1995 - the year I learned to despise Newt Gingrich

Newt Gingrichy is a pig. He looks like a pig. He acts like a pig.

So Susan Smith, like almost every other murderer, tries to blame others for her actions, and that's the fault of the GOP, how again?

Sorry, man, the fact that the family has disintigrated under a constant 50 year assault by popular culture doesn't become less of a truth because none of us are immune.
Is that Newt's excuse for cheating on his second wife for six years? He's a victim of popular culture.


Did you see that interview with his 2nd x-wife??? She came across as a vindictive b***h. There's more to the story than she's telling, and i didn't believe a word she said. There's 2 sides to every story (or divorce).

I think you'll find there are 3 sides to every story. The truth is usually not the story you get from either party.
Newt doesn't have the temperament to have his finger on the button. Of all the candidates - including Michelle Bachmann and Donald Trump - he is the last guy I want lording over our nuclear arsenal. That's why I'm not supporting him.

You support Romney because he's one of your fellow Wall Street Looters.

The GOP would be well rid of the lot of you.

And you don't support Romney because you're an anti-Mormon, anti-capitalist bigot.

And, JoeyBoy is also as dishonest as rdean and truffmocker.
And you don't support Romney because you're an anti-Mormon, anti-capitalist bigot.

again, why do we afford rights to crazy beliefs when someone calls them "a religion".

Crazy beliefs are crazy beliefs. If Romney said he believed in UFO's and listned to Art Bell every night, this wouldn't be an issue. But he thinks Joseph Smith was talking to God and he is going to rule a planet after he dies... and, well, we can't talk about that because, hey, that's his RELIGION. Don't you dare criticize a man's religion, dammit!

I have no problem with HONEST capitalism. In honest capitalism.

1) You take a great idea, and pay the guy who came up with it if you didn't.
2) You fairly pay the people who are doing the physical handwork and legwork fairly.
3) You provide a good solid service to the customer
4) You collect a fair and reasonable profit.

No one has a problem with THAT kind of capitalism.

The kind Romney practices is-
1) You steal someone else's idea.
2) You cheat the workers or move their jobs to a third world shithole where people get their arms cut off.
3) You provide disposable, crappy goods to the customer, knowing they'll have to keep coming back for more.
4) You collect obscene profits and buy another mansion and a few polo ponies.

That the Democrats think this is bullshit is not surprising, but now despite all the brainwashing of the Limbaughs of the world, Republicans are starting to realize it's a shitty game, too.
I thought it was 2011 when he posed a threat to your Robot.

If he was referring to the case in question from IL, the case of Jacqueline Williams, he was spot on.

Deborah Evans - The Case of Deborah Evans

Wonderful people the welfare system produces.

I think the problem with welfare in general is that we call it an "entitlement' when we should call it "charity".

The two words have very different meanings, when you get down to it. "Entitlement" means you are owed something. "Charity" is exactly that, others helping you out of the goodness of their hearts.

What in the FUCK is your problem? This was a horrible, brutal, violent crime. The people responsible are THE CRIMINALS. It's not society's fault. It's not about welfare. It's about people who made a very bad decision. It's not because mommy didn't hug them enough when they were kids. It's not because they got picked last for kickball during recess. These people were grown adults who knew right from wrong, and chose to do something horrible. Stop spreading the blame to the innocent people.
Um...I happen to think that Clinton is a serial adulterer too. (Thomas Jefferson too)

Then I'm not seeing your problem here, exactly.

you know, you keep saying that you think that Newt will be easier to beat than Mittens, but you dedicate a lot more pixels to denoucing Newt (or Perry, or whoever).

I, on the other hand, am Voting For Newt because I think despite the fact he has not been an ideal husband, he's a smart guy with a lot of knowledge. And if the phone call comes in at 3 AM that the North Koreans have just attacked one of our aircraft carriers, and are rolling across the DMZ, he's the guy I want at the other end. Not the guy who waited 16 hours to give the go ahead to whack Bin Laden and not the guy who thinks his sons working on his campaign is just as good as serving in the military.

