1963 to 2016

In 1963, Barack Hussein Obama's father would have been lynched for marrying a white woman
In 1963 .
Hey,what about those "shovel ready jobs?" That was $$$$ well spent on the infrastructure.

If your surprised by a politician lying, then you'll be equally surprised by water flowing down hill and trees casting shade...
What happened to "Hope and Change?"

Why would you ask me that?
Just pointing out that Obama was supposed to be the messiah and change everything. Instead he paid back his political cronies. Was not directed at you. Just general statement.[/QUOTE]

What did Obama "Change"?

Universal Healthcare
Stopped a depression
Expanded rights for gays
Recognition of Cuba after 50 years

Change you can believe in[/QUOTE]
There is no universal health care.
This bullshit rewriting of history by Obama minions that somehow he saved America from a depression.
Expanded rights for gays? Ok and how is this important?
Cuba wanted to destroy us in 1962. Fuck them.
In 1963 an individual(s) like Barack Hussein Obama, Bernie Sanders, and Lee Harvey Oswald were and would be considered to have radically dangerous political beliefs (Oswald would call himself a progressive today). But, in 2016 Obama and Sanders are considered legit. Is this a sign of how far we have came, or a sign of how far we have fallen?

Oswald would be called a murderer today.

Your post is a sign that while every one can post on the Internet, not everyone should.
Oswalds political beliefs would be acceptable today. Shameful!
Public education should be local...food stamps should be eliminated...I'm talking 60% tax rate for middle class, not the top of the earnings pyramid. Socialism adds up to a transition to communism. Grow up.

Hmm interesting, I personally always thought that part of being a grown up is to respond directly to what the discussion is actually about instead pretending like you are responding.

In question is Obama and Sanders being considered too radical to be in populist parties in 1963.

I asked you why you think that and the reasons you gave have so far been nonsense you couldn't maintain.

So I suggest you grow up and just concede that point instead of dodging into something about local public education and comments on my character.
I already decoyed you. You did not follow original thread.
In 1963, Barack Hussein Obama's father would have been lynched for marrying a white woman
In 1963 .
Hey,what about those "shovel ready jobs?" That was $$$$ well spent on the infrastructure.

If your surprised by a politician lying, then you'll be equally surprised by water flowing down hill and trees casting shade...
What happened to "Hope and Change?"

Why would you ask me that?
Just pointing out that Obama was supposed to be the messiah and change everything. Instead he paid back his political cronies. Was not directed at you. Just general statement.

What did Obama "Change"?

Universal Healthcare
Stopped a depression
Expanded rights for gays
Recognition of Cuba after 50 years

Change you can believe in[/QUOTE]
There is no universal health care.
This bullshit rewriting of history by Obama minions that somehow he saved America from a depression.
Expanded rights for gays? Ok and how is this important?
Cuba wanted to destroy us in 1962. Fuck them.[/QUOTE]false! the Obama as the messiah was cooked up by desperate rwnjs like you ,,,
In 1963, Barack Hussein Obama's father would have been lynched for marrying a white woman
In 1963 .
Hey,what about those "shovel ready jobs?" That was $$$$ well spent on the infrastructure.

If your surprised by a politician lying, then you'll be equally surprised by water flowing down hill and trees casting shade...
What happened to "Hope and Change?"

Why would you ask me that?
Just pointing out that Obama was supposed to be the messiah and change everything. Instead he paid back his political cronies. Was not directed at you. Just general statement.

What did Obama "Change"?

Universal Healthcare
Stopped a depression
Expanded rights for gays
Recognition of Cuba after 50 years

Change you can believe in[/QUOTE]
There is no universal health care.
This bullshit rewriting of history by Obama minions that somehow he saved America from a depression.
Expanded rights for gays? Ok and how is this important?
Cuba wanted to destroy us in 1962. Fuck them.[/QUOTE]

You wanted examples of change and you got it

Obama was not elected to change things that would make conservatives happy
In 1963, Barack Hussein Obama's father would have been lynched for marrying a white woman

But he married Obama's mother in that period and no lynching. I remember Honolulu in '63, I don't remember Black Military guys getting discriminated against there. Japan, different story.
In 1963, Barack Hussein Obama's father would have been lynched for marrying a white woman
In 1963 .
Hey,what about those "shovel ready jobs?" That was $$$$ well spent on the infrastructure.

If your surprised by a politician lying, then you'll be equally surprised by water flowing down hill and trees casting shade...
What happened to "Hope and Change?"

