2/3 say ditch individual health care mandate

That's what Medicaid was designed for.
Any other asinine comments?

So you support Medicaid, including its expansion under so-called Obamacare?


That's the clever shell game. Sorta like how Romney claims everything is fine because the social safety net exists, while also working to gut the safety net.

what has Romney done to gut the social safety net?

Better yet....how could he have...seeing as he is currently not an elected official nor is he a lobbyist.
The part where you have to claim gold purchases over $500 at tax time. Or how about the part where you have to pay a heavy sales tax if you sell a house. How these two have anything to do with healthcare is beyond me, but they are in there. Just two small things that nancy pelosi said we would have to pass the bill to find out what was in it.
can you point out the specific section of the law that state this?

oh thats right, cause they arent in the bill.

Gold Coin Dealers Decry New Tax Law - ABC News

obamacare, sales tax, housing sales, real estate sales tax | BigNewsNow

The 1099 requirement (of which the gold flipping is a subset) was repealed.

Obama Makes It Official: 1099 Repeal Signed Into Law - Kaiser Health News
So you support Medicaid, including its expansion under so-called Obamacare?


That's the clever shell game. Sorta like how Romney claims everything is fine because the social safety net exists, while also working to gut the safety net.

what has Romney done to gut the social safety net?

Better yet....how could he have...seeing as he is currently not an elected official nor is he a lobbyist.

"Working to", not "accomplished".

Romney's proposal is to gut the safety net.
people do not choose to participate in the health care market, since every person will need health care at some point in their life. not by choice, but by necessity.
you dont choose to have a stroke, you dont choose to have a heart attack, you dont choose to get in a car accident, you dont choose to get cancer, you dont choose be born with a disability, you dont choose to have a genetic defect.

"Congress had a rational basis for concluding that the minimum coverage provision is essential to the Affordable Care Act's larger reforms to the national markets in health care delivery and health insurance," he said. "The provision regulates active participation in the health care market, and in any case, the Constitution imposes no categorical bar on regulating inactivity."
Judge James Graham -- a Reagan appointee -- agreed

show me where everyone will participate in the financial markets? show me any other service that people will use without choice.


People can chose to never have health insurance nor utilize health care services.

Sure, in the same sense people don't have to pay taxes, because they could always not work and starve to death in the streets.

You are note even close.

The assertion that everyone will "require" health care at some point is unsupportable. I can point to people in affluent neighborhoods who have never seen and say they will never see a regular physician.

Health care can come from outside the "system".

Nice try though.
That's the clever shell game. Sorta like how Romney claims everything is fine because the social safety net exists, while also working to gut the safety net.

what has Romney done to gut the social safety net?

Better yet....how could he have...seeing as he is currently not an elected official nor is he a lobbyist.

"Working to", not "accomplished".

Romney's proposal is to gut the safety net.

what proposal?
why does government see healthcare as something ALL should have and thus enacted a law to ensure all do at a reasonable cost...


They do not feel the same about housing....despite the fact that people freeze to death in the streets of places like Chicago and New York?
you can choose where to live. you can choose to not have a job.

but do you choose to get hit by a car? do you choose to have a heart attack? do you choose to have a stroke? do you choose to break your arm? do you choose to get cancer? do you choose to have a child born with a disability? do you choose to have a genetic condition?


Don't you mean stupid.
what has Romney done to gut the social safety net?

Better yet....how could he have...seeing as he is currently not an elected official nor is he a lobbyist.

"Working to", not "accomplished".

Romney's proposal is to gut the safety net.

what proposal?

He's released a tax plan loaded with tax cuts for the wealthy.
He's said he wants to increase defense spending.
He said he wants to balance the budget.

We are currently running a deficit. His plan reduces revenue and increases defense spending. The result is that not defense spending has to decline by a huge amount.
you can choose where to live. you can choose to not have a job.

but do you choose to get hit by a car? do you choose to have a heart attack? do you choose to have a stroke? do you choose to break your arm? do you choose to get cancer? do you choose to have a child born with a disability? do you choose to have a genetic condition?


Don't you mean stupid.

no...he is not stupid.

But I find his thought process interesting.

Based on his post, I understand why he feels as he does.

But one must think like him to feel that way....and his thinking is very much askew.
If you want to see Romney's rhetoric put in to legislative language, look at Paul Ryan's new budget proposal that came out today, which slashes Medicare, Medicaid, and food stamps.

People can chose to never have health insurance nor utilize health care services.

