2/27 - Virginia: 3 more cops shot; Female cop shot/killed on her 1st shift on job.

Virginia officer killed on her first day on job, 2 other officers injured in shooting | Fox News

This shit is becoming a daily update lately. 3 more cops shot. This time in Virginia. 1 officer was killed. A female officer who was on her 1st shift on the job on her first damn day.

And the Democrats continue their presidential campaigns half based on smearing cops to pander to certain voters.

You fucking cop haters deserve whatever karma comes your way for spreading this bullshit.

And by 'smearing cops', you mean mentioning when a cop does something illegal?

Prove that its the democratic campaign that is causing cop shootings. You've made the claim before and then abandoned it. And are strongly insinuating it here.

Prove it.
Virginia officer killed on her first day on job, 2 other officers injured in shooting | Fox News

This shit is becoming a daily update lately. 3 more cops shot. This time in Virginia. 1 officer was killed. A female officer who was on her 1st shift on the job on her first damn day.

And the Democrats continue their presidential campaigns half based on smearing cops to pander to certain voters.

You fucking cop haters deserve whatever karma comes your way for spreading this bullshit.

And by 'smearing cops', you mean mentioning when a cop does something illegal?

Prove that its the democratic campaign that is causing cop shootings. You've made the claim before and then abandoned it. And are strongly insinuating it here.

Prove it.

We all see it. Go off yourself faggot.
Virginia officer killed on her first day on job, 2 other officers injured in shooting | Fox News

This shit is becoming a daily update lately. 3 more cops shot. This time in Virginia. 1 officer was killed. A female officer who was on her 1st shift on the job on her first damn day.

And the Democrats continue their presidential campaigns half based on smearing cops to pander to certain voters.

You fucking cop haters deserve whatever karma comes your way for spreading this bullshit.

And by 'smearing cops', you mean mentioning when a cop does something illegal?

Prove that its the democratic campaign that is causing cop shootings. You've made the claim before and then abandoned it. And are strongly insinuating it here.

Prove it.

We all see it. Go off yourself faggot.

Then it will be remarkably easy to prove.

Yet you can't. You can't back any of your claims, your insinuations, your alleged causation. With police deaths near a 30 year low last year, your argument doesn't even make the slightest sense.

Either you can prove your argument or you can't. And 'we all see' that you can't.
Virginia officer killed on her first day on job, 2 other officers injured in shooting | Fox News

This shit is becoming a daily update lately. 3 more cops shot. This time in Virginia. 1 officer was killed. A female officer who was on her 1st shift on the job on her first damn day.

And the Democrats continue their presidential campaigns half based on smearing cops to pander to certain voters.

You fucking cop haters deserve whatever karma comes your way for spreading this bullshit.

And by 'smearing cops', you mean mentioning when a cop does something illegal?

Prove that its the democratic campaign that is causing cop shootings. You've made the claim before and then abandoned it. And are strongly insinuating it here.

Prove it.

We all see it. Go off yourself faggot.

So, you've got nothing. Shocker!
Virginia officer killed on her first day on job, 2 other officers injured in shooting | Fox News

This shit is becoming a daily update lately. 3 more cops shot. This time in Virginia. 1 officer was killed. A female officer who was on her 1st shift on the job on her first damn day.

And the Democrats continue their presidential campaigns half based on smearing cops to pander to certain voters.

You fucking cop haters deserve whatever karma comes your way for spreading this bullshit.

And by 'smearing cops', you mean mentioning when a cop does something illegal?

Prove that its the democratic campaign that is causing cop shootings. You've made the claim before and then abandoned it. And are strongly insinuating it here.

Prove it.

We all see it. Go off yourself faggot.

So, you've got nothing.

And with those 4 words, you've summed up the vast majority of Buc's posts.
Virginia officer killed on her first day on job, 2 other officers injured in shooting | Fox News

This shit is becoming a daily update lately. 3 more cops shot. This time in Virginia. 1 officer was killed. A female officer who was on her 1st shift on the job on her first damn day.

And the Democrats continue their presidential campaigns half based on smearing cops to pander to certain voters.

You fucking cop haters deserve whatever karma comes your way for spreading this bullshit.

And by 'smearing cops', you mean mentioning when a cop does something illegal?

Prove that its the democratic campaign that is causing cop shootings. You've made the claim before and then abandoned it. And are strongly insinuating it here.

Prove it.

We all see it. Go off yourself faggot.

Then it will be remarkably easy to prove.

Yet you can't. You can't back any of your claims, your insinuations, your alleged causation. With police deaths near a 30 year low last year, your argument doesn't even make the slightest sense.

Either you can prove your argument or you can't. And 'we all see' that you can't.

