2 gunmen w AR15s open fire in Houston; 2 citizens down; 4 cops; PD helicopter shot

Why am I anti military? I'm anti pointless wars that throw a whole region into chaos. No wars and the vets are in much better shape.
For the obvious reason you are more focused upon slamming Texas for supposed "loose gun laws" and banning magazines in firearms than helping veterans President Obama sent to war.

Maybe I missed it; is there a single post on this thread where you praised the military for their service and advocated helping those veterans in need?


That is your reason? Seriously?

Slamming Texas? I pointed out the shooter went there because of loose gun laws. They have loose gun laws, how is that a slam? Getting hard to take you and your cartoons seriously.

I think veterans and active military are the best we have. I'm all for helping them more. Really wish Congress would get on that.
Yes. Yes. Nice insult, it tells me I'm hitting a nerve.

Thanks, but sadly you went back to pointing the finger of blame only on Congress when all non-partisans know it's a combined effort between both the CiC and Congress.

Yes you are pro arming mass shooters with the most dangerous weapons, I know.
And now you've resorted to outright lies. Sad.

Why am I anti military? I'm anti pointless wars that throw a whole region into chaos. No wars and the vets are in much better shape.
For the obvious reason you are more focused upon slamming Texas for supposed "loose gun laws" and banning magazines in firearms than helping veterans President Obama sent to war.

Maybe I missed it; is there a single post on this thread where you praised the military for their service and advocated helping those veterans in need?


That is your reason? Seriously?

Slamming Texas? I pointed out the shooter went there because of loose gun laws. They have loose gun laws, how is that a slam? Getting hard to take you and your cartoons seriously.

I think veterans and active military are the best we have. I'm all for helping them more. Really wish Congress would get on that.
Yes. Yes. Nice insult, it tells me I'm hitting a nerve.

Thanks, but sadly you went back to pointing the finger of blame only on Congress when all non-partisans know it's a combined effort between both the CiC and Congress.

Yes you are pro arming mass shooters with the most dangerous weapons, I know.
And now you've resorted to outright lies. Sad.


I'm balancing your pointing at the left. The right constantly runs around claiming to be pro military and veterans. Shouldn't they be leading the charge? They do control congress who controls the money.
Yes I want them to be harder to get and let people be caught illegally buying them before people are killed. You want to arm the mass shooters with the most dangerous guns. Machine guns are almost never used since we made it harder to get them.

Boy...you are stupid.

they are completely illegal in France....and terrorists and criminals get them easily and murdered more people with them than any of our criminals over here.....who can right now...get them easily.......

we have 3,750,000 million AR-15s in private hands and our people did not murder 140 people and injure hundreds with them.........

Easily? Is that why they have so little gun crime? You are a joke.

France is awash in guns......

France’s real gun problem

Despite these strict laws, France seems to be awash with guns. The guns used in high-profile terror attacks are really just the tip of the iceberg. In 2012, French authorities estimated that there were around 30,000 guns illegally in the country, many likely used by gangs for criminal activities. Of those guns, around 4,000 were likely to be "war weapons," Le Figaro reported, referring to items such as the Kalashnikov AK-variant rifles and Uzis.

Statistics from the National Observatory for Delinquency, a government body created in 2003, suggest that the number of guns in France has grown by double digits every year.
Do you see? Even France calls AK-variant rifles "war weapons." These AR and AK whatevers were designed for and should be used for war. That's what the terrorists were using them for, since they consider what they were doing "war." It does not call for the civilians to be armed. It was a horrible, horrible attack but I haven't heard the French citizenry calling to own these beasts of slaughter. They're smarter than that.
So, are you advocating banning semi-automatic rifles, @Old Lady?