Newt doesn't have the temperament to have his finger on the button. Of all the candidates - including Michelle Bachmann and Donald Trump - he is the last guy I want lording over our nuclear arsenal. That's why I'm not supporting him.

Fortunately, we have systems in place to deal with that issue. So did the Russians. You can check out Clancy's novel Sum of All Fears for a brief discussion of those checks.

Of course the best protection is that the electorate not elect some bat brain in the first place.
And you don't support Romney because you're an anti-Mormon, anti-capitalist bigot.

again, why do we afford rights to crazy beliefs when someone calls them "a religion".

Crazy beliefs are crazy beliefs. If Romney said he believed in UFO's and listned to Art Bell every night, this wouldn't be an issue. But he thinks Joseph Smith was talking to God and he is going to rule a planet after he dies... and, well, we can't talk about that because, hey, that's his RELIGION. Don't you dare criticize a man's religion, dammit!

I have no problem with HONEST capitalism. In honest capitalism.

1) You take a great idea, and pay the guy who came up with it if you didn't.
2) You fairly pay the people who are doing the physical handwork and legwork fairly.
3) You provide a good solid service to the customer
4) You collect a fair and reasonable profit.

No one has a problem with THAT kind of capitalism.

The kind Romney practices is-
1) You steal someone else's idea.
2) You cheat the workers or move their jobs to a third world shithole where people get their arms cut off.
3) You provide disposable, crappy goods to the customer, knowing they'll have to keep coming back for more.
4) You collect obscene profits and buy another mansion and a few polo ponies.

That the Democrats think this is bullshit is not surprising, but now despite all the brainwashing of the Limbaughs of the world, Republicans are starting to realize it's a shitty game, too.

Capitalists don't think offshoring is treason tantamount to selling nuclear secrets to the Soviets, or that the 1% are the enemy, or that investing is parasitic, or its fraud to invest in a company if you can't keep the doors open, or that business owners will rip you off at every turn if you don't have a union, and so on.

Epic, epic fail.
Despise is a strong word and you can expect people who quote lines in movies as if they were real to use it. 1995 was the year I learned how vicious the liberal media could be. Phrases like the "Ging-grinch that stole Christmas" must have seemed hilarious to the fools in the media who blamed republicans for the government shutdown and gave the pervert-in-chief a pass at that time. Liberal reporter John King must have been snickering to himself as he planned to ambush Gingrich during the debates that were supposed to discuss government policy but it backfired big time. Thank you John King for exposing the liberal media to be a sleazy arm of the democrat party and allowing Mr. Newt to get a standing ovation for talking back to the media.
Did you see that interview with his 2nd x-wife??? She came across as a vindictive b***h. There's more to the story than she's telling, and i didn't believe a word she said. There's 2 sides to every story (or divorce).

Given that wife number 3 admitted to having an affair with him for at least six years while he was married she has every right to be vindictive.

Well since Newt won't say anything bad about her, he's not telling everyone what she was like or what she might have done to ruin their marriage, we'll never know for sure WHO the victim is, will we?

A man cheats for six years and he is still in the running for "victim"?

If a man isn't competent enough to file divorce papers, that doesn't give you reason to worry about his qualifications for president?

If he takes six years to figure out how to get out of a bad marriage, you think he's up to solving the problems of this nation?

People who served with him while he was speaker say some worrisome things about him. He comes across as a guy who cracks under pressure.
i was like 11.....i was more interested in being a kid then being a boring adult.

you think i like being on welfare? no....but its there for a reason, and my wife and i dont plan to stay on it forever. I am looking for jobs( not much there ) and she wants to go back to school, in order to get a better job to help us.

This is a short term fix that we wont be using forever. I wont thank you because you are being an ass about it.

No i am annoyed by your broadbrush. thats it, thats all, try understanding that.

I get just as pissed seeing people driving Cadillac and paying 25 bucks in rent while we struggle period, because they are on section 8 and game the system. What i dont do is broadbrush anyone who uses welfare as the same.

