1st Capitol rioter to stand trial gets 7 years, the longest sentence for a Jan. 6 defendant so far

Dissent is very scary to TDS safe spacers.
Dissent away. The law has spoken. Something you could give two shits about. Now, go back to your authoritarian, gestapo safe space you so eagerly want.
Look at you. Sticking up for the guy threatening to kill his own children to save his neck.
Aaaaaaaaaaaand we're STILL waiting for that link.

Jeebus, I get so much entertainment out of these morons who actually expect you to believe something because THEY HEARD IT ON TV!
Great stuff. Hope he dies in priaon.

He won't, Tool. He'll be out in 3 years or sooner if not appealed outright, the worst of all convictions, showing again what a total joke that these people be called "insurrectionists." People get life to the firing squad for real insurrection. This is just political circus for brainless hacks like you to make you think they are actually doing their job.
Aaaaaaaaaaaand we're STILL waiting for that link.

Jeebus, I get so much entertainment out of these morons who actually expect you to believe something because THEY HEARD IT ON TV!


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