Oh yeah,
Yes. You want to shoot bullets at people one at a time, fine. You want to spray 212 bullets in a matter of a couple of minutes at a crowd of unsuspecting people, Fuck YOU.
It's pretty sad that this Vet couldn't or didn't get the help he needed after getting his head all messed up in Afghanistan. I ask again, I wonder if he was on a waiting list?
Maybe he/his family never reached out for help. Or the help he was getting wasn't enough. I don't know. Seems there should be an equal focus on that in this case.
Moron....this entire thread and the other one you say we need to ban AR-15s.........and in the country that did exactly what you say you want.....they have banned all rifles.....including AR-15s and fully automatic rifles....you can't buy them you can't own them and if you are caught with one you go to jail.....

And they had more deaths with those illegally owned guns than we had with 3,750,000 million legal guns in law abiding private hands you moronic troll......nothing you say is true, right or honest...

Yes I want them to be harder to get and let people be caught illegally buying them before people are killed. You want to arm the mass shooters with the most dangerous guns. Machine guns are almost never used since we made it harder to get them.

Boy...you are stupid.

they are completely illegal in France....and terrorists and criminals get them easily and murdered more people with them than any of our criminals over here.....who can right now...get them easily.......

we have 3,750,000 million AR-15s in private hands and our people did not murder 140 people and injure hundreds with them.........

Easily? Is that why they have so little gun crime? You are a joke.

France is awash in guns......

France’s real gun problem

Despite these strict laws, France seems to be awash with guns. The guns used in high-profile terror attacks are really just the tip of the iceberg. In 2012, French authorities estimated that there were around 30,000 guns illegally in the country, many likely used by gangs for criminal activities. Of those guns, around 4,000 were likely to be "war weapons," Le Figaro reported, referring to items such as the Kalashnikov AK-variant rifles and Uzis.

Statistics from the National Observatory for Delinquency, a government body created in 2003, suggest that the number of guns in France has grown by double digits every year.
Do you see? Even France calls AK-variant rifles "war weapons." These AR and AK whatevers were designed for and should be used for war. That's what the terrorists were using them for, since they consider what they were doing "war." It does not call for the civilians to be armed. It was a horrible, horrible attack but I haven't heard the French citizenry calling to own these beasts of slaughter. They're smarter than that.

No...they don't...the weapons the terrorists use are actual military weapons from the various wars, and ethnic cleansings in Europe......the AKs they are using are select fire, with fully automatic capabilty....please do some research....

And by the way...so what.....any weapon our military and police have normal, law abiding citizens need to have to....that way you avoid mass murder, ethnic cleansing and genocide.......they can only happen when the government is the only group with guns....

The French have already outlawed those weapons....what else are they fucking supposed to do.....it is now already illegal to own any rifle with....especially military rifles...

Do you understand that?

They have already made those weapons completely illegal....and their criminals and their terrrorists get them easily....

And they are stupid....they gave up French citizens to the Germans to be murdered.....12,000,000 million people in Europe were simply handed over to Germans for murder...innocent...unarmed.....men, women and children.....murdered in gas chambers.....

And even after that...they still gave up their guns and decided to trust their governments going forward...

They are moros....
I'm balancing your pointing at the left. The right constantly runs around claiming to be pro military and veterans. Shouldn't they be leading the charge? They do control congress who controls the money.
Balancing? That's what you call dodging questions, slinging insults and telling bald-faced lies? Unsurprising coming from a staunch anti-Constitutionalist authoritarian, but still sad and disappointing to see.

I'm retired military and, yes, I am pro-military and pro-supportive of our veterans. Neither political party does so which is why I'm not a member of either. You, OTOH, are obviously anti-military as proved by your own words and my previous posts. You are anti-Constitution and pro-authoritarian who believes we can ban and dictate our way to freedom.

Boy...you are stupid.

they are completely illegal in France....and terrorists and criminals get them easily and murdered more people with them than any of our criminals over here.....who can right now...get them easily.......

we have 3,750,000 million AR-15s in private hands and our people did not murder 140 people and injure hundreds with them.........

Easily? Is that why they have so little gun crime? You are a joke.

France is awash in guns......

France’s real gun problem

Despite these strict laws, France seems to be awash with guns. The guns used in high-profile terror attacks are really just the tip of the iceberg. In 2012, French authorities estimated that there were around 30,000 guns illegally in the country, many likely used by gangs for criminal activities. Of those guns, around 4,000 were likely to be "war weapons," Le Figaro reported, referring to items such as the Kalashnikov AK-variant rifles and Uzis.

