18-20 Year Olds Voted for Romney; Youth Vote likely more GOP in 2014


Libertarian Republican
Oct 14, 2013
One tactic of liberals is to say that this new young generation is extremely liberal and as they grow old enough to vote they will be hard-core Democrats.

This couldn't be further from the truth. The people who turned 18 when Bush was President are quite liberal in voting. However, the youngest voters are much more conservative.
Democrats have a young people problem, too

Most specifically:
If we zero in even further on the youngest of the millennials in these polls — those who turned 18 during Obama’s first term — the potential challenges for Democrats become even clearer. Among self-reported voters who were 18 years old in 2012, Mitt Romney, not Obama, won the majority: 57 percent. Romney also won 59 percent among 19-year-olds, and 54 percent among 20-year-olds. These youngest voters of 2012 had entered the electorate in 2010-2012, when Obama’s popularity was much lower than the high point of his inauguration. Only among “the oldest of the youngest” — 21-year-olds, whose political memories would have been forged during Obama’s first year in office and perhaps during his first presidential campaign — did Obama win a clear majority (75 percent).

These young voters who were 16 and 17 in 2012 will turn out in 2014 and will likely be just as Republican as those 18-20 year olds voters were in 2012.
538 also discusses this as well:
Partisan Loyalty Begins at Age 18 | FiveThirtyEight

So in 2014, the GOP does stand a very good chance of taking back the Senate majority. Especially since idiots like Paul Broun did not get nominated.
One tactic of liberals is to say that this new young generation is extremely liberal and as they grow old enough to vote they will be hard-core Democrats.
No one who knows anything says that.

And don't count on the kids to get you through. They're flakes, they're kids.
The data cannot tell us how these youngest millennials will end up voting as their political maturation continues. If the key experience is coming of age during Obama’s presidency, then clearly that experience isn’t over yet. Were the economy to boom and Obama’s popularity to increase, the youngest millennials probably would tilt more toward the Democrats.

Instead, the problem arises in predicting the views of future generations based on the views of millennials today. For some issues, those predictions may be accurate. At a minimum, the political identities of future generations will depend on economic trends and the popularity of presidents who haven’t been elected. Maybe those factors will tend to break in Democrats’ favor, and maybe they won’t.

From the article
When I was 18-20 I rejected authority.

When I found out at about age 20 that the democrooks were the real authoritarians it set me on a different political path.

Hopefully in spite of "no child left behind" the millennials will have the same sense of rebellion and reject the collectivist bullshit they've been indoctrinated with.

We'll see. Of course I noticed there weren't even the slightest slowdowns at any of the fast food restaurants that bed wetters like diablo told us would take place on account of "global protests" over minimum wage laws.

Maybe there is hope for the future if these kids can see through the bullshit of liberalism.

When I was 18-20 I rejected authority.

When I found out at about age 20 that the democrooks were the real authoritarians it set me on a different political path.

Hopefully in spite of "no child left behind" the millennials will have the same sense of rebellion and reject the collectivist bullshit they've been indoctrinated with.

We'll see. Of course I noticed there weren't even the slightest slowdowns at any of the fast food restaurants that bed wetters like diablo told us would take place on account of "global protests" over minimum wage laws.

Maybe there is hope for the future if these kids can see through the bullshit of liberalism.
It's a Liberal nation founded by Liberals. You are free to move away, and you should do so.
Youths want to know: Where are the jobs? It makes since that they will vote for a job maker - not a job breaker!
When I found out at about age 20 that the democrooks were the real authoritarians

And that's different from the Republicans how?


Point taken.

Republicans are currently struggling with how to be less authoritarian, I'm hoping the libertarian wing is victorious.

Still, even in the 90's the republicrats weren't as bad as the democrooks. They still sucked of course, just less. Hopefully we can stop them from sucking even more so in the next few years.
When I was 18-20 I rejected authority.

When I found out at about age 20 that the democrooks were the real authoritarians it set me on a different political path.

Hopefully in spite of "no child left behind" the millennials will have the same sense of rebellion and reject the collectivist bullshit they've been indoctrinated with.

We'll see. Of course I noticed there weren't even the slightest slowdowns at any of the fast food restaurants that bed wetters like diablo told us would take place on account of "global protests" over minimum wage laws.

Maybe there is hope for the future if these kids can see through the bullshit of liberalism.
It's a Liberal nation founded by Liberals. You are free to move away, and you should do so.

not that kind of liberal......it wasn't founded by gay loving commies.
When I was 18-20 I rejected authority.

When I found out at about age 20 that the democrooks were the real authoritarians it set me on a different political path.

Hopefully in spite of "no child left behind" the millennials will have the same sense of rebellion and reject the collectivist bullshit they've been indoctrinated with.

We'll see. Of course I noticed there weren't even the slightest slowdowns at any of the fast food restaurants that bed wetters like diablo told us would take place on account of "global protests" over minimum wage laws.

Maybe there is hope for the future if these kids can see through the bullshit of liberalism.
It's a Liberal nation founded by Liberals. You are free to move away, and you should do so.

not that kind of liberal......it wasn't founded by gay loving commies.
It wasn't founded by Sarah Palin or Glenn Beck either.
Who thought blacks were only 3/5 of a person.
******* you mean, like the ones they owned. Learn to call a spade a spade.

YOU mean *******, your desire to keep blacks dependent on democrook handouts illustrates that.
Your contempt for blacks outside that box speaks for itself as well.
My contempt is for all humans, especially for those who use colors when they are unnecessary and annoying.
This thread earns my first Spurious Correlation award, which comes with an entertaining example of a spurious correlation:


I've seen this quite a bit, the idea that the Constitution was written to create a European-style social democracy with a strong centralized bureaucracy.

Wow, that takes some stretching.


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