17 yo boy shot by police because he wasn't resisting arrest.

I defend them when they are obviously involved in a good shoot such as this case.

Out of the millions of stops each day, only a fraction of them end with the cop using unnecessary force.

What makes it a 'good' shoot? That he needed 7 shots to kill a kid that was already stunned by a Taser?

And as you point out, it was unnecessary force, ergo unwarranted deadly force.
it's again called self defense, that's a good shoot.
I never said the force used in this case was unnecessary. I do think that in some instances deadly force may have been used when it wasn't necessary, but not this case.

The taser didn't work, as explained in the video that you obviously haven't watched.

How did the video "explain" that the taser didn't work? There is nothing in the 4 seconds between the time Gullford was on the ground screaming in pain and the time that Frost tries to murder Gullford only to have his gun jam, then clears the jam, and empties his mag into the unarmed kid.

Have you ever fired a hand gun? If the cartridge jammed and Gullford actually was attacking Frost, is it even possible, much less probable, that he could have cleared the jam, chambered a round, and executed Gullford?

Cops have license to kill in this country. They can kill anyone they like with no criminal recourse.

However, civil courts have a different view. Frost and his department will pay millions for murdering Gullford. It's the only semblance of justice left in this nation.
you're right, they do have a license to kill. It is based on many factors, but yes, they are licensed to kill. And?
well if it is murder, than the cop will be tried right?

I think a judge already ruled that the cop had a license to kill.

Bet that Frost and the department soon have multi-million dollar judgments to pay.
well if it is murder, than the cop will be tried right?

I think a judge already ruled that the cop had a license to kill.

Bet that Frost and the department soon have multi-million dollar judgments to pay.
so ruled a good shoot. Interesting eh?
each is unique and if a cop kills to kill then he goes to jail. It's happened right? You can admit that fact right?

Cops rarely go to jail.
seriously? they go to jail way to often for me. But hey, to each his own. I say they go to jail far too much and there are bad cops. This one, no, but others yeah and i don't want any of them ever to be cops again.
seriously? they go to jail way to often for me. But hey, to each his own. I say they go to jail far too much and there are bad cops. This one, no, but others yeah and i don't want any of them ever to be cops again.

When a cop goes to jail, it means something went wrong in the organization. As we saw with LAPD and Rampart, cops typically run the drug trade and murder for hire operations in larger cities. If a cop actually goes to jail, that means some prosecutor and judge was not paid off, or didn't have their family threatened, or some other breakdown happened.

Thirteen current and former law enforcement officers, along with two other individuals, have been arrested and indicted for allegedly participating in a large-scale drug trafficking conspiracy, the Department of Justice announced Thursday.

The officers were accused of protecting narcotics shipments and cash proceeds during transit along the East Coast as part of a large drug smuggling ring.

But the trafficking ring was actually an undercover operation led by the FBI. The cops arrested served in departments in North Carolina and Virginia. }

13 police officers indicted after participating in undercover drug trafficking scheme - Washington Times

But they shouldn't go to jail because they are cops and not subject to the law.
I can just imagine how it's going to go with the lawsuit...

When your son got his license, did he sign the document stating he must have his license while driving?
Parents: "I don't know."
Attorney for the PD: Did he sign his name to anything?
Parents: Yes
Attorney for PD: This document is what every newly licensed driver must sign. Would you read the high lighted part?
Parents: "The license must be on the person when he/she is driving."
Attorney for PD: Now let's look at the video where part of the exchange where the PO asked for his license. Video shows PO calmly asking for his drivers license, poi and registration 6 TIMES. Attorney marks on black board each time the kid does not comply. One time he admits he doesn't have it but still does not hand over poi or registration.
Attorney: How many times did the po ask for license, poi, and registration, counting to each mark made when the kid refused to show anything.
Parents: Six times.
Attorney : Did you tell your son not to comply six times but hand over documents on the seventh try from the officer?
Parents : No
Attorney: What did the kid say when he was told to get out of the car? Puts video on kid's statement, "I don't have to.
Parents: He didn't have to get out of the car.
Attorney: Was that correct?
Parents: No answer, mother cries instead..

Kid guilty escalating the situation until he tries to fight a police officer.

What does a police officer have to do when in an altercation with someone who resists arrest, fights back, the kid was warned.

Maybe mom and dad have another teenager they can save from being an asshole when stopped by police. Do as the officer requests and show him your license, poi and registration. If you don't have it, say that. It's not worth a life. At least most lives.
You know what? I dont give a fuck if the cops tied some kid to a god damned street lamp and emptied every magazine into the brat that they had on them.

I dont give a fuck. The media has hyped about half a dozen of these stories and each time they turn out to be complete bullshit.

FUCK Black Lies Matter, and FUCK the god damned ACLU and every pissant libtard that tries to heap hate on our peace officers who give more on a daily basis to keep us safe from ass holes and monsters than any fucking body else in this country except the military.

These libtard liars, sheisters and thugs dont add up to the pinky finger of one good cop, that is it, end of fucking story.
bullshit the shots are fired after the kid attacked the cop I don't know what video you 're hallucination but in the one I posted the shoot are very close to the en.d

Four minutes into the video, Frost can be heard calling for backup, saying he had a “priority.”

At 4:13 in the video, Frost opens the car door and orders the teen to “get out of the car.”