Statistics from the National Observatory for Delinquency, a government body created in 2003, suggest that the number of guns in France has grown by double digits every year.
Do you see? Even France calls AK-variant rifles "war weapons." These AR and AK whatevers were designed for and should be used for war. That's what the terrorists were using them for, since they consider what they were doing "war." It does not call for the civilians to be armed. It was a horrible, horrible attack but I haven't heard the French citizenry calling to own these beasts of slaughter. They're smarter than that.
So, are you advocating banning semi-automatic rifles, @Old Lady?

Oh yeah,

The difference is one has a huge magazine for mass killing.

Wrong moron.....magazine capacity has no bearing on crime or mass shooting....I posted the research.......magazine size reductions save no lives, and make no difference......this guy could have had a lever action rifle and done the same amount of killiing.......

EVerything you say is stupid, uninformed or a lie.....
Your crime rates aren't particularly low. You might want to think it is a bad place for home invasions, but i see no evidence.
Are you like Carla where you don't go looking for evidence to support or disprove your political opinions?

Here's some evidence: The Most Dangerous States in America

The Safest States in America


I'm not surprised by these stats at all.

From you link.

It looks like Bernie Sander's state of Vermont is the safest state to live in the country, due to the low poverty level.

1. Vermont
> Violent crimes per 100,000:
> Population: 626,562
> Total 2014 murders: 10 (the lowest)
> Poverty rate: 12.2% (15th lowest)

Vermont is the safest state in the nation. Fewer than 100 violent crimes for every 100,000 people are reported each year, the lowest rate in the nation and a fraction of the national violent crime rate of 366 per 100,000. As in a number of other safe areas, relatively strong socioeconomic measures in the state likely help drive down the frequency of crime. Jobless and poor men with time on their hands, for example, are among the most likely perpetrators of crimes in the United States, and Vermont has had nearly the lowest unemployment rate over the last several years. Also, just 12.2% of individuals in the state live in poverty, one of the lower rates. But to the extent that financial instability and desperate situations can drive people to crime, Vermont’s relatively generous social services system may also help prevent some types of crime among low-income Vermonters.

Read more: The Safest States in America - 24/7 Wall St. The Safest States in America
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Vermont has the least restrictive gun laws in the entire country...just about........and one of the lowest gun murder rates in the entire country.....guns do not increase the crme rate or the gun murder rate...thug culture does that.
They guy was insane, just like the others that do this crap. The fact people that his politics meant anything is pretty stupid. The guy that shot Giffords was from the left, no he wasn't, he was insane. This guy isn't from the right, he is insane. Not everything is political.
Again.....200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s...........357,000,000 million guns in private hands in 2016....

-the gun murder rate has steadily gone down as the gun ownership rate went up.....gun ownership, and carrying guns for self defense do not increase the gun murder rate, the gun crime rate or the violent crime rate.

-Britain confiscated all of their guns.....their gun crime rate did not change....in fact, it spiked the first years after the confiscation...then returned to the same level.....now...their violent crime rate in 2015 is up 27% and their gun crime rate is up 4%....

Guns do not cause gun murder......thug culture creates the gun murder rate....

Try to get that into your heads...then we can actually deal with the problem.
Yes. You want to shoot bullets at people one at a time, fine. You want to spray 212 bullets in a matter of a couple of minutes at a crowd of unsuspecting people, Fuck YOU.
This is a fine example of the Loony Left Wing's perception of lawful gun owners: They assume all are just murderers itching to shoot people.

Sorry, sweetheart, but your lies are untrue. I seek to shoot no one, but do reserve the right to defend myself and my family against either tyranny or aggression. If you want to stop murders start looking at gang-members and, in this case, helping the mentally ill. Stop spreading bullshit lies against lawful Americans who support all our Constitutional amendments.

Your pics are cute....
Thanks! Here's another:

You post fantasy and I'll stick with reality.

