2/3 say ditch individual health care mandate

Straw man?- replacing Medicare with a voucher system is the Pub suicide pact. They believe their own BS. Lower taxes on the bloated rich to do it LOL! Unbelievable! LOL! Kudos!
forcibly so, even.
so why are you against the health care law and making everyone pay something?

becuase it opens the door to what we are now seeing.

Last week it was "I want free birth control"...and the result is insurance companies are mandated to offer it.

Whats next?



Face lifts? (I cant get a job becuase I look old...a face lift will open doors for me)...

Like I said...it is opening some very ugly doors.
In any reasonable insurance universe, companies offering insurance would be handing out birth control pills like candy on halloween. While the pills might cost them a couple bucks, pregnancy and its potential complications cost more per woman than an entire lifespan of birth control pills.

Because insurers can drop patients at any point, the incentive structure that should be built into the system is not necessarily in place.
so why are you against the health care law and making everyone pay something?

becuase it opens the door to what we are now seeing.

Last week it was "I want free birth control"...and the result is insurance companies are mandated to offer it.

Whats next?



Face lifts? (I cant get a job becuase I look old...a face lift will open doors for me)...

Like I said...it is opening some very ugly doors.
In any reasonable insurance universe, companies offering insurance would be handing out birth control pills like candy on halloween. While the pills might cost them a couple bucks, pregnancy and its potential complications cost more per woman than an entire lifespan of birth control pills.

Because insurers can drop patients at any point, the incentive structure that should be built into the system is not necessarily in place.

It would be difficult to argue with this if it weren't for the fact that this is about something that hits into the superstructure of thier moral codes.

Possibly an easier example would be seatbelts in cars. If they were not mandatory, I would guess insurance companies would offer a discout to buy them.
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Straw man?- replacing Medicare with a voucher system is the Pub suicide pact. They believe their own BS. Lower taxes on the bloated rich to do it LOL! Unbelievable! LOL! Kudos!

Hey dickwad,

Show some numbers to prove your point.

Just show an example of how this works.

Pick and example and let's see how it works under medicare and how it would work under the Ryan plan.

Should not be that hard.....for a normal person.
so why are you against the health care law and making everyone pay something?

becuase it opens the door to what we are now seeing.

Last week it was "I want free birth control"...and the result is insurance companies are mandated to offer it.

Whats next?



Face lifts? (I cant get a job becuase I look old...a face lift will open doors for me)...

Like I said...it is opening some very ugly doors.
In any reasonable insurance universe, companies offering insurance would be handing out birth control pills like candy on halloween. While the pills might cost them a couple bucks, pregnancy and its potential complications cost more per woman than an entire lifespan of birth control pills.

Because insurers can drop patients at any point, the incentive structure that should be built into the system is not necessarily in place.

perhaps...but that doesnt mean the government should mandate it.

If a merchant dfoes not want to sell something for whatever reason, he should not be forced to sell it.

Take this scenario...

A man gambles all he has....and loses.
He loses his wife, his house, his family...everything...

He gets counseling...

Builds himself back up again and buys a convenience store.

He refuses to sell lottery tickets becuase he knows what gambling did to him and he does not want to be a part of ruining someone leses life.

YUes, he will lose some potential customers for many like to buy a gallon of milk, a newspaper, and 20 bucks of lottery tickets.

But that is his choice.

Now...the state has fianncial issues and is pushing the lottery...and the state legislature passes a law that says ALL CONVENIENCE STORES MUST SELL LOTTERY TICKETS.

Now what?

Look...it is not an issue of whether or not the business owner shoudl or should not want to offer a prodcut.

It is about government deciding it for them.

It is wrong.
becuase it opens the door to what we are now seeing.

Last week it was "I want free birth control"...and the result is insurance companies are mandated to offer it.

Whats next?



Face lifts? (I cant get a job becuase I look old...a face lift will open doors for me)...

Like I said...it is opening some very ugly doors.
In any reasonable insurance universe, companies offering insurance would be handing out birth control pills like candy on halloween. While the pills might cost them a couple bucks, pregnancy and its potential complications cost more per woman than an entire lifespan of birth control pills.

Because insurers can drop patients at any point, the incentive structure that should be built into the system is not necessarily in place.

perhaps...but that doesnt mean the government should mandate it.

If a merchant dfoes not want to sell something for whatever reason, he should not be forced to sell it.

