17 year old Dindu burgler shot dead by homeowner

I think this is a great lesson for any potential future would be robbers.
For all criminals, right? All of them deserve death.
You know who we need to start killing? Identity thieves. You know that woman who caught that Starbucks worker stealing her cc info? They should take her away and kill her and her parents and children. Let that be a lesson to anyone else want to try it.

These people are desparate? So are we
For identity thieves...

Wow. I'm sick. I think guillotines are you he mos humane way.

But now after seeing that I may be against the death penalty. What is wrong with us? What a history us humans have huh? Like planet of the apes.

We are still a very primitive ignort new species. Still the smartest thing on this one planet in this one solar system.

Kind of like thinking we were all made by a "big bang", what a bunch of dumbasses. Lol

I know what I was made by. My parents. We don't know how life first started here on earth but we have a few theories. And we know all life planets asteroids moons meteors and comets all come from stars that died and exploded billions of years ago. We are all star stuff. That much we know.
She has every right to confront a stranger in her own home!!!
Absolutely. Find one of these little bastards trying to steal your garden gnome and take that trash out, for life eh Chris?

He might look okay now but he's just waiting to victimize you. Shoot those ******* dead on sight.
More little boys, huh? This story about a 17 year old has got you going on and on about preteen boys. Post after post. Care to explain?
Odd seems pedophilia is what keeps you posting on this thread.
Seems you lost hold of the topic too. 17.
Nope the topic is still about shooting intruders.
It's you who is getting wood talking about little boys
That's all I needed to hear.
You are sick. Wanting to kill people just because they steal. There are rational laws in our country, civilized laws. Civilized, sane people do not believe you kill someone for stealing. You are a sick, sick person. You are exactly the type of person who should never be allowed to possess a gun.
I sell firearms, buy more guns and ammo...
More guns less crime
Shoot enough *******, crime goes down. Shoot enough speeders, people slow down. It's pure and simple logic, eh Rusty?
Well, more likely less people will enter your house illegally - if they know there's a very good chance they will be shot. Sounds good to me...
And what about the speeders, breaking the law right? It's a crime, like this one so, death is appropriate. Shoot enough speeders and you can get rid of the state patrol, no one would chance it.
Don't need to go that far. A 22 year old is learning why vandalism virtually never occurs in North Korea. His sentence? Just 15 years hard labor. No execution necessary.
You think a person should do 15 years of hard labor for vandalism? You are so sick, so very, very sick.
Absolutely. Find one of these little bastards trying to steal your garden gnome and take that trash out, for life eh Chris?

He might look okay now but he's just waiting to victimize you. Shoot those ******* dead on sight.
More little boys, huh? This story about a 17 year old has got you going on and on about preteen boys. Post after post. Care to explain?
Odd seems pedophilia is what keeps you posting on this thread.
Seems you lost hold of the topic too. 17.
Nope the topic is still about shooting intruders.
It's you who is getting wood talking about little boys
That's all I needed to hear.
Go spank that sausage!
I sell firearms, buy more guns and ammo...
More guns less crime
Shoot enough *******, crime goes down. Shoot enough speeders, people slow down. It's pure and simple logic, eh Rusty?
Well, more likely less people will enter your house illegally - if they know there's a very good chance they will be shot. Sounds good to me...
And what about the speeders, breaking the law right? It's a crime, like this one so, death is appropriate. Shoot enough speeders and you can get rid of the state patrol, no one would chance it.
Don't need to go that far. A 22 year old is learning why vandalism virtually never occurs in North Korea. His sentence? Just 15 years hard labor. No execution necessary.
You think a person should do 15 years of hard labor for vandalism? You are so sick, so very, very sick.
That's just the tip of the iceburg.
I sell firearms, buy more guns and ammo...
More guns less crime
Shoot enough *******, crime goes down. Shoot enough speeders, people slow down. It's pure and simple logic, eh Rusty?
Well, more likely less people will enter your house illegally - if they know there's a very good chance they will be shot. Sounds good to me...
And what about the speeders, breaking the law right? It's a crime, like this one so, death is appropriate. Shoot enough speeders and you can get rid of the state patrol, no one would chance it.
Don't need to go that far. A 22 year old is learning why vandalism virtually never occurs in North Korea. His sentence? Just 15 years hard labor. No execution necessary.
You think a person should do 15 years of hard labor for vandalism? You are so sick, so very, very sick.
I think Americans need to respect other cultures when they travel overseas.
I sell firearms, buy more guns and ammo...
More guns less crime
Shoot enough *******, crime goes down. Shoot enough speeders, people slow down. It's pure and simple logic, eh Rusty?
Well, more likely less people will enter your house illegally - if they know there's a very good chance they will be shot. Sounds good to me...
And what about the speeders, breaking the law right? It's a crime, like this one so, death is appropriate. Shoot enough speeders and you can get rid of the state patrol, no one would chance it.
Don't need to go that far. A 22 year old is learning why vandalism virtually never occurs in North Korea. His sentence? Just 15 years hard labor. No execution necessary.
You think a person should do 15 years of hard labor for vandalism? You are so sick, so very, very sick.
We need to stop punishing people we are mad at the same way we sentence people we are afraid of.