Woman accidentally kills self adjusting bra holster

No.....you stick with lies and distortions of reality....this is reality....

IN a country with 357,000,000 million guns in 2014...

Broker Version 9.4

Broker Version 9.4


so, out of 357,000,000 million guns in private hands...there was a grand total of 586 accidental gun deaths.....


accidental poisoning deaths......42,032

accidental car deaths.................33,736

accidental falling deaths..............31,959

accidental drowning deaths..........3,406

accidental machinery deaths............605

Accidental gun deaths.......................586

586 accidental gun deaths...of which 48 were children...with 74.2 million children in the country...........down from 69 accidental child gun deaths in 2013..........

non fatal car accident number 2014.......2,412,109 million

non fatal gun accident injuries.....

WISQARS Nonfatal Injury Reports

Broker Version 9.4

Accidental death by cause for 2014.....ages <1-14. ( 320 million guns in private hands in 2013) (74.2 million children 2010 census)

Accidental gun...48 ( 2013...69) ( 2012...58) ( 2011...74)
Accidental drowning...647
Accidental car deaths...1,083
Accidental falls...53
Compared to accidental gun deaths in 2013...
Accidental gun deaths of children under 14 in 2013....in a country with 74.2 million children in 2010...
Broker Version 9.4

Under 1 year old: 3

1-4 years old: 27

5-9 years old: 15

10-15 years old: 24

Total: 69 ( in a country of 320 million people)

Accidental gun death:

<1.... 0

1-4.... 22

5-9.... 14

10-14.... 12

total: 48
Accidental Drowning:

<1.... 29

1-4.... 388

5-9.... 125

10-14.... 105

Total: 647
Accidental car deaths;

<1.... 61

1-4.... 293

5-9.... 345

Total: 1,083
Accidental poisoning:

<1.... 9

1-4.... 28

5-9.... 9

10-14.... 22

Total: 68
Accidental Falls:

<1.... 8

1-4.... 24


10-14.... 13

Total: 53
You are using propoganda to sell guns....
Now you are just flat out lying because you can't refute my posts. I'm not a gun dealer but I am a retired military officer and staunch supporter of all our Constitutional rights. Not just the ones people like you deem politically correct.


Then what is the point of all your silly pics?

What I think he is doing is some psychotherapy......you anti gunners seem to have a sexual fixation on guns....which is why whenever we bring them up some of you start talking about sex organs and sex acts.....this is simply a way to help you guys.....by showing a woman in the same photo as a gun.....they probably hope to transfer your deviant sexual fixation on guns to actual members of the opposite sex.....this is a slow process...since your illness is quite strong....so one day...you will focus on actual normal sexual expressions....
mm, murderers tend to be careful here. the state killing them aside, thugs know that a little old granny can glock their ass if they get to uppety. I'm cool with how it is here.

Funny your homicide rate isn't particularly low...

No it isnt. Typically it's the hood rats and border brothers shooting each other up with some occasional white trash thrown in for diversity. Still, Texas is not a real good place to home invade or commit murder in. Also, our big cities like Houston, Dallas, lots of murder in those places. Just like anywhere else I guess. except Chicago.

Your crime rates aren't particularly low. You might want to think it is a bad place for home invasions, but i see no evidence.

I won't argue that, but like I said it's not so bad as you get away from the cities. Crime happens, but when it happens here one stands a good chance of getting shot. Especially where we live.

Well in this case your loose gun laws attracted a murderer. Took a lot of police for him to be shot.

again....more guns....have led to a decrease in the gun murder rate....the CDC, and the FBI statistics show that this has been true since the 1990s.....no lie you tell will change that fact....

and 99% of all mass shootings take place in actual gun free zones, created by law by anti gunners....
The difference is one has a huge magazine for mass killing.
More proof the anti-gun left wants to ban all guns except single-shot rifles.


Ban high capacity magazines, yes. They are only used in mass shootings, not defense.

Moron.....you are talking out of your ass again.......magazine capacity has nothing to do with mass shootings......

Magazine size limits are irrelevant in mass shootings.