Take this scenario...

A man gambles all he has....and loses.
He loses his wife, his house, his family...everything...

He gets counseling...

Builds himself back up again and buys a convenience store.

He refuses to sell lottery tickets becuase he knows what gambling did to him and he does not want to be a part of ruining someone leses life.

YUes, he will lose some potential customers for many like to buy a gallon of milk, a newspaper, and 20 bucks of lottery tickets.

But that is his choice.

Now...the state has fianncial issues and is pushing the lottery...and the state legislature passes a law that says ALL CONVENIENCE STORES MUST SELL LOTTERY TICKETS.

Now what?

Look...it is not an issue of whether or not the business owner shoudl or should not want to offer a prodcut.

It is about government deciding it for them.

It is wrong.

I see I take a couple of weeks away and come back, but your analogies are still terrible. :D

The key difference you are missing in your analogy is no one's actual well-being and life or death is hanging in the balance with whether or not they can buy a lottery ticket.
In any reasonable insurance universe, companies offering insurance would be handing out birth control pills like candy on halloween. While the pills might cost them a couple bucks, pregnancy and its potential complications cost more per woman than an entire lifespan of birth control pills.

Because insurers can drop patients at any point, the incentive structure that should be built into the system is not necessarily in place.

perhaps...but that doesnt mean the government should mandate it.

If a merchant dfoes not want to sell something for whatever reason, he should not be forced to sell it.

Take this scenario...

A man gambles all he has....and loses.
He loses his wife, his house, his family...everything...

He gets counseling...

Builds himself back up again and buys a convenience store.

He refuses to sell lottery tickets becuase he knows what gambling did to him and he does not want to be a part of ruining someone leses life.

YUes, he will lose some potential customers for many like to buy a gallon of milk, a newspaper, and 20 bucks of lottery tickets.

But that is his choice.

Now...the state has fianncial issues and is pushing the lottery...and the state legislature passes a law that says ALL CONVENIENCE STORES MUST SELL LOTTERY TICKETS.

Now what?

Look...it is not an issue of whether or not the business owner shoudl or should not want to offer a prodcut.

It is about government deciding it for them.

It is wrong.

I see I take a couple of weeks away and come back, but your analogies are still terrible. :D

The key difference you are missing in your analogy is no one's actual well-being and life or death is hanging in the balance with whether or not they can buy a lottery ticket.

and such is true as it pertains to birth control pills.

And dont give me that BS about "it is for a womans health"

It is not and never was....that was lewftist talking head crap desiogned for the most naive to believe.

When a GYN, GP or Derm prescribes birth control pills for other reasons than burth contriol, it is coded using the ICD-9 system as NOT birth control...never was called birth control...never was an issue...even for the Catholic Church.

So that being said...exactly what does BC have to do with well being and life or death?
perhaps...but that doesnt mean the government should mandate it.

If a merchant dfoes not want to sell something for whatever reason, he should not be forced to sell it.

Take this scenario...

A man gambles all he has....and loses.
He loses his wife, his house, his family...everything...

He gets counseling...

Builds himself back up again and buys a convenience store.

He refuses to sell lottery tickets becuase he knows what gambling did to him and he does not want to be a part of ruining someone leses life.

YUes, he will lose some potential customers for many like to buy a gallon of milk, a newspaper, and 20 bucks of lottery tickets.

But that is his choice.

Now...the state has fianncial issues and is pushing the lottery...and the state legislature passes a law that says ALL CONVENIENCE STORES MUST SELL LOTTERY TICKETS.

Now what?

Look...it is not an issue of whether or not the business owner shoudl or should not want to offer a prodcut.

It is about government deciding it for them.

It is wrong.

I see I take a couple of weeks away and come back, but your analogies are still terrible. :D

The key difference you are missing in your analogy is no one's actual well-being and life or death is hanging in the balance with whether or not they can buy a lottery ticket.

and such is true as it pertains to birth control pills.

And dont give me that BS about "it is for a womans health"

It is not and never was....that was lewftist talking head crap desiogned for the most naive to believe.

When a GYN, GP or Derm prescribes birth control pills for other reasons than burth contriol, it is coded using the ICD-9 system as NOT birth control...never was called birth control...never was an issue...even for the Catholic Church.

So that being said...exactly what does BC have to do with well being and life or death?

