18-Year-Old Boy Died After Doctors Tried To Create A Vagina From Part Of His Colon

You may wish to start checking these websites. Yah, I know, Foxnews is playing it safe right now and you need your daily dose of lies and conspiracies.

Evie Magazine



Overall, we rate Evie Magazine as Far-Right biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, propaganda, poor sources, false claims, and failed fact check
Questionable Reasoning: Propaganda, Conspiracy, Pseudoscience, Poor Sourcing, Failed Fact Checks, False Claims
Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website/Magazine
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY
Attacking the source is weak sauce, as usual it's a true story
A guy that had just lost hundreds of pounds was faced with the problem of excess sagging skin all over his body. The solution was made by pulling the loose skin over his head and cutting it off, then opening holes for his eyes, mouth and nose. When completed he showed off his new look, whereupon someone asked,

"What is that thing on your forehead?"
"Oh", he replied, "That's my navel, and how do you like my new tie?!"
Edgar suit?


You people trying to play God are killing people, and not just because once they figure out the mistakes they made they commit suicide at a high rate, but then this.

You do realize this whole thing is lie right?

You people trying to play God are killing people, and not just because once they figure out the mistakes they made they commit suicide at a high rate, but then this.
This story is somewhat similar to the media and TV personality "Jazz". Parents put the boy on hormone blockers very young. Because the penis didn't enlarge due to puberty, there was very little penis to create the vagenis. Now today, Jazz has to insert a device, DAILY, to dilate the tissue or the vagenis will close in on itself.


You people trying to play God are killing people, and not just because once they figure out the mistakes they made they commit suicide at a high rate, but then this.
Democrats have secret labs where they test tran meds on undocumented children. Cartel insiders say these labs look like a cross between a children's hospital and a nazi death camp.

You may wish to start checking these websites. Yah, I know, Foxnews is playing it safe right now and you need your daily dose of lies and conspiracies.

Evie Magazine



Overall, we rate Evie Magazine as Far-Right biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, propaganda, poor sources, false claims, and failed fact check
Questionable Reasoning: Propaganda, Conspiracy, Pseudoscience, Poor Sourcing, Failed Fact Checks, False Claims
Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website/Magazine
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY
Are you saying the dude didn't really die?...lol
Attacking the source is weak sauce, as usual it's a true story
These days, everyone should do their due diligence on every source they use. To believe everything you read from every source, is just asking, begging to be lied to.

Evie, as already posted, is "Far-Right biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, propaganda, poor sources, false claims, and failed fact checks." with Low factual reporting.
They reference The Post Millennial, which has a Right bias with mixed factual reporting "due to publishing unsubstantiated claims and having several failed fact checks."

It's not that it didn't happen; it's that they present it without some context, and with slanted language, to appeal to your outrage rather than inform you of the details of the story. Only a modest amount of critical thinking exposes numerous ways in which Evie misrepresented this story. I could list them, but instead, follow the links in the stories and see if you can find them yourself. There are plenty.

You people trying to play God are killing people, and not just because once they figure out the mistakes they made they commit suicide at a high rate, but then this.

This boy was abused by his parents and doctors for years before they finally killed him.
A "trans identifying teenager" ... sorry .. but an 18 year old is an adult, and they are prohibited from buying some firearms, purchasing alcohol, purchasing tobacco products and other focus areas Democrats despise .. yet .. they can join the military to kill bad guys, buy marijuana, get abortions and mutilate their body to advance the transgender ideology.

You just like to string stuff together don't you? You can't buy marijuana in states where it's legal unless you are over the age of 21.

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