2 gunmen w AR15s open fire in Houston; 2 citizens down; 4 cops; PD helicopter shot

Yes I want them to be harder to get and let people be caught illegally buying them before people are killed. You want to arm the mass shooters with the most dangerous guns. Machine guns are almost never used since we made it harder to get them.

Boy...you are stupid.

they are completely illegal in France....and terrorists and criminals get them easily and murdered more people with them than any of our criminals over here.....who can right now...get them easily.......

we have 3,750,000 million AR-15s in private hands and our people did not murder 140 people and injure hundreds with them.........

Easily? Is that why they have so little gun crime? You are a joke.

France is awash in guns......

France’s real gun problem

Despite these strict laws, France seems to be awash with guns. The guns used in high-profile terror attacks are really just the tip of the iceberg. In 2012, French authorities estimated that there were around 30,000 guns illegally in the country, many likely used by gangs for criminal activities. Of those guns, around 4,000 were likely to be "war weapons," Le Figaro reported, referring to items such as the Kalashnikov AK-variant rifles and Uzis.

Statistics from the National Observatory for Delinquency, a government body created in 2003, suggest that the number of guns in France has grown by double digits every year.
Do you see? Even France calls AK-variant rifles "war weapons." These AR and AK whatevers were designed for and should be used for war. That's what the terrorists were using them for, since they consider what they were doing "war." It does not call for the civilians to be armed. It was a horrible, horrible attack but I haven't heard the French citizenry calling to own these beasts of slaughter. They're smarter than that.

No...they don't...the weapons the terrorists use are actual military weapons from the various wars, and ethnic cleansings in Europe......the AKs they are using are select fire, with fully automatic capabilty....please do some research....

And by the way...so what.....any weapon our military and police have normal, law abiding citizens need to have to....that way you avoid mass murder, ethnic cleansing and genocide.......they can only happen when the government is the only group with guns....

The French have already outlawed those weapons....what else are they fucking supposed to do.....it is now already illegal to own any rifle with....especially military rifles...

Do you understand that?

They have already made those weapons completely illegal....and their criminals and their terrrorists get them easily....

And they are stupid....they gave up French citizens to the Germans to be murdered.....12,000,000 million people in Europe were simply handed over to Germans for murder...innocent...unarmed.....men, women and children.....murdered in gas chambers.....

And even after that...they still gave up their guns and decided to trust their governments going forward...

They are moros....
You still haven't answer the more cogent question, Easily? Just how many were used to commit mass shootings before the Paris attacks? The terrorists are a military operation. They don't count as an example of civilians being armed. People like our depressed and stressed out Vet who shot six people would be better off without access to AK's and AR's. He was not a thug or a criminal in the sense you like to hold up as the perpetrators. If he hadn't been able to buy it so easily, or if whoever he got it from hadn't been able to buy it so easily, no one would have been shot. He would have probably just jumped off a bridge.
....If he hadn't been able to buy it so easily, or if whoever he got it from hadn't been able to buy it so easily, no one would have been shot. He would have probably just jumped off a bridge.
Too many errors to address, so I'll just stick with this one. He could also have driven a pickup into a crowd of people or made an IED out of a BBQ propane bottle and blown himself up at the mall.

The main problem isn't trying to ban guns, cars or propane bottles but to help those in need of mental health care. Especially veterans.
....If he hadn't been able to buy it so easily, or if whoever he got it from hadn't been able to buy it so easily, no one would have been shot. He would have probably just jumped off a bridge.
Too many errors to address, so I'll just stick with this one. He could also have driven a pickup into a crowd of people or made an IED out of a BBQ propane bottle and blown himself up at the mall.

The main problem isn't trying to ban guns, cars or propane bottles but to help those in need of mental health care. Especially veterans.
You Every-Gun types are so predictable in your arguments, turning to cars and IED's as alternative weapons. Maybe he could have shot up some people with an old Enfield, sure. Not 212 bullets worth. Do you at least hear me? I'm not sure where that's an error.
As I've already said, I agree with you that the Vet needed help and we need to improve our ability to help them.
You Every-Gun types are so predictable in your arguments, turning to cars and IED's as alternative weapons. ...
You, Ban-Every-Gun types are so predictable in your arguments, saying he'd probably jump off a bridge if guns were banned.
....If he hadn't been able to buy it so easily, or if whoever he got it from hadn't been able to buy it so easily, no one would have been shot. He would have probably just jumped off a bridge.
Too many errors to address, so I'll just stick with this one. He could also have driven a pickup into a crowd of people or made an IED out of a BBQ propane bottle and blown himself up at the mall.