That's right. 30 year low due to vests, militarized tactics and breakthroughs in trauma care. More cops attacked....fewer DIE. I know that disappoints you libs but cops are winning and surviving the fights more than 30 years ago.

The "prove it" debate ended when liberals started quoting #BlackLivesMatter bullshit on social media before killing a cop (NY) or when cops are assassinated in Houston days after #BlackLivesMatter called for ambush killings of cops (TX) or the one last week when a Green Party environmental liberal AND #BLACKLIVESMATTER member shot 3 cops and killed 1.

Sorry cock sucker....we're past that debate. Blood is on the lefts hands and I look forward to the police responding back adequately.
Virginia officer killed on her first day on job, 2 other officers injured in shooting | Fox News

This shit is becoming a daily update lately. 3 more cops shot. This time in Virginia. 1 officer was killed. A female officer who was on her 1st shift on the job on her first damn day.

And the Democrats continue their presidential campaigns half based on smearing cops to pander to certain voters.

You fucking cop haters deserve whatever karma comes your way for spreading this bullshit.

And by 'smearing cops', you mean mentioning when a cop does something illegal?

Prove that its the democratic campaign that is causing cop shootings. You've made the claim before and then abandoned it. And are strongly insinuating it here.

Prove it.

We all see it. Go off yourself faggot.

Then it will be remarkably easy to prove.

Yet you can't. You can't back any of your claims, your insinuations, your alleged causation. With police deaths near a 30 year low last year, your argument doesn't even make the slightest sense.

Either you can prove your argument or you can't. And 'we all see' that you can't.

That's right. 30 year low due to vests, militarized tactics and breakthroughs in trauma care. More cops attacked....fewer DIE. I know that disappoints you libs but cops are winning and surviving the fights more than 30 years ago.

Prove it. Show us the evidence that backs your claims. Show us that the rate of attacks are higher now than they were 30 years ago.

Either you can back your claims,or you can't. And you can't.

The "prove it" debate ended when liberals started quoting #BlackLivesMatter bullshit on social media before killing a cop (NY) or when cops are assassinated in Houston days after #BlackLivesMatter called for ambush killings of cops (TX) or the one last week when a Green Party environmental liberal AND #BLACKLIVESMATTER member shot 3 cops and killed 1.

Prove that the shootings are caused by the democratic campaign. Show us the evidence of causation.

You can't. You can't tell us the number of police shootings. You can't tell us if they've gone up or down. You can't establish causation. You can't back any part of your narrative. Care4 nailed you, buddy.

So, you've got nothing.

Sorry cock sucker....we're past that debate. Blood is on the lefts hands and I look forward to the police responding back adequately.

More accurately, you can't back a fucking thing you've said.

We got it.
It's liken to the accusations leveled against muslims, blacks and other groups in this nation by law enforcement, where as they say "you have to out the bad that are among you" , then we can effectively help you and us better. Ok, fair enough right, but doesn't the same also apply to the police ? Why is it that leadership in law enforcement is allowed to create atmospheres of corruption or corrupt thinking to reside within law enforcement, and then not expect a backlash to come from the citizenry ? How about law enforcement looking like Nazi storm troopers with military equipment, and buying all these intimidating unmarked $40,000 dollar chargers and SUV's with taxpayers money, in which is used then to intimidate and harass the citizenry with ? How about the hiring practices of law enforcement, where video after video shows cowards bullying and killing the citizens ? There is work to be done, and it's not just on the citizen side of the issue. God bless the victims on all sides of the issue. I support law enforcement and I support the citizens as well. No new hire should have to lay down their principles at the door, because leadership is corrupt in it's thinking, and therefore creates bad officers out of that corrupt thinking. Politicians should be called out on their roles in all this as well, because they can have blood on their hands just as well in all of this. Let's clean it all up, because it's to important not too.

The Police are a valuable resource, a huge investment of Tax dollars. If they want old military hardware? so be it.
Virginia officer killed on her first day on job, 2 other officers injured in shooting | Fox News

This shit is becoming a daily update lately. 3 more cops shot. This time in Virginia. 1 officer was killed. A female officer who was on her 1st shift on the job on her first damn day.

And the Democrats continue their presidential campaigns half based on smearing cops to pander to certain voters.

You fucking cop haters deserve whatever karma comes your way for spreading this bullshit.

And by 'smearing cops', you mean mentioning when a cop does something illegal?

Prove that its the democratic campaign that is causing cop shootings. You've made the claim before and then abandoned it. And are strongly insinuating it here.

Prove it.

We all see it. Go off yourself faggot.

Then it will be remarkably easy to prove.

Yet you can't. You can't back any of your claims, your insinuations, your alleged causation. With police deaths near a 30 year low last year, your argument doesn't even make the slightest sense.

