18-20 Year Olds Voted for Romney; Youth Vote likely more GOP in 2014

When I was 18-20 I rejected authority.

When I found out at about age 20 that the democrooks were the real authoritarians it set me on a different political path.

Hopefully in spite of "no child left behind" the millennials will have the same sense of rebellion and reject the collectivist bullshit they've been indoctrinated with.

We'll see. Of course I noticed there weren't even the slightest slowdowns at any of the fast food restaurants that bed wetters like diablo told us would take place on account of "global protests" over minimum wage laws.

Maybe there is hope for the future if these kids can see through the bullshit of liberalism.
It's a Liberal nation founded by Liberals. You are free to move away, and you should do so.

not that kind of liberal......it wasn't founded by gay loving commies.

The idea of separating church and state was in the late 1700's at least as radically liberal an idea as is same sex marriage now.
******* you mean, like the ones they owned. Learn to call a spade a spade.

YOU mean *******, your desire to keep blacks dependent on democrook handouts illustrates that.
Your contempt for blacks outside that box speaks for itself as well.
My contempt is for all humans, especially for those who use colors when they are unnecessary and annoying.

Of course you hate all people.

You're a completely brainwashed Obot. You're programmed to hate people, that makes genocide easier for the left. Mass murder is a hallmark of leftist "progress".

Funny that you whine about "those who use colors when they are unnecessary", I'm annoyed by liberal tactics as well. I just rather have you parasites kill yourselves, while you moonbats salivate at the idea of disarming the rest of us and running us through gulags.

You're some sick motherfuckers.

Did Rush tell you that?

Probably right after he told him that only property owners should be allowed to vote.

I could cotton to that idea.

It would keep parasites like you from voting authoritarian sociopaths into office that steal from people and throw you bed wetters the scraps.

Gosh, that was a tough guess. :lol:

10 acres in California. Suck it! Of course, I'm sure you don't want the skirts voting either, eh?
The older millenials came of age when Obama was a rock star. Remember the thousands of cheering fans in Berlin?
After one term he's pretty much just another corrupt authority figure with his shrewish hectoring wife. The millenials who grew up during the time arent terribly impressed with him.
Probably right after he told him that only property owners should be allowed to vote.

I could cotton to that idea.

It would keep parasites like you from voting authoritarian sociopaths into office that steal from people and throw you bed wetters the scraps.

Gosh, that was a tough guess. :lol:

10 acres in California. Suck it! Of course, I'm sure you don't want the skirts voting either, eh?

Good for you, just keep your dumbass there.

If you like having your money stolen and fractions of it used to keep poor people in perpetual poverty that's your business.

Why you're compelled to have money stolen from everyone else is a mystery, but then again the inner workings of the moonbat "mind" is like a never ending Monty Python movie anyway.

As for the youth; the GOP has nothing to look forward to in terms of mass support. The 2014 election looks great due to the Dems having more seats in play in the Senate and the House has 90+ percent retention rate.

The Youth are a voting block the Dems can count on today, tomorrow, and for the forseeable future. Why? Women and homosexuals.
I could cotton to that idea.

It would keep parasites like you from voting authoritarian sociopaths into office that steal from people and throw you bed wetters the scraps.

Gosh, that was a tough guess. :lol:

10 acres in California. Suck it! Of course, I'm sure you don't want the skirts voting either, eh?

Good for you, just keep your dumbass there.

If you like having your money stolen and fractions of it used to keep poor people in perpetual poverty that's your business.

Why you're compelled to have money stolen from everyone else is a mystery, but then again the inner workings of the moonbat "mind" is like a never ending Monty Python movie anyway.

Been here for decades...my taxes are quite low, thanks...and I get to live in paradise. Clean air, clean water, tall redwoods. Gosh, I think I will stay!
Do the Republicans really have anyone who's going to win, or win back, the black vote, the hispanic vote, the female vote, the Jewish-American vote, the Asian-American vote, the gay vote, the overall youth vote, the labor vote?

Who is that? Name names.
Gosh, that was a tough guess. :lol:

10 acres in California. Suck it! Of course, I'm sure you don't want the skirts voting either, eh?

Good for you, just keep your dumbass there.

If you like having your money stolen and fractions of it used to keep poor people in perpetual poverty that's your business.

Why you're compelled to have money stolen from everyone else is a mystery, but then again the inner workings of the moonbat "mind" is like a never ending Monty Python movie anyway.

Been here for decades...my taxes are quite low, thanks...and I get to live in paradise. Clean air, clean water, tall redwoods. Gosh, I think I will stay!

I am sincerely glad you're content and comfortable with your life and appreciate the standard of living available to those of us lucky enough to be Americans.

Now back to being an ass...

What would a bed wetter like you be doing glorifying low taxes? If you had any integrity you'd convert your acreage into a homeless camp and move to a high tax hell hole in order to contribute to "the greater good". Then again hypocrisy is a virtue in libland.:badgrin:

Do the Republicans really have anyone who's going to win, or win back, the black vote, the hispanic vote, the female vote, the Jewish-American vote, the Asian-American vote, the gay vote, the overall youth vote, the labor vote?

Who is that? Name names.

Bed wetter, we're not concerned with dividing people so that they can be conquered and added to a plantation of poverty and dependency.

That's for criminally insane authoritarian sociopaths and their mindless minions to enjoy.

Republicans want people to prosper independently based on their own merits. More rich consumers means even more wealth for everyone. I realize this reality is lost on mindless drones like you, but I have a lot of time on my hands at the moment so I'm wasting it trying to penetrate the incredible density of that moonbat skull of yours.

Good for you, just keep your dumbass there.

If you like having your money stolen and fractions of it used to keep poor people in perpetual poverty that's your business.

Why you're compelled to have money stolen from everyone else is a mystery, but then again the inner workings of the moonbat "mind" is like a never ending Monty Python movie anyway.

Been here for decades...my taxes are quite low, thanks...and I get to live in paradise. Clean air, clean water, tall redwoods. Gosh, I think I will stay!

I am sincerely glad you're content and comfortable with your life and appreciate the standard of living available to those of us lucky enough to be Americans.

Now back to being an ass...

What would a bed wetter like you be doing glorifying low taxes? If you had any integrity you'd convert your acreage into a homeless camp and move to a high tax hell hole in order to contribute to "the greater good". Then again hypocrisy is a virtue in libland.:badgrin:

She didnt build that.

I am sure she is lying as well. She is living in a homeless shelter.

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