Why would you ask me that?
Just pointing out that Obama was supposed to be the messiah and change everything. Instead he paid back his political cronies. Was not directed at you. Just general statement.

What did Obama "Change"?

Universal Healthcare
Stopped a depression
Expanded rights for gays
Recognition of Cuba after 50 years

Change you can believe in[/QUOTE]
There is no universal health care.
This bullshit rewriting of history by Obama minions that somehow he saved America from a depression.
Expanded rights for gays? Ok and how is this important?
Cuba wanted to destroy us in 1962. Fuck them.[/QUOTE]

repub, democrat. Both cave in to the owners of this country. Trump, not so much, which is why even his fellow republicans are against him. He might not take orders from above. Wishful thinking on my part maybe, but we know hillary is for sale.
In 1963, Barack Hussein Obama's father would have been lynched for marrying a white woman

But he married Obama's mother in that period and no lynching. I remember Honolulu in '63, I don't remember Black Military guys getting discriminated against there. Japan, different story.

How would Barack Obama Sr have been received in Mississippi?
In 1963, Barack Hussein Obama's father would have been lynched for marrying a white woman
In 1963 .
Hey,what about those "shovel ready jobs?" That was $$$$ well spent on the infrastructure.

If your surprised by a politician lying, then you'll be equally surprised by water flowing down hill and trees casting shade...
What happened to "Hope and Change?"

Why would you ask me that?
Just pointing out that Obama was supposed to be the messiah and change everything. Instead he paid back his political cronies. Was not directed at you. Just general statement.

What did Obama "Change"?

Universal Healthcare
Stopped a depression
Expanded rights for gays
Recognition of Cuba after 50 years

Change you can believe in
There is no universal health care.
This bullshit rewriting of history by Obama minions that somehow he saved America from a depression.
Expanded rights for gays? Ok and how is this important?
Cuba wanted to destroy us in 1962. Fuck them.[/QUOTE]

repub, democrat. Both cave in to the owners of this country. Trump, not so much, which is why even his fellow republicans are against him. He might not take orders from above. Wishful thinking on my part maybe, but we know hillary is for sale.[/QUOTE]haahahahahahahahahah!
trump pimps himself out so much that it's a miracle he can shit.
In 1963, Barack Hussein Obama's father would have been lynched for marrying a white woman

But he married Obama's mother in that period and no lynching. I remember Honolulu in '63, I don't remember Black Military guys getting discriminated against there. Japan, different story.

How would Barack Obama Sr have been received in Mississippi?
neck tie party after castration and anal penetration with foreign objects.

A (once) nation that once-upon-a-time had the ability and the balls to put men on the moon.

Remember those days?

Children under 12 need not reply; we have no expectations of you.
The far right who have a 12 year old's mentality whould never think of putting a man on the moon

That was the result of leftists.
In 1963, Barack Hussein Obama's father would have been lynched for marrying a white woman

But he married Obama's mother in that period and no lynching. I remember Honolulu in '63, I don't remember Black Military guys getting discriminated against there. Japan, different story.

How would Barack Obama Sr have been received in Mississippi?

I thought we were talking about Hawaii. Mississippi of course a different matter. Plenty of places today where Whites aren't safe around Blacks either. Anybody who thinks that Blacks don't also have their hatreds and prejudices, haven't been around too many different kinds of people.

A (once) nation that once-upon-a-time had the ability and the balls to put men on the moon.

Remember those days?

Children under 12 need not reply; we have no expectations of you.

Putting a man on the moon is part of JFK's legacy. Putting a man in the lady's restroom is part of Obama's legacy.
In 1963, Barack Hussein Obama's father would have been lynched for marrying a white woman

But he married Obama's mother in that period and no lynching. I remember Honolulu in '63, I don't remember Black Military guys getting discriminated against there. Japan, different story.

How would Barack Obama Sr have been received in Mississippi?

I thought we were talking about Hawaii. Mississippi of course a different matter. Plenty of places today where Whites aren't safe around Blacks either. Anybody who thinks that Blacks don't also have their hatreds and prejudices, haven't been around too many different kinds of people.
We are talking about 1963. Not just Mississippi, but most of America would not accept a mixed race marriage

Only difference is they would lynch you in Mississippi
The far right who have a 12 year old's mentality whould never think of putting a man on the moon

That was the result of leftists.

I don't remember the space race being political, not sure it was a right vs left thing. I remember Russians launching Sputnik as a national embarrassment to us, and that was the birth of the space race. There wasn't that right vs left animosity like now, and both political parties supported unions, more or less. The country seemed more united then.

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