If you don't have seizures, are on drugs, prior arrests, or serious mental illness-EMT school is always an option. That's what I did when I was 19 and had no direction. As long as you don't do anything really goofy, you'll have a job. Paramedic pays more. RN's pay is even better, and so on. Healthcare and funeral service is where the job security is.

yeah my wife wants to go back to school and get into the medical field somehow. I well dont and Paramedics dont get paid that much. Maybe 13 an hour. Rn's make like 26 i think, which is wonderful, But i am not that type of person honestly.

well yeah people are always dying.

Actually staff level nurses make more like $35/hour and NP make 6 figure salaries.
Given that wife number 3 admitted to having an affair with him for at least six years while he was married she has every right to be vindictive.

Well since Newt won't say anything bad about her, he's not telling everyone what she was like or what she might have done to ruin their marriage, we'll never know for sure WHO the victim is, will we?

A man cheats for six years and he is still in the running for "victim"?

If a man isn't competent enough to file divorce papers, that doesn't give you reason to worry about his qualifications for president?

If he takes six years to figure out how to get out of a bad marriage, you think he's up to solving the problems of this nation?

People who served with him while he was speaker say some worrisome things about him. He comes across as a guy who cracks under pressure.

This is what i said on another thread...THIS is the reason i WILL vote for Newt if he's nominee:

"Well according to Newt, he IS a Born again Christian. You know, people do change...Newt has never denied he did wrong, twice. He has also not bad-mouthed his ex-wife that's charging him with all this crap. He's been married to his wife now for 13 years, and he's asked for Forgiveness to God for what he's done. If God can forgive him, so can other Christians...and there's a lot of them! What he'd done in the past does not mean he would be unable to run the country."
I get just as pissed seeing people driving Cadillac and paying 25 bucks in rent while we struggle period, because they are on section 8 and game the system. What i dont do is broadbrush anyone who uses welfare as the same.

I don't know anyone who doesn't get pissed at that, but the answer is not to destroy the system...we need to fix it. We ALL want to see an end to waste, fraud and abuse...but that does not mean throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Common sense solutions ARE possible and it doesn't mean ending these necessary programs.

Here's an example of who's using food stamps...

More Troops Relying on Food Stamps

Oh wow! That's really sad.
So Susan Smith, like almost every other murderer, tries to blame others for her actions, and that's the fault of the GOP, how again?

Sorry, man, the fact that the family has disintigrated under a constant 50 year assault by popular culture doesn't become less of a truth because none of us are immune.
Is that Newt's excuse for cheating on his second wife for six years? He's a victim of popular culture.


Naw, this is the excuse...


I mean, seriously, imagine having to wake up next to that every morning.... you'd want to chew your arm off if you found it underneath her...

Hmmmm...the thought of waking up next to Fig Newton isn't really a turn-on, either. I just had a vision of him getting out of bed-multiple rolls visible from his back fat, skin tags, a 1/4 inch of his buttcrack peeking out from behind the waistband of his tightie whities, long thick yellow toenails...okay....enough. He was probably a good-looking man, and might still be, if he hadn't spent all those years in restaurants looking for his "soulmate". They were probably both good looking, when they were younger.

I don't think that she's butt ugly. Keep in mind that she has MS. Any chronic disease is going to take its toll on your body; and that includes the face.
So Susan Smith, like almost every other murderer, tries to blame others for her actions, and that's the fault of the GOP, how again?

Sorry, man, the fact that the family has disintigrated under a constant 50 year assault by popular culture doesn't become less of a truth because none of us are immune.
Is that Newt's excuse for cheating on his second wife for six years? He's a victim of popular culture.


Did you see that interview with his 2nd x-wife??? She came across as a vindictive b***h. There's more to the story than she's telling, and i didn't believe a word she said. There's 2 sides to every story (or divorce).

Marianne Gingrich got a large cash settlement from Newt in the divorce, and I was rooting for her at the time. She just lived a few miles down the road from me in Marietta, Ga.

I suggest that she will write and publish a book within the next few months. Since Newt resigned from the house and was out of the limelight for the last 10 years or so, a book about him wouldn't have sold very well. NOW, she can make a lot of money with him in the run for the Presidency.

