18-20 Year Olds Voted for Romney; Youth Vote likely more GOP in 2014

Been here for decades...my taxes are quite low, thanks...and I get to live in paradise. Clean air, clean water, tall redwoods. Gosh, I think I will stay!

I am sincerely glad you're content and comfortable with your life and appreciate the standard of living available to those of us lucky enough to be Americans.

Now back to being an ass...

What would a bed wetter like you be doing glorifying low taxes? If you had any integrity you'd convert your acreage into a homeless camp and move to a high tax hell hole in order to contribute to "the greater good". Then again hypocrisy is a virtue in libland.:badgrin:

She didnt build that.

I am sure she is lying as well. She is living in a homeless shelter.

I could envision that.

Of course there's probably not a lot of Wi-Fi connectivity there.

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