm the one with a problem..
fucking hilarious .
Obviously this punk was not too bright, his family obviously is not in any stretch of the manner.
That's funny. I live overseas. Showing respect for other cultures doesn't mean you have to agree with everything about them. How many times have you been to China? I've been twice. One time for 3 weeks during which I spent the entire time living with a Chinese family. The Chinese government is a brutal dictatorship. Even the Chinese people don't agree with the brutality of the government, but most are too afraid to say so.
Kinda like our government here, nasty... Lol
Not even close.
You'd last about 5 seconds in a less liberal country.
Kinda makes your hatred of Liberalism even more ridiculous.
You aren't a liberal and Leftism isn't liberalism. Quite the opposite.
I love it when a know nothing slapdick tries to tell me what I am and what I'm not . how bout you shut the fuck up ..
How bout you make me?
how bout I make you ? I mistook you for an adult my bad!:lmao::piss2:
And what about the speeders, breaking the law right? It's a crime, like this one so, death is appropriate. Shoot enough speeders and you can get rid of the state patrol, no one would chance it.
Don't need to go that far. A 22 year old is learning why vandalism virtually never occurs in North Korea. His sentence? Just 15 years hard labor. No execution necessary.
You think a person should do 15 years of hard labor for vandalism? You are so sick, so very, very sick.
We need to stop punishing people we are mad at the same way we sentence people we are afraid of.

Identity thieves should get get a year in jail and they should pay their victims restitution. Just like fathers have to pay child support and college students have to pay back their loans identity thieves have to pay their victims back.

How many victims of identity theft get paid back for their troubles? None!
Have you ever had your identity stolen? I did a couple years ago and it's still not resolved they - say it takes seven years to recover from it. Fortunately I owe nothing, haven't since I was a teenager and I don't take out loans I pay cash out a hand for everything.
Just like drugs dealers.
Well, if they pay cash there is no tax...
Someone should have given you what you deserved.
What did I deserve eh? Slappy of slapdick.

What thieves who break into houses deserve. When you choose to be a criminal, there are consequences.
not an answer.
what do they deserve, in your delusional opinion?

There is no specific answer. You and PMH have indicated that you would let someone steal from you. To the two of you, what a thief deserves is different than what the homeowner on this thread thought the thief deserved. If you think the thief deserves what you've earned, that's you choice. If I believe the thief deserves what this lady provided him, that's my choice.
best gobbledygook talking out your ass backpedalling I 've read all day.
btw I did not say I would let some one steal from me in any circumstance.
I would if it was the smartest way to protect my loved ones,
in your case you've already shown you'd shoot or more accurately want to shoot anyone for anything you find offensive and you have the temerity to suggest I'm the one with a problem..
fucking hilarious .

I find stealing from me offensive.

You do have a problem. You broke into a house and make claims that you are sure others have done stupid things on that level. I'm still waiting on you to tell me what I did that was stupid. If you make the claim criminal, back it up.

That you would break into someone else's house means you've shown you're worthless.
when I was young ..one of those bad life choices .
I'm sure you've done something equally as stupid.

It's a shame someone didn't treat you the way you should have been treated.

If you're sure, prove it.
Another false assumption.

So you did get treated the way you should have for being a piece of shit thief? There's one piece of evidence that says otherwise.

As for your false assumption that people have done things equally stupid as you being a thief, provide a list of things I've done that you say is equal.
how should have I have been treated ?
btw I never stole anything.
you'd have to provide the list because I don't know how many or what kind equally stupid things you have done.
denning you did them or rationalizing them is dishonest .

You broke into the house. That's all that matter.

You claimed you were sure something stupid had been done. To make such a claim involves having knowledge. That you have to ask proves you don't know shit.
false! I'm sure you've don't as many or more stupid things as I have the list would be for clarification, so I would not make the myriad of false assumptions you have made about me willfully or through ignorance.
also it's not a claim it a statement of fact ,,if you have gone through your life and claim not to have made any "bad choices , then you are either lying , been locked in a basement your whole life or have a mental illness.
What did I deserve eh? Slappy of slapdick.

What thieves who break into houses deserve. When you choose to be a criminal, there are consequences.
not an answer.
what do they deserve, in your delusional opinion?

There is no specific answer. You and PMH have indicated that you would let someone steal from you. To the two of you, what a thief deserves is different than what the homeowner on this thread thought the thief deserved. If you think the thief deserves what you've earned, that's you choice. If I believe the thief deserves what this lady provided him, that's my choice.
best gobbledygook talking out your ass backpedalling I 've read all day.
btw I did not say I would let some one steal from me in any circumstance.
I would if it was the smartest way to protect my loved ones,
in your case you've already shown you'd shoot or more accurately want to shoot anyone for anything you find offensive and you have the temerity to suggest I'm the one with a problem..
fucking hilarious .

I find stealing from me offensive.

You do have a problem. You broke into a house and make claims that you are sure others have done stupid things on that level. I'm still waiting on you to tell me what I did that was stupid. If you make the claim criminal, back it up.

That you would break into someone else's house means you've shown you're worthless.
subjective morality.
fail ..
Well I'll give these appeasers an way out - this kid was too stupid to know he should not be in there? This woman did not want him there? This woman got him out of there? In the best possible way? Only criticism I have - in close quarters I prefer a semi auto shotgun with 00' buck, that way you're not wasting the taxpayers money on an ambulance.
My home defense preference is 1301 tactical - Beretta with the extended magazine with 00' buck, headshot , that way you are not winging them - no getting away.