The main problem isn't trying to ban guns, cars or propane bottles but to help those in need of mental health care. Especially veterans.
You Every-Gun types are so predictable in your arguments, turning to cars and IED's as alternative weapons. Maybe he could have shot up some people with an old Enfield, sure. Not 212 bullets worth. Do you at least hear me? I'm not sure where that's an error.
As I've already said, I agree with you that the Vet needed help and we need to improve our ability to help them.

You ever hear the term "mad minute " ? Google that then come back and talk about that old Enfield. Anyway, as far as stats go, I'm pretty sure the weapons vary between guns, knives cars and so on. If a person wants to do murder they will do it. Just like the dude who did the Cologne school massicre.
Why am I anti military? I'm anti pointless wars that throw a whole region into chaos. No wars and the vets are in much better shape.
For the obvious reason you are more focused upon slamming Texas for supposed "loose gun laws" and banning magazines in firearms than helping veterans President Obama sent to war.

Maybe I missed it; is there a single post on this thread where you praised the military for their service and advocated helping those veterans in need?


That is your reason? Seriously?

Slamming Texas? I pointed out the shooter went there because of loose gun laws. They have loose gun laws, how is that a slam? Getting hard to take you and your cartoons seriously.

I think veterans and active military are the best we have. I'm all for helping them more. Really wish Congress would get on that.

are the gun laws more lose in Texas or Illinois?
....If he hadn't been able to buy it so easily, or if whoever he got it from hadn't been able to buy it so easily, no one would have been shot. He would have probably just jumped off a bridge.
Too many errors to address, so I'll just stick with this one. He could also have driven a pickup into a crowd of people or made an IED out of a BBQ propane bottle and blown himself up at the mall.

The main problem isn't trying to ban guns, cars or propane bottles but to help those in need of mental health care. Especially veterans.
You Every-Gun types are so predictable in your arguments, turning to cars and IED's as alternative weapons. Maybe he could have shot up some people with an old Enfield, sure. Not 212 bullets worth. Do you at least hear me? I'm not sure where that's an error.
As I've already said, I agree with you that the Vet needed help and we need to improve our ability to help them.

You ever hear the term "mad minute " ? Google that then come back and talk about that old Enfield. Anyway, as far as stats go, I'm pretty sure the weapons vary between guns, knives cars and so on. If a person wants to do murder they will do it. Just like the dude who did the Cologne school massicre.
Some Rifleman dude on here yesterday said he could fire 10 bullets in 10 seconds with his old Enfield, with a three second reload. That's why I used that as an example. You have to reload. Most people could not do what the Rifleman does. And in that three seconds, a lot of people could run or throw furniture at him, or whatever.
....If he hadn't been able to buy it so easily, or if whoever he got it from hadn't been able to buy it so easily, no one would have been shot. He would have probably just jumped off a bridge.
Too many errors to address, so I'll just stick with this one. He could also have driven a pickup into a crowd of people or made an IED out of a BBQ propane bottle and blown himself up at the mall.

The main problem isn't trying to ban guns, cars or propane bottles but to help those in need of mental health care. Especially veterans.
You Every-Gun types are so predictable in your arguments, turning to cars and IED's as alternative weapons. Maybe he could have shot up some people with an old Enfield, sure. Not 212 bullets worth. Do you at least hear me? I'm not sure where that's an error.
As I've already said, I agree with you that the Vet needed help and we need to improve our ability to help them.

You ever hear the term "mad minute " ? Google that then come back and talk about that old Enfield. Anyway, as far as stats go, I'm pretty sure the weapons vary between guns, knives cars and so on. If a person wants to do murder they will do it. Just like the dude who did the Cologne school massicre.
Some Rifleman dude on here yesterday said he could fire 10 bullets in 10 seconds with his old Enfield, with a three second reload. That's why I used that as an example. You have to reload. Most people could not do what the Rifleman does. And in that three seconds, a lot of people could run or throw furniture at him, or whatever.

I am sceptical of the claim, but who am I to say ? That aside, if crazy folks mean to kill people it will get done. It sucks, but it's true. Yeah, the guns make the killing more easy, but it also makes it more easy not to be a victim. My Ma was and kind of still is anti gun. She softened her opinion after an incedent she had while my Dad was out of town. Someone had walked right into the house. All she could do was hide in her office. It was wierd because who ever it was took nothing. It took the PD 25 minutes to respond after 911 was called. Now my a is a Glock Granny. She is 76,a d can't reload, this is why the Glock appealed to her. She can't do a fast reload. So it's not just thugs and crazies that benighted from hi capacity mags.
Boy...you are stupid.

they are completely illegal in France....and terrorists and criminals get them easily and murdered more people with them than any of our criminals over here.....who can right now...get them easily.......

we have 3,750,000 million AR-15s in private hands and our people did not murder 140 people and injure hundreds with them.........

