17 year old Dindu burgler shot dead by homeowner

Another John Wayne wannabe, who was at no risk. Essentially, murder...

The 54-year-old woman told police her surveillance system alerted her to the break-in of her home. She said she rushed home and found the teen climbing out of a window.

“She observed a subject leaving the home through the rear,” said police Det. Dan Ferrin.

Miami-Dade police said there was a confrontation and shots were fired. Police said they were on scene seconds after the shooting and gave CPR to the teen. Johnson was rushed to the hospital where he was pronounced dead.

“What’s wrong with her,” asked Johnson’s sister Nisha Johnson. “She did not have to shoot him.”
What she did was murder. She had no reason to shoot him. He was no threat to her; he was exiting her home and running away. She should go to prison for a long time.

How the hell do you know. You weren't there.
neither were you or anyone on this this thread/site .
You have a thing for children it seems...
Nope, but you like dead *******, that's for sure. Had he been 11 you would have been even happier that she killed him, Get 'em young eh Rusty?
I can't read through your stars, but only good gangbanger is a dead gangbanger. What do your wanting exterminating all human scum... She got a head start on ya, lol
I'm for eliminating all humans, mainly because of people like you and the other dumb bitch.

And the stars are because they filter the word - n i g g e r...
Tell us, what do you consult, really? Lol
Sure it matters. She killed him in broad daylight, outside her home. Why do you think the cops write down the time of day and the weather conditions on an accident report? Oh, right, because it matters.

You're a scumbag.
I'm a scumbag for being rational, like the cops who want to know where and when you killed a kid?
There are no charges against her... She had to protect herself and her property, end of story.
I think this is a great lesson for any potential future would be robbers.
For all criminals, right? All of them deserve death.
No. We've all seen the story where the buy the book cop catches a guy just trying to feed his family and he lets him go.

I think if I don't know you and I catch you in my house I get to kill you dead though. Sorry. Reminds me of if society fell apart and mob rules kicked in. Someone might try to break in and get whats yours. I don't care if they're just trying to feed their families I'm just trying to protect mine
You're a scumbag.
I'm a scumbag for being rational, like the cops who want to know where and when you killed a kid?

What on earth are you talking about? :cuckoo:
What about taking the time of day and location into account makes me a scumbag?

Just stating the facts.
Meaning, you're a fucking moron. Moving on.

That would be you who is defending violent criminals. This wasn't some innocent school boy, you dummy! The potential for danger when meeting up with one of these scums is high. Get off your self righteous high horse before I come there and slap you off it!
The moral of the story is, you get in that womans shit SHE WILL put a cap in your ass… LOL

Buy more guns and ammo...
non sequitur

Not at all. Criminals are killed all the time because of their poor life choices.
false! they are killed because they get caught .
everybody makes bad life choices.
your sanctimony is laughable

I've never broken into someone's home . . . you?
when I was young ..one of those bad life choices .
I'm sure you've done something equally as stupid.

It's a shame someone didn't treat you the way you should have been treated.

If you're sure, prove it.
Another false assumption.
And there we go. To you your property is worth more than a human life. Nuff said.

Damn right it is. Something I earned is worth more to me than someone that, by their own actions, proves they don't even care about their own life.

Are you telling me that you would let someone steal what you worked to earn?
Yes, and I have, it it was of no value compared to a human life.

Thanks for proving you're a dumbass. Someone that would steal to me has shown they don't value their life. If they did, they wouldn't steal.
bullshit ! stealing from you would be relatively easy, to rob your house all that would be needed is to do it when your not there ,
the same rule applies to your car, to rob you personally wait till you're un armed ...
your let them try attitude is good for your moral but useless for anything else .

You sound just like the piece of shit that was killed for robbing.

Till you're unarmed? Why don't you tell me when that is. Better yet, why don't you prove what you say is easy to do and find out.
Ohhhh the paper tiger!
Sure it matters. She killed him in broad daylight, outside her home. Why do you think the cops write down the time of day and the weather conditions on an accident report? Oh, right, because it matters.

You're a scumbag.
I'm a scumbag for being rational, like the cops who want to know where and when you killed a kid?
There are no charges against her... She had to protect herself and her property, end of story.
I think this is a great lesson for any potential future would be robbers.
For all criminals, right? All of them deserve death.
You know who we need to start killing? Identity thieves. You know that woman who caught that Starbucks worker stealing her cc info? They should take her away and kill her and her parents and children. Let that be a lesson to anyone else want to try it.