IMHO, it is all about making a lot of money for Marianne!
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A younger Newt and Marianne. I think she was attractive. And from all the photos I've seen of them together...the way that she was looking at him...she seemed to absolutely adore him.


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Well since Newt won't say anything bad about her, he's not telling everyone what she was like or what she might have done to ruin their marriage, we'll never know for sure WHO the victim is, will we?

A man cheats for six years and he is still in the running for "victim"?

If a man isn't competent enough to file divorce papers, that doesn't give you reason to worry about his qualifications for president?

If he takes six years to figure out how to get out of a bad marriage, you think he's up to solving the problems of this nation?

People who served with him while he was speaker say some worrisome things about him. He comes across as a guy who cracks under pressure.

This is what i said on another thread...THIS is the reason i WILL vote for Newt if he's nominee:

"Well according to Newt, he IS a Born again Christian. You know, people do change...Newt has never denied he did wrong, twice. He has also not bad-mouthed his ex-wife that's charging him with all this crap. He's been married to his wife now for 13 years, and he's asked for Forgiveness to God for what he's done. If God can forgive him, so can other Christians...and there's a lot of them! What he'd done in the past does not mean he would be unable to run the country."

I see that kind of turnaround as admirable on a personal level. I do not see it as a qualification for president.

As Christians, we are not to judge his morality. As citizens, we ARE to judge his qualification for office.

Cheating on his wife does not mean he would be unable to run the country. However, how badly he reacted under pressure raises warning flags. He's all roguish smiles and bold answers when he's relaxed. When the pressure is on, he goes schizo. At least that's how some accounts make it sound, and some of what I've seen from him makes it easy to believe.

He and his image people are doing sleight of hand now. Gingrich repented + the media are biased = Gingrich is qualified for president?

To me it is not adding up.

The jury is still out. It's good that some of the people who support him can do it with enthusiasm. It would be sad for his prospects if no one could. But it's going to take a lot more than that to build a majority. Comparing experience, temperament, ideas, and yes intangibles related to personal standards and gut feelings, and a whole lot of people in the middle will be queasy about this:


and will cling to this:

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I get just as pissed seeing people driving Cadillac and paying 25 bucks in rent while we struggle period, because they are on section 8 and game the system. What i dont do is broadbrush anyone who uses welfare as the same.

I don't know anyone who doesn't get pissed at that, but the answer is not to destroy the system...we need to fix it. We ALL want to see an end to waste, fraud and abuse...but that does not mean throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Common sense solutions ARE possible and it doesn't mean ending these necessary programs.

Here's an example of who's using food stamps...

More Troops Relying on Food Stamps

Oh wow! That's really sad.

That link didn't work for me. Here's the one I used.

More Troops Relying on Food Stamps

It is concerning but it's not necessarily because the majority of the food stamp users would go hungry without the food stamps. Might also be a sign of how acceptable it now is to use food stamps. Sort of "they're there, why not use them." Here's this from the article.

“That some military members continue to qualify for food stamps is primarily a result of the Department of Agriculture excluding the value of government-provided housing as income in determining eligibility for the food stamp program. The study indicated that the majority of military food stamp recipients lived on base,” Eileen M. Lainez said in an e-mail to Military.com.

“The fact that some enlisted members and even a few officers received food stamps was more a result of larger household sizes and living in government quarters than an indicator of inadequate military compensation.”
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i was like 11.....i was more interested in being a kid then being a boring adult.

you think i like being on welfare? no....but its there for a reason, and my wife and i dont plan to stay on it forever. I am looking for jobs( not much there ) and she wants to go back to school, in order to get a better job to help us.

This is a short term fix that we wont be using forever. I wont thank you because you are being an ass about it.

No i am annoyed by your broadbrush. thats it, thats all, try understanding that.

I get just as pissed seeing people driving Cadillac and paying 25 bucks in rent while we struggle period, because they are on section 8 and game the system. What i dont do is broadbrush anyone who uses welfare as the same.