Easily? Is that why they have so little gun crime? You are a joke.

France is awash in guns......

France’s real gun problem

Despite these strict laws, France seems to be awash with guns. The guns used in high-profile terror attacks are really just the tip of the iceberg. In 2012, French authorities estimated that there were around 30,000 guns illegally in the country, many likely used by gangs for criminal activities. Of those guns, around 4,000 were likely to be "war weapons," Le Figaro reported, referring to items such as the Kalashnikov AK-variant rifles and Uzis.

Statistics from the National Observatory for Delinquency, a government body created in 2003, suggest that the number of guns in France has grown by double digits every year.
Do you see? Even France calls AK-variant rifles "war weapons." These AR and AK whatevers were designed for and should be used for war. That's what the terrorists were using them for, since they consider what they were doing "war." It does not call for the civilians to be armed. It was a horrible, horrible attack but I haven't heard the French citizenry calling to own these beasts of slaughter. They're smarter than that.

No...they don't...the weapons the terrorists use are actual military weapons from the various wars, and ethnic cleansings in Europe......the AKs they are using are select fire, with fully automatic capabilty....please do some research....

And by the way...so what.....any weapon our military and police have normal, law abiding citizens need to have to....that way you avoid mass murder, ethnic cleansing and genocide.......they can only happen when the government is the only group with guns....

The French have already outlawed those weapons....what else are they fucking supposed to do.....it is now already illegal to own any rifle with....especially military rifles...

Do you understand that?

They have already made those weapons completely illegal....and their criminals and their terrrorists get them easily....

And they are stupid....they gave up French citizens to the Germans to be murdered.....12,000,000 million people in Europe were simply handed over to Germans for murder...innocent...unarmed.....men, women and children.....murdered in gas chambers.....

And even after that...they still gave up their guns and decided to trust their governments going forward...

They are moros....
You still haven't answer the more cogent question, Easily? Just how many were used to commit mass shootings before the Paris attacks? The terrorists are a military operation. They don't count as an example of civilians being armed. People like our depressed and stressed out Vet who shot six people would be better off without access to AK's and AR's. He was not a thug or a criminal in the sense you like to hold up as the perpetrators. If he hadn't been able to buy it so easily, or if whoever he got it from hadn't been able to buy it so easily, no one would have been shot. He would have probably just jumped off a bridge.

It isn't just terrorists......criminals in France use fully automatic rifles for their crimes........I posted the week of the Charlie Hebdo attack, the Prime Minister went to Marseilles...and just hours before he got their thugs shot up the neighborhood with fully automatic weapons....he was going there to make a speach about crime....

All over Europe fully automatic rifles are used by Criminals...last summer in Sweden they were shooting up the place and throwiing grenades...also illegal in Sweden......

We have 3,750,000 million AR-15s in private hands.............

knives kill more people in this country than all rifle categories in this country.........I linked to the FBI stats on this

Clubs kill more people in this country than all rifle categories in this country...

Empty hands kill more people in this country than all categories of rifle in this country....

And more people were killed in paris, 140 killed and hundreds wounded...and fully automatic rifles...as well as AR-15s are completely illegal there...no one can own them.....

nothing you think you know about guns in this country is true........or factual

This guy in Houston could have used a civil war era lever action rifle and inflicted the same casualty count.....probably more if he used the .357 model of lever action rifle since that is a bigger piece of lead than the 5.56.........the people he wounded with the AR-15 would probably have been killed....
Boy...you are stupid.

they are completely illegal in France....and terrorists and criminals get them easily and murdered more people with them than any of our criminals over here.....who can right now...get them easily.......

we have 3,750,000 million AR-15s in private hands and our people did not murder 140 people and injure hundreds with them.........

Easily? Is that why they have so little gun crime? You are a joke.

France is awash in guns......

France’s real gun problem

Despite these strict laws, France seems to be awash with guns. The guns used in high-profile terror attacks are really just the tip of the iceberg. In 2012, French authorities estimated that there were around 30,000 guns illegally in the country, many likely used by gangs for criminal activities. Of those guns, around 4,000 were likely to be "war weapons," Le Figaro reported, referring to items such as the Kalashnikov AK-variant rifles and Uzis.

