17 yo boy shot by police because he wasn't resisting arrest.

Ok tell us. You just got named director of the police academy. How will you make the training "better"?

Oh....remember....your recruits are a diverse cross section of American society.....not 100 very fit 18-22 year old male Marine recruits. It's 100 people of mixed gender and race and backgrounds, ages 21 through mid 40s....with workers comp laws in place in case they get hurt.

Oh....there's also lawyers waiting to sue, the DOJ threatening fines against you if you don't lower standards....AND the media waiting to expose "militarized" training if you get too harsh on them.

Now...please....inform us of this better training?

Well, I never claimed to be an expert, but IMO 6 weeks is certainly not a very long time, and perhaps police academy training time should be extended. At one time, 6 week course may have been sufficient, but not in today's day and age. There is ALWAYS room for improvement.

Police Chief Magazine - View Article


asic police recruit training has been an unsettled topic for many years in the United States. Historically, in many states, the issue has been to provide more training for recruits. Yet, in recent times, special interest groups have made their ways into academy curricula, due to the timeliness of their advocacies. Racial profiling, cultural diversity, mental health, and domestic violence are several of these areas. As a result of these training topics and other task-oriented subjects, some recruit training programs exceed 1,000 hours. That would mean that recruits are in a classroom for about half of their first year. This extended training commitment certainly is at odds with the desire of many agencies to deploy new officers expediently. Many agencies are wondering if there is a more efficient way to get their recruits the training they need.

20th-Century Police Training Model

Ever since the U.S. Congress passed the Safe Streets Act of 1968, which provided substantial federal assistance to local law enforcement agencies for training, basic recruit peace officer training has been a significant and ongoing issue across the country. Even before the passage of that act, John Sullivan, in his book Introduction to Police Science, published in 1966, observed,

While a physician may change his diagnosis or prescription, a lawyer may amend his pleadings, and a judge may take days or weeks to render a decision, when a peace officer makes a decision, it frequently must be instantaneous. Therefore, in order to cope with the many complex emergency duties and responsibilities that confront a peace officer in his/her role, the officer cannot depend entirely upon native ability. Instead he or she must be expertly trained to function effectively as an integral part of today’s modern mechanized police force.1

Almost a decade later, former U.S. attorney general Ramsey Clark also commented on the need for increased police competence by noting, “To be truly professional, police must have high standards of education and personal competence in a wide range of subjects with continuous development and training.”2

In 1973, the National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals strongly recommended that every state should require all sworn police employees to complete a minimum of 400 hours of basic training to enable all peace officers to perform their roles effectively.

Even a study prepared by the IACP in 1977 demonstrated that in the mid-1960s, the average police officer in the United States received less than 200 hours of formal training—whereas the 1973 National Advisory Commission reported that physicians received more than 11,000 hours; lawyers, more than 9,000 hours; teachers, more than 7,000 hours; embalmers, more than 5,000 hours; and barbers, more than 4,000 hours.

Yet, ironically, records and research clearly show that as late as 1967, police recruit basic training practices did not even exist for up to 32 percent of the law enforcement agencies within municipalities and counties with populations of greater than 10,000.3 For many agencies, recruit training was almost an afterthought.

For example, in 1975, with a degree in criminal justice administration, Gary Maddox became a police officer. Maddox, now director of the Law Enforcement Training Institute for the University of Missouri–Extension, says it never occurred to him at the time he was hired that it would be a year before he would receive any formal training for the job; then, when he did go to a training academy, it was only 320 hours—eight weeks’ worth. Yet from the time Maddox took his oath, he was expected to make informed, split-second decisions regarding such issues as use of force and constitutional law without a speck of training on which to rely.