Identity thieves should get get a year in jail and they should pay their victims restitution. Just like fathers have to pay child support and college students have to pay back their loans identity thieves have to pay their victims back.

How many victims of identity theft get paid back for their troubles? None!
Shoot enough *******, crime goes down. Shoot enough speeders, people slow down. It's pure and simple logic, eh Rusty?
Well, more likely less people will enter your house illegally - if they know there's a very good chance they will be shot. Sounds good to me...
And what about the speeders, breaking the law right? It's a crime, like this one so, death is appropriate. Shoot enough speeders and you can get rid of the state patrol, no one would chance it.
Don't need to go that far. A 22 year old is learning why vandalism virtually never occurs in North Korea. His sentence? Just 15 years hard labor. No execution necessary.
You think a person should do 15 years of hard labor for vandalism? You are so sick, so very, very sick.
I think Americans need to respect other cultures when they travel overseas.
That's funny. I live overseas. Showing respect for other cultures doesn't mean you have to agree with everything about them. How many times have you been to China? I've been twice. One time for 3 weeks during which I spent the entire time living with a Chinese family. The Chinese government is a brutal dictatorship. Even the Chinese people don't agree with the brutality of the government, but most are too afraid to say so.
Well, more likely less people will enter your house illegally - if they know there's a very good chance they will be shot. Sounds good to me...
And what about the speeders, breaking the law right? It's a crime, like this one so, death is appropriate. Shoot enough speeders and you can get rid of the state patrol, no one would chance it.
Don't need to go that far. A 22 year old is learning why vandalism virtually never occurs in North Korea. His sentence? Just 15 years hard labor. No execution necessary.
You think a person should do 15 years of hard labor for vandalism? You are so sick, so very, very sick.
I think Americans need to respect other cultures when they travel overseas.
That's funny. I live overseas. Showing respect for other cultures doesn't mean you have to agree with everything about them. How many times have you been to China? I've been twice. One time for 3 weeks during which I spent the entire time living with a Chinese family. The Chinese government is a brutal dictatorship. Even the Chinese people don't agree with the brutality of the government, but most are too afraid to say so.
Which is why when I was in South Korea, I didn't vandalize property. See? No crime, no 15 years hard labor.
Well, more likely less people will enter your house illegally - if they know there's a very good chance they will be shot. Sounds good to me...
And what about the speeders, breaking the law right? It's a crime, like this one so, death is appropriate. Shoot enough speeders and you can get rid of the state patrol, no one would chance it.
Don't need to go that far. A 22 year old is learning why vandalism virtually never occurs in North Korea. His sentence? Just 15 years hard labor. No execution necessary.
You think a person should do 15 years of hard labor for vandalism? You are so sick, so very, very sick.
I think Americans need to respect other cultures when they travel overseas.
That's funny. I live overseas. Showing respect for other cultures doesn't mean you have to agree with everything about them. How many times have you been to China? I've been twice. One time for 3 weeks during which I spent the entire time living with a Chinese family. The Chinese government is a brutal dictatorship. Even the Chinese people don't agree with the brutality of the government, but most are too afraid to say so.
Kinda like our government here, nasty... Lol
Shoot enough *******, crime goes down. Shoot enough speeders, people slow down. It's pure and simple logic, eh Rusty?
Well, more likely less people will enter your house illegally - if they know there's a very good chance they will be shot. Sounds good to me...
And what about the speeders, breaking the law right? It's a crime, like this one so, death is appropriate. Shoot enough speeders and you can get rid of the state patrol, no one would chance it.
Don't need to go that far. A 22 year old is learning why vandalism virtually never occurs in North Korea. His sentence? Just 15 years hard labor. No execution necessary.
You think a person should do 15 years of hard labor for vandalism? You are so sick, so very, very sick.
We need to stop punishing people we are mad at the same way we sentence people we are afraid of.

