18 High Schoolers Get Baptized on Field, Atheists Go Ape

There is no evidence God. People only believe in God because they were told to. What evidence God exist? The burden of proof of God existence is on the people claiming so.

God doesn't exist is a fact, not an opinion.

It's not a fact, moonbat.

There lies your problem so stop screeching it. You look ridiculous

So show me evidence of God and I'll retract my statement.

Sorry to hear your blind, but God did it to you for a reason.


Which God? There are 5000 different versions of God(s) out there.

We are talking about Almighty God here, not Ganeesh, or Allah, or some other pagan deity.

All monotheistic faiths are, by definition, referring to the same God.
Bless those kids for their belief in Almighty God. May they keep their eye on the ball and play fair each and every day.
What do people wanting to be baptized in the Baptist sect of Christianity have anything to do with a football team at a public high school? Where I grew up, the local Baptist church had a baptism pool. Why do people want to be baptized in a public football field? Don't they have churches to go to? Or is this just another public grandstanding, theatrical event?

Some churches don't have buildings, or buildings equipped with baptismal pools. Of course doing it public does help reach the people, and does send a message to the community

What? With all of these churches, they can't find a baptism pool? Oh, come on. And what "message" to what "community"? Do all religious communities perform their religious rites in public? This public grandstanding theatrics is sooooo boring.

You're free to ignore it.
What do people wanting to be baptized in the Baptist sect of Christianity have anything to do with a football team at a public high school? Where I grew up, the local Baptist church had a baptism pool. Why do people want to be baptized in a public football field? Don't they have churches to go to? Or is this just another public grandstanding, theatrical event?

Some churches don't have buildings, or buildings equipped with baptismal pools. Of course doing it public does help reach the people, and does send a message to the community

What? With all of these churches, they can't find a baptism pool? Oh, come on. And what "message" to what "community"? Do all religious communities perform their religious rites in public? This public grandstanding theatrics is sooooo boring.

You're free to ignore it.
His religion forbids he ignore any sign of the King of Kings being displayed.
What do people wanting to be baptized in the Baptist sect of Christianity have anything to do with a football team at a public high school? Where I grew up, the local Baptist church had a baptism pool. Why do people want to be baptized in a public football field? Don't they have churches to go to? Or is this just another public grandstanding, theatrical event?

"The Kingdom of God is inside/within you (and all about you), not in buildings/mansions of wood and stone. (When I am gone) Split a piece of wood and I am there, lift the/a stone and you will find me."

Irrelevant to my post. Please by advised that many other people do not share your take on your chosen religion. Why can't people go to their own churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, sacred circles to conduct the rituals of their faiths? .....

Why can’t bigots find something else to worry about?

So people who think that public space should be religiously neutral are bigots? ....

Yup. Do you think we have freedom of speech to ensure that everyone shuts the fuck up in public? Do we have freedom of the press to ensure that no one Ever publishes anything in public? Do we have freedom of association to make sure we all stay in our individual little cubbyholes? You need to reconsider what it is you think this country is all about.
Bless the 18 who were baptized on their playing field...It's a good thing to do!


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