19 polls show voters want taxes on wealthy raised

You know what, fuck it... I'll support raising taxes on the rich... Just fuck it. And when the revenue dries up, when an amount of jobs are lost (not all, just a noticeable amount) and it still does not cover 2% of the deficit I'll be right there willing to be called a fucking sell out, flip flopping R-tard. Why the fuck not... what's the worst that can happen that is already not going to happen? At least a lesion get's to be learned, however it will still be repeated over and over and over again in the future because there will never be a shortage of people supporting taxes "someone else." LOL.

Go ahead, I'm on board! It didn't work for FDR so it should work today!

Roger -- 2nd that motion.. That's all they got.. Won't have any clue what else to suggest while the economy melts down..
Ronald Reagan said that Americans think every day is the 4th of July.
Democrats think that every day is April 15th.


It never gets old, my friend!

We need a new Reagan every generation

Reagan raised taxes erxpanded the government,deficit and national debt. So is Reagan and idiot or a liar?
Reasonable people want shared sacrifice, not a partly shared sacrifice that exempts the wealthy.

I agree, so since the wealthy are the ones paying almost all the taxes you can stop being bitter and jealous, right?
Ronald Reagan said that Americans think every day is the 4th of July.
Democrats think that every day is April 15th.


It never gets old, my friend!

We need a new Reagan every generation

Reagan raised taxes erxpanded the government,deficit and national debt. So is Reagan and idiot or a liar?

Reagan lowered taxes.

Reagan took Democrats at their work that they would cut spending in exchange for subsequent tax increases; big mistake to believe spending addicts like that

Reagan built up the US military and beat your home team the USSR so badly he left them no choice but to take over the Democrat Party.
Ronald Reagan said that Americans think every day is the 4th of July.
Democrats think that every day is April 15th.


It never gets old, my friend!

We need a new Reagan every generation

Reagan raised taxes erxpanded the government,deficit and national debt. So is Reagan and idiot or a liar?

The bills Reagan passed didn't raise more revenue by hiking individual income tax rates though. Instead they did it largely through making it tougher to evade taxes, and through reducing various federal tax breaks and closing tax loopholes.
"Billionaires are not my fellow Americans."

Best quote yet. Billionaires love america but HATE and DISDAIN those middle class people who work for a living. They simply hate anyone who actually works from 9 - 5 40 hours a week. They want those people to have nothing.
Isn't there some old phrase that says something along the lines of, "the masses are asses"?
"Billionaires are not my fellow Americans."

Best quote yet. Billionaires love america but HATE and DISDAIN those middle class people who work for a living. They simply hate anyone who actually works from 9 - 5 40 hours a week. They want those people to have nothing.

Serious lets play the stupid game some more!!!

There aren't that many billionaire in america, less than 500 last year. Answers.com - How many billionaires are in the US

I doubt they hate anyone. I also doubt if they do, that they would have any disdain for the middle class, as the huge amounts of people that helped them amass their fortune are middle class. They may be arrogant, or put you off, but thats because 1 second of their time is probably worth 3.2 million dollars.

But if you know one of the 500 please let us know their opinion on the matter.
As for raising the riches taxes, fuck it, I am with avorysuds, GO FOR IT. I won't tell you how much I paid last year, but I will say it was rediculous, and I have seriously thought about it long and hard. Is the amount I am paying justified? What do I gain in return for giving the government this amount? Is it worth it? Is the amount I am giving making the hoi polloi's life better overall? The answer is no. If we are going to raise my taxes then we should also raise taxes for everyone. Here in california, over 55-60% of my wage is taxed. We need to do more than just raise taxes on the weathly, we need to cut so many things that we have become accustomed too and think should be given to us on a daily basis for no cost what so ever.
Just tax loopholes alone allowed GE to pay 0 taxes last year! Fuck raising my taxes, lets get this shit straight and just be a smart, thrifty, frugal, small government. Lets run the country like a business, one where we aren't allow to spend more then we take in. Like that will ever happen with the rdean's and truthmatters out there.
(business woman my ass)
Well then lets just say that if some so called fellow american billionaire was in dire need of help and I came along and was the only one who could save them, well I'd turn the other way.
Reasonable people want shared sacrifice, not a partly shared sacrifice that exempts the wealthy.
Go fuck yourself. The Bottom 46% pay no Income Tax, the top 5% pay upwards of 58% that is just a matter of fact. Just stop propagating these myths that the "wealthy" pay no taxes.

National Taxpayers Union - Who Pays Income Taxes?

I just think it's hilarious how Obama was perfectly content to support a trillion dollars big bank bailout(paid for mostly by the top 5%), than he has the gall to say we are "taking more than our fair share", as though our individual wealth is the Federal Government's to spend.
Well then lets just say that if some so called fellow american billionaire was in dire need of help and I came along and was the only one who could save them, well I'd turn the other way.

you probably would never know if he was a billionaire or not.

I would help anyone that needed it, even if it was truthmatters. A life is a life. But I guess you are just "initforyou"

Hopefully you amount to something someday.
Well then lets just say that if some so called fellow american billionaire was in dire need of help and I came along and was the only one who could save them, well I'd turn the other way.

That's mighty gracious of you. I wouldn't turn my back on anyone in need.
"Billionaires are not my fellow Americans."

Best quote yet. Billionaires love america but HATE and DISDAIN those middle class people who work for a living. They simply hate anyone who actually works from 9 - 5 40 hours a week. They want those people to have nothing.

See what I mean about Progressives being American's Palestinians and how dangerous it is to let them have a say in our society?
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