Either you can prove your argument or you can't. And 'we all see' that you can't.

That's right. 30 year low due to vests, militarized tactics and breakthroughs in trauma care. More cops attacked....fewer DIE. I know that disappoints you libs but cops are winning and surviving the fights more than 30 years ago.

Prove it. Show us the evidence that backs your claims. Show us that the rate of attacks are higher now than they were 30 years ago.

Either you can back your claims,or you can't. And you can't.

The "prove it" debate ended when liberals started quoting #BlackLivesMatter bullshit on social media before killing a cop (NY) or when cops are assassinated in Houston days after #BlackLivesMatter called for ambush killings of cops (TX) or the one last week when a Green Party environmental liberal AND #BLACKLIVESMATTER member shot 3 cops and killed 1.

Prove that the shootings are caused by the democratic campaign. Show us the evidence of causation.

You can't. You can't tell us the number of police shootings. You can't tell us if they've gone up or down. You can't establish causation. You can't back any part of your narrative. Care4 nailed you, buddy.

So, you've got nothing.

Sorry cock sucker....we're past that debate. Blood is on the lefts hands and I look forward to the police responding back adequately.

More accurately, you can't back a fucking thing you've said.

We got it.

Sure I can and I have numerous times. Police killed by gunfire in 2016 is up 1100%: www.odmp.org

We've had this talk before...I won...and I'm not wasting more time on a cock sucker like you. We all see it. Police professionals across America see it and confirmed it. The FBI sees it.

You keep clinging to the 30 year number. That includes ALL caises of police deaths. Better vehicle safety and department exercise has cut down car and health deaths.

But vests, militarized tactics training and better trauma care have saved THOUSANDS OF cops lives. So yes...despite increases in attacks...deaths are down. Disappointing to you I know.
You keep clinging to the 30 year number.

Yep. Averages can be misleading. when you have an event like ??? Sept 11 to show NYC fireman deaths a down 1100% or whatever. Data can mislead.

Yep. Libs are retarded. They don't understand how much improved equipment and training has saved countless cops lives, plus the incredible improvements in trauma care by our medical professionals.

If cops still had 1980s equipment and training....deaths would be tripled I would bet. Vests save cops every week. So does that evil "militarized" training that helps cop win gunfights....like the Kansas cop who hunted down and killed the black mass shooter last week and was unharmed himself.
Wonder how ROE training contribute to this new Officer death? Was she looking up in the "manual" if it is OK to un-holster weapon as gunned down? Probably spent too much academy training time on Gay Tranny Fag Minority crap.
Wonder how ROE training contribute to this new Officer death? Was she looking up in the "manual" if it is OK to un-holster weapon as gunned down? Probably spent too much academy training time on Gay Tranny Fag Minority crap.

No doubt about it officers are reluctant to act.

A cop in Birmingham was attacked by a thug....thug tried to take his gun...TOOK his gun....knocked the cop UNCONCIOUS....then the thug CHOSE to let the cop live.

Afterwards the cop said he was afraid to act more decisively because he was afraid of the fallout.

Hey....better to risk being killed than risk being portrayed as racist!!!
Here is the gorilla who killed the cop pictured with President Bush.

In 3 recent incidents in Colorado, VA and SC.....7 cops were shot...2 died. Liberal idiots like Skylar will say "cop deaths are at a 30 year low blah blah blah". In 1985....of those 7...4 probably die. The widespread use of vests, greatly improved trauma care....and the installation of "militarized" tactics in police training have all ensured fewer cops die when attacked.

It's the same reason so fewer soldiers die in war now vs 40 years ago. War is still war. But our boys have far better gear, tactics and trauma care. I guess libs would say war is less dangerous because "troop deaths decreased".
It's official.

Here is the cop killers mugshot. Man....he could be somebody's son.....

2/27 - Virginia: 3 more cops shot; Female cop shot/killed on her 1st shift on job.

And yet you still wonder why I want strict gun control, essentially no guns...
2/27 - Virginia: 3 more cops shot; Female cop shot/killed on her 1st shift on job.

And yet you still wonder why I want strict gun control, essentially no guns...

No....I wonder how you think it's possible. I don't doubt that some gun grabbers deep down have good intentions. Their ideas just aren't workable.

And I wonder why YOU have guns. You can hunt with a crossbow.
2/27 - Virginia: 3 more cops shot; Female cop shot/killed on her 1st shift on job.

And yet you still wonder why I want strict gun control, essentially no guns...

No....I wonder how you think it's possible. I don't doubt that some gun grabbers deep down have good intentions. Their ideas just aren't workable.

And I wonder why YOU have guns. You can hunt with a crossbow.
I don't hunt, I kill. And it's possible, especially if this nonsense keeps up.

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