These people are desparate? So are we
I'm thinking this is not the first time for this kid to break and enter, I am also thinking the family knows this to be true… Play with the bull you get the horns.
Homeowner Shoots, Kills Teen Burglary Suspect

Look at this piece of wisdom here
“You have to look at it from every child’s point of view that was raised in the hood,” said Harris. “You have to understand… how he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school? You have to look at it from his point-of-view.”

Um. Get a job? Get TANF? I don't rob people for my clothes and I got 4 kids to clothe..this is what YEARS AND YEARS of Liberalism has done...these idiots think its their RIGHT to take others stuff because they supposedly can't afford it.
What's a dindu?
Homeowner Shoots, Kills Teen Burglary Suspect

Look at this piece of wisdom here
“You have to look at it from every child’s point of view that was raised in the hood,” said Harris. “You have to understand… how he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school? You have to look at it from his point-of-view.”

Um. Get a job? Get TANF? I don't rob people for my clothes and I got 4 kids to clothe..this is what YEARS AND YEARS of Liberalism has done...these idiots think its their RIGHT to take others stuff because they supposedly can't afford it.
What's a dindu?
It's a bady disguised racist pejorative.
You're a scumbag.
I'm a scumbag for being rational, like the cops who want to know where and when you killed a kid?
There are no charges against her... She had to protect herself and her property, end of story.
I think this is a great lesson for any potential future would be robbers.
For all criminals, right? All of them deserve death.
You know who we need to start killing? Identity thieves. You know that woman who caught that Starbucks worker stealing her cc info? They should take her away and kill her and her parents and children. Let that be a lesson to anyone else want to try it.

These people are desparate? So are we
For identity thieves...

I'm a scumbag for being rational, like the cops who want to know where and when you killed a kid?
There are no charges against her... She had to protect herself and her property, end of story.
I think this is a great lesson for any potential future would be robbers.
For all criminals, right? All of them deserve death.
You know who we need to start killing? Identity thieves. You know that woman who caught that Starbucks worker stealing her cc info? They should take her away and kill her and her parents and children. Let that be a lesson to anyone else want to try it.

These people are desparate? So are we
For identity thieves...

You do realize that's a fake .
Bees only swarm like that when a certain pheromone is present.
Homeowner Shoots, Kills Teen Burglary Suspect

Look at this piece of wisdom here
“You have to look at it from every child’s point of view that was raised in the hood,” said Harris. “You have to understand… how he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school? You have to look at it from his point-of-view.”

Um. Get a job? Get TANF? I don't rob people for my clothes and I got 4 kids to clothe..this is what YEARS AND YEARS of Liberalism has done...these idiots think its their RIGHT to take others stuff because they supposedly can't afford it.
What's a dindu?
Ever watch the news and you get these mothers talking about their africoon sons...he dindu do nuffin....:) We call them Dindu's.
There are no charges against her... She had to protect herself and her property, end of story.
I think this is a great lesson for any potential future would be robbers.
For all criminals, right? All of them deserve death.
You know who we need to start killing? Identity thieves. You know that woman who caught that Starbucks worker stealing her cc info? They should take her away and kill her and her parents and children. Let that be a lesson to anyone else want to try it.

These people are desparate? So are we
For identity thieves...

You do realize that's a fake .
Bees only swarm like that when a certain pheromone is present.

Yes, let's give to the identity thieves...
I'm thinking this is not the first time for this kid to break and enter, I am also thinking the family knows this to be true… Play with the bull you get the horns.
Repeat yourself much?
Still out , you really aught to buy your own .
Selling all those nonexistent mine leases
You must have plenty of cash.
To the federal government they don't exist because they are on private property, which is a good thing. LOL
I think this is a great lesson for any potential future would be robbers.
For all criminals, right? All of them deserve death.
You know who we need to start killing? Identity thieves. You know that woman who caught that Starbucks worker stealing her cc info? They should take her away and kill her and her parents and children. Let that be a lesson to anyone else want to try it.

These people are desparate? So are we
For identity thieves...

You do realize that's a fake .
Bees only swarm like that when a certain pheromone is present.

Yes, let's give to the identity thieves...

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