Statistics from the National Observatory for Delinquency, a government body created in 2003, suggest that the number of guns in France has grown by double digits every year.
Do you see? Even France calls AK-variant rifles "war weapons." These AR and AK whatevers were designed for and should be used for war. That's what the terrorists were using them for, since they consider what they were doing "war." It does not call for the civilians to be armed. It was a horrible, horrible attack but I haven't heard the French citizenry calling to own these beasts of slaughter. They're smarter than that.

No...they don't...the weapons the terrorists use are actual military weapons from the various wars, and ethnic cleansings in Europe......the AKs they are using are select fire, with fully automatic capabilty....please do some research....

And by the way...so what.....any weapon our military and police have normal, law abiding citizens need to have to....that way you avoid mass murder, ethnic cleansing and genocide.......they can only happen when the government is the only group with guns....

The French have already outlawed those weapons....what else are they fucking supposed to do.....it is now already illegal to own any rifle with....especially military rifles...

Do you understand that?

They have already made those weapons completely illegal....and their criminals and their terrrorists get them easily....

And they are stupid....they gave up French citizens to the Germans to be murdered.....12,000,000 million people in Europe were simply handed over to Germans for murder...innocent...unarmed.....men, women and children.....murdered in gas chambers.....

And even after that...they still gave up their guns and decided to trust their governments going forward...

They are moros....
You still haven't answer the more cogent question, Easily? Just how many were used to commit mass shootings before the Paris attacks? The terrorists are a military operation. They don't count as an example of civilians being armed. People like our depressed and stressed out Vet who shot six people would be better off without access to AK's and AR's. He was not a thug or a criminal in the sense you like to hold up as the perpetrators. If he hadn't been able to buy it so easily, or if whoever he got it from hadn't been able to buy it so easily, no one would have been shot. He would have probably just jumped off a bridge.

Could you please do some freaking rearch....Charles Whitman murdered 14 people with a World War 2 era rifle...............

He did not need an AR-15 to out perform the guy in Houston......

Charles Whitman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Later that day, he brought a number of guns, including rifles, a shotgun, and handguns, to the campus of the University of Texas at Austin where, over an approximate 90- to 95-minute period, he killed 14 people and wounded 32 others in a mass shooting in and around the Tower.

Whitman shot and killed three people inside the university's tower and eleven others after firing at random from the 28th-floor observation deck of the Main Building. Whitman was shot and killed by Austin police officer Houston McCoy
....If he hadn't been able to buy it so easily, or if whoever he got it from hadn't been able to buy it so easily, no one would have been shot. He would have probably just jumped off a bridge.
Too many errors to address, so I'll just stick with this one. He could also have driven a pickup into a crowd of people or made an IED out of a BBQ propane bottle and blown himself up at the mall.

The main problem isn't trying to ban guns, cars or propane bottles but to help those in need of mental health care. Especially veterans.
You Every-Gun types are so predictable in your arguments, turning to cars and IED's as alternative weapons. Maybe he could have shot up some people with an old Enfield, sure. Not 212 bullets worth. Do you at least hear me? I'm not sure where that's an error.
As I've already said, I agree with you that the Vet needed help and we need to improve our ability to help them.

You ever hear the term "mad minute " ? Google that then come back and talk about that old Enfield. Anyway, as far as stats go, I'm pretty sure the weapons vary between guns, knives cars and so on. If a person wants to do murder they will do it. Just like the dude who did the Cologne school massicre.
Some Rifleman dude on here yesterday said he could fire 10 bullets in 10 seconds with his old Enfield, with a three second reload. That's why I used that as an example. You have to reload. Most people could not do what the Rifleman does. And in that three seconds, a lot of people could run or throw furniture at him, or whatever.

Wrong.....actual research shows that magazine capacity has no bearing on the number of dead in a mass shooting.....actual research...not just making it up because you think it sounds right.
....If he hadn't been able to buy it so easily, or if whoever he got it from hadn't been able to buy it so easily, no one would have been shot. He would have probably just jumped off a bridge.
Too many errors to address, so I'll just stick with this one. He could also have driven a pickup into a crowd of people or made an IED out of a BBQ propane bottle and blown himself up at the mall.