Sorry, I missed the part about birth control. I thought you were comparing it against the mandate itself.
I see I take a couple of weeks away and come back, but your analogies are still terrible. :D

The key difference you are missing in your analogy is no one's actual well-being and life or death is hanging in the balance with whether or not they can buy a lottery ticket.

and such is true as it pertains to birth control pills.

And dont give me that BS about "it is for a womans health"

It is not and never was....that was lewftist talking head crap desiogned for the most naive to believe.

When a GYN, GP or Derm prescribes birth control pills for other reasons than burth contriol, it is coded using the ICD-9 system as NOT birth control...never was called birth control...never was an issue...even for the Catholic Church.

So that being said...exactly what does BC have to do with well being and life or death?

Sorry, I missed the part about birth control. I thought you were comparing it against the mandate itself.

the general mandate...once signed into law...opened the door to the BC mandate.....

What is next?

Mandate that massages have to be covered?

I heard to day that massage therapy was found to be health inducing.

I do not believe in government mandatiung one must BUY something or SELL soimething.

It can only lead to bigger issues.
The dupes will love ACA, Pelosi was right on that dupes won't understand it till it's implemented. Affordable, guaranteed, saves money, morons/corporate tools....
and such is true as it pertains to birth control pills.

And dont give me that BS about "it is for a womans health"

It is not and never was....that was lewftist talking head crap desiogned for the most naive to believe.

When a GYN, GP or Derm prescribes birth control pills for other reasons than burth contriol, it is coded using the ICD-9 system as NOT birth control...never was called birth control...never was an issue...even for the Catholic Church.

So that being said...exactly what does BC have to do with well being and life or death?

Sorry, I missed the part about birth control. I thought you were comparing it against the mandate itself.

the general mandate...once signed into law...opened the door to the BC mandate.....

What is next?

Mandate that massages have to be covered?

I heard to day that massage therapy was found to be health inducing.

I do not believe in government mandatiung one must BUY something or SELL soimething.

It can only lead to bigger issues.
The issue is even more than that. Big government produces Big solutions. But those solutions may not work well globally. The BC issue was a good example, and we'll see much mroe of that. With a market solution, the market will create niches for exceptional situations. With government it can't.
But you're right about the mandates. Pretty soon gov't will mandate insurance include gym membership.
The Court should consider the Constitutionality of the Health Care mandate. I believe that Congress passed the law with a rider that makes it inseverable. Given that, if the individual mandate fails, the whole thing should be scrapped.
Unfortunately, too many of the Justices are activists who have demonstrated their willingness to subvert the Constitution in favor of their concept of social justice.

examples please

How about the judge in California who overturned the peoples vote on gay marriage. That there is a prime example of judicial activism in favor of what the judge considered social justice.

Civil rights issues are constitutional issues. You don't vote them away, unless you're amending the constitution.
Do you think you are typical in that regard?



So you agree that most people can benefit from being incentivized to save.

it is none of my business...none of your business...none of governments business.

But on a side note....

I do not believe in incentives.

I dont write off my donations......well...actually that is a lie...I dont believe I should get a write off in return for a donation so I tell my accountant how much of my aftetr tax income I want to donate...and he applies a formula and tells me how much it really is in pre tax dollars....I donate that much and he then writes it off.

Incentives may benefit people....but if they need an incentivce, then maybe they should not do it.
The dupes will love ACA, Pelosi was right on that dupes won't understand it till it's implemented. Affordable, guaranteed, saves money, morons/corporate tools....

Show some numbers SFB's or post on something you might know a little about.

You are little more than a trained chimp who spits out lies at the first sign of a banana.
Already dealt with. Even at similar economic levels blacks experience more health problems.

No, you said you "think" you're right. you (of course) offered no research or evidence.

Race, Socioeconomic Status, and Premature Mortality

there ya go.
Now go fuck yourself.

you didn't actually read the whole thing, did ya? If you had done so, you would see this:

Our study has practical implications for those working to reduce racial disparities in Minnesota and elsewhere. Our findings support the notion that racial disparities can occur across all socioeconomic groups and that disparities in health mirror larger social and economic inequalities in our society. With this knowledge, health advocates interested in reducing disparities in premature mortality might do well to advocate for laws and policies that uphold civil rights and foster social justice.15

in other words, it's not because they have "black" genetics. But when you start from your hyper-racial prism, where black people are incapable of leading, it's easy to apply race to your assessment of everything else.

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