By the early 1980s, basic training for peace officers in the United States had finally become mandated in every state. However, this training ranged from as little as 120 hours to as much as 1,000 hours or more, depending on each state’s respective statutes, police agencies, and academy directors. And much of that recruit training was seen as inadequate, because in many instances, the instruction bore little relationship to what was actually expected of peace officers. In the absence of any guidelines that truly related to an analysis of police experiences, instructors and trainers were left with only the formal definition of police authority and other vague, nebulous, and abstract concepts to communicate to peace officer trainees.4

These observations are not meant to discredit or belittle the usually well-intentioned and sincere efforts of police trainers and training administrators to provide job-relevant training at the time. It should be remembered that the role of police in contemporary society has never been clearly defined or universally adopted.
You really are stupid. The article you C&Ped explicitly states that depending on which state the training can be as much as 1000 hours.
The states that only provide 10 hours training are 100% LIBERAL run states.
They allow negro cops too fucking dumb and fat to work at Walmart. It's called affirmative action.

WHAT state requires only 10 hours of training????
It should have read 120 hours. That's the number our resident 'Cotton Pony Rider' claims is the number of hours cops are being trained. 'Her own C&P states some states require up to 1000 hours of training.
In predominantly negro counties the training is 120 hours. The trainers know the 'AA' action cops are fucking sleeping through the training anyway so what's the point?

So 3 weeks of training and they're on the road? Where is this? Thats absurdly irresponsible. But then again...liberals would do it in the name of diversity.
In case you wanted to know how those hundreds of course hours are divided, here's the breakdown from the Los Angeles Police Department Police Academy:

  • Academics: 230 hours
  • Driving: 40 hours
  • Firearms: 113 hours
  • Human Relations: 100 hour
  • Law: 105 hours
  • Physical Training: 142 hours
  • Tactics: 98 hours
  • TOTAL: 828 hours
What city? Most cities who do that do it because of gas expenses and a budget that can't replace cars as quickly as police work goes through them.

With they way the hot rod around in those brand new chargers, I doubt that is the reason.
So the lawsuit is basically gonna say.....

Ford produced factory lights that are too bright....and it forced our clients son to disobey the cop, resist the arrest, and attack him in a manner that threatened the cops life. Therefore....someone must pay.

The lawsuit says that the use of deadly force was unwarranted and that the execution of Guilford is wrongful death by Frost.
I can just imagine how it's going to go with the lawsuit...

When your son got his license, did he sign the document stating he must have his license while driving?
Parents: "I don't know."
Attorney for the PD: Did he sign his name to anything?
Parents: Yes
Attorney for PD: This document is what every newly licensed driver must sign. Would you read the high lighted part?
Parents: "The license must be on the person when he/she is driving."
Attorney for PD: Now let's look at the video where part of the exchange where the PO asked for his license. Video shows PO calmly asking for his drivers license, poi and registration 6 TIMES. Attorney marks on black board each time the kid does not comply. One time he admits he doesn't have it but still does not hand over poi or registration.
Attorney: How many times did the po ask for license, poi, and registration, counting to each mark made when the kid refused to show anything.
Parents: Six times.
Attorney : Did you tell your son not to comply six times but hand over documents on the seventh try from the officer?
Parents : No
Attorney: What did the kid say when he was told to get out of the car? Puts video on kid's statement, "I don't have to.
Parents: He didn't have to get out of the car.
Attorney: Was that correct?
Parents: No answer, mother cries instead..

Kid guilty escalating the situation until he tries to fight a police officer.

What does a police officer have to do when in an altercation with someone who resists arrest, fights back, the kid was warned.

Maybe mom and dad have another teenager they can save from being an asshole when stopped by police. Do as the officer requests and show him your license, poi and registration. If you don't have it, say that. It's not worth a life. At least most lives.

Plaintiff: What is the usual charge for driving without a license on you, remember that the victim was a licensed driver, he simply did not have the document on him.

PD: Uh, it's an infraction that results in a ticket.

Plaintiff: What is the usual punishment?

PD: Uh, a $20 fine

Plaintiff: Not death?

PD: Um no, it's an extremely minor offense.

Plaintiff: So a person convicted of not having their license would not normally be put to death?
What is the charge when the driver fails to comply with the orders of the police officer?
What is the charge when the driver attacks to police officer?
What could have been done to de-escalate the situation? The kid could have handed over what documents he had and told him he didn't have the license. Above all, be respectful and not fight with the police officer.

The way the kid was acting, what else could the kid be hiding? Drugs?
The brat did not get killed b/c he didn't have his paperwork.
He got killed b/c he attacked a cop.
And you fucking well know it.
Typical LIB dummy non-logic.