Identity thieves should get get a year in jail and they should pay their victims restitution. Just like fathers have to pay child support and college students have to pay back their loans identity thieves have to pay their victims back.

How many victims of identity theft get paid back for their troubles? None!
Have you ever had your identity stolen? I did a couple years ago and it's still not resolved they - say it takes seven years to recover from it. Fortunately I owe nothing, haven't since I was a teenager and I don't take out loans I pay cash out a hand for everything.
And what about the speeders, breaking the law right? It's a crime, like this one so, death is appropriate. Shoot enough speeders and you can get rid of the state patrol, no one would chance it.
Don't need to go that far. A 22 year old is learning why vandalism virtually never occurs in North Korea. His sentence? Just 15 years hard labor. No execution necessary.
You think a person should do 15 years of hard labor for vandalism? You are so sick, so very, very sick.
I think Americans need to respect other cultures when they travel overseas.
That's funny. I live overseas. Showing respect for other cultures doesn't mean you have to agree with everything about them. How many times have you been to China? I've been twice. One time for 3 weeks during which I spent the entire time living with a Chinese family. The Chinese government is a brutal dictatorship. Even the Chinese people don't agree with the brutality of the government, but most are too afraid to say so.
Kinda like our government here, nasty... Lol
Not even close.
You'd last about 5 seconds in a less liberal country.
Kinda makes your hatred of Liberalism even more ridiculous.
Well, more likely less people will enter your house illegally - if they know there's a very good chance they will be shot. Sounds good to me...
And what about the speeders, breaking the law right? It's a crime, like this one so, death is appropriate. Shoot enough speeders and you can get rid of the state patrol, no one would chance it.
Don't need to go that far. A 22 year old is learning why vandalism virtually never occurs in North Korea. His sentence? Just 15 years hard labor. No execution necessary.
You think a person should do 15 years of hard labor for vandalism? You are so sick, so very, very sick.
We need to stop punishing people we are mad at the same way we sentence people we are afraid of.

Identity thieves should get get a year in jail and they should pay their victims restitution. Just like fathers have to pay child support and college students have to pay back their loans identity thieves have to pay their victims back.

How many victims of identity theft get paid back for their troubles? None!
Have you ever had your identity stolen? I did a couple years ago and it's still not resolved they - say it takes seven years to recover from it. Fortunately I owe nothing, haven't since I was a teenager and I don't take out loans I pay cash out a hand for everything.
Just like drugs dealers.
Don't need to go that far. A 22 year old is learning why vandalism virtually never occurs in North Korea. His sentence? Just 15 years hard labor. No execution necessary.
You think a person should do 15 years of hard labor for vandalism? You are so sick, so very, very sick.
I think Americans need to respect other cultures when they travel overseas.
That's funny. I live overseas. Showing respect for other cultures doesn't mean you have to agree with everything about them. How many times have you been to China? I've been twice. One time for 3 weeks during which I spent the entire time living with a Chinese family. The Chinese government is a brutal dictatorship. Even the Chinese people don't agree with the brutality of the government, but most are too afraid to say so.
Kinda like our government here, nasty... Lol
Not even close.
You'd last about 5 seconds in a less liberal country.
Kinda makes your hatred of Liberalism even more ridiculous.
You aren't a liberal and Leftism isn't liberalism. Quite the opposite.
Not at all. Criminals are killed all the time because of their poor life choices.
false! they are killed because they get caught .
everybody makes bad life choices.
your sanctimony is laughable

I've never broken into someone's home . . . you?
when I was young ..one of those bad life choices .
I'm sure you've done something equally as stupid.

Someone should have given you what you deserved.
What did I deserve eh? Slappy of slapdick.