If you don't have seizures, are on drugs, prior arrests, or serious mental illness-EMT school is always an option. That's what I did when I was 19 and had no direction. As long as you don't do anything really goofy, you'll have a job. Paramedic pays more. RN's pay is even better, and so on. Healthcare and funeral service is where the job security is.

yeah my wife wants to go back to school and get into the medical field somehow. I well dont and Paramedics dont get paid that much. Maybe 13 an hour. Rn's make like 26 i think, which is wonderful, But i am not that type of person honestly.

well yeah people are always dying.

I'm a paramedic. And while I don't live a lavish lifestyle, I am pretty comfortable. Many services work 24 hours on and 48 hours off. That's my schedule. That's a minimum of 48 hours one week, and 72 hours the next. Every hour over 40 is time and a half (if you work for a service that doesn't fuck you over). Do the math. It's more money than you think.

Some paramedics work in ER's, and get to perform to their skill levels. Your salary depends on where you live. In places like Los Angeles, paramedics gross around $100k, because of the cost of living. And if you can get on with a fire department, the benefits are very rewarding.

RN's, again, it depends on where you live and work. I know some who make $40+ per hour. But you have to make a name for yourself in healthcare, just like any other career. If you screw around in school, don't go to class, sit on your behind during clinical rotations...you're not going to get a good job when you graduate. Your reputation precedes you. But if you work your butt off. Show an interest in learning...the sky's the limit.

I wasn't joking about funeral service. It seems like a morbid statement, but it's a fact. The biggest problem with embalming/funeral service colleges, is that the tuition is pretty steep. I applied for both paramedic and a funeral svc college at the same time. In the end, it came down to the cost. But the pay is decent, and it is an honorable profession-as long as you keep your ethics and integrity in check. In other words, don't recycle caskets. (I'm sure you've heard the horror stories of bodies being found buried in plastic bags, after families had paid for caskets and vaults). Morticians (MOST) are not these weird people they've been portrayed as, in Hollywood.
If you don't have seizures, are on drugs, prior arrests, or serious mental illness-EMT school is always an option. That's what I did when I was 19 and had no direction. As long as you don't do anything really goofy, you'll have a job. Paramedic pays more. RN's pay is even better, and so on. Healthcare and funeral service is where the job security is.

yeah my wife wants to go back to school and get into the medical field somehow. I well dont and Paramedics dont get paid that much. Maybe 13 an hour. Rn's make like 26 i think, which is wonderful, But i am not that type of person honestly.

well yeah people are always dying.

I'm a paramedic. And while I don't live a lavish lifestyle, I am pretty comfortable. Many services work 24 hours on and 48 hours off. That's my schedule. That's a minimum of 48 hours one week, and 72 hours the next. Every hour over 40 is time and a half (if you work for a service that doesn't fuck you over). Do the math. It's more money than you think.

Some paramedics work in ER's, and get to perform to their skill levels. Your salary depends on where you live. In places like Los Angeles, paramedics gross around $100k, because of the cost of living. And if you can get on with a fire department, the benefits are very rewarding.

RN's, again, it depends on where you live and work. I know some who make $40+ per hour. But you have to make a name for yourself in healthcare, just like any other career. If you screw around in school, don't go to class, sit on your behind during clinical rotations...you're not going to get a good job when you graduate. Your reputation precedes you. But if you work your butt off. Show an interest in learning...the sky's the limit.
I wasn't joking about funeral service. It seems like a morbid statement, but it's a fact. The biggest problem with embalming/funeral service colleges, is that the tuition is pretty steep. I applied for both paramedic and a funeral svc college at the same time. In the end, it came down to the cost. But the pay is decent, and it is an honorable profession-as long as you keep your ethics and integrity in check. In other words, don't recycle caskets. (I'm sure you've heard the horror stories of bodies being found buried in plastic bags, after families had paid for caskets and vaults). Morticians (MOST) are not these weird people they've been portrayed as, in Hollywood.

The medical community in middle TN is very small. You are oh so right about the bolded statement. Many a lazy nursing student has learned the hard way that profs are NOT required to give them a recommendation!

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