1st Capitol rioter to stand trial gets 7 years, the longest sentence for a Jan. 6 defendant so far

I asked you where the 'check your politics' sign was, moron. You do realize that Reffitt never actually went into the Capitol?

Reffitt intended "to use his gun and police-style flexicuffs to forcibly drag legislators out of the building and take over Congress."

How would there be an obstruction charge if he wasnt at the capitol?

Reffitt intended "to use his gun and police-style flexicuffs to forcibly drag legislators out of the building and take over Congress."

How would there be an obstruction charge if he wasnt at the capitol?
See any guns in that cartoon? You do not take over a government without them. You dumbass.
Bunch of people on the right are sticking up for a guy who threatened to kill his own children simply because he’s a Trump supporter and his kids aren’t.

Fuck this culture war.
I don't "stick up" for any wackos, right or left.
So spent 1 hour from 6-7 last evening reading liberals lying that they had seen/heard this man say he would “kill his children if…” and Quickly we found out it was Hearsay from family members. I imagine this trend has continued on with lib loon liars offering “family is not hearsay” and other childish feelings assertions they cling to.

Also, its very common parlance to blurt out “I will kill you if..” and means nothing in the adult world 99. 9% of the time. Kinda like “give them hell” does not mean “beat the hell out of them” so does the “kill you” thing have no significance except in perpetual TDS land.
This is EXACTLY what the Left wants. Quashing all political opposition to their sick agenda of total control. Thank G-d that with the midterms, many, if not most of these brave patriots should be released and compensated properly. Oh, and as to the Left's call for "unity"?

Flip the bird.png

There's your answer.
I wonder if his lawyers brought up that important factoid ?

He went before a democrat party judge, and a democrat party jury.....he wasn't going to get justice in that Soviet show trial..........as you can see in the article, people who did less than he did as democrat party brown shirts, blm and antifa, got off with nothing.............this isn't justice, this is persecution of political enemies.
Bunch of people on the right are sticking up for a guy who threatened to kill his own children simply because he’s a Trump supporter and his kids aren’t.

Fuck this culture war.
Family feud, the daughter didn’t feel threatened. ‘Google it.’

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