The desire for an authoritarian police state is a leftist position.

I assume you are backing Comrade Bernie Sanders.

The kid got killed because an out of control cop was able to offer two responses, talk or emptying a mag in someone. The cop has no ability to contain or control another person and jumps directly to deadly force with no other measure taken.

Sorry, a competent person would have smacked the kid with a nightstick, not killed him.

The REAL reason that the cop killed him is that departments would rather deal with killings by cops than with charges of brutality. If the cop hit the kid, he would be in trouble for police brutality, so better to just kill the kid.

In a rational world, that is fucked up thinking.
I can just imagine how it's going to go with the lawsuit...

When your son got his license, did he sign the document stating he must have his license while driving?
Parents: "I don't know."
Attorney for the PD: Did he sign his name to anything?
Parents: Yes
Attorney for PD: This document is what every newly licensed driver must sign. Would you read the high lighted part?
Parents: "The license must be on the person when he/she is driving."
Attorney for PD: Now let's look at the video where part of the exchange where the PO asked for his license. Video shows PO calmly asking for his drivers license, poi and registration 6 TIMES. Attorney marks on black board each time the kid does not comply. One time he admits he doesn't have it but still does not hand over poi or registration.
Attorney: How many times did the po ask for license, poi, and registration, counting to each mark made when the kid refused to show anything.
Parents: Six times.
Attorney : Did you tell your son not to comply six times but hand over documents on the seventh try from the officer?
Parents : No
Attorney: What did the kid say when he was told to get out of the car? Puts video on kid's statement, "I don't have to.
Parents: He didn't have to get out of the car.
Attorney: Was that correct?
Parents: No answer, mother cries instead..

Kid guilty escalating the situation until he tries to fight a police officer.

What does a police officer have to do when in an altercation with someone who resists arrest, fights back, the kid was warned.

Maybe mom and dad have another teenager they can save from being an asshole when stopped by police. Do as the officer requests and show him your license, poi and registration. If you don't have it, say that. It's not worth a life. At least most lives.

Plaintiff: What is the usual charge for driving without a license on you, remember that the victim was a licensed driver, he simply did not have the document on him.

PD: Uh, it's an infraction that results in a ticket.

Plaintiff: What is the usual punishment?

PD: Uh, a $20 fine

Plaintiff: Not death?

PD: Um no, it's an extremely minor offense.

Plaintiff: So a person convicted of not having their license would not normally be put to death?

You forgot the rest:

Defense: Expert witness....is it a deadly situation when a suspect tries to take a weapon from a cop?
Expert: Yes.
Defense: If knocked unconcious....could a cops weapon be taken?
Expert: Yes.
Defense: Would it be legal for a cop to use deadly force to prevent his weapon from being taken...or to prevent being knocked unconcious?
Expert: Yes.
Defense: Really? Why?
Expert: SCOTUS Graham v. Connor.
Defense: EVEN IF the assault resulted from an original stop for a minor offense.

Expert: YES. If a cop stops someone for littering....and they attack the cop and try to kill him...and the cop kills the suspect...he was not killed "for littering". That's a trick liberals use to try to smear cops. He was killed for threatening the cops life. It just so happens that this threat emerged from a stop for a petty offense.

Plaintiff: do you know what a Tonfa, or T-Baton is? You should, since your carry one.

Frost: Uh yeah, I know what it is.

Plaintiff: Do you know how to use it?

Frost: Yeah, I can fuck people up good with it.

Plaintiff: Yet you never attempted to subdue Guilford with the baton, why not?

Frost: We get in trouble if we hit suspects.

Plaintiff: But not if you shoot them to death?

Frost: Uh, well no - we are not disciplined for killing people, only if we hit them. Dead people can't file brutality charges, so we make sure they are dead.
I can just imagine how it's going to go with the lawsuit...