The main problem isn't trying to ban guns, cars or propane bottles but to help those in need of mental health care. Especially veterans.
You Every-Gun types are so predictable in your arguments, turning to cars and IED's as alternative weapons. Maybe he could have shot up some people with an old Enfield, sure. Not 212 bullets worth. Do you at least hear me? I'm not sure where that's an error.
As I've already said, I agree with you that the Vet needed help and we need to improve our ability to help them.

You ever hear the term "mad minute " ? Google that then come back and talk about that old Enfield. Anyway, as far as stats go, I'm pretty sure the weapons vary between guns, knives cars and so on. If a person wants to do murder they will do it. Just like the dude who did the Cologne school massicre.
Some Rifleman dude on here yesterday said he could fire 10 bullets in 10 seconds with his old Enfield, with a three second reload. That's why I used that as an example. You have to reload. Most people could not do what the Rifleman does. And in that three seconds, a lot of people could run or throw furniture at him, or whatever.

Wrong.....actual research shows that magazine capacity has no bearing on the number of dead in a mass shooting.....actual research...not just making it up because you think it sounds right.

That's true. Matter of fact, a boring but intresting uestion would be, how many reloads have bad guys done during their shootings? going by memorie, I can't remember a mass shooter who did not bring multiple weapons to their crimes.
I'm balancing your pointing at the left. The right constantly runs around claiming to be pro military and veterans. Shouldn't they be leading the charge? They do control congress who controls the money.
Balancing? That's what you call dodging questions, slinging insults and telling bald-faced lies? Unsurprising coming from a staunch anti-Constitutionalist authoritarian, but still sad and disappointing to see.

I'm retired military and, yes, I am pro-military and pro-supportive of our veterans. Neither political party does so which is why I'm not a member of either. You, OTOH, are obviously anti-military as proved by your own words and my previous posts. You are anti-Constitution and pro-authoritarian who believes we can ban and dictate our way to freedom.


Sorry, haven't dodged or lied about anything there crazy. Sorry the facts don't agree with you.
Funny your homicide rate isn't particularly low...

No it isnt. Typically it's the hood rats and border brothers shooting each other up with some occasional white trash thrown in for diversity. Still, Texas is not a real good place to home invade or commit murder in. Also, our big cities like Houston, Dallas, lots of murder in those places. Just like anywhere else I guess. except Chicago.

Your crime rates aren't particularly low. You might want to think it is a bad place for home invasions, but i see no evidence.

I won't argue that, but like I said it's not so bad as you get away from the cities. Crime happens, but when it happens here one stands a good chance of getting shot. Especially where we live.

Well in this case your loose gun laws attracted a murderer. Took a lot of police for him to be shot.

again....more guns....have led to a decrease in the gun murder rate....the CDC, and the FBI statistics show that this has been true since the 1990s.....no lie you tell will change that fact....

and 99% of all mass shootings take place in actual gun free zones, created by law by anti gunners....

The bill Clinton crime bill has lowered crime.
No it isnt. Typically it's the hood rats and border brothers shooting each other up with some occasional white trash thrown in for diversity. Still, Texas is not a real good place to home invade or commit murder in. Also, our big cities like Houston, Dallas, lots of murder in those places. Just like anywhere else I guess. except Chicago.

Your crime rates aren't particularly low. You might want to think it is a bad place for home invasions, but i see no evidence.

I won't argue that, but like I said it's not so bad as you get away from the cities. Crime happens, but when it happens here one stands a good chance of getting shot. Especially where we live.

Well in this case your loose gun laws attracted a murderer. Took a lot of police for him to be shot.

again....more guns....have led to a decrease in the gun murder rate....the CDC, and the FBI statistics show that this has been true since the 1990s.....no lie you tell will change that fact....

and 99% of all mass shootings take place in actual gun free zones, created by law by anti gunners....

The bill Clinton crime bill has lowered crime.

Because thugs got put in jail and kept in jail. Cutting the round count, removing folding stocks, removing bayonet lugs, removing alleged "flash hiders" had nothing to do with it at all.
That's got nothing to do with this topic, and I see no reason for shooters family to lie. Shooter was anti-Government, yelling about Jews, Homosexuals, Walmart, and the end of the world. Clearly he held some paranoid right wing views...so it's not really all that far fetched to think part of the reason he went to Texas was for lax gun laws.
Awesome how you cherry-pick your information to fit your world view.

I'm guessing you hate guns because you don't look this good holding one:

I guess you can make shit up if you want to.

I'm sorry you're unhappy with the way the local newspaper reported on this story.