Kleck identified and examined 88 mass shooting incidents in which more than six people were killed or wounded for the 20 year period from 1994 through 2013. He looked at incidents with more than six victims because six or fewer people could be shot with a traditional six-shot revolver with no large-capacity magazine needed. So he wanted to look at those events in which possession of large-capacity magazines would be most relevant.

Even with this restrictive definition of a mass shooting, Kleck found that large capacity magazines – defined as holding over 10 rounds – were used in only 21 of the 88 incidents (24%). So, in 76% of the incidents, a large-capacity magazine ban would have made no difference in any event.
The difference is one has a huge magazine for mass killing.
More proof the anti-gun left wants to ban all guns except single-shot rifles.


Ban hi capacity magazines, yes. They are only used in mass shootings, not defense.
Thanks for proving my point.


Yes you are pro arming mass shooters with the most dangerous weapons, I know.

No...that is what you push when you only want the government to have those weapons....governments are the biggest mass shooters in the world........they murder more people with the guns you want banned than any civilian mass shooter.....so....you are an advocate of mass murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing............nice.
Why am I anti military? I'm anti pointless wars that throw a whole region into chaos. No wars and the vets are in much better shape.
For the obvious reason you are more focused upon slamming Texas for supposed "loose gun laws" and banning magazines in firearms than helping veterans President Obama sent to war.

Maybe I missed it; is there a single post on this thread where you praised the military for their service and advocated helping those veterans in need?


That is your reason? Seriously?

Slamming Texas? I pointed out the shooter went there because of loose gun laws. They have loose gun laws, how is that a slam? Getting hard to take you and your cartoons seriously.

I think veterans and active military are the best we have. I'm all for helping them more. Really wish Congress would get on that.

If he wanted loose gun laws he should have gone to vermont....moron......they have the least restrictive gun laws in the entire country......and the lowest gun crime rate...moron.
Magazine capacity has to do with.....what, then?

Magazine capacity is a non issue....but the anti gunners think they can use it to ban several categories of pistol and rifle.....the only reason they focus on it...since it has nothing to do with crime or mass shootings.......
It's pretty sad that this Vet couldn't or didn't get the help he needed after getting his head all messed up in Afghanistan. I ask again, I wonder if he was on a waiting list?
Maybe he/his family never reached out for help. Or the help he was getting wasn't enough. I don't know. Seems there should be an equal focus on that in this case.
Agreed it's sad, but we'll have to wait for the investigation to be completed before anyone can answer those questions.

What I do know is that vets snapping and murdering others is much rarer than vets committing suicide. Of course, aside from a little lip-service, most LWers don't give a shit about vets killing themselves.

Suicide Risk and Risk of Death Among Recent Veterans - Public Health
Among deployed and non-deployed active duty Veterans who served during the Iraq or Afghanistan wars between 2001 and 2007, the rate of suicide was greatest the first three years after leaving service, according to a recent study....

....Risk comparison among Veterans serving during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars between 2001–2007:

  • Deployed Veterans had a 41% higher suicide risk compared to the general U.S. population.
  • Non-deployed Veterans had a 61% higher suicide risk compared to the general U.S. population.
  • Deployed Veterans had a 25% lower overall risk of death from all causes compared to the general U.S. population.
  • Non-deployed Veterans had a 24% lower risk of death from all causes compared to the general U.S. population.
Deaths among Veterans serving during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars between 2001–2007 (Veterans were followed through the end of 2009):

  • Deployed: 317,581 total Veterans, 1,650 total deaths. 21.3% death by suicide. 78.7% death by other causes.
  • Non-deployed: 964,493 total Veterans, 7,703 total deaths. 19.7% death by suicide. 80.3% death by other causes.
  • Deployed Veterans showed a lower risk of suicide compared to non-deployed Veterans.
  • Female Veteran suicide rates were about a third of the suicide rate of male Veterans.
    • Suicide rate of female Veterans: 11.2 out of 100,000 Veterans.
    • Suicide rate of male Veterans: 33.4 out of 100,000 Veterans.

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