When your son got his license, did he sign the document stating he must have his license while driving?
Parents: "I don't know."
Attorney for the PD: Did he sign his name to anything?
Parents: Yes
Attorney for PD: This document is what every newly licensed driver must sign. Would you read the high lighted part?
Parents: "The license must be on the person when he/she is driving."
Attorney for PD: Now let's look at the video where part of the exchange where the PO asked for his license. Video shows PO calmly asking for his drivers license, poi and registration 6 TIMES. Attorney marks on black board each time the kid does not comply. One time he admits he doesn't have it but still does not hand over poi or registration.
Attorney: How many times did the po ask for license, poi, and registration, counting to each mark made when the kid refused to show anything.
Parents: Six times.
Attorney : Did you tell your son not to comply six times but hand over documents on the seventh try from the officer?
Parents : No
Attorney: What did the kid say when he was told to get out of the car? Puts video on kid's statement, "I don't have to.
Parents: He didn't have to get out of the car.
Attorney: Was that correct?
Parents: No answer, mother cries instead..

Kid guilty escalating the situation until he tries to fight a police officer.

What does a police officer have to do when in an altercation with someone who resists arrest, fights back, the kid was warned.

Maybe mom and dad have another teenager they can save from being an asshole when stopped by police. Do as the officer requests and show him your license, poi and registration. If you don't have it, say that. It's not worth a life. At least most lives.

Plaintiff: What is the usual charge for driving without a license on you, remember that the victim was a licensed driver, he simply did not have the document on him.

PD: Uh, it's an infraction that results in a ticket.

Plaintiff: What is the usual punishment?

PD: Uh, a $20 fine

Plaintiff: Not death?

PD: Um no, it's an extremely minor offense.

Plaintiff: So a person convicted of not having their license would not normally be put to death?

You forgot the rest:

Defense: Expert witness....is it a deadly situation when a suspect tries to take a weapon from a cop?
Expert: Yes.
Defense: If knocked unconcious....could a cops weapon be taken?
Expert: Yes.
Defense: Would it be legal for a cop to use deadly force to prevent his weapon from being taken...or to prevent being knocked unconcious?
Expert: Yes.
Defense: Really? Why?
Expert: SCOTUS Graham v. Connor.
Defense: EVEN IF the assault resulted from an original stop for a minor offense.

Expert: YES. If a cop stops someone for littering....and they attack the cop and try to kill him...and the cop kills the suspect...he was not killed "for littering". That's a trick liberals use to try to smear cops. He was killed for threatening the cops life. It just so happens that this threat emerged from a stop for a petty offense.

Plaintiff: do you know what a Tonfa, or T-Baton is? You should, since your carry one.

Frost: Uh yeah, I know what it is.

Plaintiff: Do you know how to use it?

Frost: Yeah, I can fuck people up good with it.

Plaintiff: Yet you never attempted to subdue Guilford with the baton, why not?

Frost: We get in trouble if we hit suspects.

Plaintiff: But not if you shoot them to death?

Frost: Uh, well no - we are not disciplined for killing people, only if we hit them. Dead people can't file brutality charges, so we make sure they are dead.

You don't use a damn baton when someone is trying to get a gun.
False the circumstances in which a cop asks for your ID are for all practical purposes the same.
Unhinged's answer was out of context to the subject therefore a dodge.

Your dream is a society where those walking the streets are stopped with a demand of "PAPERS."

I still cling to a free and civil society - few of us left who do.
What is the charge when the driver fails to comply with the orders of the police officer?

Apparently they are not charged, but shot to death.

What is the charge when the driver attacks to police officer?
What could have been done to de-escalate the situation?

Frost is far bigger, far stronger, and supposedly trained - maybe subdue rather than kill. Police don't do that anymore.

The kid could have handed over what documents he had and told him he didn't have the license. Above all, be respectful and not fight with the police officer.

The way the kid was acting, what else could the kid be hiding? Drugs?

That's nice. The jump from an infraction to killing SHOULD be a huge one - but it isn't - cops kill at the drop of the hat. It is the FIRST response, not the last refuge.
The brat did not get killed b/c he didn't have his paperwork.
He got killed b/c he attacked a cop.
And you fucking well know it.
Typical LIB dummy non-logic.

The desire for an authoritarian police state is a leftist position.

I assume you are backing Comrade Bernie Sanders.