What thieves who break into houses deserve. When you choose to be a criminal, there are consequences.
Don't need to go that far. A 22 year old is learning why vandalism virtually never occurs in North Korea. His sentence? Just 15 years hard labor. No execution necessary.
You think a person should do 15 years of hard labor for vandalism? You are so sick, so very, very sick.
I think Americans need to respect other cultures when they travel overseas.
That's funny. I live overseas. Showing respect for other cultures doesn't mean you have to agree with everything about them. How many times have you been to China? I've been twice. One time for 3 weeks during which I spent the entire time living with a Chinese family. The Chinese government is a brutal dictatorship. Even the Chinese people don't agree with the brutality of the government, but most are too afraid to say so.
Kinda like our government here, nasty... Lol
Not even close.
You'd last about 5 seconds in a less liberal country.
Kinda makes your hatred of Liberalism even more ridiculous.
Liberalism and freedom are two different things for your information… LOL
And what about the speeders, breaking the law right? It's a crime, like this one so, death is appropriate. Shoot enough speeders and you can get rid of the state patrol, no one would chance it.
Don't need to go that far. A 22 year old is learning why vandalism virtually never occurs in North Korea. His sentence? Just 15 years hard labor. No execution necessary.
You think a person should do 15 years of hard labor for vandalism? You are so sick, so very, very sick.
I think Americans need to respect other cultures when they travel overseas.
That's funny. I live overseas. Showing respect for other cultures doesn't mean you have to agree with everything about them. How many times have you been to China? I've been twice. One time for 3 weeks during which I spent the entire time living with a Chinese family. The Chinese government is a brutal dictatorship. Even the Chinese people don't agree with the brutality of the government, but most are too afraid to say so.
Which is why when I was in South Korea, I didn't vandalize property. See? No crime, no 15 years hard labor.
You only saw a tiny faction of that country.
So your "observation is based on a false premise.
Damn right it is. Something I earned is worth more to me than someone that, by their own actions, proves they don't even care about their own life.

Are you telling me that you would let someone steal what you worked to earn?
Yes, and I have, it it was of no value compared to a human life.

Thanks for proving you're a dumbass. Someone that would steal to me has shown they don't value their life. If they did, they wouldn't steal.
bullshit ! stealing from you would be relatively easy, to rob your house all that would be needed is to do it when your not there ,
the same rule applies to your car, to rob you personally wait till you're un armed ...
your let them try attitude is good for your moral but useless for anything else .

You sound just like the piece of shit that was killed for robbing.

Till you're unarmed? Why don't you tell me when that is. Better yet, why don't you prove what you say is easy to do and find out.
Ohhhh the paper tiger!

Oh, the pussy that says it's so easy yet won't provide an answer.
false! they are killed because they get caught .
everybody makes bad life choices.
your sanctimony is laughable

I've never broken into someone's home . . . you?
when I was young ..one of those bad life choices .
I'm sure you've done something equally as stupid.

Someone should have given you what you deserved.
What did I deserve eh? Slappy of slapdick.

What thieves who break into houses deserve. When you choose to be a criminal, there are consequences.
He got his deserves… LOL
Well, more likely less people will enter your house illegally - if they know there's a very good chance they will be shot. Sounds good to me...
And what about the speeders, breaking the law right? It's a crime, like this one so, death is appropriate. Shoot enough speeders and you can get rid of the state patrol, no one would chance it.
Don't need to go that far. A 22 year old is learning why vandalism virtually never occurs in North Korea. His sentence? Just 15 years hard labor. No execution necessary.
You think a person should do 15 years of hard labor for vandalism? You are so sick, so very, very sick.
We need to stop punishing people we are mad at the same way we sentence people we are afraid of.

Identity thieves should get get a year in jail and they should pay their victims restitution. Just like fathers have to pay child support and college students have to pay back their loans identity thieves have to pay their victims back.

How many victims of identity theft get paid back for their troubles? None!
Have you ever had your identity stolen? I did a couple years ago and it's still not resolved they - say it takes seven years to recover from it. Fortunately I owe nothing, haven't since I was a teenager and I don't take out loans I pay cash out a hand for everything.
Im the same way. Homes almost paid off so I'll be cash mostly from here on out for anything I want.

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