Sure, in the same sense people don't have to pay taxes, because they could always not work and starve to death in the streets.

You are note even close.

The assertion that everyone will "require" health care at some point is unsupportable. I can point to people in affluent neighborhoods who have never seen and say they will never see a regular physician.

Health care can come from outside the "system".

Nice try though.

You are full of shit.
"Working to", not "accomplished".

Romney's proposal is to gut the safety net.

what proposal?

He's released a tax plan loaded with tax cuts for the wealthy.
He's said he wants to increase defense spending.
He said he wants to balance the budget.

We are currently running a deficit. His plan reduces revenue and increases defense spending. The result is that not defense spending has to decline by a huge amount.

it has been shown that if you decrease taxes of business owners (not just the wealthy...the GOP never uses the trem wealthy...becuase not all business owners are wealthy)....but decrease their taxes and it will result in a higher tax revenue for the federal government.

Yoiu may disagree with that premise...but the bottom line, he belevies that we will have more tax revenue with his policies.

I agree.

So where is he saying he wants to dismantle the safety net?
what proposal?

He's released a tax plan loaded with tax cuts for the wealthy.
He's said he wants to increase defense spending.
He said he wants to balance the budget.

We are currently running a deficit. His plan reduces revenue and increases defense spending. The result is that not defense spending has to decline by a huge amount.

it has been shown that if you decrease taxes of business owners (not just the wealthy...the GOP never uses the trem wealthy...becuase not all business owners are wealthy)....but decrease their taxes and it will result in a higher tax revenue for the federal government.

Yoiu may disagree with that premise...but the bottom line, he belevies that we will have more tax revenue with his policies.

I agree.

So where is he saying he wants to dismantle the safety net?

Can you provide the data for that? Please include all data for different corporate tax rates. Thanks.
Which brings up the age-old question as to how susceptible the Supreme Court is to this kind of pressure....


[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Brandeis-Frankfurter-Connection-Political-Activities/dp/0195031229"]The Brandeis/Frankfurter Connection: The Secret Political Activities of Two Supreme Court Justices [/ame]

Yup, Pubs STILL want to gut Medicare and replace it with a voucher. If the voucher's not enough, tough. You lose EVERYTHING to go on medicaid and live in the ghetto...LOL- That's how we got a Dem here for the first time ever. Yup, run on that LOL!
What service are businesses being forced to offer?

Health insurance.

No one forces businesses to offer health insurance. They're free to not offer coverage and pay the fee instead. It's no different in that sense from unemployment and Social Security.

They are forced to pay money for health insurance one way or another.
Yes, it is like Social Security. Which is bankrupt. Why would you want two dysfunctional programs?
im not even gonna read your argument until you prove that the north didnt want a strong fed and south didnt want state to have the power.

i also want you to address Fed 10 and Madison advocating for a strong federal government. until you do that your on ignore. you cant even have a decent debate with your 4th grade skills.

oh btw THE SOUTH LOST the Civil War and the North got the strong Fed they wanted!

Let me guess. You're in prison....?

My guess is that you CAN'T read it.

You can't even spell or punctuate.

But, you have Madison before you who you won't read. Game, Set and Match.

BTW: As shown in Federalist 45, Madison was for a stong central government that had a very limited scope. It was not, as I originally asserted, an open ticket. So the fed can be very strong in it's defined areas and totally powerless in those places that lie outside it's scope. Federalist 10 is nothing more. It is more about local factions, than anything. Again his argument for a very limited but meaningful federal government. Health Care was not in that scope.

Madison also penned the 10th amendment, which I am sure will be a surprise to you.

I also showed you the Slaughter House Cases which essentially shut up the propopents of using the 14th to continue their tyranny from D.C.

I am sure you can't read those either.
"Working to", not "accomplished".

Romney's proposal is to gut the safety net.

what proposal?

He's released a tax plan loaded with tax cuts for the wealthy.
He's said he wants to increase defense spending.
He said he wants to balance the budget.

We are currently running a deficit. His plan reduces revenue and increases defense spending. The result is that not defense spending has to decline by a huge amount.

Balancing the budget is gutting the social net? Obama has said he wants to balance the budget too. Is Obama also for gutting the social net?
Yup, Pubs STILL want to gut Medicare and replace it with a voucher. If the voucher's not enough, tough. You lose EVERYTHING to go on medicaid and live in the ghetto...LOL- That's how we got a Dem here for the first time ever. Yup, run on that LOL!

Nice strawman.

Pull your head out of your ass and take a clean breath of fresh air.

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