The kid got killed because an out of control cop was able to offer two responses, talk or emptying a mag in someone. The cop has no ability to contain or control another person and jumps directly to deadly force with no other measure taken.

Sorry, a competent person would have smacked the kid with a nightstick, not killed him.

The REAL reason that the cop killed him is that departments would rather deal with killings by cops than with charges of brutality. If the cop hit the kid, he would be in trouble for police brutality, so better to just kill the kid.

In a rational world, that is fucked up thinking.
The brat did not get killed b/c he didn't have his paperwork.
He got killed b/c he attacked a cop.
And you fucking well know it.
Typical LIB dummy non-logic.

The desire for an authoritarian police state is a leftist position.

I assume you are backing Comrade Bernie Sanders.

The kid got killed because an out of control cop was able to offer two responses, talk or emptying a mag in someone. The cop has no ability to contain or control another person and jumps directly to deadly force with no other measure taken.

Sorry, a competent person would have smacked the kid with a nightstick, not killed him.

The REAL reason that the cop killed him is that departments would rather deal with killings by cops than with charges of brutality. If the cop hit the kid, he would be in trouble for police brutality, so better to just kill the kid.

In a rational world, that is fucked up thinking.
You're the one living in your own fucked up world.
What would a PD rather have? A civil lawsuit involving the killing of someone by a cop or a civil lawsuit involving a cop smacking someone with a police baton?
Dear God you're a fucking dummy!
False the circumstances in which a cop asks for your ID are for all practical purposes the same.
Unhinged's answer was out of context to the subject therefore a dodge.

Your dream is a society where those walking the streets are stopped with a demand of "PAPERS."

I still cling to a free and civil society - few of us left who do.
besides being absolutely wrong , it's the very worst kind of melodrama.

What is the charge when the driver fails to comply with the orders of the police officer?

Apparently they are not charged, but shot to death.

What is the charge when the driver attacks to police officer?
What could have been done to de-escalate the situation?

Frost is far bigger, far stronger, and supposedly trained - maybe subdue rather than kill. Police don't do that anymore.

The kid could have handed over what documents he had and told him he didn't have the license. Above all, be respectful and not fight with the police officer.

The way the kid was acting, what else could the kid be hiding? Drugs?

That's nice. The jump from an infraction to killing SHOULD be a huge one - but it isn't - cops kill at the drop of the hat. It is the FIRST response, not the last refuge.
Cops don't kill at the drop of a hat, but they do shoot when being attacked.
False the circumstances in which a cop asks for your ID are for all practical purposes the same.
Unhinged's answer was out of context to the subject therefore a dodge.

Your dream is a society where those walking the streets are stopped with a demand of "PAPERS."

I still cling to a free and civil society - few of us left who do.

Free and civil society. Think about that.

Free. Meaning no laws or very few laws.
Civil. Meaning everyone is polite and respectful and life occurs peacefully and smoothly with little conflict.

Free and civil depends on humans to naturally be civil. To naturally choose to be nice and fair and peaceful and considerate of each other.

Which as we know....is NOT human nature.

You can have free.
You can have civil.

It's hard to have a lot of both.
What is the charge when the driver fails to comply with the orders of the police officer?

Apparently they are not charged, but shot to death.

What is the charge when the driver attacks to police officer?
What could have been done to de-escalate the situation?

Frost is far bigger, far stronger, and supposedly trained - maybe subdue rather than kill. Police don't do that anymore.

The kid could have handed over what documents he had and told him he didn't have the license. Above all, be respectful and not fight with the police officer.

The way the kid was acting, what else could the kid be hiding? Drugs?

That's nice. The jump from an infraction to killing SHOULD be a huge one - but it isn't - cops kill at the drop of the hat. It is the FIRST response, not the last refuge.
You're an asshole!
You are the reason fucking brats, losers, thugs and scum bag criminals are getting shot. They read your anti cop anti respect for any authority and they end up in the fucking grave.
Keep it up asshole. Sincerely. Keep it up. You're ironically helping civilized decent normal people get rid of fucking scum lifelong losers like you.
Don't forget your old lady has to get to the welfare office by four.

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