187 year old thomas jefferson taken down in ny

people are so ignorant about our history and have only one-deminsional minds.

That is a gross a tragic decision by DE Blasio.
Hmm I wonder before he leaves will he also remove the bronze statue of George Washington put up on the Sub-Treasury’s ceremonial front steps at Broad and Wall St placed there 1842 by John Quincy Adams to commemorate the inauguration of George Washington our first president. Whom by the way also owned slaves...
Ref: George Washington’s Biracial Family Is Getting New Recognition.
What is amazing people look at the past with the mindset of today and not reflecting on the harsh reality of that day…

Was Slavery wrong?

Yes, but let not kid ourselves with the notion slavery is dead in our today time because it live strong and well in today time, so why must we erase a man because of what he did hundreds of years ago?

Fact is Thomas Jefferson along with many Founding Father’s contributed to our great nation and we as a society grew from it, so in my opinion it is disgusting that today society will now erase a man because of what he did when it was part of life back then…
In Canada, NZ, Australia, and even UK, Human Rights are in much better shape then in USA:

-- people in need get much more help
-- Penal System is much more humane (especially Canada)
In Canada, NZ, Australia, and even UK, Human Rights are in much better shape then in USA:

-- people in need get much more help
-- Penal System is much more humane (especially Canada)
What's that got to do with political zealots trying to erase history?
See my username.

Was it wrong for parents to sacrifice their first-born sons to Moloch or Saturn about 3000 to 2000 years ago?
I answered yes when I asked the question, so do not take my question out of context ever again!

Fact is Slavery still exists today and parents killing their children in the name of a deity still happens in today time, so why erase history?
horselightning The Woke Mob needed a "win" since their blood lust wasn't satiated with Kyle Rittenhouse verdict. But YAY! They took down another statue of a great American. Maybe they can get George Washington's face on Mt. Rushmore chiseled into George Floyd.
B-B-B-But he had SLAVES!!!!!!! :aargh::206::boo_hoo14:

I'd venture to say all those that represented our founding gov't were slave holders. Does it make them wrong? No because that was a common thing in the 18th Century. Strangely slavery in today's modern world is still as strong as ever in Europe, the U.K., Middle East, Africa, China, Pakistan and India.
Thanks to Joey Xi Bai Dung America has increased it's human trafficking and slavery of humans in America by 100 fold by allowing illegal aliens to cross our borders.

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