At 4:25, Frost has his hands on Guilford’s wrist, who is telling him, “do not touch me, officer.”

At 4:35, Frost his pointing a taser at the teen, who is still sitting in the car with the door open.

Guilford steps out of the car, holding his cell phone in his hand, which is recording.

Rather than order him to turn around and place his hands behind his back, which is the normal procedure for suspects who are not suspected of being armed, Frost orders him to lay on the ground with his arms spread to his sides.

“Arms out to the side!” orders Frost.

“I don’t have a weapon,” says Guilford, complying with his orders.

At 5:12, Frost kicks the phone from out of his hands, making that footage go black.

“You can’t do that,” Guilford yells.

“Put your hands behind your back, you’re under arrest,” Frost orders.

At 5:24, Frost tasers the teen, which lasts for several long seconds. That was right after he claimed the teen gave him that vicious look that made him fear for his life.

At 5:29, Frost’s bodycam goes black and for the next few seconds, it sounds as if there might be a struggle because Frost is panting.

At 5:35, a gunshot is heard, followed by several more gunshots.

At 5:37, Guilford can be heard screaming as if in pain.

At 5:38, the scream ends, but at least two more gunshots are fired as a car can be heard whizzing by.}

I'm not at all surprised that you support cops killing peasants at random.

I'm very surprised that any conservative would.

If both the morons on the left like you, and the right are determined to have a police state, liberty is truly doomed.
do you wear your best stilettoes to gain the extra inches?

No, I'll leave the stiletto wearing to you and the boyfriend you're protecting.
ohhh not the false you're gay ploy again!

I doubt it's false, but hey.... to each their own.
it's as false as it gets, you one the other hand after the ass less thing are far more likely to be light in the loafers than I could ever be.
Another internet toughie! hahahaha
yes you are assless chaps!
Firstly, was it NECESSARY to rip the kid out of his car and order him to lie on the ground? Could the officer have simply said, okay, if you don't want to cooperate, I am calling for back up and you will be brought to the police station. The choice is yours, and then waited for backup to arrive and stand there? Is it necessary for the police to become violent?

Was it necessary to pull the boy over in the first place? Do you consider flashing your lights to be a crime at all?
Yes, it was necessary and the the police officer did call for backup. But in the meantime, the kid attacked the cop.

If you came to me with a story of a kid attacking you...I would laugh my butt off at you. If you told me you killed the kid for it, I would quit laughing and drop you where you stand.

Wow tough guy.

I bet you stand about 5'4"
that 4 " taller than you.
and six inches taller than you.
Amazing that progressive like myself and a regressive like unhinged are juxtaposed on this topic.
The difference must be the many experiences I had with law inforcement during my my memorable misspent youth
His must be mental illness. .
Everyone needs to treat a Police encounter as a survival situation. These guys are already on edge they have a near impossible job. Use some basic common sense, for a few minutes shut your mouth, be respectful do everything he says. Your chances of living will go up dramatically.
I was pulled over once for running a yellow light, it was dark out and I had a hand gun on the seat so when he got to my car I told him about the firearm. He made me get out and patted me down and asked why I told him about the firearm. I told him he had enough to worry about without catching sight of it unwarned and worrying about it. He gave me a warning about the light and I was on my way.
bullshit the shots are fired after the kid attacked the cop I don't know what video you 're hallucination but in the one I posted the shoot are very close to the en.d

Four minutes into the video, Frost can be heard calling for backup, saying he had a “priority.”

At 4:13 in the video, Frost opens the car door and orders the teen to “get out of the car.”

At 4:25, Frost has his hands on Guilford’s wrist, who is telling him, “do not touch me, officer.”

At 4:35, Frost his pointing a taser at the teen, who is still sitting in the car with the door open.

Guilford steps out of the car, holding his cell phone in his hand, which is recording.

Rather than order him to turn around and place his hands behind his back, which is the normal procedure for suspects who are not suspected of being armed, Frost orders him to lay on the ground with his arms spread to his sides.

“Arms out to the side!” orders Frost.

“I don’t have a weapon,” says Guilford, complying with his orders.

At 5:12, Frost kicks the phone from out of his hands, making that footage go black.

“You can’t do that,” Guilford yells.

“Put your hands behind your back, you’re under arrest,” Frost orders.

At 5:24, Frost tasers the teen, which lasts for several long seconds. That was right after he claimed the teen gave him that vicious look that made him fear for his life.

At 5:29, Frost’s bodycam goes black and for the next few seconds, it sounds as if there might be a struggle because Frost is panting.

At 5:35, a gunshot is heard, followed by several more gunshots.

At 5:37, Guilford can be heard screaming as if in pain.

At 5:38, the scream ends, but at least two more gunshots are fired as a car can be heard whizzing by.}

I'm not at all surprised that you support cops killing peasants at random.

I'm very surprised that any conservative would.

If both the morons on the left like you, and the right are determined to have a police state, liberty is truly doomed.
No, I'll leave the stiletto wearing to you and the boyfriend you're protecting.
ohhh not the false you're gay ploy again!

I doubt it's false, but hey.... to each their own.
it's as false as it gets, you one the other hand after the ass less thing are far more likely to be light in the loafers than I could ever be.
Another internet toughie! hahahaha
yes you are assless chaps!

Keep your fantasies to yourself.

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