Paris Nichols saw the bare-chested man with a crew cut stride calmly up to his wife Sunday morning as she chatted with a longtime customer at their family-owned car wash off Memorial Drive. He reached around her, shooting Eugene Linscomb in the head while the 56-year-old sat in his Mercedes.

"That man's the devil," the gunman declared.

Felicia Nichols sank to the ground, reciting the Lord's Prayer.

"Y'all calm down. I'm not going to kill y'all, y'all are Christians," Paris Nichols said, recalling the words of the shooter, who was identified Monday by a Houston Police Department source as 25-year-old Dionisio Garza III from San Bernardino County, California.

See the Facebook profile of the man identified as the shooter.

Garza was a sergeant who received several awards for his service in Afghanistan, according to a military discharge record found at the scene. He harbored anti-government sentiments, the HPD source said.

Railing against homosexuals, Jews, and Walmart, Garza then walked back toward his car to grab an AR-15 assault rifle, yelling that the world was coming to an end.

Police ID gunman in west Houston shooting spree as military vet
The politicians or leaders of this nation have blood on their hands for causing these problems over the years now. We are seeing to much of this anymore, and it's come to us from somewhere. Now will the truth be told or will the perps hide their hands as if they never did a thing to cause any of this ? How many rights has the nations citizens lost now, and how many have been backed into a corner now ? The proof is found in what the results are, but denial is huge these days, and but of course it is. Hollywood is another culprit that is involved in the disentigration of our society. It takes strong minded people to understand the big picture, and to seek peaceful means to help change things for the better, but for those who are weak minded, well they are the ones who keep showing up in these news stories. All this stuff leads nations to change somehow or either it leads them to get far worse. Hopefully we have enough smart people left to get change that is good for all Americans in this nation again, instead of having to many people who can't deal with it anymore, and then keep doing stupid stuff like grabbing a weapon and acting stupid with it.
Too many errors to address, so I'll just stick with this one. He could also have driven a pickup into a crowd of people or made an IED out of a BBQ propane bottle and blown himself up at the mall.

The main problem isn't trying to ban guns, cars or propane bottles but to help those in need of mental health care. Especially veterans.
You Every-Gun types are so predictable in your arguments, turning to cars and IED's as alternative weapons. Maybe he could have shot up some people with an old Enfield, sure. Not 212 bullets worth. Do you at least hear me? I'm not sure where that's an error.
As I've already said, I agree with you that the Vet needed help and we need to improve our ability to help them.

You ever hear the term "mad minute " ? Google that then come back and talk about that old Enfield. Anyway, as far as stats go, I'm pretty sure the weapons vary between guns, knives cars and so on. If a person wants to do murder they will do it. Just like the dude who did the Cologne school massicre.
Some Rifleman dude on here yesterday said he could fire 10 bullets in 10 seconds with his old Enfield, with a three second reload. That's why I used that as an example. You have to reload. Most people could not do what the Rifleman does. And in that three seconds, a lot of people could run or throw furniture at him, or whatever.

Wrong.....actual research shows that magazine capacity has no bearing on the number of dead in a mass shooting.....actual research...not just making it up because you think it sounds right.

That's true. Matter of fact, a boring but intresting uestion would be, how many reloads have bad guys done during their shootings? going by memorie, I can't remember a mass shooter who did not bring multiple weapons to their crimes.

Look up Gary Kleck's just released paper.....he goes through the details of mass shootings where a magazine change would have had to happen........nothing the anti gunners prattle on about with magazine limits has any bearing on mass shootings........like you pointed out....they bring multiple weapons and their rate of fire is so slow a magazine change is easy and uncomplicated......

The only reason the anti gun leadership wants magazine limits is because it gives them the ability to ban certain categories of pistol and rifle...that is the only reason they want it...
Your crime rates aren't particularly low. You might want to think it is a bad place for home invasions, but i see no evidence.

I won't argue that, but like I said it's not so bad as you get away from the cities. Crime happens, but when it happens here one stands a good chance of getting shot. Especially where we live.

Well in this case your loose gun laws attracted a murderer. Took a lot of police for him to be shot.

again....more guns....have led to a decrease in the gun murder rate....the CDC, and the FBI statistics show that this has been true since the 1990s.....no lie you tell will change that fact....

and 99% of all mass shootings take place in actual gun free zones, created by law by anti gunners....

The bill Clinton crime bill has lowered crime.

Because thugs got put in jail and kept in jail. Cutting the round count, removing folding stocks, removing bayonet lugs, removing alleged "flash hiders" had nothing to do with it at all.
No, not yet because we haven't gotten serious, yet.

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