These are not games, cause this is a horrible Disruption to this woman's life. All because this punk thought someone else's shit was his... so much for a brilliant future. Lol
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Well I'll give these appeasers an way out - this kid was too stupid to know he should not be in there? This woman did not want him there? This woman got him out of there? In the best way possible way? Only criticism I have - in close quarters I prefer a semi auto shotgun with 00' buck, that way you're not wasting the taxpayers money on an ambulance.
My home defense preference is 1301 tactical - Beretta with the extended magazine with 00' buck, headshot , that way you are not winging them - no getting away.

These are not games, cause this is a horrible Disruption to this woman's life. All because this punk thought someone else's shit was his... so much for a brilliant future. Lol
bitch please! nobody is appeasing anybody .
I know that gun give you major wood and are a legend and a bad ass in your imagination.
Darwin was right! Thugs, like the Dodo bird should be dying out. The only reason they still are in such numbers is food stamps, welfare, Islam and liberalism.
Well I'll give these appeasers an way out - this kid was too stupid to know he should not be in there? This woman did not want him there? This woman got him out of there? In the best way possible way? Only criticism I have - in close quarters I prefer a semi auto shotgun with 00' buck, that way you're not wasting the taxpayers money on an ambulance.
My home defense preference is 1301 tactical - Beretta with the extended magazine with 00' buck, headshot , that way you are not winging them - no getting away.

These are not games, cause this is a horrible Disruption to this woman's life. All because this punk thought someone else's shit was his... so much for a brilliant future. Lol
bitch please! nobody is appeasing anybody .
I know that gun give you major wood and are a legend and a bad ass in your imagination.
Na, not really.
They are my livelihood though, and they serve a lot of purposes… Buy more guns and ammo…
Darwin was right! Thugs, like the Dodo bird should be dying out. The only reason they still are in such numbers is food stamps, welfare, Islam and liberalism.
Way to misrepresent Darwin!
Sadly, it is the thugs stupidity that would proved Darwin right if not for the idiocy of liberalism.

Why do you think the term "Social Darwinism" was coined?
Homeowner Shoots, Kills Teen Burglary Suspect

Look at this piece of wisdom here
“You have to look at it from every child’s point of view that was raised in the hood,” said Harris. “You have to understand… how he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school? You have to look at it from his point-of-view.”

Um. Get a job? Get TANF? I don't rob people for my clothes and I got 4 kids to clothe..this is what YEARS AND YEARS of Liberalism has done...these idiots think its their RIGHT to take others stuff because they supposedly can't afford it.
That`s a nice story. Some homeowners shoot their entire families.

Hyperbole city! :D That is a VERY rare occurrence compared to home invasions.
Most home invasions are done by people who know the resident and they know he has drugs, money, jewelry or guns and these people usually know each other.
What thieves who break into houses deserve. When you choose to be a criminal, there are consequences.
not an answer.
what do they deserve, in your delusional opinion?

There is no specific answer. You and PMH have indicated that you would let someone steal from you. To the two of you, what a thief deserves is different than what the homeowner on this thread thought the thief deserved. If you think the thief deserves what you've earned, that's you choice. If I believe the thief deserves what this lady provided him, that's my choice.
best gobbledygook talking out your ass backpedalling I 've read all day.
btw I did not say I would let some one steal from me in any circumstance.
I would if it was the smartest way to protect my loved ones,
in your case you've already shown you'd shoot or more accurately want to shoot anyone for anything you find offensive and you have the temerity to suggest I'm the one with a problem..
fucking hilarious .

I find stealing from me offensive.

You do have a problem. You broke into a house and make claims that you are sure others have done stupid things on that level. I'm still waiting on you to tell me what I did that was stupid. If you make the claim criminal, back it up.

That you would break into someone else's house means you've shown you're worthless.
subjective morality.
fail ..

Nothing subjective about it. You admitted you did it. Someone that would do that is worthless. Very objective. I can't help it you're a failure for having done so. You should have been taught better.
It's a shame someone didn't treat you the way you should have been treated.

If you're sure, prove it.
Another false assumption.

So you did get treated the way you should have for being a piece of shit thief? There's one piece of evidence that says otherwise.

As for your false assumption that people have done things equally stupid as you being a thief, provide a list of things I've done that you say is equal.
how should have I have been treated ?
btw I never stole anything.
you'd have to provide the list because I don't know how many or what kind equally stupid things you have done.
denning you did them or rationalizing them is dishonest .

You broke into the house. That's all that matter.

You claimed you were sure something stupid had been done. To make such a claim involves having knowledge. That you have to ask proves you don't know shit.
false! I'm sure you've don't as many or more stupid things as I have the list would be for clarification, so I would not make the myriad of false assumptions you have made about me willfully or through ignorance.
also it's not a claim it a statement of fact ,,if you have gone through your life and claim not to have made any "bad choices , then you are either lying , been locked in a basement your whole life or have a mental illness.

There is a difference between bad choices and doing something stupid just as there is a difference between ignorance and stupidity. A bad choice can be the result of a lack of knowledge in an area, whereas, stupidity, what you did, was knowing better yet still doing it.

Again, if you're sure I've done STUPID things, prove it by giving an example. Until then, what you claim is nothing but an unfounded opinion.
when I was young ..one of those bad life choices .
I'm sure you've done something equally as stupid.

Someone should have given you what you deserved.
What did I deserve eh? Slappy of slapdick.

What thieves who break into houses deserve. When you choose to be a criminal, there are consequences.
not an answer.
what do they deserve, in your delusional opinion?

There is no specific answer. You and PMH have indicated that you would let someone steal from you. To the two of you, what a thief deserves is different than what the homeowner on this thread thought the thief deserved. If you think the thief deserves what you've earned, that's you choice. If I believe the thief deserves what this lady provided him, that's my choice.
The choice of immoral scum...

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