1st Capitol rioter to stand trial gets 7 years, the longest sentence for a Jan. 6 defendant so far

Well, you made the claim, dufus. I am asking you just who the Jan 6th protestors killed. You can't answer it's obvious.
Dodging I see. I don't play your game, sorry. Thanks, you can't answer my question.
What I said was true, apparently you got nothing but 'irrelevant argument.' Nice try but, just another of your failures.
You argue as if you are in grade school. Your amateur arguments haven't gone unnoticed. Bottom line, you have nothing but silly/stupid comebacks.
What I said was true, apparently you got nothing but 'irrelevant argument.' Nice try but, just another of your failures.
Whether it is true or not is worth shit. I broke into someone's house, but I didn't mean to break the window. You argue with a child like mentality. Are you one?
I don't care. Get it. And neither does the law. A hypothetical; my daughter didn't think I was going to run the red light, I got a ticket. Does my daughters opinion get the ticket thrown out? You are using an argument for idiots.
False comparison, another of your failures. And already know you don't care for facts.
You argue as if you are in grade school. Your amateur arguments haven't gone unnoticed. Bottom line, you have nothing but silly/stupid comebacks.
No, that's what YOU do, stop projecting. You idiot.
Whether it is true or not is worth shit. I broke into someone's house, but I didn't mean to break the window. You argue with a child like mentality. Are you one?
Another false comparison and another failure. You are the child here. The girl did not feel threatened, go ahead and try to refute that and stop obfuscating and moving goalposts, moron.
Give us a detailed analysis explaining how breaking into the Capitol, destroying property, and injuring and killing people is patriotic? This I've got to see.

This guy didn't do any of those things.......and got 7 years in this soviet show trial....while blm and antifa democrat party brown shirts did them and walked free...
Political Prisoner.

The Leftest Democrat Party saying to Americans "don't ever protest against us stealing an election again because if you do we will hurt you real bad".
Political Prisoner.

The Leftest Democrat Party saying to Americans "don't ever protest against us stealing an election again because if you do we will hurt you real bad".
In essence the entire issue.
Don’t protest against us, don’t rule the way we don’t like or you will be subjected to soviet style consequences.
False comparison, another of your failures. And already know you don't care for facts.
If it was a false comparison, where's a better one? Here's your answer, with another question. LOL!
Political Prisoner.

The Leftest Democrat Party saying to Americans "don't ever protest against us stealing an election again because if you do we will hurt you real bad".
The Leftist Democrat party is still asking for proof it was stolen from the first election? You still haven't done that yet. How many conspiracies did you all try again to lie about a stolen election?
Another false comparison and another failure. You are the child here. The girl did not feel threatened, go ahead and try to refute that and stop obfuscating and moving goalposts, moron.
I could care less. You are the goober who keeps pedaling the daughters crocodile tears. No one cares what the daughter thinks. The law cares about the case doofus.
If it was a false comparison, where's a better one? Here's your answer, with another question. LOL!
It was a family feud between the son and father. You and Miss Piggy want to use it to try to punish Trump.
This guy didn't do any of those things.......and got 7 years in this soviet show trial....while blm and antifa democrat party brown shirts did them and walked free...
Leading an armed charge is what the video reported. What's your proof he didn't do any of those things?

And zero proof BLM and ANTIFA were anywhere around. Try another lie loser.

Why do you tell deliberate lies?
It was a family feud between the son and father. You and Miss Piggy want to use it to try to punish Trump.
I don't give a shit. But the law cares about what is relevant. Something your bubble head will never understand. Try again. Your losing is never ending.
I could care less. You are the goober who keeps pedaling the daughters crocodile tears. No one cares what the daughter thinks. The law cares about the case doofus.
If the 'law' (which this committee is not) cares about the case they would weigh ALL the evidence and not just the stories that make Trump look bad. But, your hatred of Trump is obviously what's most important to you.

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